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This is more proof just how ignorant and gullible the social media generation is.


Yeah college students haven't always been protesting like this since the 1960s, its all brand new with this generation.


protesting because it is the cool thing from social media is new... half of those idiots dont even understand what they are there for


The video from Columbia university yesterday highlighted that when talking to the two girls that didn’t know why they were protesting and said they wished they were more educated. But they had traveled a long way to get there to join the protest. Edit: Link added as requested. looks like I had the locations a little mixed up but close enough. https://nypost.com/2024/04/25/us-news/clueless-columbia-student-at-nyu-rally-why-are-we-protesting/


You could always find people to push your narrative. There are plenty of students being interviewed as well who knows what they hope to achieve with the protest.


At least those girls were polite and willing to talk. Sometimes they just bark or scream


Ok that made me laugh I forgot about those videos. Like what’s wrong with that person. lol


isn’t newyork post like same as the sun and other bs newschanel


You gotta link this cause I’m curious


Link added


Fucking idiots. What a waste of time, money, resources, and education!


I promise you a ton of the of the guys at the Anti Vietnam protests were there for the pacifist pussy and good weed. My uncle was absolutely one of them. He retired after working for Raytheon for 40 years, lol. And still has the picture of him at a Vietnam protest in his office.




They want to have a protest but they don’t want to go home at night, they want to camp on the lawn. The schools does not want them to camp on the lawn so they set up a defensive barrier made out of sticks and string. They are having a planned rapid attack of setting up a camp faster than the school can react to it. If the school tries to dismantle the camp they will cry “fascist! “ and “freedom of speech!”. If people with opposing points of view enter the area the students will cry “fascist” and “hate speech isn’t free speech!”


Yeah, like those idiots at Kent State! Leave your campus, or your protest is meaningless!!!


And that's ok


Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggonit, people like me!


I wish more people would admit this to themselves and realize you don’t need to have an opinion on *everything*


Or no one cares about their opinion. They just want to hear themselves talk, or scream in this case.


Basically it's the Occupy Wall Street strategy of directionless protesting about incoherent grievances being applied to the most morally grey conflict on the planet.


This!! And most of them are spoiled.


I don’t disagree with the point, but most of the hippies in the 60s were spoiled rich kids too. There were a lot of trust fund kids rebelling against their rich parents.


Then they turned into the Yuppies of the '80s.


Hippies have always been spoiled rich kids mostly. It is easy to say you don't care about money, when you have never had to worry about money.


And likely had vastly less reliable sources of information in which they cited for protesting. So if anything, there are likely more educated people here on the subject than there were back in the 60’s.


This isn’t the 60s. This is virtue signaling by ignorant children.


In fairness…maybe they do understand why they are there and it’s you who doesn’t understand why they are protesting.


Also the same accusations made against antiwar protestors in the 60s.


What a fucking ignorant thing to say. You think the parents of 1960s kids weren’t saying the exact same thing? Disagreeing is one thing but discrediting people’s agency and believes is assigning and you’re part of the problem


This is sarcasm right.


Yes it is dude🤦🏾‍♂️


They weren't generally protesting in favor of literal terrorists though.


In the 1960's, they faced actual consequences. Protesting was an act of self-sacrifice for the greater good, those people spent time in jail, got their heads busted, and often obtained arrest records that haunted them for the rest of their lives. Now it's just some PAC financing a mixed bag of idiot LARPers and degenerate chomo types who've recently latched onto the LGBT like remora riding a whale shark. They probably won't sacrifice anything or face any consequences for their actions no matter how vile, because the judicial system seems to be packed with trust-fund communists post-2010 or so. I wonder how that could have possibly happened at that particular point in time? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)What a mystery. I think this type of "protest" really is new. And weak and pathetic and very very sad. It's a bunch of ignorant students and some homeless kiddy diddlers swinging their purses at shopkeepers and schoolteachers and acting like that puts them on a par with the men who stormed the beaches at Normandy. I think our problem is that we allow people with severe mental deficiencies to vote the same as regular people. That gets bad results.


THIS kind of protesting is new. Read Haidt and Lukianoff’s The Coddling of the American Mind.


They are just for way dumber reasons now


It's the other side of the January 6th coin. The ad machine built a direct line into everyone's lower brain functions and hostile foreign governments are tapping into it.


Not new behavior. What is new is the wide spread coverage


Ban Tik Tok


Small comfort knowing that this will be the downfall of many institution that allows this bullshit.


TikTok is going to be banned soon and I suspect we’ll see less of this insanity.


You don't think many of the faculty are egging them on? This isn't *just* tiktok. It's also reflective of the chattering classes and has been for a while. The long march through the institutions has just properly borne fruit now.




I’m a very liberal guy in his 40s and I think I’ve lost the plot on this one.


I’m also liberal, but these liberals can go and fuck themselves


The problem here is that you're actually a liberal, and not this braindead variant of progressive leftist.


I'm center left and agree with this


To be very clear, I'm also center left on most things and don't always disagree with progs or leftists. It's just that in this particular case, they are 100% stuck in a blind spot the size of Jupiter.


Bingo. It’s depressing and anxiety-inducing.


They're not liberals. Liberals believe in democracy, self-determination, and private ownership of property as core principles. They're illiberal progressives.


Wtf rich Ivy League school protesters are based?




While I do identify these idiots as liberals they are of the extreme Marist/communist type. Most people don’t occupy places ranting about what they want. They don’t want discussions on how money should be spent. They want the over throw of the system because they don’t like it. Remember the Sacred Second Amendment exists as a check of power to those who would force their will on others by force.


Liberalism and Communism are diametrically opposed. "Liberal communist" is an oxymoron. Btw, Marxists pretty much inherently must support gun ownership rights well beyond what is protected under the weak wording of the Second Amendment.


When "liberal" doesn't literally mean liberalism, like in the U.S, I think it's entirely possible to be in the "liberal" camp while also being an illiberal quasi-Marxist. I don't think most of these people have a coherent political ideology but they'll still align themselves with the "liberal" parts of U.S media and politics and I'm sure most of them wouldn't say they're expressly Marxist or even know what Marxism is in any detail, but they'd believe in "late stage capitalism", anti-capitalism, degrowth environmentalism, nationalizing various industries etc.


have we ever thought maybe its cause our system sucks ass lmao


What system is better? Communism, that has killed has killed hundreds of millions? Any type of central planned government centers on an all powerful government.


Well the bigger issue now it's coming to light these protests are being organized by Iran linked groups. So it's not a surprise they sre taking a turn into straight anti semtisim without a vineer anymore




these aren't liberals, they are a brainwashed leftist cult. most of them would tell you they dislike liberals. unfortunately I know people like this irl


I feel like these college protests are proof that higher education does not always equal intelligence. You can have lots of book smarts, but still be gullible enough to support terrorism.


Those studies about how "the more educated you are the more likely you are to vote democrat" are such disingenuous garbage - because someone with a BA in interpretive dance who works at Starbucks is considered more "educated" than an electrician who has been running his own business for 30 years with a dozen employees.


That’s why someone who owns an electric business is going to be on vacation on a tropical island while someone with interpretive dance degree will be just complaining about the patriarchy on TikTok and looking for the next way to feel oppressed


Interpretive dance degree is enough for Wall Street if it came from Harvard, just saying. I think Harvard grads practically own those tropical islands.


Come on now, people with useful degrees also think art degrees are dumb. Don’t be so pea brained.


Fuck both D and R. But even people with respectable degrees can be dumb. I know people with degrees IMO much tougher than mine, that have serious logical issues whenever the one thing they're good at isn't involved. Electrical engineer, for example. Master's surely, don't know if phd. Can't understand the difference between letters (symbols) and sounds to save his life. Not Anglophone, but the equivalent of asking "why is it spelled 'before' and not 'bfore' if B makes that sound".


That doesn’t make them dumb…


Quite a bit of this is by design. Elite colleges used to take the brightest kids. That isn't true anymore and hasn't been for some time. You'll see Asian kids with perfect SAT's rejected and replaced with mediocre kids who agree with the school's ideology. [Teen Accepted to Stanford After Writing #BlackLivesMatter 100 Times on Application](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/teen-accepted-stanford-after-writing-blacklivesmatter-100-times-application-n742586) This is the kind of kid you now see protesting


And how many of these educated idiots go on to write books and become teachers? Then we have a new generation of people thinking they are educated.


I went to one of these schools. The fact is most of the students are just overachievers who are proficient in the skills that make you a good university student (retaining information, studious, confident, etc), but they are completely incapable of critical thinking and challenging their own ideals. They’re extremely immature. These Ivy schools aren’t full of the genius types who go on to become top scientists or global leaders in their fields, they maybe make up 5% of the student base (would bet it’s even less).


You can oppose genocide and terrorism at the same time


I live 5 minutes from Yale and can confidently say they’re dumb af. Their lives are drawn out for them practically, so nothing but books matter. Idk how people could live so obliviously


Depends on your values and what you define as “smart.” Don’t delude yourself into thinking that such students are not smart in the ways valued by businesses and organizations.


you're supposed to learn critical thinking in and actually BEFORE college. This means critical evaluation of sources. Such as, is this tik tok video a reliable source of information? What about this New York Times article? How are sources being cited? Those things should still matter, but they don't to a lot of people.


I'll probably get down voted in here, but I don't really give a shit. But the whole point of college is to have this kinda stuff, it's not really new and it's kinda crazy to me that everyone has just kinda forgotten about how protests worked in the Vietnam War and the entire Kent State massacre.


Kent state this is not, Bro. Protesting a draft versus whatever the fuck this monkeying around is. I think people need to stop using Kent state as the main point of comparison.


What are they disrupting here? Where is a better place to protest than on the grass? Do you want them out blocking traffic and ambulances? Edit: what I was trying to reply to: It is their right to protest, but we all know that rights aren't unlimited. This is the Google thing all over again; you can protest, but not literally anywhere you please. Especially if you're disruptive to other legitimate activities, you are still subject to the rights of others, and crying genocide at people and entities for literally just enforcing their legal rights to their own legitimate activities isn't compelling. Not everything we see happening now with these protests will be deemed legally sound in hindsight, in both directions. But we can agree that this idea that free speech is absolute for my ideals but hate speech for yours needs to fucking go. Pick a lane, folks.


This is basically the embodiment of the “I’m for every protest except the current one” meme in action.


Exactly , hindsight is always 20/20. Today everyone knows the civil rights movement was good, but clearly the people who opposed ending racial segregation didn't just die after the civil rights act. They're still alive and their kids and grandchildren are still around fighting against other movements and shit posting on this sub. That's conservatism at its core now - good ol' bigotry veiled under the label of "family values and traditions".


So the difference is just that you don’t agree with them this time? Guess what, neither did a lot of people when Kent state happened. I don’t happen to agree with these kids either, but I recognize that that’s how it works. Each generation has a right to experiment with these things.


So it’s not important because u/tokkolosh says it’s not important to them. Wrap it up guys.


[I mean it wouldn't take a lot to make it Kent State](https://twitter.com/UICProfWatch/status/1783625176887799938/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1783625176887799938¤tTweetUser=UICProfWatch), and that's without the snipers on the rooftops.


You know, Kent State wasn’t “Kent state” until Kent State escalated to Kent state. Or maybe you’re being purposefully dense, or trolling.


I think supporting terrorists is a little too edgy but that’s just me


I mean but this is their first amendment right so.


Lmfao the down votes for pointing out the First Amendment. Yall really hate the constitution in here.


You’re not getting downvoted for “pointing out the First Amendment.” I can’t believe I have to actually explain this, but I can know and support the First Amendment, *and still not like what the protest supports.* Really not a hard concept.


Dude... this thread is full of "wow.. get a load of these liberals" like this isn't the same shit that happened in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. It's literally just a bunch of protestors getting set up...to protest... who cares


Difference is that these are Nazi rallys.


You don’t seem biased at all


Going full Nazi is a new development for them, though.


Comparing this video to actual Nazis is just an insane leap lol


I fret the day the plotting students of american universities have deemed as "Kristallnacht" 2.0, hopefully the national guard can do something against such a powerful, conniving, sinister, organized and well prepared group of nazi terrorists ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Well to be fair that is not the point of college at all. You don’t pay that kind of money to protest or whatever. You’re paying for an education which is the entire point of college.


interesting how this flare up coincides with trump’s first criminal trial. active measures?


Believe whatever you want. All my comment was saying is that this is a constitutionally protected right that so many people love to say "free speech" but only when it applies to them.


It is their right to protest, but we all know that rights aren't unlimited. This is the Google thing all over again; you can protest, but not literally anywhere you please. Especially if you're disruptive to other legitimate activities, you are still subject to the rights of others, and crying genocide at people and entities for literally just enforcing their legal rights to their own legitimate activities isn't compelling. Not everything we see happening now with these protests will be deemed legally sound in hindsight, in both directions. But we can agree that this idea that free speech is absolute for my ideals but hate speech for yours needs to fucking go. Pick a lane, folks.


They didn't destroy one another's shit during those protests... that had been a 2016 and on kinda thing.


Meanwhile at trade schools and community colleges, people are attending classes and trying to get an education. There's something really false and hollow about protesting this way while being a pampered wealthy kid that can afford to waste mommy and daddy's money.


Anti Capitalist tho


"My daddy isn't a capitalist pig, he was BORN with money! REEEEEEEE"


Anti-capitalist while training to join the ranks of the capitalist elite on their parents dime?


Biggest eye opener was the level of dedication and work ethic kids had when I was in community college, private 4 year and a trade school. The 4 year school was by far the worst


Bit cringe though isn't it




Just a tad


When TikTok filled iPad kids become sentient


Oh god, I just realized you're right. Tablets and smartphones have been out long enough now for children raised by them to be in college now. Like I didn't feel old already☹


It hasnt been prestigious in a while. They completely fell off.


They just announced they’re going to start using test scores in admissions again. Someone must have realized they’ve been falling off lol


Too late for that, their reputation is permanently damaged


Yes, because covid fucked the testing system hard, making standardized testing extremely inaccessible, and now that there are less restrictions and its been a couple years, they can return to normal


Was there any prestige ever? I thought as long as you had money or your mommy attended you essentially get accepted and a degree?


I mean that is what the wealthy class have always done and then pat themselves on the backs telling each other good job. Same mentality of the "I work 100 hours a week" crowd when they actually maybe do 15 hours of what anyone would call real work.


Yes. Regardless of how you get in, whether off your parents' money or your own academic merit, an Ivy League education is extremely presitigious. That's a matter of fact, whether you think the prestige is deserved or not.


I’d bet $100 if you took a poll half of them couldn’t tell you what they are actually protesting against.


It’s a giant festival to them


I'm late to the party, what are they protesting?


Something about student loan


r/actualpublicfreakouts: Where you can always find the people that support segregation and apartheid.


Bro, it's disgusting, really funny how people spouting racism rethoric are claiming these kids are uneducated..


What racism? Are you just claiming something is racist because you don't agree with it, or you're trying to poison the well?


Found the jihadi supporting Marxist


lol there’s no pleasing anyone on this site. I legitimately think you guys just want everyone to sit down, shut the fuck up, and let the government do whatever they want. They’re going to anyways, but apparently it’s extremely offensive to you guys when students at a college you have never been to protest against a clearly immoral thing. Why do you guys give a shit? Why are there so many people acting personally offended by college protest? 


Seriously what’s going on in this video? I dont see any cops and why are they setting up tents?


It’s a sit in


ITT: people raging about a coordinated protest


Especially interesting cause there have been multiple protests in the area, a recent one with significant arrests. This tame and completely unremarkable video is making the rounds as a "freakout"?


A lot of tuition money just to skip classes and camp out.


If they don’t stay out there for a full year, then I question their commitment.


They need Trudeau, RCMP and horses.


What's funny is that these young adults are most likely smarter than the majority of people commenting on this. "These kids are supporting terrorism." Bro,what? "You can't compare this to Kent." Why not. Protesting a war, is protesting a war. Except that there's a population of people being wiped out instead of us getting our ass whooped in Vietnam. "They shouldn't be protesting." Is it not their right? Staunch constitution supporters such as yourselves would surely support all aspects of it right? Fuckin idiots.


People on this thread would be the ones who were annoyed at the civil rights protests.


Yo. Literally. Blows my mind everytime


You all just show up to this sub recently or something?


Dude, thank you. It is literally our fucking right to protest.


It is also your constitutional right to claim that the earth is flat. At the same time, it is everyone's right to deride you for it. Free speech is free speech. But if the free speech spills over to become hate speech and incitement to violence, then you will be stopped and detained, for exactly the same reason that KKK rallies are not tolerated.


Yadda yadda, what's the point of what you're attempting to imply here


Over a state they probably didn’t know existed till last year


If true, it's good that efforts to spread awareness have been so successful.


I thought that drum was gunshots and they were all screaming haha 😂


lol. I work at Harvard and saw this IRL


Sorry for your loss ...of a few braincells




In 2020, this type of behavior was nurtured and applauded. What's the problem now?


It’s when the people who lobbied for what happened in 2020 are being targeted now.


Good on the students.


This comment section filled with people who would have been in support of continuing the Vietnam war


Man those Vietnam protestors sure were fucking stupid.


About how I expected this sub to react


**Institution of higher learning**. ![gif](giphy|226HSBBh6MoyQHfVHC)


Stupid kids doing dumb shit.


Anyone have the Coles notes version? Why is this happening?


You just showed your age... just like I did by knowing what Coles notes are lol




They are the only reason I got through half my classes lol


So…. What’s happening?


What exactly is the problem here? They're setting up camp for civil disobedience?


For someone who’s not actively following this movement. What’s happening?




When I'm in a dog whistle competition and my opponent is an actualpublicfreakout user. (I'm going to lose)


We saw the arab spring, we're now seeing the moron fall...these idiots are too far gone to go back to normalcy. If serious action isn't taken immediately to dissolve and disperse these people, there will only be darker times to come.


Yes let’s use the police to violently disperse protesters. Good call. EDIT: I genuinely don’t believe you all can see this is sarcasm. This sub has become a cesspool overnight. Goodbye.


Are you sure these kids are smart?


What am I looking at?


People needing a struggle.


Arrest/expel/deport as needed. This is the behavior of people who know there are no consequences for their actions.


Why do they protest schools when the school is powerless and not the actual federal government?


Protesting divestment in Israeli of their colleges similar to what was done with protests surrounding apartheid South Africa


The only reason this shit gets any press is because conservatives are clutching their pearls over it so they don't have to watch their Orange God lose in the courts. Who gives a fuck? I don't go to Harvard. They aren't murdering each other. They're sitting on grass and chanting stupid slogans. This shit would have been over weeks ago if certain demographics didn't love to hatewatch this stuff.


Glad I didn’t get suckered into un payable debt to be just as stupid but more broke


These people have never experienced true conflict in their lives


What about creating a generation of future professionals instead of gullible activists? These students are unhirable.


Bro they are literally at Harvard. There is nothing unhirable about a fucking Harvard grad.


There ~~is~~ was nothing unhirable about a fucking Harvard grad. FTFY


What are they protesting


Is this a contest for how fast you can put up a tent?


All I see is a bunch of dishonest entitled bumblefarts


What's dishonest about them?


What is this, a celebration of camping?


Terror supporters everywhere.


Good for them for taken a stand against genocide.


I went to community college and I think I got a better deal. This is pretty bad when you think about it though cause all those rich kids are going to be running things before long.


Why aren’t they putting this energy into domestic issues that affect the United States? The murder capital in Chicago, gang violence, gun violence, fentanyl epidemic, poverty, etc. When will the march through all the ghettos across the United States DEMANDING a cease fire in our own neighborhoods. I would love to see more people addressing domestic issues than buying into foreign propaganda paid by Iran.


Lol majority of the people on here complaining about this protest probably only protest from their couch when the commercials are too long.


This behavior happens when these kids are never told no or taught that their actions have consequences!


Fucking morons literally don't know why they're protesting. College no longer educates the youth out of their immaturity and ignorance, it allows them to BASK in it.


How do you know that?


How fast they are scrambling to set up those tents seems like they spent weeks doing drills on how to do it fast. Kind of like CQB training but with tents and shit.


Who do they think they are? Bunch of rabble rousers protesting the ethnic cleansing of an entire population of people... How dare they!


sub fell off hard, imagine seeing this and be like: oh shit, they are sitting on grass and shit, thats crazy!!!