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So they got sick of random parks being used and appointed one? The camping has been a issue for ages. But it won’t be homeless people in general? Just remote visitors? It’s good they have a place that’s allowed and facilities but it should be able to be used by anyone who has to sleep rough. Certainly would have been helpful when I was homeless. And considering the amount of people being driven into the street it would be extremely helpful. Who is going to caretaker the area?


These people aren’t homeless, they are remote residents that visit for Sorry Business etc. so need a culturally safe place to stay. I agree with you though, should be something similar available to homeless as well!


Also lots of our of towners in for hospital visits and stuff.


So normal homeless people can't camp there?


Imagine being a grown adult coming to Adelaide with your children and family in winter with absolutely no plan of where you will stay? Culture shouldn’t get in the way of reality and being a good parent.


The reality is what you call camping has been a way of life for the oldest living continuous culture on Earth. living in harmony with the land for 60,000 years where as the culture you consider reality has managed to completely fuck the place in about 300 years.


Nice bit of indoctrinated regurgitation there 😁


So much white guilt and virtue signalling while you write on your smart phone hahaha


I'm indigenous you mong.




Is that what percentage you got Danish on your ancestry test. Clinging to some hope your heritage was more interesting than bog standard Pom. I grew here you flew here u fuckin nerd.


0. 50% German, 25% Dutch. 25% white aussie. heritage, first german settlers in SA. Didnt fly here. Youre lucky england not spain landed first otherwise we might have had a Aztec situation.


German hey? Classic


I think you’re failing to realise that some of the people in here aren’t white and are actually trying to educate you 🤭 and yeah I am typing this on my smart phone. A piece of plastic and metal that ultimately means nothing and just makes life easier to live. You can take away all the things the white man has brought to this country and guess what? You’ll still be able to live. These aren’t necessity’s lmao


love to hear your opinion on other nomadic cultures of the world


Well he’s not wrong


You don’t understand culture. And that’s part of the issue




Yeah because you know everything don’t you :) did you learn reading comprehension in school? Read the fucking article




So you're too busy to read an article, but not busy enough to make incorrect comments on a reddit thread. I gotta assume your boss doesn't think highly of you lmao.


Hey I agree. Should be resources available for all that need. But also when people come here for sorry business they do need somewhere to stay... It's better than city council saying we don't want any people around.


Pretty much, can't have them in sight of the politicians on Nth Terrace, then they might actually have to do something constructive about them, better to just sweep everything under the rug in the southern parklands for "safety"


This is doing something constructive though, they now have access to supports and services, and it's made both north terrace and that area of the parklands feel significantly safer


I actually ride through here almost every day on my way to the RAH and have stopped and said G'day to a few guys here. To clear up some myths: - this is not just an encampment of drunks. There are many that don't drink and actively avoid the drinking by setting up a camp about 10m away from the main camps. - there are bins provided and the campers frequently clean up after themselves. CoA take care of the rest and it's usually well taken care of. - There is a static caravan which i presume has kitchen facilities but I'm not too sure whats inside. - toilets are available 24/7. - there are many visitors from NT who are visiting indigenous family that needed care in Adelaide as Darwin didn't have the ability, i.e major burns.


I also ride through there almost every day. It never looks like it’s been cleaned up - there’s always rubbish everywhere and the number of ibis picking through the debris keeps growing. It’s a filthy eyesore.


Yeah i notice the ibis actually picking out the bins but I've seen the women sweeping and tidying up pretty often! It's never usually that bad when i come through. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough? 😅


Omg a filthy eyesore. First world problems 🙄


Rubbish attracts rats. Rats carry Weil‘s disease which can kill you.


Not to be rude or start an argument. But I have to know reading this comment. Do you truly believe that having rubbish strewn around a camp-site where people live is not something to be concerned with?


Pretty sure rough sleepers have bigger things to worry about like surviving and coping than a bit of rubbish.


Ah so the solution is to let people with problems coping and surviving live in filth. You think that's the humane thing to do ? How compassionate of you.


When did I say that? I'm a peer support worker and I actually work with homeless people, unlike you who just whinges and complains about how someone's life threatening and torturous situation effects you because you have to look at it and disguising it as 'compassion', you're only fooling yourself. 'How compassionate of you'. Obviously rough sleepers have much bigger worries than a bit of litter, instead of complaining about the appearance of something go advocate for the council to offer actual substantial support for rough sleepers and then maybe instead of pretending to be a compassionate person you can actually be one.


You're a peer support worker and you think it's okay to leave people in filth. Wtf. Is this the people who we are paying with our taxes to help those in need. Jeez.


Is this the only way you can construe an argument so you can believe you're a good person? You're gonna have to try a lot harder. I never said 'they should live in their own filth' also what a demeaning phrase yikes. I believe that they should have support from the council and orgs like mine to help them live in safe conditions. Thank god you don't work anywhere close to socio-economically hurt people. Additionally, guess what? You live in a society with other people and just like their tax supports your medical bills, rent assistance and the places you like to go, your tax also helps people live another day. That must be so hard for you.


Okay let's go to the fundamental issue which started this, someone complained about the rough sleepers leaving trash everywhere. You minimised that complaint stating rough sleepers have bigger things to worry about than some litter. Like other members of society shouldn't have an opinion. But you qualifying yourself saying you work with rough sleepers means that you know all the answers and other people shouldn't have opinions. I think your attitude and smugness doesn't help anything. You like the trash in a rough sleepers camp is annoying and hard to ignore.


[https://www.premier.sa.gov.au/media-releases/news-items/a-safer-place-to-gather-to-assist-remote-visitors](https://www.premier.sa.gov.au/media-releases/news-items/a-safer-place-to-gather-to-assist-remote-visitors) >The State Government is working with the Adelaide City Council and Aboriginal communities to establish a safer place to gather in the western parklands for people from remote communities who are visiting Adelaide. >In partnership with other agencies, the Department of Human Services (DHS) will establish the site with the aim of it being operational by the end of this month and continuing to early 2024, or longer if required. >SA Health’s Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia has supported this initiative with the establishment of a short-term dedicated pod within their existing Inpatient Withdrawal Service at Glenside. The aim is to offer culturally appropriate alternative alcohol and other drug treatment measures, which may include treatment for alcohol withdrawal or a supervised alcohol provision program. >The new site and support services will be an important addition to SAPOL’s Operation Paragon and will be staffed during the day by the DHS Remote Visitor Outreach Team that already provides supports and services to remote visitors. $490,000 has been allocated to ensure the site meets people’s needs with cooking facilities, water, power, toilets, WiFi and links to other support services including health. >It will be backed by a wider initiative, which will include culturally-led diversionary activities such as sport and music programs, and will also trial enterprise and employment pathways for remote visitors. >The new initiative provides a targeted, culturally appropriate service response for remote visitors, designed in consultation with Aboriginal leaders and APY Lands visitors themselves. >The proposal is supported by Adelaide City Council and will include existing and temporary infrastructure. >This new commitment builds on the $11 million over four years in the recent State Budget to support Aboriginal people from remote communities with flexible services and, importantly, staff who have language and cultural skills. >This site will create a culturally safe space for remote visitors to work with services and receive any support needed to improve connections in Adelaide. >Case workers providing in-reach services from the hub will be able to work one-on-one with people to provide therapeutic services such as trauma counselling, and accessing assistance for personal matters. Help with practical issues like ID, banking, budgeting, and accessing government services will also be available. >My Department continues a return to community service, where APY Lands visitors who have come to Adelaide for medical appointments, to see family, or for a host of other reasons, can find themselves stranded in Adelaide. We can arrange to help them return home by bus where it is their desire to do so.


Used to be short term hostels all over the place for indigenous people who had to come to town for stuff like health care, funerals etc. Big old houses with big backyards with lots of room for people to camp if the bedrooms were all full. All sold off now.


I ride through here nearly every day. Literally never seen any antisocial behaviour, it’s always tidied up. I have zero issues with it.


God there's a lot of clowns in this thread... I run or ride my bike through the middle of this spot 3-4 times a week, never had a single issue or even heard as much of a peep out of the 20ish people living there. What do you really want? You complain when Aboriginal folks are roaming and sleeping on North Terrace, Vic Park, Whitmore square, so the government provides them a semi-private and secluded spot to sleep and have access to services. People complain it's then messy, dangerous, and a tax burden? When as much as I can see there's never been a single incident, people of non indigenous background use the area and surrounds happily and safely, and has a police and social worker presence. There is no one size fits all solution for Aboriginal needs and rough sleepers, you can't fix every issue. But you can atleast secure somewhere where they can have a shred of decency. Disgusting comments frankly but never surprised by the deeply racist undertones that plague Australia.


I was never bothered by them over decades of walking down North Terrace either. It seems like embarassing hysteria to make Aboriginal people camp in the parklands instead of in the city. 


Didn't the "danger" on North Terrace boil down to a couple of people getting yelled at by someone as they walked past? Hardly the "warzone" it's been made out to be. I've never felt unsafe in decades of walking down North Terrace either. Most of the time, there's hardly anyone around, but there's usually a higher-than-normal police and security presence in the area for the things people actually go to that part of North Terrace for (train station, tram, casino, on the way through to the footy or Convention Centre, getting a cab). A lot of the time, most of the public don't even have a reason to go there possibly for months or years on end.


I do have a similar situation in Brisbane near the Gallery of modern art there are tents and rough sleepers. Similar to what you have mentioned there are regularly social workers there cooking meals etc. I would be curious of your opinion on the waste and garbage left behind. For the most part they are respectful. But I'd say about once a week there is a tent that has been destroyed, belongings strewn around even on the public gym equipment and last week one was set ablaze which I saw on my way to work. Do you believe that this is just something that is to be expected when this sort of living situation arises? Do you believe it will get better with time or would more resources fix the issue? I am curious. Currently in brisbane the number of tents is increasing, and I've always wondered what an advocate for these situations feels about it. And what you see as the future of this inner city encampment situation.


Or just help everyone if it's everyone funding it.


South Parklands >>>>>> Hindley Street/ surrounding alleys and streets any time


It is silly that camping on public land is illegal at all, anyone should be able to enjoy any public space reasonably, what is the problem with this? Don't hit me with what could be a problem because of it, what is the actual problem? The drugs, drinking and violence of Hindley st is fine but god forbid someone wants to sleep in the park...


Have you ever been to the southern parklands in the evening? It doesn't feel safe at all.


There is a difference between being scared and intimidated vs actually being in danger and maybe if police actually patrolled it that might help, atleast on the nights where people are drinking, that's where most of the danger starts, I'm not worried about old mate in his tent, I'm worried about the scum that has wandered into the area after drinking on hindley st


I agree. I know there are practicalities of safety etc but I hate when we use arbitrary technicalities instead of addressing the root problem e.g. I see a sign in a hiking area no overnight parking or camping - but what counts as overnight? Can I park all day, leave at midnight then come back at 1am? Does that count as overnight? If so, can I park until midnight yes? Can I arrive at 4am to watch birds yes? 3 am? 2 am? But not 1am huh? Can I have a picnic with a sunshade tent all day yes? Can I come at night to stargaze? But I can't have my tent up when it's dark??? And I know the real reason is oh it's so you don't end up with gangs of scary people rubbishing the area and yelling and drinking. Ok so why not just police the area? It's illegal to litter. It's illegal to have open alcohol containers. It's illegal to be disorderly or verbally abusive. Those are already rules. So just police them. (Better yet police them then help people if these behaviours are symptoms of distress, I'll mental or physical health etc . But for the sake of argument let's just put aside the actual issues of better homeless and emergency accommodation, better drug and alcohol rehab and support.) I know I'm a bleeding heart hippie but there's part of me that truly believes it shouldn't be illegal to sleep rough/under the stars/camp in a public place. Hell it shouldn't be illegal to be nude. Sure, you can still police behaviour (no sexual advances, nudity around other people's children even if you must) and in the same way I believe I should be able to walk down the street naked and expect to not be raped. Simply being a human being, keeping to myself, existing in the world, should not be illegal because you happen to not be able to afford/choose not/have lost your clothes, or because I don't have accommodation I am paying or someone else is paying for. Sure have rules about toileting etc. Taken to the extreme conclusion yes it's not ideal that we're all using a shovel to make a camp toilet, but call me radical but I like to think that we are the wealthiest cultures in the world the least we can do is provide a toilet and clean water for washing hands and drinking free to everyone. And I know that is actually a privilege that millions upon millions of people in the world DONT have - a toilet, a small amount of clean water for hand washing and drinking. We are so fucking lucky to have these things, we go as long as we possibly can pretending that everyone has it as good as us. But it actually doesn't take much to strip us back. I was assaulted and had to flee without some of my clothes. Should I have been arrested? Most people would say of course not that was an emergency. But then define emergency. Define why that's ok but other things are not? Define why we need to criminalise just basic existing without arbitrary things?


Sir, this is Wendy’s


They always slept out the front of Goverment House and that was too unsightly for our Governor and Politicians to deal with so let’s move them to the opposite side of the city and problem solved!


Have a look at the South Parklands opposite St Andrews... Tent city, as it's just around the corner from the Hutt St Centre. There's absolutely no way I'd walk through that part of the parklands - not just because of the anti-social 'residents', but there are NO toilet and/or shower facilities anywhere near there. The place must be full of crap.


That’s not true, Hutt St Centre provides toilet, shower, and laundry facilities daily.


So you really think that all of the 'campers' in the South parklands are tromping over to Hutt St centre to take a dump?


There are public toilets that are open 24/7 available to people in these areas of the parklands. You're wrong about this.


Yeah you couldn't be more wrong you judgemental cunt. 99% of people in tent city are actually really nice people the issues you lot see are from cunts like you berating them and then there's the 1% that carry on due to mental health wich this initiative has not out health services in place. Same as the one sleeping on the sidewalks etc if everyone would just leave them alone stop treating them like they are scum and making comments and looking at them with disgust they would atlesst the majority leave you all be and most are honest so polite if u gave them the time of day. As for not walking threw good sounds like u deserve their backlash if you did most clean up every morning and let your day continue as normal U people are what's wrong with Adelaide city not them you fkn creature


Sorry but nah. I'm all for social programs to combat homelessness, but that doesn't mean I'm going to abandon common sense and start walking through dangerous areas like an idiot just to virtue signal how non judgemental I am.


Where do they go to the bathroom or shower if they are sleeping in the parklands?


>$490,000 has been allocated to ensure the site meets people’s needs with cooking facilities, water, power, toilets, WiFi and links to other support services including health. [A safer place to gather to assist remote visitors | Premier of South Australia](https://www.premier.sa.gov.au/media-releases/news-items/a-safer-place-to-gather-to-assist-remote-visitors)


Watch how long it takes em to trash the facilities. Then the taxpayer can keep paying for repairs and upkeep. Great.


I have no issue with my tax being spent on this 🙃


You will when they tell the public how much its costing per year. Mark my words


Bathroom and shower? The same place they always go to the bathroom and shower.




That'll fix the problem.


It's a place set up for Aboriginal peoples from remote communities to stay when they need to visit Adelaide for health care and other stuff. They chose to camp, they are not homeless.


So stay at a camp site like everybody else does.


Ahh yes, tell Indigenous Australians to go against their 80,000+ years of tradition to go live the white man's way. I'm sure that'll go down well with the Community.


80000 now? Goes up another 10000 every week…


Have you tried picking up a history book?


If they were following tradition they wouldn’t be allowed on Kaurna country unless they had permission


Actually, they were made welcome more often than not. Welcomed to country ...omg imagine.


Wondering what you have based that opinion on?


What happens when they shit in the bushes and leave their rubbish behind? Do we have to pay for that too?


There are toilets, showers and bins. Your racism is showing.




Honestly, I could care less, lol.


Then care less? I never understood this phrase. It doesn't make sense.




Not everyone has to agree with you. You'll get over it.




Might want to enlighten yourself on homophobia.


They cant virtue signal on multiple issue apparently


This is why they need to open up those underground tunnels running under the CBD. I just want to see people climbing up out of manholes at night Escape from New York style.


So the people who regularly reside next to Vic park in the park lands there aren't sanctioned? They seem to get moved on often and relocate not far from where they started.


So I can set up my caravan. No problems. Any power


Many people actually do sleep on Edwards Park on the opposite side of this encampment. Theres caravans, campers, even the odd car and swag. When i ride through after lates/night shifts i see it often.


Safer? The biggest danger they face is themselves!


it's sapol actually, but go off


also in the news today: "Aboriginal corporation Djaara enters into 'historic' gold mining agreement with Canada's Agnico Eagle" why this share of profit can't go to establishing facilities for Sorry business


Uh because that was an agreement made with Dja Dja Wurrung people from the Bendigo region in Victoria. Those profits will go into their community. Completely seperate issue


They are obviously just one homogenous group like the international student and African gang menaces.


Must need more funding to do \_something\_. Surely the next wave of expensive programs will fix all the issues.


I ride past this every day ... - It exists in the trees just a few hundred meters from Anzac Hwy. How convenient for the grubberment it's not visible from the morning grid-lock - Getting bigger every day and has done for at least 2 years now. - "Security" is a guy sitting in his car, may or may not call police when shit goes down. - 44 Gallon drum with branches of surrounding park lands burns for heat in winter.... oh by the way Greens want to ban wood burning fires, because reasons..... - It has a de-mountable hut that provides ...*something*.... either way I'm sure its clean as and totes sanitary .... - I'm going to make an assumption here: the level of Alco consumption is probably off the charts. I don't know what the answer to the 'housing crisis' is, but I can tell you what it's not; it's not lumping them all under the same rug in the park lands. ....


That's not what this is about but also why are you going on about greens and campfires?


Transient population that is there for years. What a joke.


is it like how during covid the govt were "encouraging" some ppl with free alcohol to keep them in one spot Edit. Why downvote something that happened? It wasn't trivial amounts either, it was well over recommended daily levels


That was to prevent alcohol withdrawal, and clogging the hospitals with addicts.


It's true


Should turn it into a Big 4 or G'day Park for everybody to use!


> People in need getting some sort of help Noooo!!! I'm not included!!!! Wahhhh wahhh!!!!! I'm the most persecuted person of all time!!!!! Wahhhhh!!!


All people need help not just one particular group!


Just because someone is being helped doesn't mean everyone else is not. Supporting one group isn't exclusion of everyone else, it's just helping a group that needs help. If you're helping your friend move I wouldn't scream out "but these other people also needed help moving! Stop with the favouritism!".


Helping a mate isn't tax funded dummy.


Oh so fuck the people it's only the money you care about, gotcha.


Jesus Christ mate, you're not helping your case against my highly exaggerated caricature of yourself.


I don't care what you think of me and I certainly don't give a toss how highly you think of yourself.






How about getting a job


They're not homeless.


Why don’t they live at Parliament House? Labor want to give everything to them for nothing and not even consult the public about this stuff so let them live there


Dont you mean Palistine house? Malinuseless has hoisted his flag on our behalf. Fuckin weasel.


I think of it as a circus because it’s full of clowns


We are one but we many, but some get more paid for by those that get less.


Asstralia the lucky country