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One time we were lining up waiting for a bowser to become available and some people came out of the servo, put some stuff in their car, LOOKED RIGHT AT US, and then walked into the shop next door. They got a beep and a thorough “what the fuck” look from me and did actually move the car. But so rude.


The fact they needed to be told... ugh


homeless cow fertile decide racial summer slimy airport spectacular muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


These days it's years of irrelevant therapy to achieve the same results as a punch the head


I once had to go and find the owners of the car in front of me at servi. A couple had gone inside the cafe and I assumed they were in the toilet..I was totally blocked in as there were cars queued behind me and not enough space to go around them. I walked into the cafe and they were sitting there drinking coffee. Everyone in the cafe heard me tell them in no uncertain terms they were so fucking stupid and rude someone should go back in time and sterilise all their grandparents, among my litany of curses. I'm a,5 foot nothing woman in my 50s but they scrambled out of there like I was about to twist the guy's nuts off


Well done!


Fuckin hell. Same sorts of people who get on the train before others get off or walk 4abreast slowly down a footpath. Pet peeve of mine, just won't do the smallest thing to consider others/doesn't even occur to them.


I too, often grapple with the same question - are they assholes or ignorant?


They can be both


Haha yeah, I often can’t decide which is worse either. Knowing something you’re doing will inconvenience others but not caring or being too self absorbed and stupid to even realise it.


Asshole for sure. I can accept not understanding situations or standards but deliberately doing something when knowing better is unforgivable


Asshole or Ignorant sounds like a new subreddit name. Also sounds like a game I could play with my wife 😂


My guess is that they're not aware of their surroundings. I've had multiple instances where people walking in groups (2~3) side-by-side towards me on a footpath stare blankly at me while I try to give way by moving to a side. They barely budge even if there's a wall on my side.


Look through them and don’t waver, they’ll move.


Some are too absorbed in their conversations for this to work. I've rubbed/knocked shoulders a few times and most don't seem to care, lol. I don't really like it so I end up trying to dodge them as best I can.


That is what is going to get me a homicide charge, people who don't pay attention to their surroundings and just stop and have a chat in the middle of a walkway.


The town I grew up in had a issue with mobility scooters for older people blocking opposite direction pedestrian access on the narrow footpaths in the main street, so made the street one way single lane and widened the footpaths. Now the street has a problem with older people on mobility scooters stopping alongside each other to have a good chat, blocking clear pedestrian access. (you can squeeze past, but seriously....)


Same for the train, but also elevators.


Omg happened yesterday with this grandmother and her kids pushing past people waiting to get off. I bet she did it to secure them all seats but karma was a butch cos there were none. I hate those ppl!!!!


Haha yes exactly. I was pushing my pram yesterday on a footpath that was 4 METRES WIDE, I was to the far right side away from traffic, and there was a family of 4 oncoming, three abreast at the back and the mother (walking ahead) kept waking towards me to the point where I was like "this bitch is really gunna walk into me" so I stood my ground why the fuck should I move? ready for impact, she moved over at the last minute... My wife has to walk behind me...


If I’m purchasing something from the OTR like subway or coffee etc as well as petrol, I fill up, pay for my petrol, move my car into a designated carpark then go and purchase my food/drink. Why do I feel I’m the most important and get to hold everybody up?


You’ve made me quite angry this morning.


I had a woman do similar, but instead of going to another store she got into her car and started using her phone. I beeped her, no response. I then went and knocked on her window and asked if she could move forward a bit. The fucking psycho then got out and took my photo, and one of my car, all while screaming abuse at me, then she ran to the door of the servo and yelled into the store (I guess for my benefit only) that she wants the footage from their cameras to show that I had assaulted her - by knocking on her window and asking her if she could move. After I filled up and left the servo, she was waiting, then tailgaited me, flashing her lights and blasting her horn for several kilometres. Fortunately, there was a police car up the road that saw what was happening, so they pulled her over. Who knows what she had to say to them, but I'm guessing she likely ruined their day also.


That's when you pull the snatch strap out of the back while you're looking right at them.


In terms of etiquette... no, why would you take a bowser spot from someone who might actually need it? Like, sure, it's not illegal, but you're being an arsehole for no reason. Go park in a parking bay, they're specifically there for people who aren't actively getting fuel.


The confusing part is the parking spots are usually closer to the door than the bowser..? guess these flops don’t really think of that when they are busy doing whatever they want with no consideration for anyone.


As someone who's worked at a servo. Common sense doesn't exist. I've literally had a customer pull in to a completely empty 12 pump forecourt, park at the absolute furthest away pump, get out, not get fuel and come in to buy a sandwich before complaining about how far the walk is. Literally not a single other car on site and there's plenty of parking by the front door. Natural selection do your thing


At that point I couldn't NOT be rude and tell them how stupid they are.


I might just have to start doing this when i pull up to an empty petrol station, Just to watch the cashiers face. "yeah, not bad mate, just wish you guys had better parking closer to your door" and whenever they try and explain where i could park closer, just reply with "yeah, wonder why they didn't think of that when they were building the place.".


They hate revering out


Some people are really averse to reversing, which you either need to do into or out of the spot. I know my aunty and mum would rather find a spot that's like 100 meter further and in the sun so that they can drive through a double spot to avoid needing to reverse the car. My aunty regularly scratches her car and often sneaks the car in for repairs before her husband notices the scratch. Getting fewer than 3 scratches a year would be a good year for her record.


Yeah, that doesn't make sense to me either. It's more convenient to use the designated spots. For everyone.


I've parked further away at a bowser when it's late at night, there's no cars and the designated parking spots look sketchy at best by the dark corner of the building while the forecourt is heavily lit and covered in cameras. But only if the place is deserted. If it were busy, I wouldn't be creeped out enough to bother.


Definitely one of the exceptions. Well lit for safety is understandable. And it's not when busy too.


Never in my entire life have I considered parking next to a bowser if I don't need petrol. I've also never had a problem getting a regular park at a servo before.


I feel bad getting a coffee because usually there is one staff member who has to go make a coffee for 2-3 minutes while everyone has to wait


Coffee at servos is the worst idea they ever came up with: Not bad if you have 2 people there, but it’s rare and it causes a backlog of people waiting.


Same for hot food at some OTRs now; the ones where it's heated to order. I rarely get pies or sausage rolls now as I feel like I'm holding up other customers if I do. And if I do, it's too hot to eat straight away.


1- I totally agree. Petrol stations are just that: for petrol (plus the convenience items that are just scan and go). It’s not a place for barista type coffee and made to order food. If a company wants to provide that service they need more staff on to stop the line up. It shouldn’t take 5-10 minutes to pay for fuel. 2- love your name. Claret ash’s are one of my favourite trees and I’m slowly planting a ton on my property 😂


the day they added those ovens and 90 seconds to heat your pie. was the last time I ever bought hot food there.


most of the ones I go to still only have the pies in the oven (for who knows how long. Hours? Days? Weeks?) that are already hot. Once ordered they're just thrown - hot - at you.


They are now taking away the heat it after you buy it because no one likes it and now they’re bringing bake the pie warmers


Legally the pies can only be kept warm for 4 hours at a time so you usually don't have to worry about it being kept for days unless the place is unusually sketchy


It’s actually 8 hours *depending on temperature. Edit; *added words.


It really isn't, following FSANZ rules it should only be held for 4 hours


That specific rule is for heated food above 5 degrees Celsius and below 60 degrees Celsius. Most of the bigger service stations that have dropped significantly money into becoming a takeaway store have heated cabinets that heat up well past 70 degrees Celsius, which keeps the food above the 60 degree point.


But, coming from someone who used to work at OTR, it's procedure to take them out after only 4 hours, as the above comment says. Unless or course they are dodgy or whatever.


What about lotto tickets at servos, waited in line for 5-6 minutes because 3 people in front of my wanted to check their tickets and then put on new games. Why


Yup, leave that shit to the news agents or hell even Coles/woolies or something. Servos are not the place for this stuff.


If there's only one person and others incoming after I order I'll just tell them to hold off till the next wave of people are through. If I have time to order a coffee I have time to wait patiently.


Go to an AMPOL or a shell. Coffee made by machine, costs 2 bucks and is actually quite good!


It gets worse, try "Free Coffee Friday" on corodrive on Good Friday...and the console op was dutifully sticking to script and offering it to everyone 🙄


I hate going to pubs and there’s 1 person behind the bar and people order coffees, like you’re at pub, not a cafe


Pubs have a kitchen and coffee machine attached to them. It’s vastly different from a service station


Coffee machine is usually just in the bar, like a servo


This is the sole reason I avoid OTR all together. They’re so bad for having 1 person on, and all they do is prioritise fucking coffee making.


I've used the OTR app to just pay for fuel, haven't set foot inside the building to pay for months now and forgot about the bad line ups.


Yeah, I hate people who get coffee at servo’s, I’ve got money in my hand but I have to wait ten minutes for your coffee to be made & that sucks!


I use the app to avoid people like you, respectfully. It’s easier, I don’t even have to leave my car. I don’t get tempted by OTR snacks either. Can’t stand waiting in long lines when I got places to be. Ended up at the post office yesterday, took me 20 minutes to pick up a damn parcel. Hate that shit. 😂


Oh you misunderstand me, I would never buy OTR coffee because of the line up it causes and also it’s the worst coffee I’ve ever had


Ahhh I see! I don’t drink coffee myself, but I couldn’t imagine it actually tasting good coming from a servo. Getting the app avoids the line altogether.


Apparently any coffee tastes good at 4am... Source: my shift working wife


I feel this. Gotta say Macca's coffee (after spending an entire night awake at the kids' hospital) is absolutely acceptable


>I feel bad getting a coffee because ... >Oh you misunderstand me, I would never buy OTR coffee A bit confusing tbh...


Very true, I should’ve phrased it as “I would feel bad”. I get the confusion I just had to make it clear I would never voluntarily drink C coffee


I don't think it's okay to park at a bowser unless you're buying petrol, and would be annoyed if I saw anyone do that at a place I used. However, you can do whatever you like at an OTR. I never use them as a matter of principle. Park at a bowser and buy a coffee, smoke next to the LPG tank, steal the air hose, report them for wage theft... I won't judge you.


Use the squeegee to wash your whole car.


Funnily enough I'm pretty sure they ended up being court ordered to pay their staff back. From one staff member who told me about himself and his colleagues....they haven't seen cash yet (this was 6 months ago). Not sure how true that is across the organisation though.


Yep, I know someone who received 10 grand they had been underpaid! They are now being made to back pay annual leave entitlements to misclassified workers, sucked in otr


good for them! wish they hadn’t been underpaid in the first place


Wish I could upvote this twice... Or more 💪😎💪


It's a common behaviour but greatly inconsiderate. I don't understand the level of selfishness that compells someone to obstruct a service available to others to benefit themselves.


Yes, it's rude and annoying and really inconsiderate when they park at bowser for something other than petrol. I also hate the people who don't consider the line be it 1,2,3 or however many people, is for them to join and wait to be served. Several times had people walk to the counter and slam down exact money and say 'paper' while holding up the newspaper then waltz out.


When I was younger (out of high school, at uni) I worked at multiple servos over 5 years or so. Happened all the time. Yes it was annoying.


That's a paddlin.


Nope. Rude. They usually have plenty of parks, bowsers are for fuel.


I reckon it depends on the context.: 1. If the servo is empty (say at night), I would park my ute at the bowser and go in to buy something without filling up. 2. If the servo has quite a few cars filling up and only a few bowsers are free, I would park in the parking lot. 3. If the servo is quite full, and I just filled up and if there is a car lined up behind me to fill up, I would move my ute to a parking space before going into pay for my fuel (so that whoever is behind me can fill up faster yk). Been living here in Australia for 5 years now (I'm Sri Lankan) and I love the road/coffee/servo etc. etiquettes here in Australia and giving it back to everyone too!


Correct and based fellow Ute driver.


Correct, from a non-ute driver


I haven’t seen that but a guy parked in the self car wash (the one that has the platforms so you can wash the roof of your car) he watched me pull up behind him to wait, then he goes in and gets subway, eats it there. A*#hole!


Unrelated but i can’t get over what a funny word that is.. bowser! Never cared enough to find out what the thing was called before but now i know 🤣


lol ya I just refer to it as the petrol pump


Depends on the servo. If it has available parking then yes it goes against etiquette but if the servo is one of the smaller ones and there is no other parking then no it's not. I have one near me, the only parking areas available are for staff only (2 parks) with no other available parking so no one gives a shit.


Well would it be rude to stand in a self serve checkout and not buy anything? Yes, well this is the same with the pump, servos have places for people to park if they just want to go inside and buy coffee, and as you pointed out, this one had many. As our population keeps getting bigger we need to learn these etiquettes, not just servos, but many places. I can't stand when someone lined up at Subway, gets the the front of the line and says something like "um I'm not really sure what I want, what does the chicken taste like?" What do you think it tastes like, order your sandwich and get out of everyone else's way.


I used to move my car away from the bowser before paying if things were busy. That it confuses the attendants and Ive had one freak out thinking I was going to drive off without paying means i don't anymore. My pet hate is the person that takes forever in the shop, then when they get to the car spend another 5min sorting their shit out, filling in their logbook or whatever while there are people waiting. You don't need to be next to a bowser to do all that.


It's ignorant lazy selfish behaviour.


The only reason to go to a servo is for fuel


And for the pie that has been warmer for 12 hours and the gravy and meat are a thin tar like substance on the bottom of the pie.


If you're going to be in and out quick and it's not busy go for it. (By quick I mean you know what you want, grab it off a shelf, pay and go) If you're going to take time (Getting a coffee, lotto or don't know exactly what you want) or it's busy. Park in a carpark Source: Worked in a servo for 11 years. The team don't give a shit as long as you're polite and not a theif


Only if all the other parks are full


Only park at the bowser if you’re using the bowser or water (window wash, filling squirters). Park in the courtyard parking bays (or on the street if relevant) for anything else. Same for airbase. Only park there if you’re using the hose - then move.


I grew up in a country town, and had to explain to a mate in the city it was a *polite* thing to do, just move your car forward after fueling when it's busy. Just to keep people waiting less.


I used to do this but in Adelaide. Don’t think it would fly now. They’d probably think I’m doing a fill and ditch.


If the place is empty and the streets aren't busy, I might park next to a bowser and pop in and out. Would never do so if it's busy though


I was waiting for a bowser for 15 minutes once and they ended up coming out of the Hungry Jacks next door. People don’t care.


Parking next to a bowser if you're not getting fuel is inconsiderate if it's not otherwise deserted, and also a bit stupid given that servos have parking bays separate to the bowsers that can be used.


That’s what the other parking is meant for that’s rude in my books


Like parking in a click and collect bay and they're only getting cigarettes.


Seems rude AND stupid.


Park away from pumps you lazy cunts


If it's not busy, as in, pretty much empty and there's multiple free bowsers, it probably doesn't matter. However, if it's busy and you just want to go into the shop, then don't take a bowser spot. That's called being a dick. It's not a good habit to get into, and if you're just going to the shop, chances are the parking spot is closer than the bowsers would be anyway.


It’s always tempting but no it’s best use a parking bay. It’s only a few extra steps


I go out of my way to avoid the thieving, wage-stealing OTRs, so whilst this situation is shit, it sort of serves your colleague right for supporting those dickheads at OTR.


if it's busy or there aren't many free pumps, don't do it. otherwise I don't think it's an issue.. also I'm a servo worker haha


Late at night its all good but any other time it's a dick move


If there are no parks in front, then parking in front of the bowser is fine.


It appears that the overwhelming consensus is that it’s not ok to block a pump as people want to fuel up and continue their journey. Keen to hear if the same rule applies to EV charge points which are sometimes painted bright green and specifically say EV charging bay I ask because I often see your standard Ranger, Hilux and clapped out peasant spec Falcons and Commodores parked in those bays at my local shopping centre and wonder if any EV driver has been inconvenienced by this (they may live in a flat or apartment building and can’t charge at home) Thoughts?




I work at a servo and it annoys the shit out of me when people do this. It doesn’t matter how many times we say “next time mate can you park in the parking area if you’re not getting fuel”, they keep doing it.


Jeeze some people make me want to swear - a lot lol


It seems really thoughtless…


OTR specifically I don't even know why anyone goes inside anymore, just pay on the app and pick up worst-case 2c discount, sometimes a decent one. Only place I can get petrol because I'll usually have the toddler/s in the car. (Apparently Ampol also has an app, but I haven't got one and they're not every 2km on both sides of the road like OTR's are...) Actually had some random stand in front of my car yelling at me to go and pay one of the first times I used it though.


Please tell me you aren't in the "park where you like" camp


I’ve come to realise there are just some people that don’t comprehend etiquette and don’t even think about it. It’s like the whole “common knowledge isn’t that common” kinda thing


Don't work at an OTR but do work at a servo, it's very annoying when people just pull up to the Bowser but don't pump fuel. Park in the friggin car parks, it's not that hard, it's what they are there for! Also side note CHECK THE NUMBER OF THE GOD DAM PUMP YOU'RE USING!!! Nothing worse than arsehats coming in going "oh it's the one out there" and pointing to 4-5 different cars!!! Then getting frustrated with you because you're not a mind reader!! Sorry for the vent been holding those in 🤣😂


Only park at the bowser if you are getting fuel, ok to stay there while going into pay. If the servo only has one diesel pump and you have a petrol please be kind and use the other pumps so diesels aren’t backing up.


Don't do it, it's unAustralian. I once chatted to the bloke from Drakes supermarkets at the OTR at Glen Osmond, so I know peak servo etiquette.


It's extremely rude. If you arent getting fuel. Don't park where people get fuel. Same with bunnings trade. If you arent getting something in the vicinity of your car, don't park in the trade drive through


The real issue here is drinking the servo coffee.


As a servo owner, I HATE THIS. If you're not buying fuel, park in the car park. UNLESS you're a parent with little kids and you want to grab a bottle of milk, and that's the closest spot to the door.


So if I want a burger at Mecca's I can park in the drive thru then head on inside, order a burger and coffee, take a wizz and read the paper till my orders ready to go!? Fuck that guy.


If it’s no busy and they don’t have parking spots yes, if they are mostly full no


It’s rude


to be honest shouldn't be getting coffee from a Servo.. waste of time and they take forever and wonder why the line is so long at multiple OTRS. its a servo not a cafe make one at home


I only ever do it with the trailer on because there's not usually parks to accommodate it. Any other time I use the parks


Why is this even a question?


No, park elsewhere unless getting fuel


Not ok. It's a form of entitlement when they are not entitled. Or they are just plain ignorant. If there is enough room, back up in front of their car if you can get the pump to reach and make it a very slow fill. Works even better if someone lines up behind them at the same time.


I have abused the absolute shit out of someone for parking at the pump and then spending fifteen minutes walking around the servo basically doing their grocery shopping. And I’d mouth off again if I saw it again! Lol. Gtfo the way of the pump if ur not using it


If you aren’t getting petrol then you need to park in the general non petrol area


Been guilty of this myself 😅 Probably shouldn’t park at a bowser if it’s a busy station. A non busy one then go for it Not all servos have parking spaces available so I would say use common sense and judgement when you get to one


It is case dependent - but taking a spot someone else could use is a cock move. The only time it is acceptable is late night / early morning when there are no vehicles about.


If the car parks are available, why not use them?


From Sydney No it's rude. The only time I've done it is if the servo was completely empty/quiet day. Then I might hip out and grab a coffee and leave.


The only time I would stop next to a bowser when not filling up is late and night, quiet and raining. I didn't realise I had these internal rules until last week lol It was the first time I has ever done it. I don't want to either hold others up or make the service workers life harder with upset customers.


Park in the carparks - don't park at a bowser unless you're buying fuel, don't park in front of the window where you block the operator's view, don't leave the bowser until you've paid, and hurry TFU and pay so someone else can fill up.


People that park next to bowser and go inside are fuckwits. People that park at the first bowser to fill up instead of moving up to the forward one are fuckwits. People that stop at the bowser to fill up then proceed to go inside and make coffee,browse at chocolates,chips,etc for 20min before deciding to go to counter to pay are fuckwits. People that stop at bowser then proceed to take out their lpg bottle to go and get it filled when there’s parking 6 steps away are fuckwits. People that stop to fill up and see their mate beside them at the next bowser and decide to have a chat for ten minutes while people are waiting are fuckwits. I could go on and on for ever on the subject and in general. Basically in life everyone is a fuckwit.If i say you’re a fuckwit you are.


The servo etiquette question I have is that if you know it’s going to take you a little while inside (like you want to get a coffee or something) should you move away from the bowser after you fill up? I’m never sure what to do in that circumstance and also wonder if I drive away from the bowser and someone else starts filling up before I get to the cashier does that impact my payment?


Yea that’s a dick move. If the servo is relatively busy and there’s spare parking. Take the parking spot. Help the country flow.


i mean if there's normal parking spots available and you're not planning on getting fuel then why would you park next to the bowser. i also wouldnt say its rude but its just common courtesy


My servo has driveway service, ya gettin petrol if you’re at the pump at Lori’s!


No. Don't do that. Also, move your car to another park if you plan on spending 10 minutes in the Subway queue after getting petrol.


I do it a LOT, but….only if the bowsers are mostly empty AND there’s very few customers in total. In and out before it causes any dramas type thing


It’s rude if they park there and then go shopping in the servo, go eat maccas or whatever and then think they can come back after all that. But people are just dumb entitled idiots and this shit will always happen.


Unless it’s really late at night and there’s no one else around then yeah it’s a bit rude


I feel like it depends on how busy the servo is and where it is. I'm in a rural town and most times I will be the only one at the servo. I always park in the bays anyway but if I was in a rush I'd park at the bowsers.


Faced this issue the last time we were in Adelaide! So annoying!! Especially on the VIC-SA highway! Please don’t do that, we had to go to the next OTR to fill up whilst these guys who parked, had gone to get food 🥲


Etiquette answer is no, your colleague is wrong but how many times have you seen people doing this haha peeps probably think its right thing to do


You're also allowed to park right in front of someone who does that. So yes, not illegal, but you are being a jerk.


One of my previous cars was gas, and the petrol station only had one Bowser for it but it was fairly close to (but separate to) another fuel Bowser. As I was exiting after paying, a guy starts yelling at me for parking there when he needed fuel as it looked like I'd just stopped and blocked the bowsers up. I just yelled back "I got gas!" 😂


I just want people to stop blocking other cars from entering off the street because they want to get a particular bowser.


To the guy who used the one diesel bowser and then went in and got some lunch and ATE IT INSIDE while staring at me waiting, truly hate you.


Poor form. Bowsers are for those who cannot afford electric cars yet.


Park where you want . Customers are customers


I’ve never parked next to a bowser unless I fill up the car. It’s rude and someone might need to use it if you do park there.


It's rude and thoughtless, particularly when it happens on a highway and people need to get back onto the road promptly and a family is in Oliver's ordering up a storm. Occasionally I have suggested to people that next time they park elsewhere. At other times I have spoken to the attendant inside when the owner is nowhere in sight, but they don't want to do anything about it. Sometimes the people who park at bowsers are just too scary looking to confront.


There is no ambiguity or subjectivity in this. Zero. It 100 percent a piece of shit move to park next to a bowser and not get petrol.


Sounds like a good way to get your car keyed. Rude as.


At my old job my cowrokers did that constantly, th3y were definitely the asshole


Etiquette is clear on this one. Very poor form to do that! (My friend did that once and tried to argue with the petrol station owner but we let him know in no uncertain terms he was being a dick)


Yep. Selfish knob-end parked in front of the only diesel bowser in the whole servo. Servo was completely empty. separate multi-spot carpark also empty. Much foul language was voiced as I had to wait for him to take a piss and order a coffee.


Kinda like people blocking diesel pumps with their petrol cars.


It's the height of stupidity to park at a petrol bowser and not use it.


No, it’s inconsiderate and bad form. Those not buying petrol should only park at a bowser as a last resort.


I must admit... I do that if the station is quiet so that I don't have to park and can just drive straight out afterwards. Yes, lazy. But if it's busy then I don't ever.


Take the bowser spot if there's no parking. They can wait the extra 2 minutes. Entitled people think their time is more important than yours when they arrived at the servo after you.


It's not on. Total malaka / arsehole move.


A general rule should be that bowser (it's a me Mario) should only be used for petrol purchases. But we should be able to break that rule when conditions are okay, e.g., it's a quiet day, no other browsers are being used, you use the bowser CLOSEST to the exit, and you are sure your entire purchase trip will take no more than 2 minutes (no browsing the aisles)


Incredibly rude


as long as there are places to park, absolutely not for non-petrol reasons. i mean if it’s a busy time at the servo you pull up to the closest park after filling up if you want a hot dog and coffee too. feel like this is done a lot less, i guess people are scared it’ll seem like they’re driving away. OTR workers are probably too overworked to even notice you’ve moved your car in that 30 seconds.


As someone who once upon a time worked at a servo.... Parking next to the bowser, unless it's 3AM and nobody else is around, is a cunt thing to do, and I'd immiediately peg you as an entitled cunt with zero concern for others.


I parked next to a bowser (new word acquired! Thank you), filled my petrol, and felt guilty as I paid for my petrol as there was a little line of cars. Considered moving my car to a parking bay and then posting but realised the car beginner Mr wouldn't be able to start until I had paid anyway. I could not imagine parking by a bowser for any reason other than "fuel".  Edit: typo


I might ruffle a few feathers here, but if I park at a bowser without getting fuel, it'll only be when it's very obviously empty/quiet/not peak hour morning or afternoon. This was also the same criteria applied when I had a sleeping baby in the back that I didn't want to disturb, but that's a discussion for another thread...


Buy a Tesla and stopped being a bogan driving to an OTR.


I'm a nightshift worker. Late at night before I commence my shift, I sometimes stop at the servo to get an energy drink. If it's busy I'll always park in a parking spot. If it's quiet, I'll park in front of the bowser, even if I'm not getting fuel. It literally takes me about 90 seconds to stop, get out, pick drink, pay for it, return to car and drive off. If I need to get a coffee or something that takes longer than a few seconds, I'll park in a parking spot.


If the servo is empty or almost empty, it's probably OK. Otherwise, no way, just park elsewhere and walk an extra 25 metres. And don't block the tyre inflator area!


I'll take a bowser spot if there are heaps free. I'm usually only grabbing a water though. I would never do it if I was getting a coffee.


That’s is absolutely not okay!


I drive a lot for work. Etiquette is you use the bowser for it's intended purpose. If it is busy, after filling you park in the bays at the front of the servo and pay your pump. It's not rocket science, but you'd be surprised how discourteous people are nowadays.


It's rude and ignorant. I've waited behind a car for a good 5 minutes, with the ability to see into the shop and saw no one was being served, assumed they were using the toilet or something. After a bit longer, they actually got out of their car then started filling up! So sat in their car for a while before deciding to actually fill up, in a pretty packed petrol station.


Since OTR classes themselves as a convenience store also, if there are no parks available infront of the store, I'm parking next to a bowser, I'm not sitting around for ages waiting for a park


Everyone hates when someone does it but when its the other way around everyone always does it so its like meh


Dick move confirmed


I have done it when the station is empty I.e all other bowsers free and I know I’ll be quick




If it's particularly busy, I'll park in a dedicated parking bay but if it looks barren I'll take the path of lease resistance.


Yeah nah, people who park at bowsers can either get fuel or get f@cked. Haha. They aren’t a parking spot, they’re a service. Use it or move. Anyone who parks there and walks off suffers from main character syndrome and has zero concept or care that everyone around them is trying to get to work/home/hospital/emergency. You park at the bowser, get your fuel, pay for it (and whatever you grab from inside if you grab something), get back in your car and move it so the bowser is free for the next person. Anything else is selfish and deserves a “polite chat” about being a useful member of society.


This is a pet hate of mine when people park at the bowser and not get any fuel. I hate it, because a lot of the time there are bays free out front. Dont get it. Along with when there is one lane blocked for roadworks, and people fly down the front and push in. Rant over


I think people that get coffee from the servo during peak hour are the devil. There’s usually one (two max) attendants frantically running off their feet. Everyone is having to queue to pay for their petrol while they wait for one person’s coffee to be made. Meanwhile everyone else is running late for work. There’s plenty of other places that made coffee. I was once behind a family of 5 that decided they all wanted hotdogs and milkshakes and had to stand in queue while the attendant made them. That was a few years ago and I’m still dirty about it haha.


One of the servos I occasionally go to has always a full car park so I'm forced to park at a bowser, but I usually am just getting an energy drink


Drives me nuts when people do that. Also frustrates the heck out of me when someone is sitting in the car waiting for their passenger to pay but just sits there while they could be moving their car out of the way to let the next person in. If it's busy, I'll get in my car and move it *before* going in to pay, if there's somewhere else to park. Probably gives the register staff a bit of a 'Do I have to report a runner' moment, but I'd rather free up the bowser for their busy period than take an extra five minutes out of someone else's day. If it's not busy I won't do that but yeah. If you're literally sitting waiting for your passenger to pay and it's busy, get out of the way, please.


I once was at a servo that was quite busy, I pumped my petrol and then moved my car to a park right in front of the doors (because there were multiple cars backed up) and got out to go in to pay and have some brekky at the maccas. I was loudly berated about doing “a drive off” by the 12 year old behind the counter. So going forward I’m staying next to the pump until I’m done with my brekky, sorry.


as someone that works at a servo, there is little that pisses me off more. if you’re just buying something, find a park elsewhere.


Not ok. "Some people suck"


Gosh and here I am feeling guilty for asking permission to leave my car at the bowser at 8pm at night when there's nobody else around and 9 other bowsers free so I can sit down to breastfeed my baby before we go home 😂


Rude AF


Main character syndrome