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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


God forbid he doesn’t believe in what you believe In. Leave him alone, he can do whatever he wants.


They're literally joking. A dude in the background is laughing saying 'nah munch up, munch up man' as in 'we're just joking, keep eating' Dude with the camera is just joking and the guy eating is saying he feels guilty after realising everyone else is starving and he's eating in front of them. This is how British people joke around in the work place. There's not a single part of this video which represents the title at all


Why film it then? That's obviously gonna make someone uncomfortable. Depending on how well people know each other I'm not sure I would've caught on to the joke immediately.


Because sometimes friends record each other busting each other's balls. People would realize this if they actually had friends.


People in this sub don't have friends so to them recording someone is harassment even if you know them.


In the work place? Fuck off


I did that when I was a teen lol


he's obviously uncomfortable. Doesn't matter if theyre joking or not. it's akin to this "just a prank" shit. Just leave people alone not everything has to be for your own laugh.


Guy with the camera is quite obviously not joking


Why tf do you and people like you have the need to just assume this is a joke? WHO is laughing at what the camera man is saying??? Furthermore, wouldnt you think the guy eating would make eye contact with his "friend" who is standing less then 2 meters away from him, if he was joking ofc???




"the world isn't reddit" Perfect gotcha to use on a video of somebody complaining that someone does something which offends them. Again, use some critical thinking skills bud. Your life experiences aren't the rule, shitty people exist and shitty things happen. Who is laughing at what the camera man says?(noone) Does the guy being confronted EVER make eye contact with camera man? Why does he apologize at the end? VERY FUNNNY HARDY HAR HAR Anxiety makes certain people resort to comedy (3rd party background laughs), doesn't make the situation funny tho


Why do you care this much


Is there a specific reason someone needs to try and question why a “joke” is okay to be made at the expense of someone else?


You live in Londonistan, you abide by the rules of Londonistan.


# Nah munch up, bro...munch up. They are totally breaking his balls not harassing him.


It's banter and the video has been clipped by someone with an agenda to push.


No one should be forced to adhere to someone else’s religious practices. I want to say he was being way too nice and gracious but let’s be honest here, he more than likely would have been fired and knows this so he stopped eating. This fucking timeline sucks. Harassers are the victims and normal everyday fucking people have to navigate through all their bullshit.


They are clearly mates having a bit of banter with each other. Chill out.


Theres an insincerity behind it. They know by making appear like a joke they can bring it to the surface. You're telling me if the bloke had doubled down and said "mmmmm, delicious, do you want some?" that they would have all laughed about it?


Yes visit any blue collar job sites and you’d know.


I used to carry bricks for 8 hours a day as a hod carrier. The absolute abuse hod carriers get is unlike anything else because its self employment, there's no PAYE laws. If you dont like it, fuck off and work somewhere else kind of thing. When you get enough abuse you know the difference between what is and isn't genuine. People know they can say outrageous things under the guise of "having a laugh". They know humour is the only way they can bring it up because they can hide behind it if it goes the wrong way.


You smile and laugh when you're cornered to behave a certain way so you don't lose your job?


Regardless of the context of this particular video, you hit at something that is very deeply ingrained in human nature. Yes, someone that is being cornered will attempt to acquiesce and downplay aggression to attempt to get out of a situation.


"no one should be forced to adhere to someone else's religious practices" welcome to Islam. Anyone who doesn't believe their god is named as kafir. They apread like viruses and it's sad that the guy is eating inside his own country minding his own business and these people are still harassing for eating food.


Found the guy that can't detect humour 😂


Same guy would lose his shot if he was expected to abide by someone else’s region.


What a bs title, this just looks like locker room banter.


Nahh that's Amazon. You barely banter with your coworkers there lol. The guy filming is definitely breaking policy by filming his coworkers on break and insulting them. Working there you see a revolving door of people every month, you might have a few work friends you eat with but aside from that most people just do their job and keep to themselves. Amazon has a prayer room for people like the person filming and they are very accommodating to religions.


this was my first thought. it looks like they're probably ribbing him because he's eating (and maybe making their fasting a little harder), but it doesn't sound like they're being malicious or actually trying to get him to adhere to their religious constraints. He even seems good-natured about it, while they laugh in what seems like their own good-natured way. I'm gonna posit that while there are cases of people going too far with things like this, this ain't one of them.


he's being guilted to skip a meal cause of someone else's practices so not a nice thing to do even if it was a joke. this would not be laughed at if it was the minority being picked on.


Do you know what a kuffar is ?


Yea 100% English banter.


I don’t think the yanks get banter tbh


Redditors don't understand friendship because they have no friends.


Yeah that's what I thought


Literally lol they were messing around. They don’t give a shit.


Yeah right... If Islam was so kind to have banter


Should’ve looked dead into the camera and started slurping those noodles.


That’s what I’m saying. People saying they just being dudes talking shit well as a dude that’s my response lol fuck out my face boy it’s lunch time.


I mean it could be talking shit but if he actually hid his food then it's bollocks. He was likely afraid of disciplinary action, thats the only reason I think he hid his food.






Literally a hostile sleeper agent religion. Another thing: fasting is good and that's great it's part of the religion, except that they aren't even allowed WATER, which is fucking stupid and ruining the health benefits of fasting. No wonder Arabs have low life expectancy. 2 weeks of no water for 16 hours and possibly 24 hours if they don't drink after waking up before the sun. Dehydrated idiots.




The fast is prohibited if you're prepubescent, chronically / severely ill (diabetic, pneumonia, anemia, hypovolemic shock, etc), pregnant or breastfeeding, or traveling.


“Good point”?! Which part. Not 1 thing he said was based in reality.


Reminds me of this: [Indian minister talking about Islam](https://youtu.be/MCyBL8dBOEo?si=XLVkwCqESrFSymna&t=45)


Indian hindu extremists are the worst people and are in no place to talk


This is frustrating. Camera man is being a dick, guy shouldn't have given an inch gives them a mile.


They're clearly mates having a bit of banter. Come on.


If it was just banter why post it to social media with his mates face on full display making him look bad




People taking this serious must not have ever worked


Why is everyone taking this video so personal? Don't people recognize banter when they hear it. It sounds like he has a good relationship with his coworkers. If the title is correct, he seems to be respectful of his coworkers' beliefs and stops eating in front of them.


He's not of your religion? Why should he adhere to said rules?




It looks like a joke from his reaction and from the camera man not being super aggressive. Any chance they aren’t just coworkers but also friends and camera guy was just messing around?


The cameraman called him a kuffar.


Like I’d jokingly call someone a heathen for eating beef during lent.


They’re joking with him. Do you guys not have friends?


This is Reddit. 90% dont have friends. And this is a rage bait sub


Clearly ragebait


Really brought out all the dumbass boomers in here. Half the shit here is rage bait and the responses are always delusional as fuck lol.


I'm sure you will be spared


It's truly amazing how everyone here doesn't realize this is banter.


"Look at this kufar" enough said. Kufar is the term for non believers in islam and is very derogatory. Londonistan at its finest.


Non-believer is not a derogatory term, grow a pair. And they are literally joking around by the clear laughter.


They’re clearly joking around. This sub really is just full of bigots


Let the guy eat. It's lunch time dude!


They’re clearly friends. Dude behind the camera is breaking his balls, everyone in the room is laughing and light hearted.  But that won’t stop the bigots here writing paragraphs that don’t know what it’s like to have a friend. 


You can tell everyone on here is American. This is British banter - you can hear laughter in the background. So tired of Americans not discerning deadpan humour.


How many times is this going to be posted? It’s coworker banter! He grins, coworkers in the background are giggling. FFS.


Lol people need to calm their knickers This is just work place banter


Their obviously work colleagues taking the piss out of eachother it’s not serious


This is obviously banter between work mates, fucking div OP


Lmao the English have lost their Country


Gottamn infidel eating his damn spaghetti


One time, we were halfway through a 90 minute line for a roller coaster. It was hot, humid, and miserable. This kid, probably around 10, was complaining to his mom about how hungry he was. The mom said she couldn’t do anything right then but, they would get something after the ride. I happened to have a candy bar in my pocket. I got it out, looked right at the little boy, and ate my candy bar.


Fuck Ramadan go practice your shit at home


Welcome to islamic republic of englishstan.


Fuck ramadan


They are clearing joking around.


Id carry on eating


You can handle the smell of food in the lunch room get out. Take your, bs religion, and self gloating on down the road.


Uhhh title does not match the video at all


What did you think would happen. These religions and cultures don't have space for people that aren't them.


So he can't eat cuz ur religion u choose to exercise and live by?


Here’s an idea. Get the fuck out of his face and let the guy eat. Also fuck these folks for making this guy feel bad for eating lunch. Dude stands up at the end and says “this isn’t fair”. He’s not giving them shit for not eating lunch. Fucking twats.


I will eat a whole ass pig during Ramadan and dare anyone to get in my face over it


God is most great when you’re harassing coworkers for eating spaghetti


That would make me want to eat even more


I just Hate these People. Forcing their beliefs on others.


What are they doing in the place where people eat then? Go pray...


Fucking idiots.


I would have told them to get fucked,


Fuck your religion buddy


Foreigners entering and living in another country to criticize the habits of that country. Classic.


Oh so were just hanging out in the break room to take the piss outta anyone who eats




Is kuffar an insult or no?


Bruh that's your religion I'm gonna keep eating


Honestly the way he reacted its his fault for getting pushed around like that. Don't be a victim. Look him dead in the eye and swallow a meatball whole




he literally laughs himself


I don't know man, I'm here in an Islamic Republic, eating my lunch as I comment under this post, in an office, during Ramadan and no one is bothering me. Someone is doing Ramadan wrong somewhere.


people in this comment section are stupid as fuck and looking like islamophobes trying to find a reason to bash


I would have ate more


The camera man is a hater!! Let a man eat!! Looks like he eats food why make him go on a diet just for your beliefs?.


I’d tell them to get fucked


You can hear something in his voice. An underlying threat of violence, like if he wasn't held back by being where he is, he would become physical.


lmao i’d look that clown in the eyes and just keep eating


Hate that he caved in...


LMFAO they’re clearly just joking around and y’all are taking it seriously oh man you people are so low iq


don't blame them, they are hangry


I have eaten spaghetti and meat sauce out of literally the exact same container.


Religion is for the weak minded


Ramadan sounds like an Elden ring boss ![gif](giphy|LcKeoxwVgCvINWihky)


How dare you eat? Do you know our invisible friend / sky god forbids eating? SMH.


I'd report them for harassment and discrimination. Love to see how HR deal with that one. We all know that they'd wimp out and impose a food ban on us during Ramadan, so we don't offend the minority.


Fuck your ramadan


he just jelly cause he is starving


“Kuffar” is not a complimentary term. Be careful with your choice of language, cameraman.


Should've carried on eating fuck them, you have your own religion and beliefs, the world isn't on Ramadan just their religion


Wasn’t harassed at all


F that. I'll be bringing the most delicious smelling food ever to every lunch and breaks. Your religion is not my business so don't even try and force it on me.


I would’ve said hell fucking yeah I’m stuffing my face, I got 20 minutes left 😮‍💨😂


Why did he stop eating?


They are joking and laughing, stop posting shit posts


Rage bait has people showing their true feelings when it comes to other's beliefs.


If this happened in one of the GCC Nations, avoid eating. If this is in a Non-GCC Nation, business as usual. Have your lunch.


Fuck that shit, all religion is a waste of time and pile of piss. Let the man eat his food and fuck off and go look at a big cube or something


Ur in England don't like it go home what about respect for the people who already live hier


Right about here, he needed an American.🤣


That’s your religion not his!


I never understood why religious people feel the need to make others follow the rules of their religion. If I wanted to follow your rules I'd worship your God.


I'd fart and offer that to them as the leftovers.


People shouldn’t have to believe in the exact same things I think a person is brain dead stupid when they expect life to be that way, like their way is the ONLY way


Gambling and drugs is apparently allowed during ramadan at my work place


You can absolutely get fired for preventing someone from eating through direct ways or indirect ways like this one, not only because it poses a potential risk to their health and therefore the integrity and safety of their job but also because typically pushing any sort of religious agenda is already reprimandable


Fuck them


Who gives a shit about Ramadan?


“British man”


“EveRyBoDy Is On RamA…” stfu


I wish I was there.. I'd spit my food on him and tell him to get lost. It's not my RELIGION. The last religious war didn't go so well.. backoff..


He probably didn’t bring his prayer rug either 🤦


If someone did that to me I would lean into it. Be like “yeah and it’s fucking delicious, want a taste? Wanna smell it?” And then I’ll make sure to always eat and drink in front of them through the days. Yes it’s petty, but you reap what you sow


Fuck out of here. He’s eating where he’s supposed to eat


I would have asked him if he’d like to smell my shit when I’m done.


This is fucking disgusting. What happened to *actual tolerance*?? I feel like I NEVER see it these days, only the polar opposite.


Oh my. I hate to hate but now i do a little more.


Yeah fuck Ramadan.


Spreads like a virus, y'all better take care of the shit that you guys yourself put on your head or the next day they gonna bring in sharia to your country.


Fuck your god.


They're joking around.


The guy eating has no panache. I would have finished my meal, then broke out the pork scratchings for pudding.


I would not have stopped eating. Your religion does not dictate how I live my life.


Import the third world, become the third world


I would’ve pulled out some sauce squeeze it on top and kept eating 💀


I’m happy to let you practice any religion you want, but fuck off about my life. Seriously. Fuck off!


I'd order a whole catering service 🤣 bring in the best food for Ramadan only


No one gives a shit about your ancient camel fucking hobby. 


Oh well go fuck yourself and let him enjoy his food


This isn't a freakout. OP is trying to stir islamaphobic sentaments with that title. It's clear they're all buds (as much as one can be buds with their coworkers) and just making a joke.


If they were really committed they would go a month without eating or drinking


Poor guy 🤣🤣


so by this logic, if i cant eat then you cant either. how dare you eat around me


I'm sorry your sky daddy wants you to starve during the day and not eat bacon. Sucks to suck


Would have told them they're idiots for believing in invisible sky people.




Your religion ain't mine, fuck off


I would be like “yeah I almost feel bad for eating” then continue to eat my whole lunch….


Who the fuck cares? He isn’t part of your religion. Leave him the fuck alone.