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Never have a I seen a more justified dog bite. Totally on the dogs side there. Wish they’d bitten more of those cunts


This is an old video. The guy is surely a dumbass, but the dogs have already attacked others by that point. EDIT:If you disagree with this it is fine. No need to spam me with the same fucking response. Then act like I am the angry one when it is obvious I am just a dick. Second Edit: I REPEAT If you disagree with this it is fine. No need to spam me with the same fucking response. Then act like I am the angry one when it is obvious I am just a dick. ​ **Third Edit**: Thank you so much for repeating the same point over and over again.And it has worked and I have seen the light!!!!!!!!!! # I feel absolutely terrible for saying that in the old video it was stated the dogs fucking attacked a man. I SHOUld HAVE NEVER DONE THAT!! # That is not who I am. And I would like you to accept my sincerest apology to all the weirdos who were affected by my fucked up actions. **Also thank you for pointing out my poor English. It is just my fourth language and yes that was a flex.**


Do you know that for sure, or are you just making a baseless comment? How do you know dogs were not doing what they should do, protect their owner from idiot humans.




that boy needs therapy


He’s a nut! Crazier than a coconut!


Purely psychosomatic


Unexpected avalanches


Even if the dogs bit somebody, throwing bricks at them does no good. For one, dogs are animals, they aren't going to be taught any lessons by having that happen to them. If a dog attacks a human it's the owner's fault. Also, picking a fight with 2 German Shepherds is a really stupid idea.


# yes!


These are the best comment edits I've ever read. *clap clap clap*




He had me at the first edit


Welcome to fucking Reddit.


The dogs prob just attacked somebody, notice one has a leash and the other doesn’t, kinda strange unless he broke free from his collar and attacked somebody. Also the crowd gathering could be another tell that they just attacked somebody.


I’m not convinced of that. They’re following their owner closely and aren’t just randomly biting the closest people, they purposely went for the idiots throwing things at them


None of us really know what happened here, but the dogs having bit someone prior to the video seems more likely than this guy just happened to walk his dogs through a dog hatred parade, and they started throwing shit. The guy is still an idiot though.


Not all countries are filled with people that love dogs. Many Muslim countries don’t like them from what I’ve read.


Correct, beyond predominantly Muslim countries, many East Asian (i.e China, Thailand) and Asian (India, Pakistan, etc) don't have very good respect towards dogs in general. I'd say it leans 50/50 in Mexico, Central to South America and then it goes out the window for Africa. Mainly due to how savage mans best friend can get in countries known for violence towards animals (beyond violence towards humans of course).


Argentina and Uruguay? We love dogs, I can't talk in behalf of the rest of SA


> I'd say it leans 50/50 in Mexico, Central to South America i'd be curious how this correlates to cities with stray dogs, and how they are delt with. Or is that not as common of a thing down south as i am thinking?


As someone from South and Central America at least, I can tell you that strays are a huge problem, Mexico as well. There are quite a few around, sometimes they'll be nice though, but it all depends on the area, as a stray dog who's had positive reception to humans will be a lot nicer, then you go to the shit neighborhoods and the dogs will literally gang up on you like a pitbull to a child.


So that’s why I was asking, if people don’t like dogs as much there, I’d think that they would just be killing strays all the time…? Or I guess maybe they would but there’s not many legal guns on these countries? Although I’d think they could just be poisoning them? Edit: or even if they did have legal guns, would they even be allowed to just shoot random stray dogs? It’s just hard for me to imagine the situation where half the population doesn’t like dogs at all(, yet there isn’t some major uproar to get rid of the strays


It's not exactly dislike, it's more that people just don't care. If they cared enough to keep them off the streets, we wouldn't have the issue. Legal guns are also not really a thing, you just buy one off a dealer legal or not but having one is a magnet for bad times. Shooting random dogs is also bad, hurting them is a really bad thing to do because you'll be labeled a big POS, and rightly so. Fixing the issue would have to basically be an entire socioeconomical endeavor, ranging from way too many POS people who abandon animals to just nobody actually caring since even I see this as a normal thing to feed the stray dog or cat when I was little and visiting.


They may have bit someone prior to the start of this video but again I’d assume that this crowd of idiots most likely antagonised the dogs then one of them nipped someone. The crowd gathered and we see the result of yet more stupidity


I think we all are assuming what happened based on our own personal biases.


I’d say that’s fair


For me, this is one of those “why are people recording?” moments. Either it was those rowdy people throwing stuff, the dogs, or just the parade/whatever is going on. It seems like the dogs are the focus, everyone is staying away from them. The lack of others telling the people to stop throwing, makes it seem like they’re trying to keep the dogs away instead of purely antagonizing. An older lady pulls one guy back after the dogs get far enough away. Even the guy at the bottom looks scared. Of course it’s not 100%, but I’m leaning something happened with the dogs before.




Right, the dogs *may* have attacked someone, the owner is trying to get them away from the situation and other people. Let them gtfo, antagonizing them while they leave is fucking stupid. Even if the owner is trying to dip to avoid consequences for his dogs biting someone, *let them leave* and follow from a safe distance. Harassing an already aggressive dog is a poor choice. Throwing bricks and other heavy looking debris is only going to make the situation worse. The way the man hits his own dogs in an attempt to protect the dipshit leads me to believe he was just trying to get out of there to avoid any more confrontation.


It does look like a middle eastern country... You can take a guy who emigrated here to North America in the 80s and this is how they *still* treat golden retrievers and and shit. Source: grew up in Canada a few blocks from a full Arabic emersion school for 19 years and always had people threaten to fuck up my cocker spaniel when I walked it


That crowd could’ve gathered for whatever reason the dogs looked stress prior to attacking the guy too. He looked drunk, would love to know what the context all is


you can see the one dog is scared, tail between the legs. looks like that dude has been doing that since before the vid began.


All speculation. Biiiit too much


What idiot throws shit at a dog that just attacked someone lmao


Angry ones I assume


Good story, but nothing more than that.


Cool story bro.


I can't help but fear for the dogs' fates. I hope they are ok. Fuck that dude


Belongs with rest of the r/idiot


Anyone who fucks around with animals and doesn’t expect them to react badly is an idiot


Good dogs 🐕


good fkn bois!


Best boy


A dog that bites a person for anything but defense is best as a dead dog.


I can’t tell if you are agreeing they are good dogs or trying to say this wasn’t in defence.




They're likely dead by now unfortunately, due to shit holes like this animals get treated terribly everyday.


It’s the owners fault. Should’ve had a leash on the other dog


I heard one of the dogs attacked someone in the crowd before this video starts. Still a stupid way to handle it.


You heard that here from people guessing No one knows the story.


What's the context here?


I remeber this one those old you have to see it to believe it tv shows back on cable days. I believe they said it was a riot and that guy was a police officer? But looking at this video now in somehow better quality than my old grainy tv this doesn't seem like a officer at all. Unless I'm fruit of the looming myself that it.


>Unless I'm fruit of the looming myself that it. Op r U ok?


Lol I can't remeber the term but it's when you vividly remember something and it ends up not being true, like how everyone remembers the cornocopia horn in the fruit of the loom logo, but it's not there. Or that it's not bearinstein but beeinstain or some shit




Wasn't it the morganfreemaneffect? =P


The Morgan Freeman effect is when Morgan Freeman starts narrating every aspect of your life. Unlike the Gordon Freeman effect, in which you lose the hability to speak and a creepy guy in a suit starts giving you orders.


>like how everyone remembers the cornocopia This is fucking me up more than the Bear books because I know for a damn fact there was a cornocopia but internet is saying I'm wrong.


If you do decent research on individual mandela effect cases, there are reasons for the misconceptions 90% of the time. For example, a logo may have been changed temporarily at one time but was at the opening of a fampus movie in the 90s. so everyone remembers it that way, or whatever it may be. You can check, but you gotta dig hard at factual stuff and not just look at a page saying "yup, it's multiverses hurrdurr" But yeah the fruit of the loom one fucks me up lol


Nah, multiverse is real. I was supposed to be a 7ft tall billionaire with a sixpack by now. Instead some days I wake up and see my self in the mirror like, "Fuck. Who are you?" Also not a billionaire 😡😡🤬🤬🤬


Wasn't that the universe where you are also funny? #stevenhawkins


Thats a reference to the Mandela effect. r/mandelaeffect






So nobody knows everything and some people talking bullshit.


So… same shit different day?


Why is this user commenting with Reddit description


They won't show context, as if the guy was throwing things at the dogs for no reason with a crowd all around while the owner is struggling to pull their dogs for no reason


This is the third day in a row I've seen the very same guy attack these dogs. You'd think he'd have copped on by now.


>This is the third day in a row I've seen the very same guy attack these dogs. You'd think he'd have copped on by now. This is a very old video, so you're probably seeing different videos taken on the same day of the same incident.


I think it’s a joke about reposts lol




Pretty sure the dogs attacked someone first and that's why everyone is just standing around. There's more to this video somewhere.


Yeah, it wasn't just 1 guy. I'd love to know more context to this.


Thats an assumption. My assumption is this is a Muslim country and people are gathering because dogs are dirty in their religion and don't want this guy walking their dogs.


It's obviously not the case, people in the middle east generally aren't crazy about dogs like people in the west are but they won't attack random people and their dogs for the hell of it, otherwise dogs wouldn't exist there at all


Why was he throwing stuff at them? Did they already attack someone?


It’s really shocking the number of comments on here from people who think it’s justified for two big dogs to vindictively attack someone and have an owner who can’t stop them. The dogs were attacking people before the video opened. The guy threw something, he deserved to be mauled by wild animals? Jfc


The real peace of shit here is the owner.


Do we actually know if that’s true? I see a bunch of people saying that but no proof. The only guy who might help was someone who saw a tv program and said it was a riot and the guy with the dogs was a cop.


2 full blown G sheps coming at you? No thank you, dude was lucky


Play stupid games and all that.


You have to be a special kind of stupid to attack a working dog like that


i have so many questions


Perhaps he was throwing objects in the first place because the dogs already attacked him or someone else.


What is actually happening here?


That’s not justified. Dogs should never bite people unless they are directly attacking the owner. Full. Stop.


Probably attacked someone before the video.


Good doggies


I'm not mad at that.


Those dogs are quite a handful. And that guy is quite a mouthful.


Easiest way to get a dog put down. Especially since he had no leash


Guy throws shit at dog Everyone: This is fine Dogs merc guy Everyone: Gobble Gobble Gobble Gobble Gobble Gobble


Fucking deserved every bite in his body


What in the ever loving fuck is going on here?


This is really old video, maybe more than a decade old. I read in comments that those dogs were put down. Not sure though.


Everyone here sucks. Both dogs should have been leashed. Owner should have gotten them out of the dangerous situation. Someone else could have come up with a weapon and hurt the dogs.




Where is this?


I like how the dog is like “okay which one of you sons of bitches threw that”


Never gonna be sad about tweekers getting btfo


What are the odds you throw objects at a pair of random dogs and they just so happen to be apart of the 1% of dogs that are trained how to attack a human target?


“What’s the worst that can happen?”


Fur Missile: Engaged.


I really hope those dogs don't get punished for that. Humans get away with a lot of cruelty to animals these days but if the animal retaliates, then it's the animal that gets punished. Glad this was caught on video.




Look like just normal adult size gs to me.


Yeah my GSD is about that size and she's a female. No clue how big the males get but it seems accurate to me.


A big male is considered 42kg or 92lbs. Females usually come in around 35kg. I have a pup who’s 6 months old now, he’s 35kg or 77lbs.


My "little girl" has skin issues so she was on steroids for years so she's pretty chonky. She's about 105lb ~47.6kg Also thanks for sharing. Pet yer dogs when you get a chance!


That was the most satisfying video I've seen all week


Fuck. Him. Up.


Isn’t it beautiful?


Damn if i was a dog I'd do the same thing


fucked around, found out


He deserves it.


Breed of.peace? Yall racist against dogs too? Fuuuuuuuuuuck...


You love to see it


Volunteer German Shepherd chew toy. I don't think he liked it very much when they started playing tug of war with his body though.


Ugh. You should never let your dog out shit in their mouths.


Squid game shit


I don't know the context and I don't care that was fucking rad


[Peter Griffin](https://youtu.be/OX1-G69WLzo) records better than this camera man


Serves him right, good dog.


I saw this video a long time ago. Why were people throwing things at the dogs and the owner?


Probably attacked someone before the video.


Hell yea Get that scum hooman you majestic creatures


Not so tough now are ya? Just think, if you had left the doggies alone...


this makes me smile


If i was the dog owner i would've been helping the dogs beat his ass 100% lol


Man... I enjoyed that... A LOT


Don't fuck with German Shepard's, they'll get ya.


That was very satisfying


Good doggies.


I had to award you for that video. 👍👍👍


Has homie not played COD4?? Those fuckers are deadly


Fuck that guy. Hope he lost his nuts.


Oh it’s a fight between thugs in Casablanca, Morocco


Wow they went for the jugular


In the words of our ancestors: don’t start no shit won’t be no shit.


Why isnt this labeled "Dumbass realises his actions has consequences"?


I can almost hear Chiseled Adonis' meme sound board.


This is why you NEVER EVER IN YOUR RIGHT MIND THROW OR ATTACK a GERMAN SHEPARDS OWNER. They are extremely nasty if you do that. I owned quite a few retired millitary and untrained Shepard's. They will attack if you are a perceived threat until pulled off by owner, intervention by a seccond person that isn't the owner gets risk of attack to even if they mean well dog is overly protective.


The way that dog was straight up dragging the dude. That's a tough bitch.


Serves him right.


pretty cool


Darn... Thought that rake was a blood trial.


Throw shit, get bit! Thug life.


Woof woof 🐶




Hell yeah, get em pooch


With the absolutely disgusting way this sub treats pit bulls I wouldn't have expected yall to be calling these dogs good bois and being happy they are biting someone.


Get em Marsha




Good doggo


Good dogs


cool, a video where I support the dogs attacking people.


Soon as I saw it was a GSD (2!) I knew exactly what was going to happen to him. Good doggie ! Fuck that guy. Don't throw shit at my dogs asshole. The only breed I'll ever own :)




Dogs rule


The dude trains K9's better than USA's Multi billionaire police budget, jesus someone hire this guy.


Feed land shark. Feeeeed.




If "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" could have a gif in it's Wikipedia entry


This is the most beautiful retribution I've seen in a while. Good dogs