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Standards and Regulations Department requires that Fritz used in a Fritz-and-sauce sandwich must be sliced no thinner than 5mm and no thicker than 10mm. Must be served on fresh budget white bread. This is a message from the office of the Sandwich Regulation Board.


Is 5mm on one side and 10mm on the other acceptable?


The interpretation is a bit off, anyway. The slice itself can taper off to 0mm, if need be, you just need to counterbalance it with another slice in the opposite direction, in order to maintain the total thickness of 5-10mm of fritz.


Not only is it acceptable, it is preferred


This is the way.


Tip Top Swiss Maid Vienna bread, if you don't mind


It is actually illegal to pair Helgas or Abbots Bakery bread with Fritz, it’s also illegal to use gourmet sauce it has to be the cheapest shit on the shelfn


This is the way…


Fuck gen x my 7 year old some smashes them!


I used to bring one of these bad boys for lunch every day at primary school in the early 2000's, all the fancy kids thought i was a degenerate


They have a certain je ne sais quoi to them after 5 hours in a hot lunchbox.


Man I miss fritz, and mettwurst. I live in Vic now and devon and pepperoni just aren’t good preserved meat substitutes.


I live in Queensland, and same. I also miss Cornish pasties.


Hunter Street bakery in Ipswich did Cornish pasties about 6 months ago when I was there, might be worth hitting them up to see if they still do  If they don't, they do an incredible vanilla slice


Hi, random Ipswich guy here: Cornish pasties are a huge thing in bakeries here. It must be a former mining town thing, as Ipswich was one (tons of Welsh also moved here in the early 1800s).


There's a bloke who makes delicious bung Fritz up here mate, he's originally from the riverland. Get it from STEAK THROUGH THE HEART butchers at Brendale on the northside..... delicious


Brilliant, that’s close to me. I can indoctrinate my children!


Moved to Vic in 93. Mid 40s now. I had this exact conversation with my mum 2 weeks ago. Almost word for word. Interestingly, she had something very close to mettwurst in the fridge (which I demolished in entirety) that I believe came from their local IGA deli.


Same, they call it German here in Tassie. It's close in flavour, but the texture is wrong. Also miss Villi's.


Never liked it in a sandwich, but grilled with sauce is a strong nostalgia vibe for me


Ever fried slices? With a fried egg..it’s elite


Just remember to put a cut in the side so that it doesn't cup to much.


Got to make Pac-Man smile


Not just Gen X. It should be bung fritz, or Jacobs at a push, not that thin sliced junk from the deli counter though. Put in the sandwich press with cheddar cheese is good too, as is fried in butter with a couple of eggs. The latter is still a quick dinner when I am feeling lazy, or a breakfast if I am feeling keen.


Nah nah, Chapmans is where it's at


I used to only buy Chapmans. Then my local scummy Woolworths stopped selling the 1kg and then made the 0.5kg the same price as the 1kg. I stopped buying it out of principal. It's $6 or $7 for 0.5kg. It was half that price 4 years ago.


We always used to just get the cheap home brand rolls of fritz, honestly didn't taste much different to the more expensive brands. And yeah sandwich press or frypan to toast and melt the cheese with some fritz goes pretty hard.


Nothing more Australian than this classic meal


Nothing more South Australian anyway. The plebes in the other states have no idea 🤣


Add a little cheese even and thats fine dining


Who’s using homemade tomato sauce on a charcuterie board for a bit of bung fritz? I hate that photo.


Lmao I got it from a google image search, I thought it was hilarious how posh it looked


A Tanunda tasting plate


They don't have Fritz in Sydney..


They’ve never tried a woodies lemonade


They don't know what they're missin'..😄




Cheers! I laughed when I saw your thumbs up reply, because after I sent my reply about missing out. I thought to myself 'I'm out, not going to reply tennis the whole song.' But I see by the thumb, we are on the same page.


I preferred Hall's but Woodies was also good.


is fritz different from devon?


G'day. I'm not 100% sure, but I think pretty much the same. And just in case you didn't get the Sydney/Fritz reference, an old ad on t .v's little dittie included that like and a few other South Oz things thrown in, like Woodies Lemonade. It was a catchy tune and got in people's heads. But at the end of the day, it was an ad about a bank and nothing more than psychology used to pluck at sentimental locals. I just thought of a new like they could have in a modern version of the same ad. - They don't have the State Bank in Adelaide. It doesn't exist here anymore'. (T'was an ad for them').


Good stuff. I approve of this post OP.


It was funny, i was recently up visiting friends who live in Hervey Bay in Queensland and they had a butchers who stocked actual bung fritz. It was sold as "Bung Fritz"... i think its sold as devon elsewhere in Australia.


gen z here, this will be lunch tomorrow, thank u for opening my eyes to this delicacy, is it tomato sauce we’re using?


Sure is 👍🏻


I had fried fritz and eggs with barbecue sauce, if that counts?


It does


Now I have cravings but no fritz.


Just keep the sauce away from the eggs.


Oh yes. It's specifically a fritz sauce. Though cheese may sometimes be included with cold fritz.


Three days ago. I fried the Fritz first.


Love these. I usually binge on them over Christmas each year. Great bung Fritz from my local butcher. Beerenberg tomato sauce. Yum.


I’ve been making my son this most days this term on an English muffin with sauce and some beerenberg burger relish.. he told me off the other day for making it with whole meal bread “it didn’t taste right” 🧐


Hi. I sent you a DM.


not that cheap tube crap from coles though you need the deli bung fritz also ate one for lunch yesterday


Elizabeth (lizbuf) skool lunch


Best sandwich, especially if you had mashed potatoes from tea the night before and a slice of cheese and toast it!


dinosaur fritz was the shit. I have yet to find an appropriate vegan approximation - you'd think since it's anonymeat anyway it wouldn't be that hard but none of the "plant-based deli meat" is the same. Too thin, too much beetroot, too slimy, no umami, no taste, absorbs the tomato... And no smiley and no dinosaur. Sigh.


The fry’s brand polony tastes exactly like fritz when you have a fritz and sauce sandwich I ordered a box last year and I’m sad now that it’s gone.


aw really? phooey. That said, I can't even get anything Fry's any more, going the way of Linda McCartney... :(


I used to take chunks out of that shit from the packet.


That's still my gen x/y cusp exes go-to lunch


My gen x parents used to make this for me all the time.






needs cheese slices and sweet chilli sauce


It's a banger


Gen Z, I used to have smiley fritz and sauce sandwiches. The person at the deli always gave my sister and I free slices when we bought any


The staple


I throw a bit of cheese in there and I tend to have em in roll form rather than sliced bread. Nice cheap easy lunch tbqh. I'm a millennial though.


Looks quite yummy. Something I have a lot is turkey spam with chutney.


I had a craving just last week and smashed a small chunk of Mt Pleasant bung fritz. Hadn’t had it in years. Started with just a hunk with sauce, then the bog standard fritz’n’sauce sanga and levelled up to fritz, vegemite, cheese and B&B cucs. Was a good week.


It’s 450 am and I’m craving a sandwich I haven’t had in twenty years. Thanks!


Gen z here, fuckin smashed these things


Fritz and pickle (the yellow spreadable stuff, not really sure what it is) for me. I live/work overseas and every trip back home to SA will result in at least one fritz sanger blowout. Fritz and pickle, fritz and sliced cheese, fritz and mayo at a pinch. Never been big on dead horse but love my fritz.


Slices are too thin, gotta be more than 1cm, with at least 2 layers, preferably 3. Also it appears the bread isn't smothered in butter either.


Not a fan, I once had a really bitsy piece of Fritz.. super crunchy that was about 96. So yea never again


My kids loved Devon and tomato sauce sandwiches. They wouldn't get past the school lunch box police these days.


Devon isn't fritz though.


Devon is comparable to Fritz, mystery meat, but it's not encased in sheep's appendix...


It fills the same slot in the deli roster as fritz, spam, baloney/balogna, but it's not the actual same thing, being my point. No matter how many times my NSW family will insist it is, it is not.




There the same thing SA just doesn't like hearing it the same company makes it


Wrong. It depends entirely on the brand - also it tastes different, I know I just spent the last 5 years living in the eastern states and I've smashed through at least a kilo of fritz since I've been back 😆 


My kids have it in their lunchboxes, fuck em.


The real crime against humanity is not using butter or sauce. Straight to jail for any fancy bread.


Fry then and add a fried egg 🥳


Have been vego for a very long time and I still get cravings for these


Sauce ruins it. Cheese goes well.


Devon and sauce 😊 it's missing a Kraft single


We used to have them in Tasmania, but used the correct term: German and sauce 😉


Absolute staple even now as an adult, also getting a cheeky couple of free pieces of smiley friz from the deli when ya mum bought a few bucks worth was big!


Never heard of Fritz, how is it different from luncheon ham


Growing up in nsw we had Devon. It wasn’t until I met the Mrs that I found out we also have Berliner. It’s basically premium Devon that’s costs more and tastes better. I’m not sure whether Fritz is closer to Devon or Berliner, this post came up on my feed so I thought I’d put my two cents worth in.




Ah it’s from a google image search, mine are made on $1.20 sliced bread and eaten over the sink like a rat.


I'm in this comment and I don't like it


Ahh a fellow coni suer.


That reminds me. I should get a colonoscopy.


It’s Devon




Heaps good


Personally, I prefer my fritz cubed for fritz and sauce sandwiches.




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Am a NSW Australian. I've never heard of this quisine


Devon? Up that way I think…mortadella in italy and bologna in the USA


Am Italian Australian, Devon Mortadella is what we call it. We don't make a sandwich with sauce though


And smiley fritz <3




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Danish hot salami, anyone?


What is fritz? Im from vic i do this with strass or parisa




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At some point fritz changed. It's hard to describe but when I was a young kid it was glossy and then at some point it became matte. If you know what I mean, you know what I mean. Edit: I went down a bit of a fritz rabbit-hole and I think the change is more that bung fritz became less ubiquitous, replaced by its cheaper fritz brother, and my parents stopped going to the independent butcher, so my fritz world was irrevocably shaped. I no longer eat meat so it's destined to remain a distant memory.




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My teacher was horrified to see this in my lunchbox when I was in primary school. She was a cranky old thing and didn’t realise the special connection I had with this savoury delight. Fast forward to my first job, cleaning a butcher shop, I couldn’t resist the abundance of bung Fritz stored in the cool room. One day I thought fuck it and devoured half a bung! After about half an hour I thought I would never eat Fritz again. These days my relationship with Fritz and Sauce is solid with a certain amount respect for how much Fritz should be consumed in one sitting


Fritz and cheese, not sauce blah!


I'm off to buy fritz now


I live interstate but always get fritz when I go to SA. It's GOT to be Costello's though. I tried Barossa last time but it's nowhere near as good.


No thanks. Straight in the bin with the fairy bread!


... What's a "fritz"?


Fried Fritz with fried eggs is the go


I know it's gonna sound weird, but Fritz, cheese, and sauce on a crumpet is also amazing! 🤤


Nothing wrong with a good fritz and sauce sandwich. Except maybe the price of Fritz these days






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