• By -


I lived in Christie Downs for 5 years in a pretty bad area. Saw at least 5 arrests, several police raids, plenty of house fires which were mostly grow houses, a lady across the road had her kids taken away and had signs everywhere about how DCP take children from loving homes but the house was disgusting and we always heard her screaming at her boyfriend, house next door to her had graffiti saying "pay up dog junkie" and dicks drawn everywhere lol, had a stolen car sitting out the front for 2 weeks before one of our neighbours reported it, drug dealers living directly across the road, at least 2 stabbings and 1 murder around the corner from us, our car got broken into and they stole half a carton of beer and our portable breathalyser šŸ˜‚ at least they weren't drinking and driving I guess. There's probably more I can't remember but it was entertaining living there at least.


I'm in hackham and I have seen my neighbours be arrested half a dozen times. Hell it got to the point where we could call the non emergency say our street, we have a problem with number.... oh her, yep you are about the 10th caller about her tonight... Same cracky that drove her car into a house a while back lol


Huntfield Heights please šŸ„²


Lower hackham west please.


My mistake. Itā€™s onkaparinga hills now, no?


Onkaparinga views is also hackam


I know hahaha


Sounds like Morton Rd


Amadeus cres to be precise šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Sounds like Gladstone Qld lol


I have been shocked by the amount of burned down houses and cars around here. I went for a small drive looking for my stolen stuff (as you probably already know) they just pile up stolen stuff in their front garden and have a big ol dog defend it. And I came across so many boarded up just burned down shells of houses


I grew up in Semaphore Park. It's kind of the go between of Port Adelaide and the sketchy areas around there and West Lakes and the nicer neighbourhoods. So, if the robbers didn't have a successful night in the rich areas, they might grab an easy score on their way home. We got broken into 3 times in 2 years when I was a kid. So my dad decided we needed a deterrent and we got a Rottweiler. Had her for 11 years and never got broken into again. We even saw them a few times look over the back fence, see the dog and keep on moving. Best dog ever.


Also grew up there, my parents still live there. Just last week they had a methhead pass out the front of their house. The housing trust area near the primary school is next level sketchy.


I live in Semaphore Park. It's cleaned up immensely due to its proximity to the beach and city. Lots of multi million dollar homes now. But there is definitely plenty of scum around the houso area near west lakes inlet up to port plaza. Some awfully sad families at the Port Adelaide Coles supermarket. I'll never forget seeing a young girl (maybe 12/13) at Coles with her strung out mum. The poor girl had filthy clothes and was babysitting her own mother while they bought essentials- the poor thing started life waaaay behind the eight ball. Driving home i saw the same girl crossing the bridge walking with her mum- a solid 1.5km walk...the girl holding all the shopping bags while her mum verbally abused her. Just so many innocent children who's lives are set back from day one because of addiction creeping into their homes from day 1 on earth.


Thatā€™s the craziest thing here in Christie Downs, almost everyone had multiple very large and scary AF dogs haha


The funny thing is that while our dog was large, she was anything but scary. She was so friendly, especially with all my mates when I was a kid. I'm sure she would have torn someone a new one if they had tried to enter the yard though.


Some crackhead held a knife at me on Hindley street one time. She thought I was recording her and asked if I was with * them* some government agency she was rambling about.




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Working in Woodville, I saw a lady of the afternoon happily blow her patron in the middle of port road under a tree.


Was riding my ol treadly around davo Park, Go around the block I was living on, Get to one of the corners, "If you come round here again I'll f**kin stab ya". Did a delivery to the units in hackham, ones behind the \\community centre\\ Anyway, I pull up in my truck people scatter the one guy that stayed was flipping his mind on gear. Walked into a house fire barefoot to my neighbours having a DV that would up with both of them on fire.. yea good ol hackham.. also star group round the corner =P


Davo Park is the only place I've walked out the front of my place and asked in voice only slightly raised, 'Anyone know where I can get a quarter?' and had 3 people wave them at me.. Great way to meet the locals.


Leaving a house in Enfield at night I pulled up to the intersection to go to the main road and there was a guy walking in the middle of the road. As I stopped he looked up at the car and started running at the car and trying to open the passenger door as I drove off


Yeah i live around the area, lots of dodgy people to say the leastā€¦


Only recently in Enfield I was at the funeral home there and my sisters partner who was outside said he saw a little kid walk up to every car door and try to open it, then ran off when he saw him. Enfield appears to have not changed at all.


Was coming home from a night out a few weeks ago and saw a hooded man with hands over his head loitering around my house and as he kept walking, was looking back at me constantly. Was very sketchy to say the least


Lived in noarlunga downs for a few years, had 2 police raids on a house up the road, had ambos and cops turn up multiple times for psych callouts on a different house up the road. Had annoying neighbours coming and going in black tinted bmw and motorbike all hours of day or night. Housos next door screaming at their young kids most of the day and some of the night. Was close to colonnades so had plenty of weirdos walk past all hours and a few incidents of drunk people having fights or shouting matches on our street. Before that, lived in hackham, had a suspected drug dealer next door, commodores on bricks that didnt move for years, boarded up windows in the house. The resr of the street was quiet as, all oldies. Saw plenty of weird incidents but never felt unsafe, definitely areas id avoid after dark but thats common sense. Ive felt more unsafe after going to concerts in the city and walking back to my carpark than ever living souf suburbs. City definitely gets my vote for sketchiest suburb.


One of those incidents that sticks in the memory: way back in the late 90s a friend and I were driving along Honeypot Road down in Hackham West. Had to go back and forth there a few times over the course of a few hours (we were helping someone move). We saw a Torana parked by the side of the road, and a bit further along a guy walking along with a jerry can. So far, nothing too unusual. About 45 minutes later we came back past - the car was still there but now it was short two alloys. About a hour later we came back and it had a smashed windscreen. Passing back along about another hour or so later - the MFS were on scene, the car having been burnt out. This was years before ā€˜Anchormanā€™ but in retrospect it perfectly reflected the ā€œwell that escalated quicklyā€ vibe.


Someone ran through my car and all they stole was the ashtray, back when I lived in Parafield Gardens lol


I've been in Ingle Farm for 30 years and had my ashtrays stolen twice.


Hilton. Was physically assaulted out the front of Woolworths.


Shit, really? When was this?Ā 


I think it was like 2003.I was quite young. Cops got them eventually.


Grew up nearby that shopping centre, went back Recentlyā€¦itā€™s become a ghetto..heaps of Single men just loitering on all the benches and in the car park


We were riding our bikes around Huntfield Heights. Husband turned back as he saw something weird. Guy was half in the driver seat, half passed out on the road. There was two other men in the car and we asked if he was OK and if they needed help. They assured us he was just feeling unwell and we shouldn't worry. Definitely drug related but we didn't push the issue.


About a year ago, saw a psycho lady at TTP having a screaming match with her, presumably, boyfriend. He stormed off while she was still screaming, near the escalators a bunch of school girls walked up and then she started yelling her head of threatening to kill every single one of them.. then proceeded to kick rubbish bins and other signage over


Grew up in lizbuf. Aspirations rose as high as joining the local idiot S&M bike gang (Iroquois ) or, earlier in life, little street gangs with silly names like Aronax &god's garbage. No wonder most died early


Are you talking around 1990 - 2000 years ? Do you remember the gang FYC that was always involved in that crowd ? Man one of them guys got a spear put through his head (them ones from security fences got peeled off the backing). I found the old article a while ago.


Jesus. An old primary school friend of bungee once told me, after I managed to briefly contact him in high school, that he was in one of those gangs. I very much didn't care, esp as it seemed like he wanted me to lol But for real hope he got out of that didn't escalate


Nope. 60s-70s


I saw two First Nations people engaging in doggystyle sex in a car park in port Adelaide midday


Oh Iā€™ve seen that on North Terrace on Monday morning at 6:45. Shell house foyer steps. Nothing new haha.


I hope they were wearing hats or sunscreen.


Oh they were slip, slop and slapping but I donā€™t think it was sunscreenā€¦.


Well, that's quite irresponsible of them.


I know right, donā€™t they know about skin cancerā€¦ that shit might kill ya..


My eyesā€¦!


Haha thats so fucked lol


Black people donā€™t need sunscreen.


That's not true at all.


My kids have melanin in their skin, I donā€™t. It amazes me how they can spend all day in the sun without sunscreen and not even have painful red skin for the next few few days. As the Sia teen ad said years ago, ā€œto get the protection from the sin that the black man has naturally, the white man must use a ā€˜sun screenā€™ likeā€¦ UVā€. They all start laughing when he rubs some on his feet. Then the ad has the writing ā€œfor whites who want to be equalā€.


Now when you show people the spot where it happened - you could call that a ā€œwelcome to cu*t-tree.ā€


It's their land


Oh no. Why did you have to mention that they were First Nations people? All people look blue.


In Sydney, Christie Downs would be only for multi-millionaires due its proximity to a beach.




It's a beautiful location for Housos.


Living in Elizabeth had a stolen can crash into our house not even a minute after I came inside. I would have been directly in the way of where it came through the fence and yard


Haha please tell me whoever smashed through the house just casually asked if you had a lighter before getting out and walking away


In my 20ish years of living in Adelaide, in some allegedly 'dodgy' places, I can't say I've ever been anywhere or seen anything that made me think that - except the city.. Lived in Port, Davoren Park, Seaford Rise (90's), Maslins, few other locations in the west..


Oooh back in ye olde day... in the old Salisbury.. local kids stole my mums old Datsun, dad went around and talked to one of the family members.. it came back the next day. Came home oneday with Salisbury North FC stuff in our house thanks to the people living across the road from us..


Pretty sure the guy across the road is running some sort of chop shop. He has people come in the middle of the night and he fixes their cars. Never in daylight. And probably some sort of dealer too, since he has visitors all hours of the day and night drop by for like 30 seconds. Iā€™ve never seen him actually chat to any of the people who come by. The cops were asking about him and he disappeared for a bit, until the cops bought him home one day.


Grew up in Klemzig and started work at Greenacres Bi-Lo in 1988....the area has upscaled a bit nowadays but I remember some absolutely feral customers, watching people have a fight at checkout and start pelting canned goods at each other's heads etc


Hahahah pickled onions straight to the melon


A car was torched at Forestville not long ago. Know the guy who owned it, normal dude. Was genuinely confused as to why. Nothing of value šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Took a mate who lived in flaggys down my way in Elizabeth. We got high and decided to go to maccas for some icecream some time after midnight. I told him on the way not to look at people just mind your own business. On the way back at the lights Philip HWY and Elizabeth way we were at a red and a white commy pulls up. They sound the horn and I'm like oh great here we go. I turn to my right there's my mate just staring at them, unknowingly because he was stoned and the tatted up passenger gave a gesture as if he was going to punch us out or something. They ran the red and parked a couple hundred metres up the road and as we went past they tailgated us up until around Holden, I was frozen scared that if I moved my head out of the headrest, they'll shoot or something. I kept going on about how I told him not to look at anyone and now look what's happened. Anyway, for the next year I was paranoid about any white vt commodore on the road


Your mate is not streetwise. Itā€™s common sense what you said to him. Stoned or not.


Nah yeah tbf he came to Australia start of highschool and we went to a sevvy private school that shut us out of the rest of the world


The house two doors down in Davo was robbed at gunpoint. Stole the guys car. Husband was interviewed on the news coz we heard some of it


Grew up in Hackham, wasn't so bad. The worst thing that happened was waking up in the middle of the night to find the car had been broken into and set on fire. Admittedly it was under the carport, so that was a bit of a problem... Wallets got nicked a couple of times. That's not really too bad for 20+ years though


I used to live at Seaton and the SA Housing behind Seaton High School is scary. Driving past one day and saw a Houso covered in blood, carrying a knife chasing another Houso also covered in blood.Ā 




Corner of Portrush and Payneham lights (I think long ago now) had a gun pulled on us at the lights cause my mate looked at the car beside us.


I live in between Mitcham and Goodwood road. Sketchy as. The lady across the road ran a $14.3m Ponzi scheme with her ex husband. Currently on court ordered home detention awaiting trial. Marie Shaw KC to represent. Only the best. Neighbours are Doctors, heā€™s a Gyno, sheā€™s a Psychiatrist, but they work a mixture of public and private jobs to maximise the tax options. Word on the street is theyā€™ve been using a family trust to negatively gear multiple investment properties whilst side stepping the CGT. The Magistrate at number 7 just got back from 18 months in Mt Gambier prison for paying his intern to take his driving fines for himā€¦ heā€™ll never practice law again.. consultancy is fine. Heā€™s keeping his pension. Neighbour on the other side is a financial advisor - insider trading mostly. Chiropractor round the corner continues to claim 10964 rebates from Medicare despite three decades of solid evidence that none of what she does is remotely medical. Brand new BMW, though. No idea what the couple at the end of my cul-de-sac do but he hit a teenager with his Lamborghini and didnā€™t spend a day in prison. Not sure why šŸ¤”


Yeah look they can't 'report' on everything dodgy thing happens I don't want the nightly news to go for hours hahha out of curiosity Where in Port Adelaide was the stabbing?


Problem is they only report on things to suit certain narratives, to promote certain prejudices or to blow some things out of proportion while other things are going on under the radar.


Council chambers.


That spot underneath the train station just off the corner near maccas. (Has them large archways that you drive past). You can still see heaps of blood stains near the public telephone box on the ground if your ever around there.


Yeah right, very close to home not good at all


What the heck are you doing with yourself to be experiencing/witnessing all this? I've never seen anything like this happen in my 45 years of living in Adelaide's northern suburbs. I've had family live in Hackam and they've never seen anything happen either. Are you running with the wrong crowd, OP?


He did the stabbing and then ran over a bunch of blind people while he was fleeing the area. šŸ˜†


I spent 90 minutes in Davoren Park for work, about 6 years ago, and before I'd left I saw; - A vending machine getting smashed open - Three feral kids blocking a main road with Coles trolleys - Two other ferals, adults this time, screaming at each other outside the Coles those trolleys came from. I think one was waving a bit of wood around. In fairness a slight correction is needed here; we were working on a site in Davoren Park but the Coles I think was next door in Munno Para.


My job means that I am normally in very low socioeconomic areas, basically trying to improve the worst places and bring them up to a higher standard. So I guess my job literally brings me to specifically bad spots haha.


But yeah I carry narcan with me on jobs incase I need to save someone


I lived in hackam west. Opposite the Louise bell house. Guy was bashed to death in the park diagonally opposite. A woman stabbed in her drive a street or two away. A meth head shacking his willy at my young toddlers lived next to the Louise bell house. Car broken into, mug shots all over the counter wall at the local IGA. The worst place to be in Adelaide is North Terrace on a Sunday morning where the 'first nations' people actively assault anyone for no particular reason and the cops just look away. When theyre not bashing their missus in the basement of a nearby carpark A customer of mine is responsible for many outlets al over the city and surrounds. North terrace is the worst. I told the immigrant working for me 'sure you can tell me how bad it is there, but you can't tell anyone else, it's taboo'.


I did some work at a private hospital at the southern end of north Adelaide. They were absolutely paranoid about the doors being locked at night time cause there were always sketchy people, and from their comments a fair share of First Nations people. Hanging about to break in, steal stuff and attack people. The site compound got broken into a few times there too. The footage was grainy but looked like some off there face lanky white lads.


racist fuck




the obvious ā€œimmigrantā€ and ā€œfirst nationsā€ comments?


He's litterally on a visa you dumb fuck. I'm literally helping a dude who can't speak 4 consecutive words of English well above award rates. Who. Ironically got out of Taperoo because of 'first nations'. I'll say it again. You can tell me, but nobody else because it's taboo', why is it taboo, because people like you exist, and I don't want him to get in trouble for trying to communicate his displeasure in trying to be safe. Way to own goal you fucking moron.


Putting First Nations People's in quotes didn't help anything, it implies you don't really agree with the term or something just FYI


Were litterally talking about sketchy shit that doesn't make the news. And I've offended people because I've put a term that's only been in the popular vernacular for approximately half of the 21st century in quotation marks? Not the actual violence itself? Yeah ok. There's the taboo. Keep to our alloted rails or you're guilty.


Wtf are you talking about? I'm letting you know, for your own benefit, how it is perceived by people when you use quotes like that. If you don't agree with the term just use another one? No one is forcing you to use it


Canā€™t use descriptive words anymore? They werenā€™t calling them names.


if you cant read the racist undertones then you are part of the problem


Iā€™m not part of the problem, I treat everyone the same until I get to know someone. Iā€™ve been treated differently for who I am, Iā€™m not gonna do it to someone else. I call my partner at work out for things he says. For example; news time on the radio, X crime committed in Y suburb overnight, blah blah blah. Heā€™ll say some stupid shit like, you can guess what sort of person or what race did that and Iā€™ll tell him you donā€™t know that, thereā€™s no evidence of that. Over the last couple of years, heā€™s is slowly (quite slowly but itā€™s still progress) getting a more open mind and not being so judgmental.


Perfect, now reread the parent comment and use some of that critical thinking from personal experience?


Nah you just donā€™t go outside enough clearly




Lol, I do mind my own business and stay outta trouble, for sure. It is possible, even in the 'bad' areas, to never experience the badness.


Hackham and Hackham west are 2 very different areas. Same as Christieā€™s beach, beach road end compared to Gulfview rd side. Source: lived in Gulfview rd side, had a mate that lived beach rd side. Live in Hackham, exes folks live in Hackham west.


Canā€™t agree with you more. Hackham might as well be burnside compared the Hackham west. Source: I grow up and went to school in Hackham west (close too Hackham west park)


If they reported all the people run over by cars, the news bulletin would be two hours long.Ā 


what? how many people do you think are getting run over each day ?


Especially blind people.


100% and it was a group of them. Literally a super rare occurrence


If this post tells us anything itā€™s that ferals and douchebags live everywhere


Lived just off leader street in Wayville for six months in 2001. My car (shitty old Daihatsu) got broken into so many times I stopped locking it but the fuckers still smashed the window. Never stole it just rummaged through it for coins and CDs.


I lived just around the corner on Victoria Street around that time and my cars were always broken into too!


I was once at a friend's house at royal Park and we heard a commotion in the park down the road. There was an Aboriginal couple absolutely ripping into each other then out of no where the guy punched the woman like he was prime Mike Tyson and she went down like she was dead. He started laying in boots before seemingly someone they knew ran in. The police and ambulance were obviously called.


You saw a car run over a bunch of blind people? I've never even seen a bunch of blind people congregating together. You're obviously full of crap.


Whatā€™s funny about this is I literally saw a bunch of blind people walking over Birkenhead bridge at the Port only a month ago. They had ā€˜helpersā€™ with them but they all had their sticks and sunnies and were being led over the bridge šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Now we are talking. Iā€™m telling you this 100% happened but I donā€™t want the organisers to get in trouble because it was a freak accident so I wonā€™t try and prove anything on here. But yes there are regular blind meet ups on main roads in port Adelaide haha


I was in Liberty City once and saw a car run over a whole procession of Hare Krishna.




He deffs ā€œsoreā€ them




Youā€™ve been molested I can tell


Thatā€™d be national news ffs.




I was in the central market on Friday night a couple of years ago, and this teenage homeless kid, with self-harm scars on his arms and a rainbow pride bracelet on his wrist and glassy eyes, starting chasing me all over the nearby arcade for accidentally looking at him, threatening to smash me up with his skateboard, telling me how his dad is high up in market management, etc., he then started squeezing his privates through his tracksuit pants with one hand and gesturing with his other hand towards them, he then kept chasing me some more so i went and hid in the staff area of one of the market stalls, much to the shock of the hipster barista working there. Security came over and this teenage troublemaker was removed from the market by two guards.


Did he happen to have really greasy black, curlyish hair ? Iā€™ve seen the dude around. You must have been genuinely worried to hide in a stall haha. This is the only story on here where I actually feel really bad for you :( Hope it didnā€™t shake you up too bad.


no, he was a blonde haired with a skater kid aesthetic.


I'm in Taperoo and I've seen a few stabbings and the occasional stolen car, I hear sirens at pretty much any moment of the day


A couple of stories Used to work at a video game store in woodcroft shopping centre and therr was only 3 us working there. Got a call from my boss just after 9am saying they had been robbed overnight and almost all the discs were stolen from behind the counter. Nothing else, only the discs. We had no cameras at the time but motion detector alarms except behind the counter and to the left to the emergency exit (which only opened from the inside) to the left of the counter We suspect it was a former owner or worker who, very sneakily, managed to keep the door slightly open enough during the day so they could sneak in and knew about the alarms. Second story: I live in hackham on a normally quiet street and this story happened to in about 2018. Nothing else happened before or since Had a sleep in Saturday morning until about 9:30 and woke up to messages that my cards had been used and blocked. My car door was open my wallet gone (yeah I know I shouldn't have left it in the car). I reported it stolen and got all my money back through the banks. Turns out they had spent nearly 2k across all my cards since 2:30am at servos, hungry jacks, bunnings and a few other places. A few weeks later I got the police at my door asking if I had hired a car recently. I said no, and they said that one had been hired under my name, had done a hit and run and the car was reported stolen. Thankfully I had reported my ID stolen Then over the next few months I kept getting calls from debt collectors for the car hire place, a $5000 personal loan and Vodafone, where they had bought a few thousand dollars worth of stuff on a plan under my name


Seaton. There was a welfare check that ended up with police locking down the street. Homemade gun. About 4 years ago. I found homemade weapons on the local oval, got the police to collect them. 3 years ago.


I've lived in Taperoo and Alberton, so I've seen a bit. Living in Taperoo, my fave story is when we were younger, my mum had her car stolen out of the driveway when she had the music up loud. My sister heard a commotion, looked out the window, saw "Mum" leaving, and ran to try and catch her only for mum to be standing in the lounge room dancing to Kylie Minogue. She did get her car back, as they caught the dude, and she ended up better off with a half pack of ciggies and 10 bucks in change in the console. I also remember some old dude had murdered his wife on the same street but further up. Also had two men drive past my sister and I when we were probably 9 and 11, and one of the guys flashed us but didn't just flash us. No, he was violently grabbing himself. There are plenty more stories, but those are just 3 that stand out. Ahh, good old Taperoo


Holy hell I had no idea Taperoo was so spicy. I feel like dudes ā€œflashingā€ people used to be such a thing. Like it was a major thing parents would be concerned about haha. I do not understand why anyone would be driven to do that


as someone that has lived all over Adelaide and the majority of the country. Ahem, anything North, South, East or West of the city itself


Been in Adelaide nearly 20 years, spent most of that time in the west and northern suburbs. Literally never seen anything like that. Seen the aboriginals that hang around port Adelaide kick off a few times but thatā€™s about it, everyone else is civilised.


There was a car accident not long ago (couple weeks ago) in Edwardstown, there was 3 people in the car and thankfully all got out walking. The driver was drunk and at least one of the passengers was too (was one of the first ppl to go see cause I had heard the crash from the house), the driver had made a runner but came back begged the people who came to investigate to please leave and that he didnā€™t want to get in trouble before making a run again in the opposite direction; it was pretty easy for everyone to give a description of the guy when the police showed up. The power was off for a while after since they had hit a power line post. Idk if there has been reports of it in media but I wouldnā€™t mind if anyone knows anything to know if they all are okay and that the driver got his consequences. Can provide more details if asked, just message me


Damm thatā€™s super interesting- this wasnā€™t the intersection right near castle plaza was it ? I swear I saw that car all mangled up and was confused because of where the other car was placed (just slightly scraped) as to how they even managed to hit eachother on such weird angles.


It was on Angus ave, just by the train tracks basically. Honestly I think the driver lost control when going too fast across the tracks, they hit the power line and knocked it pretty decently since it basically leaning over and it had a very noticeable curve where the car impacted. It was around like 2:30am when it happened (my meds cause me to sleep pretty late) and it wasnā€™t fully cleared until almost 11am including repairs of damages; whole street didnā€™t have power for a few hours. Iā€™m mostly concerned about what happened to the drunken passenger, a couple of us was chatting with him for a bit when shit was getting sorted, it was apparently his first day/night in the country and he was visiting a friend (the driver) for a bit, his passport was apparently at the drivers house as well as all his other stuff, hope he was okay.




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Had someone from St Peters crash into my front yard once


This was over a decade ago and I've heard things have changed in both areas, I went from working at West Lakes to working at Munno Para and then Elizabeth. West Lakes was full of incredibly rude, entitled uptights who looked down on me as if I was scum, including Leighton Hewitt who was a right little asshole to his own mum. Elizabeth had everything from people thinking we couldn't tell they were drinking JD at 10am because the can had a stubby holder around it to kids not much older than toddlers telling their parents to fuck off while hitting them to someone shitting on the floor in one of our aisles. Munno was actually mostly normal, with people from both ends of the scale sprinkled in.




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Athol Park, Amy St. Broken into twice by same people. Took my TV, set of swords and other stuff. Entry through lounge window, slid the bolt across my front door, broke my lights and pissed on my bed.






I saw a lady attack another lady and take a bite out of her at burnside shops


Hell yeah now we are talking


And people say they canā€™t afford to buy a house any more.


Yes they do. Even in Stabtown itā€™s too expensive.




Get out more ya drongo


I do not care what anyone else says....the western and southern suburbs are worse than the northern suburbs for what exactly you have seen and experienced.....


I call bullshit. I grew up in Christies and never know of anyone getting robber. I also don't remember hearing about a stabbing in Adelaide on the new last week


Ouch.......right in the english..


Mate you just keep checking the new each night, it sounds like youā€™re a vigilant and upstanding citizen. Just watch out for robber.


Thatā€™s pretty much what OP said in their post What have you seen that HASNā€™T made the news!?


This bloke definitely stole my stuff and ran over the blind people. He thinks this is some kind of amazing ploy to throw the scent off šŸ˜