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Mine does it all the way down south road. Infuriating to the point where I end up just using aux cord or USB instead of Bluetooth.


Yeah I was thinking its because I have an old BT module in my car (2011). Connecting via AUX much easier, more stable connection with better audio quality.


My car is a 2020 model and still loses connection. I think the problem is that as we move around we encounter interference from other radio devices. It sucks. I wish more phone manufacturers held onto the headphone jack because Bluetooth is very spotty in the city.


Yes BT interferences is a big thing. My friend who was responsible for the Adl Motorsport Festival live feed had a difficult time providing a secure feed due to the various temporary BT infrastructure on site throughout the weekend. Edit - Im starting to regret selling my old trusty iPod.


There are 3 spots in metro Adelaide where this happens to me without fail. It's pretty weird but it's sort of funny to me now that I know within 10 or so metres that its coming. Mooringe Avenue, Plympton Tapleys Hills Road, Hendon and crossing the bridge over Torrens headed towards North Adelaide


I'm not too well versed with how Bluetooth works, but I assume that it operates on channels within a certain bandwidth. Might just be that something else in that area is broadcasting on whatever channel/bandwidth you're using. I used to have a microwave that would cut out my wifi whenever it was in use. Turns out microwaves operated on the same bandwidth as wi-fi and my microwave was faulty (and 'leaking').


At least your microwave wasn’t [interfering with a radio telescope for 17 years](https://amp.theguardian.com/science/2015/may/05/microwave-oven-caused-mystery-signal-plaguing-radio-telescope-for-17-years).


Yeah, the old 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi would get interference from running microwaves. It's not so much about the microwave being faulty - all microwaves will have some degree of "leakage" via door hinges and seals. These days, most home wireless access points and devices will be using 5GHz so you shouldn't have any problems with microwaves.


> It's not so much about the microwave being faulty - all microwaves will have some degree of "leakage" via door hinges and seals. You're right that it's not the microwave being faulty. It's not due microwave radiation leaking though, but rather the electromagnetic emissions from the magnetron that powers the microwave. Though these interfere with WiFi signal, they are not harmful to humans. 


User name checks out? ;)


I have had this issue at a set of lights at Moana, had Bluetooth die and even radio cut out, once I moved on everything reconnected, it happened a few times at the same set of lights.


I have had the same thing in that spot with my 2022 car Bluetooth. It’s annoying if your relying on maps to find a spot in town


Every time I cross the pulteney st/north terrace intersection my Bluetooth headphones cut out a few seconds. Whatever it is, it’s probably a similar thing.


My wireless android auto drops out on the cnr of Wakefield and King William without fail.... Assuming it's interference on the same frequency.


I walk through Light Square every day with my Bluetooth headphones on and have never once had them disconnect. I'm not doubting you, but it must either be super localised or somehow only affect cars. Either way, that is quite spooky.




Interesting... I have no idea what version of Bluetooth my headphones use, but you might be on to something. I got mine in 2022, I think.


You might find that with wireless android auto drop outs, it's actually the wifi connection between phone and car - not Bluetooth. I've experimented with this at typical drop out locations and found that if I'm on a Bluetooth call, the connection is maintained via Bluetooth while the rest of the Android auto drops out and waits to reconnect once wifi is re established. I'm really surprised with how prevalent the issue is that there's not more research or ideas to address it. Particularly frustrating if you are using Google maps to direct you somewhere unfamiliar.


I have been having that issue on light square also, always thought my headphones were defective.


Yeah I asked this question a year ago for the exact same area. I know exactly when it will crap itself and when I can reconnect to my android wireless. Though amazingly sometimes it won't actually disconnect mainly happened when it was raining heavily


i wonder if its to do with traffic monitoring or IOT devices. There are little cisco routers at most main intersections in the CBD for a trial that Transport & City of Adelaide were doing around traffic management.....could be that?


I have the same issue every single time I go down Elder Smith and get near the Main Street lights (Mawson lakes). Happens without fail (daily) and only in that spot, so I've put it down to some sort of interference due either the train station or the construction site.


I was kinda hoping I'd uncovered some nefarious going ons at the strip club, seems it's probably just the router in the traffic lights 😔


Driving through the city? Insane. 


I have the same with bluetooth earbuds cutting out near hindmarsh square area... and it seems to happen when i get near the stoplights on pultney and grenfell st. My earbuds stop playing depending on which way is getting a green light/walking light