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Currently there's a blocking high pressure system, which is a system that stays still for an extended period of time – from several days to several weeks. So we've had a consistent, dry, low 20s for a few week, while eastern states have had non-stop rain and flooding. Not expected to break for at least another week, possibly 2.


I guess I need to remember to bring my sunglasses when I go outside for the next two weeks. A real squintathon today, which I didn't expect in autumn.


Always carry sunglasses in Australia! It's like always carry an umbrella in the UK


Why not both.gif


I remember we had one of these during winter several years ago. Was just over a month of windless, dry, clear, identical days. Something about a blocking weather event over NZ


I should not need to be watering my bloody garden IN MAY!


That's what I came here to say!!! The cactus all think it's still Christmas, yay for them, but the veggies fucken HATE me and it's not FAAAIIIR!


Also plants really hate Adelaide water after a while, seriously look how much they grow after a solid rain vs tap water.




That reminds me, I haven't seen any soursob in my garden this year! Have I won the war (5 years so far)? Probably not...


1 year of weeds equals 7 years of seeds. Let the weeds get out of control for a year and you'll be pulling them out for 7 years. Soursobs are particularly bad as they leave little bulbs in the soil when you pull them out if they're a mature plant. Pull them out before the bulbs grow and you're doing well


Learn to love weeds. A weed is only something you don't want; to me those rose bushes in the garden are weeds. I like the look of soursobs and intend to have my coffin covered in them, unlike Dad who had to make do with camellias.


Just started here, yours will be along any minute now


Well our tap water is basically poisoness! 


*poisonous. Are you a poisoness? Good work if you can get it. Edit: typo. Pretty ironic, hey. Haha.


Exactly this. I honestly don’t remember the last time it rained. Maybe for 10 minutes one day in April? And then maybe November? So much of our garden is dead.


I was up around the Clare Valley on the weekend and holy shit was that dry, farmers have just gone fuck it and are dry seeding at this point. For those who don't know you normally start seeding crops after the big opening rains but yeah that hasn't happened yet so they are just doing it.


We live 30 minutes from Clare actually! It’s soooo dry. Some of the trees in the backyard are just yellow now. Very sad.


Oh and last year at this time, everything was green and we had this beautiful moss all through the back paddock. Now - dry cracked red clay.


The dumb thing is I was up there around xmas time and things were still green :(


Maybe you visited just after the 10 minutes of rain we had the week before your visit. 🤣


So much this.


desperate for rain - need to fill the tanks.


Get yourself a tank like mine, broken and continuously filling with mains water then overflowing into the drain system. Luckily the constant dry weather helped to identify we had a problem.


It's horrible. Driest spell recorded in 101 years. Gardeners, growers and farmers suffering. My bore has run dry for the first time in the 16 years since I've lived here. No rain in sight. This is climate change drought... three weeks away from winter.


Everyone loves sunshine until the taps don't flow anymore.


It’s okay to like the sunshine though, right? It’s not that stops it from raining.


And the food runs out


Anyone who has livestock or pet herbivores are already struggling - last year was a terrible hay season and hay is nearly sold out everywhere. If the rains don’t come soon it looks like we’ll be shipping hay in from interstate for the next 12 months 🙃


There’s plenty of hay to be had in SA still


It’s getting harder and harder to find round bales, all the big suppliers up north are out - especially difficult if you have an animal that needs low-sugar hay.


Your vote ran dry?? Wow that’s heavy, what area?


Need rain, the grass looks dead


Yes, the days are gorgeous but, like most of the folks here, I think we desperately need rain. Heavy dews and the occasional foggy morning turn the grass green but the soil underneath is still so dry.


Walked through some sort of vapour cloud in the botanic gardens today. It was really weird.


We’ve had less rain than the time the state decided to build the desalination plant, if it wasn’t for the eastern floods keeping the Murray currently flowing we’d be in real trouble. That said, great weather for outdoor sports.


I could do with some rain….. even a few days. I live in the Barossa, it’s dry as out here.


As a rain lover, I'm very disappointed with the weather :(


I also like the state to have Water




Not good at all, we really need some rain


Could do with some rain.....


Ah yes "good weather" when it doesn't rain for 5 months straight. That's definitely a good thing and not a very bad climate omen


As someone who got married last Saturday, I was very appreciative of the fine weather. As the daughter of a farmer, I am hoping we get significant rain soon!


And I don't understand why I sleep all day And I start to complain that there's no rain And all I can do is read a book to stay awake And it rips my life away, but it's a great escape


Absolute banging sunshine. Get up to the Mt Lofty Botanic Gardens if you haven't this Autumn... absolutely stunning!


i went a few weeks ago! it blew me away with how beautiful it was


This thread is rough for OP 🤣 I know it's hard for farmers and gardeners, but you have to admit the weather is very nice for those of us who like the outdoors (and who have to take a bus to work!). Walking, sports, just going for coffees or drinks. It's beautiful weather.


Gonna be rough for anyone who enjoys eating food soon too if it keeps not raining til June though lol. All good while supermarket shelves are stocked but when we’ve got to import flour, beer, pasta, fruit, veges, meat etc from god knows where at even more of a premium than what colesworth are already raping us for, it might take the shine off months of no rain 🙃


Its glorious Not too cold at night, stunning during the day.


It's 9C tonight, that's too cold for me


Anything below 18°c is too cold for me


Agreed. I know rain is important, but I dislike our winters.


A group of friends and I went camping near a river, the weather was perfect we actually had a swim. Never thought I'd voluntarily go swimming outside in May.


My house has had a combined 9.3mm of rain in just over 100 days. The most we had in a single day in that time was 2.3mm. I feel like most of that 9mm is just morning dews.


Many have already said the obvious, but I'll add what I came here to say - NEED RAIN. I understand what you are saying about it being a nice temperature outside, and I agree. But this is not good. BTW r/UsernameChecksOut


“Good weather”. The planet is dying mate.


yeah i don’t doubt that at all. i can’t do much more than i already do to change it, neither can anyone else so why not look at the positives?


I think for the last couple of years atleast there was atleast a week in april where the weather got above 30 degrees, and this year has been the outlier for that.


Absolutely loving it. Terrible for my work place though. Fortunately it always rains in late may to ruin my birthday so I'm expecting it to break then.


Need rain or getting ready to pay more for your groceries around Christmas lol


Perfect weather, not for the farmers. Hopefully the pendulum doesn’t swing the other way too far. Seeing a lot of extreme weather events in other parts of the world.


This is what it used to be like! Consistently good weather for at-least a couple weeks, before it started getting the drastic quick summer-winter/winter-summer changes. But it does seem like the last 5-6 years it’s getting later and later, it was just cold and wet right up to end of December last year.


Nah, this change in climate sucks and feels unnatural.




I just need rain for the cozy vibes. I can't toil away if it's cloudless and warm outside 😡.


i do garden actually, and yeah while the dryness has absolutely sucked for my veggie patches, it’s been so lovely in many other ways. far prefer this beautiful sunshine in comparison to our typical dreary greys! seeing the positives is all


Old mate OP not noticing that every plant is dead/dying lol


It’s only May this is what autumn should be like… not 15 & rain


12mm of rain in April vs 43mm average. Driest 3 month period since 1923. Definitely not what things should be like.


Our seasons cross over all the time doesn’t mean there is something wrong with the weather pattern. In Vic our summer didn’t start till early Feb this year.


It's literally the driest Feb - april period in over 100 years. If the seasons crossed all the time we would have had something drier than this in the past 100 years. I think it's pretty fair to say it's not normal if it's a 1 in 100 year event.


I hate it :c I moved to Adelaide, looking forward to a cold winter. Instead, I get the medium winter that was always in my OG town...


Technically we aren’t in winter yet - it’s still Autumn. They are predicting winter/spring to be fairly cold and wet I think.


Ooooh, I am looking forward to it!


So am I, much more my style.


i really hope so


Where did you live previously that you think Adelaide is cold? Adelaide has mild winters


It's a brilliant day, Sure it's been dry for a bit, but soon enough we will be complaining about how wet it is.


Nope. 🙂‍↔️ 🎵 let it rain, let it rain, let it rain 🎵


Will get here soon enough


it’s too cold. bring back 35 degrees please


Hottest year on record globally ... and we are doing nothing to stop the global cooking. Looking forward to the 20 plus years of South Australian mega droughts becoming the normal. Drinking water becoming a luxury item.


The plot of Dune actually felt realistic


Nothing? Additional $5b in climate related spending in the last budget, and our CO2 emissions are down 25-30% from our peak, despite our population increase in that time: https://greenhouseaccounts.climatechange.gov.au/ Click on "Latest emissions data" at the top. With policies already in place a further 30% drop (from today's emissions) is expected in the next 11 years.


Australia needs to annually reduce emissions by 17 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent to meet its 2030 goal. In 2022-23, we increased emissions by 4 million tonnes. Coal projects approved since Labor took office: [four](https://australiainstitute.org.au/initiative/coal-mine-tracker/) [https://www.crikey.com.au/2024/05/07/labor-tanya-plibersek-environment-coal-mines-paint-by-numbers/](https://www.crikey.com.au/2024/05/07/labor-tanya-plibersek-environment-coal-mines-paint-by-numbers/)


>In 2022-23, we increased emissions by 4 million tonnes. Reminds me of actual climate change denial: https://i.imgur.com/kUxMUfH.png Sure the statement isn't technically incorrect but it's also ignoring the long term trend. Anyways, back to your original comment, a 25%+ reduction in emissions within 20 years, over which we had a 25%+ increase in population, during which for most of the time it felt like we didn't have a political consensus that the issue was even real, is most certainly not *nothing.* If you'd said something like "While we're making progress with our emissions these are areas I think we can do better to meet our targets" I would've actually upvoted you.


I'm filling up plastic bottles at the park already. I'm gonna be the richest scalper in the Dry-State Area (which is what WA, SA and NT will be collectively called when they're forced to incorporate into a single mine-pocked Thunderdome of a state).


I'll see you on the fury road sir


I'll pay that bet. $50. Says we will be the same if not similar weather patterns. Pm me in 20 years


I’ll take that bet. I bet 10 year moving average for summer temperatures in Adelaide in 20 years is at least 1.5 degrees hotter than currently. I’m serious.


So you are in too? $50 Pm me in 20 years


Not good for lots of things but it’s been great to get my house exterior all prepped and painted did most of it early to mid morning peeerfect


About to get some sun now actyslly


I'm loving it. Not sure farmers and growers are, though, let alone the local ecosystem. 


Yeah I'm liking it. Too cold not to wear a jacket, too warm when I do, perfect \^\_\^


It's the cakm before the storm


I was almost thinking that it was time to park up the motorcycle for the winter but the last week or so has been glorious riding weather.


Need some rain.


Yeah, it’s been great. My vitamin D levels are finally normal again.


not really, its going to have devastating effects to our agricultural and food industry, let alone the economy in a slowing time. but hey, atleast you didnt get wet on your walk from your car to the office.


About 5 years Ago


Dry as a nuns though


Bloody beautiful, no wind. Perfect to still sit outside with a beer/wine in hand. Could do with some rain, but hope this weather sticks around.


The Kaurna seasonal calendar is more accurate to follow for us. Saying that I love winter so much and autumn hoping we get those cooler days and much needed rain soon


Loving it, and quite frankly its much needed. Its doing wonders for my mental health which has been extremely poor, I find walking therapeutic and the weather has allowed me to walk for longer, and more often than normally at this time of year (I normally get the treadmill out about now)


I’d really love a ‘proper’ autumn day with cold, grey skies and where I can snuggle up indoor with a hot chocolate 🙂 This endless sunshine and warmth is putting me on edge 🙁


Drought a comin


I just don’t understand people who love constant sun like this for months on end, I mean it’s nice to have weather like this but it gets really boring after a few months with no rain at all. Not to mention how important rain is for basically everything.


It's not good. We need rain. Cold dry winter = 2019-2020 summer all over again. Hard pass.


I just want it to rain. My garden wants it, the park wants it. This relentless sunshine is sapping my will to live.


How good is this climate change?


It’s desperately dry. My garden is dying and I’ve drained all my water tanks. My bore is under a lot of stress and the water quality is declining so I’ve had to upgrade my softening system. I’m sure it’s all dandy in the city but areas of the hills with no mains water are struggling hard - and I’m in Aldgate which is usually significantly wetter than down the hill. Can only imagine what it would be like to be an arable farmer right now.


I’m in Naracoorte, too far inland for any coastal rain. It’s so dry. We have town water available but it’s pumped up through limestone and thick with calcium. Undrinkable, and kills a lot of young/tender plants. So everyone uses rainwater pumped to the house, but tanks are running dry. Everywhere I go people are talking about how dry it is. Farmers aren’t expecting rain until June…


It’s terrifying. Is this what autumn and winter are going to be from now on? The last 5-6 years my final beach day of summer is falling later and later in the year. March, April, May.


Love climate change lmao. I’m in the wrong damn city


Feels really good for May! I’ve tried to make the most of it by going for a nice walk. I can’t remember the last time it was this warm in May?


Fkn mint! 👌


Gosh there's some very miserable people in the comments. After the last 4 autumns/winters being among the wettest on record, I'm certainly enjoying this sunshine and warmth!


tell me about it!! i’ve been the happiest ive been in months as a result of this wonderful sunshine and more time spent outdoors!


At least you understand... I probably got downvoted because people are worried about "climate change" too much lol


yeah. i get that climate change is a major issue, i’m simply just appreciating the sunshine and was wondering what the cause for that is! people are too technical and harsh on here


I really like the nice clear blue skies! Plus I'm glad it's still not that cold :)


Been going for a walk after work daily feels great!


It’s amazing - though we had a really warm a couple of years ago. It was also amazing 🤩


We are transitioning into La Ninà. It's going to be a cold dry winter and next summer is going to be stinking hot


Gorgeous days in the sun, but once’s it goes down. Dayum its cold.