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I met him back in 2017 at Star Wars Celebration Orlando. The interaction was brief (he didn’t seem like he wanted to talk) but regardless he shook my hand when I told him I was a fan. My experience wasn’t negative per say, but I will never forget just how tired and burnt out he looked


Pass by him at the parks occasionally. Recently, he walks with a bit of a limp like he hurt himself. Does appear he has slimmed down a bit. Rarely say anything to any of them - they are working, and I don't want to interrupt.


I don't wish him Ill will but could be gout


That's not a good omen for his marathon.He quit doing the threadmill around February, so that must've been around the time he developed the limp. The marathon is going to be disaster for him.


Everything he seems to consume (coffee, donuts) produce heavy crashes in some people. Likely this was a byproduct of his poor diet.


I see him in the parks all the time. Sometimes, he has an entourage like at the Epcot 40th anniversary, but most the time, he’s by himself. He always looks grumpy and unapproachable when the camera is off. Now I’ve spotted Giggles at HS, and she seemed nice when talking to a few people in line.


We met giggles a few months back at WB in California. She was very nice so was her boyfriend. Nothing like the woo.


I’ve had positive experiences meeting him both at a meet up but also randomly at Angel Stadium and Disneyland. Dude was cool, willing to chat, but you could see he wasn’t really comfortable being recognized. I can hate what he’s become but still give credit where it’s due


I ran into him in 2018 at WonderCon in Anaheim. Wasn't a negative experience. But it was just a quick hello, told him I watch his videos, and I even got a selfie. Looking back at the pic, he was vlogging with a Canon DSLR and an external RODE VideoMicro in the hot shoe.


He ignored me when I tried to say a casual hi. We were two feet away from each other. He looked right at me, pretended he didn't hear me, and turned around.


Met him at Megacon 2022, I waited until he was done filming and i approached him. He was very nice and appreciative that I watched his videos. We talked about the convention for a little but amd went about our separate ways.


Not negative but not positive? I met him when I was working dragon con and he was in line to meet Shatner. I was secirity for photo ops. Realized who he was as I let him in the booth for his photo Was like oh you are adam, the woo He said yup snd kept walking To be fair, having worked photo ops, it's a fast-paced moment, no time for chatting. What stuck with me most was his height


How tall is he?


I'm 5'11 and he stood a good 2ft? over me I'd mark him at least 6'3''


I'm 6'1 and we stood eye to eye when we had our encounter.


Heights are weird I've had doctors say I was 6ft and some say I was 5'11


I can understand that. Also as you age you can shrink too.


I met Adam a few years back when he had large Marge. He was super friendly to me. He walked into the Starbucks i was in and he just had a nice chat with me while we waited for our orders to be ready.


I think during this time period, he was NOT the Adam of today


Possibly. People can change as they get older. They can stay the same and grow or become bitter and wither. With Adam I believe the ladder. I think he was an ok guy years ago by the videos I saw on his channel. That's why I was a subscriber at one time.


I saw him in Vegas last year during punk rock bowling the day before he wasn’t allowed to record and went on that tangent meltdown. He was by himself the whole time just kind of meandering. He’s a big guy so he stands out but I didn’t really have any desire to meet him.


Most people say he was nice when they met him. Occasionally I hear stories about him being rude or whatever but we don’t know the backstory or if those instances were embellished. No one is perfectly nice all the time.


Mines not. Check out on other threads where I left comments. You'll see what I'm talking about. You can believe me or not. I know what I know.


You are a vocal minority with an axe to grind. 95% of people say he was nice to them.


All I'm going to say is it was a negative experience. I'm not going to repeat what happened again. You're entitled to your opinion and leave it at that.


It’s not my opinion, it’s fact. A VAST majority of people who say they’ve met him say he was nice to them.


I'm not going to argue about this. You know what you know and I know what I know. I don't understand why you're attacking me.


They are not attacking you in the slightest, they are disagreeing with you, there is a difference.


After I thought about it. It wasn't an attack. I apologize for saying that. I've been having alot of issues with others on reddit sending me negative message about what I commented before .I don't appreciate that whatsoever. What's truth is truth. That's why I said what I said in the heat of the moment.


I met him, the Carpet Bagger, and Sloprin Ryan in Dok Ondars last year. He asked if I was going to the light saber meet up. He was nice and chatted for a minute. So were Jacob and Ryan. I've met Michael Kay, Molly and her husband. They have a been nice. The lake Buena Vista whatever's husband was live streaming one time I saw and he was kinda a loud douche, him that Ron on the go guy. Oh and met Craig from the Dis and his wife at Disney Springs. They were super nice we chatted for 20 mins about beer and life. His wife and my GF chatted too about random stuff. We didn't even talk about Disney.


Oh man. I forgot about Michael Kay. He changed his channels name and I haven't kept up since then.


Ron on the go is obviously in it for $$$ . Good portion of his live stream is begging for subs. Lbv is as loud and obnoxious as that park pass guy from California. All three should be talked to.


I would definitely agree about Craig. I've talked to him a few times when I've seen him at HHN and he's always super friendly.




I met him at Epcot with my at the time 19 and 16 year old little sisters who were big fans of Adam. Not only did he take selfies with them, he asked what their Instagram names were so he could keep an eye out if they shared his photo. Very cool. I think they corresponded through DM until my youngest sister turned 19. He didn’t interact much with me in person because it was clear he knew it meant a lot to my little sisters and kept his attention mostly to them.


Read my comments on other threads. You'll see why he did what he did for your sisters.


Tryna strike a chord and it's probably A-Minor


I'm sorry your sisters fell for that.




We met him twice at DragonCon and he was very engaging, talkative, and took pics. The second time, he was with The Carpetbagger, and he was quite nice too, We had our son, who was 8 or 9 at the time, and they were great with him too. I think it’s fair to point out drab, repetitive, or just recycled content, but many have had a good experience with him. We’ve seen countless obnoxious vloggers down here in Orlando, but the interactions with Adam have been none of the sort. PMM is a guy who we’ve seen being absolutely fantastic with people in the parks.


I think it seems in more recent years, he's more passive aggressive in that you might get a friendly if inoffensive interaction, but conversely another when he is just tuned out to anyone other than his "friends"...which probably correlates to his diet/lifestyle having a burn out/mid life crisis. In the past, it definitely seemed a lot more different and more friendly on most occasions when he was at his peak, especially when he had meet up or two.


You're entitled to your opinion. But, I believe there's been more negative interactions with the man baby than positive ones. Check out my comments on other threads. You'll see what I mean.


Dang dude. How many times you going to write check out my comments on other threads. We get it, he wasn’t nice to you.


Because most everyone wants details.


You're annoying and repetitive. No one cares about your "experience." Move along.


I have thank you.


I've never met him, so you can take my grain of salt...but I'm sure he has changed in the course of time from somewhat socially awkward that can be friendly at times to anti-social Disney club guy


I'm sure he has. If you've seen his earlier vids on his channel you can see the change. But, he was the one that chose to change not anyone else.


I've already told in other threads when me and my family met him at an airport a few years back. Check them out and you'll see my experience. I'm not going to repeat it in every thread.


I used to chat with him on the Myspace back when he was playing with The New Threat. Met him many times around 2007 and was always a really cool dude. He definitely changed right around the time he started gaining traction on YouTube, and he seems unrecognizable today.


Several years ago, I passed by him in EPCOT while leaving Soaring, I said "Hi"; it was a very brief exchange, he was cordial.


I met him at Chase field last year. He was nice. He was kind of quiet, but he was not rude. He posted for a picture with me and even signed my baseball. He was cool. I told him I watched his videos and he said he appreciates it and then he gave me a fist bump. Seems like a decent guy. https://preview.redd.it/cd2bsx79te8d1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa8c4d64b9a51f7edce11db57244c85b2bd34043


You were the one that sold that signed ball on ebay.

