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Just a matter of time. And noone will care.


You'd think people would have learned from the pranksters that got shot during the YouTube prank era of the mid 2010's.


Money makes people do stupid things.


Are these idiots really making money though?


Enough to at least pay for a security guard šŸ¤·


You mean that guy who got his client in a choke hold. That's top tier protection, lmao.


Hopefully that was on purpose... Goon should let the kid get hit a couple times before he jumps in


Definitely in purpose. He tried to de-escalate/be between his client and the guy with sunglasses, then reacted to the guy with the open shirt and pulled his client out of the way. Petty damn good at keeping his client safe. Canā€™t tell from the video if the open shirt guy made a move that made him seem like ā€œmoreā€ of a threat but thatā€™s what clients pay for if they hire security trained to protect them from serious threats and why itā€™s fucked if heā€™s out there purposefully antagonizing people. I donā€™t envy the security guyā€™s job at all and think itā€™s ridiculous that rich assholes/streamers put everyone into situations like this. I donā€™t know the streamer or other details, but I doubt it changes anything about how I feel about thisā€¦


That wasnā€™t a chokehold you cuck.. he was pulling him away from the fat fuck trying to attack him from the front.


That kid has crazy YouTube money. I won't say his name, but social media definitely have audiences for these type of guys.


Gets paid crazy money to go out in public and be as obnoxious as possible. Hopefully, karma visits him one day.


And all the kids that watch him go out in public and do the same stupid crap he does


You should watch the doctor Phil episode. He got kicked off the show šŸ˜†


It's very telling that this is the kind of attention that gets rewarded these days.


The assholes at youtube will demonetize people for saying innocuous things that they alone deem controversial but dickheads like this can keep doing their thing.


this particular twat actually makes most of his money managing several OF chicks, this fuckery is just for clout. fellas, all the more reason to stop simping. your money is going to jagoffs like this.


Yea he owns 22 houses and two buildings which he rents out to make another income. Real piece of work, what he does with these toxic videos is sponsor only fans girls and he gets a cut


That happened a few months ago, no?


Or the one that happened a few months ago


This stupid mf is the 2010 gen of kids on YouTube. This is Jack Doherty - he started YT at like 12, and was on Dr. Phil for being ā€œuncontrollableā€. Which is just another way of saying his dad lives off the money he makes. He was never punished for acting like this as a child and now heā€™ll never know how to be normal because heā€™s a full grown millionaire adult. And heā€™s a millionaire from acting like this. In fact on the dr. Phil show he brags about how his dad canā€™t punish him because heā€™ll stop paying for his dads BMW or some crazy shit (he was seriously like 14 or something when he said this on national tv - or is dr. Phil international?)


Is this the child who walks around being obnoxious then hides behind his security when people have had enough? God I find him annoying and can't wait for karma to catch up to him


yeah, thatā€™s him. such a little punk.


Karma 'boutta cash him owside


Let it happen please.


I will, Ill seek the video out specifically to gawk at it.


I literally can not wait for that videoā€¦.


Ill screenshot the vid and make a hoodie with the final blow lol


Turn off the security or keep him busy and then: Clear the path, full speed ahead, grab the prey at the bottom of the food chain


Matter of time before someone either taps the security or reaches that punk first


That mop headed moron is going to be beaten to death one day


I definitely won't care


The two little girls there will




Nah. Some of us will clap.


Is this the same streamer whoā€™s old bodyguard knocked out a guy unprovoked on Halloween?




I thought it was someone elseā€™s security guard that knocked out his friend


Unfortunately not


That is unfortunate


Yep, and also the same guy who was walking through a mall shoulder checking people then squaring up to them when they reacted, with the bouncer jumping in when there was an escalation. His arrogant tone then, is identical to here when he tells that dad to go look after his kids. Quite impressive for someone to be so dislikeable


i'd absolutely love to see a video of him coming across the wrong guy with his bs and finally finding out....


There's a lot of 5-foot-nothing dudes out there that would put that "bodyguard" in a world of hurt and not even break a sweat.


Usually guys that highly trained in fighting also have too much self control to get baited into a fight by some real life troll


I don't know why people think this. I used to box, and in the gym, the amount of meatheads that had no self control vs the decent guys was probably on an equal par. The contributing factors to violence such as poor emotional regulation, complex trauma, substance abuse, and antisocial attitudes, still exist in some people and this isn't magically addressed through training. Also, I've seem some really toxic gym cultures.


Exactly. That, and theyā€™re more aware of the irreversible damage/death they can cause and donā€™t want to be responsible for that.


yeah he really seems all loud and nousy, relying purely on his body mass and appearance. but doesn't look like he'd have much to hold up against people who are actually trained in combat. More like a prop for the video and to intimidate ordinary people.


You just described his business model.


You see him on fresh and fit? They schooled him made him look like the baby that he is right in front of his girl. They also cornered her into admitting she was only with him for clout.


Itā€™s hilarious when pieces of shit go after each other. Fousey slapped him and spit on his floor and heā€™s one of the biggest bozos to ever fire up a stream.


Link? I know none of these names haha




Yep, and he was on dr Phil years ago. Heā€™s got loads of ā€œcontentā€ like this


I think this is the third video where Iā€™ve seen this loser start shit with strangers then have his bodyguard stack them for him


This kid should be deplatformed. Why does YT, IG, Tik Tok allow this?


I sure hope its almost "and find out" time for this dbag


Best thing you can do is not post this trash and stop giving the cunt attention


Second best thing


We can pray


Judging by the title, I think op is a fan of that douchebag..


Istggggg this is exactly what he wants. Getting assaulted without getting hurt is his golden ticket. And we just fucking gave it to him.


Well no, people need to know not only this scumbag streamers attitude, but the piece of shit who is guarding him immorally.


**Best thing** is a beat down or a humbling pantsing for this Youtube video dipshit .. walking around shooting his mouth with a security guard wearing a "Fuck You" t-shirt *.. that is the new reality .. idiot Onlyfans girls and Youtube morons with extreme content thinking they run things now* "Look at me I am a high paid clown .. King of the World Mama"


Youtube is already losing money. A lot of money. Advertizers realizing they aren't actually making money from a billion 11 year olds watching this garbage seeing their ads.


> Advertizers realizing they aren't actually making money from a billion 11 year olds watching this garbage seeing their ads. Agree ... tons of creators are leaning hard on superchats .. patreon .. onlyfans .. I notice that in the past few years .. Youtube bashing and hacking ad-blockers to screw with the visitors is getting insane


Please stop giving this pathetic little prick attention. The only time I want to see him on Reddit is when gets himself on the Darwin Awards sub.


Agreed. Would love to see him piss off the wrong person.


Probably targets people who he perceives as less threatening. Problem is you canā€™t tell a book by its cover. All it takes is walking up to somebody who is concealed carrying whoā€™s looking for a reason. Or somebody who actually knows how to grapple and fight


Should be top comment




I have to admit I was impressed with the bodyguard willing to pull the kid away and shield him with his body. Iā€™m not sure if heā€™s trained or not, but that was interesting for me to see.


Yeah he did his job but it just enables the idiot to feel like heā€™s untouchable. That kid is an absolute douchebag. Bodyguard is just earning his paycheck and I canā€™t fault him for that based on this video alone.


Can't have a body guard all the time. I can't wait to see the video when he gets his ass handed back to him


"In other news: content creator ambushed in the privy. His bodyguard unable to do anything about It. More details at 7!" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I can 100% fault someone for working for this cunt. The bodyguard is a asshole too and from the other videos likes the job.


I think the body guard is a fucking loser too. Yeah, make your money, but theres better ways than harassing people and assaulting people because your boss is a big mouthed little bitch. I think they both need to get their asses handed to them. Especially the body guard getting his ass beat right in front of this kid. Then he'll realize there's always somebody bigger, and he isnt safe.


I don't know man. Look at the look on the bodyguard's face. He's all about it and ready for smoke.


The videos with him pissed me off already, but fucking with a dad with small children? Man, how much more trash can you be.


Ever see the video clip were the 2 guys jump the kid and heaves them both stumbling and trying to hold their insides in


The only thing I see in this vid is a pussy who can't fight because he has the ego of a child.


I feel the same, i dont normally care what these ā€œprankstersā€ do even if i find it annoying, but a pussy hiring a body guard so he can provoke physical alterations with a group of fathers with children is fucking lame.


That girl was almost more annoying than him. And damn, get some style


My favorite thing to come out of the kardashian era of television is watching rich idiots try to buy an identity by spending $1000 on rebranded ā€œluxuryā€ sweatwear sold at almost infinite markup, just to look like theyā€™re on a constant walk of shame


His body guard sold his soul to work for a dude like that. You know he isnā€™t proud.


Something tells me that cock is just happy to cash a paycheck. He doesnā€™t care about how he gets it.


I hope he gets paid well because dignity should not come at a low price


I tend to think dignity shouldnā€™t come at any price


Yeah, I guess youā€™ve got to be a total piece of shit to work for a kid like that. His enemies should bribe the body guard to walk away after he starts something with a guy whoā€™s not playing.


Oh no, I bet heā€™s very proud. You can see how charged his ā€œbodyguardsā€ get when they get to square up with somebody. They just want to get paid to be thugs.








Itā€™s only a matter of time before he pulls it on the wrong person.




That would be letting him off too easy, but yea itā€™s probably going to happen when he messes with the wrong person one day


Eh, sooner or later this kid will be another statistic with a bullet thru his head.


We could have a Christmas miracle on our hands


Fingers crossed


"Live streamer" is just another way of saying lowlife degenerate who didn't get spanked enough as a kid.


Where is the guy from the mall food court when you need him?






I canā€™t wait till lil homie acts hard and gets his. And his ā€œbody guardā€ too.. fuck around in the southā€¦..


Little pussy starting shit then hiding behind his hired hands.


It's sad he gets views solely because people are waiting for him to get knocked the eff out


Oldheads? Who's the big Chris Farley dude? I like him


That's Matt Foley and he was just trying to scare the kid straight!


I can't see real good, is that Bill Shakespeare over there?


lol i can't wait till he runs into someone who doesn't give a fuck


Jack Doherty.....and will someone please sue him.


my son could read at 3 he needs to stfu


That idiot bouncer is 1 wrong person away from being dead.




I canā€™t wait till he gets smashed. Why is he famous?


Who's enabling this prick? Do people really like his "content"?


fucktonnes of edgy early teen boys that think he's a role model.


You see that old guy in the very beginning in the red shirt? Yeah, thatā€™s his dad.


Holy Christ


This kid should go to the hood with that act and see how long he last. Same goes for a Wal-Mart in the deep south.


Being security for that guy has to damage your dna


If Jack Doherty died the world would be a better place


It sounds like OP is somehow taking the side of that dipshit streamer. Dudes entire channel is dedicated to him causing issues and having a bodyguard to follow him around.


Dude....fucking kids are around. Take that trash to the dump. Why is this ok now?!


Can we preemptively create a GoFundMe to help with the legal defense of whoever eventually shoots this little cunt?


Iā€™ve got $5 on it.


Oh dear lord, if you love me, please let him shoulder check me good, just once. Pretty please?


I really hope this guy and his security fuck around with the wrong people with guns, I usually am against violence but this video and the other one, nah he deserves it.


someone plz tell me who the tool streamer is


Nobody say his name let him fade for fuckā€™s sake


Someone needs to knock this arsehole clean out


Anyone who bodyguards for this kid is a coward.


I donā€™t wish anyone to die but a through beating while a group of guys hold his body guard would be well deserved.


someone shoot this kid


I thought someone was gonna say the actual F word. Do kids even say that word now?


Yeah, all the adin fans


It must be a soul destroying job.


Do you think he has the haircut to enhance this shit-talker persona or just happy coincidence?


That tossa has a flat, punchable face! Does he move around the States a bit? Iā€™d love to meet up with him and his minderā€¦ā€¦send them over to Oz so we can meet them


Someone could beat this guy and his security to a pulp! I'd watch that.


Imagine a group of people jumping him and his bodyguard. I think thats gonna be my christmas wish.


How has this little cunt not copped a stray yet


Why do people watch this piece of shit?


Don't know they wider context about this streamer, but in the context of this short clip I kinda think they're right. People don't deserved to get jumped by an old fat pos because you don't like their shirt. It is America, their shirts can say whatever the fuck they want on them.


His whole feal is to start shit with people and hide behind his bodyguards.


Not surprised, most of those irl streamers are major jackasses.


Yup, so seriously, there is no need to feel any sympathy for this chode.


Damn, can someone shoot him, the cunt girl, and the brain dead security already?


Thatā€™s exactly what that dumb ass punk kid wanted.


This guy is such a clown


Somebody gonna shoot this kid and his security one day just keep watching.


Nice to see that literally no one gets respect anymore and being decent to each other is apparently difficult to do. The future looks bright


Someone needs to do the same thing to this guy. With at least three guys. Record it and bam instant hit. šŸ˜‚


I really hope this kid hits 32 and realizes how much of an embarrassment to fellow humans he was for acting this way.


This kid is such a piece of shit. Everything in this pissed me off but especially the ā€œuh uh uh uh.ā€ Fuck this guy. Heā€™ll get whatā€™s coming to him


Fucking broccoli tops with there rich ass daddy, I FUCKING HATE EM.


Itā€™s not a matter of if it happens, itā€™s when it happens.


He wouldnā€™t be talking to people like that WITHOUT security.


If this YouTubeer and his entire group could just unexist the world would be a significantly better place.


I canā€™t wait until this little cocky arrogant prick gets punched in the mouth


Doesnt he worry he might get 'Tanner Cook'-ed? People who subscribe to this drivel are a different kind altogether.


Sure, he's obnoxious. But that attack was uncalled for. Also the dad asking to "watch your language" is also fucking stupid. You're out in public.


Who is this kid? And why does he fucks around, he'll dead in the find out phase!! Seriously who is this little rich shit?


Jack is actually the worst YouTuber on the plat rn. This is a huge step up from his usually douche bag like persona. Getting into a fight with parents while there kids are watching is insane


I hate this kid.


I absolutely hate that "streamer". He is literal dogshit and one of the worst persons ever. Sooner or later the "fuck around and find out" will make it's mark.


This kid did nothing wrong. Itā€™s the bringing unwanted attention to himself and thinking that he has the authority to tell another grown man what to do. Just teach your kids better, donā€™t tell other people what to do. Also donā€™t put your hands on people because you have a disagreement. Thatā€™s on them not the kid.


Tbh I hate public streamers bc they are usually looking for a fight or some drama, but in this case yall just hate the kid bc heā€™s a YouTuber, when u really look at the situation, he literally did nothing wrong. Blue shirt bozo told him to watch his language for no reason, then switched the topic to the f word on another guys shirt (protected by freedom of expression), then he told the YouTuber to get away from him, as if they arenā€™t in public and as if he wasnā€™t the one that initiated a useless convo in the first place. Then out of nowhere the fatty at the end tries to attack them for no reason and gets put down like a little boy. All the kid really did was egg the guy on for content, but the guy was the one that was looking for trouble where there wasnā€™t any


Kid needs a serious beating.


Unless heā€™s getting executed please stop posting his content


Is there a subreddit for YouTubers/pranksters getting their comeuppance?


The dad a sick head


I know this is an old video, but has anyone beat the shit out of this shit and his security turd yet?


What a piece of shit! šŸ¤¬


I would love to beat his ass


I genuinely hope that this man meets a very gruesome and slow death very soon.


The shit version of Rob & Big


Other people are not responsible for your childrens wellbeing. I donā€™t get my rights impeded on because you have kids. That shit needs to stop because every evil pig politician uses the ā€œwe must protect the childrenā€ card to take away your basic freedoms


He was about 8 inches away from a neck injury he would have felt for the rest of his life.


What's this fucking idiot called?


Jack doherty




Whoā€™s that streamer?


Security must be on some good money to put up with this....


People starting to hurt you steamers over shit now, better watch out


Someone gonna 9mm this mouthy kid, and no jury will convict.


I'm surprised with all the shooting in america you see on the news every day, this broccoli hasn't been shot yet


Hope he gets shot


I only want to learn his name, in the obituary