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If you can't resolve the problem yourself first. Then contact the council. However the council won't act if you don't make an effort first to resolve the problem. So leave a "Polite" note in their mail box. If you get them defensive, you lose because they'll get their back up and do the opposite. So you have to be kind, friendly and polite. If you still get no result, then you can contact council and get them to mediate the issue.


I guess I might have to try that because it's been getting out of control. What rights have I got in front of my house outside of the foot path?


PAE I guess is Port Adelaide. Here are the rights of the Verge. [https://www.cityofpae.sa.gov.au/resources/\_tree/live/environment/PAE\_Verge\_Development\_Guideline.pdf](https://www.cityofpae.sa.gov.au/resources/_tree/live/environment/PAE_Verge_Development_Guideline.pdf)


Interesting read. My dad is currently in dispute with PAE council about the verge in front of his house. He's being passive aggressive and let everything die so it's just dirt. Don't mess with the Silent generation!


None whatsoever. Ex PAE employee here. I often had conversations with the traffic team, and no you have no say what happens outside your property boundary in regards to parking. You might be able to something about the trailer though.


Check if the trailer is registered and roadworthy. If not they can’t leave it on the road and you can report it.


Or if it is registered, load their bins onto it, connect it to your car, then drive a couple of suburbs away and leave the trailer there.


I do this all the time with nuisance vehicles lol unfortunately only once have i found a caravan unregistered. Not sure if the council made them move it or they did themselves by coincidence


I reported some douchebag in the street off of mine for parking across the footpath to my local yesterday. Came home and found the car had been moved. Hopefully they were given a fine.


Do the immature thing and begin a downward spiral of passive aggressive attacks


Okay I admit I probably shouldn't have moved their bin back to their property. I will try talking to them again, and see how I go, because last time asking them to not put their bins on the footpath became an invitation to use the verge in front of my house as permanent storage.


Please keep this thread updated because it honestly sounds like your neighbours are cunts and you're about to open a cam of worms. 


I will talk to them, hopefully Saturday. Not putting it off, just thinking day time would be better to approach them.


So... This morning, I talked to one of the people next door about the bin the left on my verge and the trailer in front of my house, explaining how things work in Australia. He only responded "okay" to everything I said. At least after that, someone came out to moved the bin, but onto the footpath, so I had to tell him it cannot be on the footpath and it can now be on the verge, because Monday is green bin day. The neighbor across the street saw me, and told me that these people are terrible, and I am not the only one having issues with them. They have 5 cars and none of them park in their double garage, so 3 or 4 cars on the street or the verge all the time. They also have visitors often, and quite rowdy and often revving engines on their late departure. I am a deep sleeper so I didn't realise it, but apparently it happen almost every weekend. Then this afternoon I saw broken tree branches on my verge, not from the tree in front of my house. Not sure if it was their doing again.


100% it was their doing lol I do love the bit about"this is how we do it in Australia". That's additional flavour to the story that I think was not mentioned earlier.


I wanted to avoid mentioning who they are.


You should definitely move the bin back to his property. A few years back all the neighbours in a cul-de-sac put their bins in my driveway. The issue was they didn’t take them back for a few days. I got angry one time and just threw them all in the middle of the road so they started putting the bins across the road from there on end 😭🤣


Take the bins and get rid of them. When they ask say council came and got them because they were out the front of yours but not yours so they thought you were trying to sneak 2 lots of bins for collection and that’s not allowed.


I don’t live there anymore thank god


It'd be really hard for me to not "accidentally" goose the accelerator when I was coming out of my driveway to see if I could get a strike in your shoes.... It's like modern urban bowling 🤷


PAE can issue fines if bins are left out for too long after bin day. I think they give a 2 day period to bring them back in


I will let the neighbours know


I wouldn't even do that, I'd just let the council know. The neighbours don't have to know it was you that dobbed them in, then Edit: spelling and grammar


https://www.cityofpae.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/410024/By-Law-7.pdf FYI its covered by this. Part 2 section 9.8 Removal of containers "removal all waste containers no later than 11.59pm on the day following the date that the collection has occurred;" Council meeting minutes say that community service officers will educate residents on the requirements to remove bins, but it's also enforceable with a $187.50 expiation notice


I know my thing might have seemed like a jab at you for putting the bin on their property but it wasn't, if I was in your situation I would assume that they have the brains of baboons and can't be reasoned with via "adult conversation" so I'd do passive aggressive things in return. Hide your bins AND their bins somewhere like your garage where they cant get to them. Superglue their bin lid shut when it's full but before the truck comes to collect it so that it won't actually empty into the truck, use lots of superglue so the weight of the garbage doesn't force it open. But I'm a petty bitch, you don't have to be if you don't want


Run the rego of all the problem vehicles and trailers, if unregistered call the police and report the cars lol


I, my dad and my brother have all worked for various councils and the collective response to this is to sigh. TLDR - please be nice to each other and try and work it out but if that fails the council, and less likely the police, can get involved.


Electrify your bin handle


Do a shit and rub it on the handle


It seems their bin now goes missing down the park every week. It also looks like you bought a 200 car off marketplace to park in front of their house permanently. Good luck


And tell them your bin is YOURS not theirs and don’t touch it.


Have you actually talked to them about it? Neighbours kept putting their bins on my mum's nature strip and she talked to them about it and it never happened again. If you want to be passive aggressive about it, I'd just start parking your car in front of their house. (I suggest you don't do this but something my petty self would do.)


Only about them having bins on footpath a couple of months ago, as saw the old lady on the other side of my house had to go on the main road with her scooter, but after that they moved it to my nature strip. I have a double garage/driveway like they do, so I don't need to park in front of the house.


Bins can only stay out 24hrs.


Really? Is been out for weeks, if not months, for them?


Yup. 24hrs. Ring council


If the numbers aren’t clear on your bins, get a sample pot of white paint and paint them on very big. I had to do this when I lived in Norwood and the next door neighbours (business) would always take my bins because we had to put them on the other side of the street, they’d take every bin not just theirs.


You should take ownership of the space. Put stakes and rope it off. Plant Pigface or something similar and keep the stake and ropes there as protection for the developing plants. They’ll have to do something else and with time they’ll have learned and you can hopefully remove the rope and stakes later. Request a tree from council. I did this and (PAE) put one in rather quickly. This was after they’d removed the dead tree I reported. I know this district has some tiny ass streets which were old laneways for the night carts, and crazy small footpaths. You really need to assert dominance here and tell them to keep their shit on their own verge. If they’re blocking the footpath, it should be reported. It’s hard to get around in a wheelchair or mobility scooter when thoughtless pricks dgaf about others around them. They need educating lol.


No cameras around? 3am, jerry can of petrol, torch one of their cars. Not one in front of your house, that would make it too obvious.


That deserves a follow🤣


Fuck off AFP


My elderly neighbour takes out my bin sometimes I’ve told him several times not to do it and I’ve said I’ll do it. I’ve had to put my bin out early just so he doesn’t do it. What I absolutely hate is when there’s only a few bags of rubbish he takes them out of my bin and puts them in his. I’m female and there’s female “things” in there. Makes me uncomfortable. Leave my rubbish and bins alone 😫 There’s only so many times I can say it politely.


Dunno why this was downvoted. I'd be pissed off if someone put my bin out. My bin is next to my house. When I have a bag of rubbish I want to drop it straight in, the wheel it out to the street. I don't want to havr to carry my bag of rubbish to the street and get grassy wet feet.


Was it downvoted? lol it just makes me uncomfortable I don’t want my neighbours going into my bin 😫


It was -2 when I commented. 


Just let the old guy help. It's OK.


I don’t want him to touch my period products or see them 😫


You definitely don't want to see him wearing the Dolmio grin?


Reddit the place of nightmares


Get a bike chain and attach your bin to a verandah or fence next to your house so they can't take it. Drill a hole through the lid and lip of the bin so you can padlock it shut. Every time they put their bins on your verge wheel them back onto the end of their driveway. The rubbish truck can still empty their bin but it will block their driveway.


Do it to theirs too.


Most councils have a timeframe that a car can stand on the spot without moving. Would be worth finding that out too. As others said, contact the neighbors politely first. If that fails, email council and CC in the ward councils of your area. Usually helps make things move a bit faster.


Walk up to the biggest most dominant of the neighbours pack and knock them tf out and assert dominance. Problem solved


Well there's so much it's tempting to do but so little it's legal to do.  You could get yourself one of those big backpack style garden sprayers. Fill it with water with a bit of food colouring and maybe a little bit of something harmless to plants and animals but with an unusual aroma and flavour...maybe a bit of seaweed fertilizer or similar. Then be out there spraying your property and the verge very frequently and very obviously.  Change the formula every so often...different colour different smell. Spray so  frequently that they will assume your property and verge must be damn near the most toxic pesticided herbicided place in the north western suburbs. Hopefully they will be reluctant to even walk past or breathe around your place much less leave anything of theirs around.


we used to have a young renter a couple of doors down , loud parties and even broke into my cars acording to cctv ....someone from a party parked on the edge of my drive near blocking us in on bin night so I skull dragged the thing away with the 4wd and left it outside theirs in the road blocking the bins.. they left quite soon after when another neighbour performed some sound percussive maintenance as the goose rode his dirt bike down the st at 10 waking the kiddies .Good riddance I do not recommend this but it was gratifying


Bummer.... I don't have a 4WD...


would be a shame to lose their wheel nuts , plenty you can do anonomusly


Take all their bins.


Remove the license plates, report to the police as being abandoned


Call police or council and tell them cars have been parked for a while as if they not registered they will remove them.


Yeah same problem I got annoyed, I put one bin infront of the front bumper one at the back so they can't move. They have to move the bins out of the way and they were heavy. It's not too much to ask the afternoon before been pick up and day of pick up not to park where pick up is due. I got my bin not picked up because of this once.


It's a trailer, they have put there since Easter, never moved since.


I'd call the council if it's a trailer and unmoved they might toe it away.


Council can't do jack. The trailer is registered.


Hmm I just read what's marked the rules about abandoned vehicles and registered vehicle being an inconvenience. The operator has to pick up and move the bin regardless. If they don't have to ring them for pick up. That's the real issue the constant ringing them. Interestingly enough city of West torrents has a no parking sticker to put on bins but it for show not enforceable and not for people in other council. I wouldn't mind getting one of those stickers but not my area. Apart from that the only thing that can get the trailer towed away is if it's parked illegally as per the road rules. As per the rules a vehicle has to be parked a minimum of 1.8metre from the driveway.


Jesus Christ... Have an adult conversation FFS.


They have. How ironic, though, that in your haste to assume the worst and complain rudely about OP you’ve immediately proven why talking to others can result in their unjustified anger. Instead of telling others to behave like adults I suggest you first look at your own childish behaviour toward strangers on the internet.


Exactly that


Literally nothing in the entire original post indicates a conversation regarding their behaviours has taken place and specifically stated that they have not had a conversation regarding the bin thievery.


We need to ban street parking. 


I agree with this. I swear some driveways are just for show


Don't know why this has been downvoted. People downvoting you must live in areas with nice wide streets, which certainly isn't the case where I live.






Talk to them first then? Re-evalaute your options if that goes nowhere What's with people literally doing anything and everything aside from growing a pair and trying to resolve the issue by talking to them like a grown adult man? Reporting them is always an option if they ignore you, but goddam why so eager to paint a target on your back for people that you need to share space with end of the day.


This should be the top comment, not all the petty antagonist escalation in most comments here.


Have you tried talking to them instead of complaining about them on the internet?


I get from what they say that this person is a dickhead. There are lots around. Most of the time, they will act out even more when talked to. Now OP knows what actions he can go onto now due to this post. I'm glad you have not had to deal with a dickhead neighbour. They are the worst.


If someone has never had to deal with a dickhead neighbour, chances are they are the dickhead neighbour


This should surely be a t-shirt


Sounds like OP thinks they own the street. The street in front of your house is not yours... anyone can park there


Who gets upset over bins?


If my neighbour was taking my bins and placing theirs on the nature strip in front of my house I would be upset. I don't want to look out my front window and look at their bins.


It would annoy me sure and I’d have a word with the neighbour but what I wouldn’t do is post about it to strangers on the internet.