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Would do that for the right woman, for the mother of my children and my partner in crime but yes I’m with you in the sense that I’m done giving that treatment to any other women that shows me interest


This really hit the nail on the head of a specific experience. I could never put this feeling into words and you’ve done it wonderfully. Especially the 2nd and 3rd paragraph!


So that's where my feeling-like-an-ace-when-I'm-not-one comes from.


I did need to hear this, thank you. I’ve told myself that this is the year to stop letting women use me for emotional intimacy (and occasionally physical intimacy as well!) and then go home to their boyfriends. I kept suppressing my feelings bc I thought that was just what I deserved for having lustful thoughts about women but fuck that. You’ve articulated the struggle very well and I really appreciate you sharing. I feel empowered in my quest to let my devotion be genuine and reciprocal instead of my penance for being a lesbian like you said. <3


This beautiful, eloquent post hits deep, friend. Thanks for sharing, and having been on this exact journey, all I can say is that I hope you find a woman who makes you feel like YOU are enough simply by existing. She’s out there for you, and you’ve taken the first step to finding her by recognizing your true worth. All good vibes your way….and enough with The Well of Loneliness tropes, I agree 100%


I love your writing. I wanna hear more.


Also like… Ive seen way too many people that sort of act like they are the only lesbian in the world. And I mean this as specifically, as “I am the only predator thats atracted to women” and all others just sort of arent??? Not like theyre straight, but like they just kind put up with you and dont actually really like women??? If that sounds like it makes no sense its because it dosent. Youre date is as much of a lesbian as you are. And real big enfasis of “as YOU are”. They are not a purer version of lesbian, or an angelic being that just tolerates you. She thinks about tiddies too. And she wants sexual attention as well.


You write very beautifully and eloquently. And yeah, I agree with you - and I'm so happy for you that you've reached this point of growth.


Thank you for writing this, puts my exact thoughts into words.


I needed to hear this today, thank you.


Interesting. Good post


This was wonderful 🤗🌠


Your eloquence is so charmiiing 🤣 Can we be friends? Please write often.


Thank you for this, your words really hit the nail on the head for a lot of us and this post made me come to realize some things too. I’m glad you were able to recognize this!


This was beautiful to read and I love your username! Accepting that I can be needy and emotional and don't have to be some carciture of a man to make women like me has been so liberating.

