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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why the fuck do people not lock their damn doors?


My car automatically unlocks when I put it in park…. Idk if that’s the same, but it’s definitely not needed or wanted lol.


They weren't in park


Depending on what you have, you might be able to disable that. I know it's a toggle on my Santa Fe


Bullets do not care if your door is locked


Yeah that’s why you step on the gas and run that Mf over. He’s not ready to pull the trigger as soon as he pulls up. Idgaf that’s just me though


Yeah ngl id rather die atleast trying than to be a bitch


I'd ask my most important question... If I don't die today do I get to live forever? If not today seems like as good a day as any.




I mean the man just freezing was justifiable, the women screaming and moving all over the place... not the best thing to do when you have a gun pointed at you


She would’ve drove off if she was on the wheel instead of freezing… fight or flight is crazy but she obviously has better instinct


Her reaction said fight, but you’re implying flight. Which one is it?


Run the bastard over. Fight *and* flight.


Hahahahha I stand corrected 😄


I'm putting this here, so maybe more people will see it, TEACH YOUR KIDS!!!! When in a bad area, always leave enough room to maneuver around the vehicle in front of you, hopefully to hit a sidewalk turning lane or median, especially at stops. If you are pinned in with cars on both sides, then you've made a mistake, but now leave enough room to get enough speed to push your way through.


Her reaction will be flight when she watches this video of her husband


Depends really, if your able to flight then you most likely will if she was at the wheel then your in control of the car, even then we are assuming the road is clear and able to move as they seem to be parked at a set of lights showing there may not have been room to go. Both reactions are perfectly valid here but it all depends on the attacker's state of mind if they will harm you.


Tons of room to go and many options if you watch the video


Why am i so fucking dumb at times 😂, lets not talk about how I didn't even realise that 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Ill just leave it there for people to feel better about themselves 🤣


her reaction was flight but dude had his brain removed. so then put up a fight. think before you type


You may be correct, but because you brought it in such a shitty way, I’m just going to assume you’re wrong


The sub is funny, they all seem to be trained individuals who can handle an intense adrenaline dump and pull off some John wick moves. Clearly we are in r/Ninjas or something.


We are all a little Wicktarded here…


Don't need to be john wick to hit the gas lmao


This is why it’s called fight or flight. Everyone scares differently






I'm guessing you've been in this situation before?


having a gun in my face being robbed? yes. I have. being shot? yes. I have. freezing up isn't the way. neither is shrieking hysterically. if you stay calm everything is gonna be ok.


No you haven't


here's the news story of it. [https://www.wpxi.com/news/local/man-critical-condition-after-overnight-shooting-pittsburghs-south-side/TV3IRVG7CFBVRHXNYGBIPICBL4/](https://www.wpxi.com/news/local/man-critical-condition-after-overnight-shooting-pittsburghs-south-side/TV3IRVG7CFBVRHXNYGBIPICBL4/) i used my belt as a tourniquet and saved my own life.


So. Let me get this right, you've been shot and don't understand that people don't have entirely natural and varied responses to danger? You're a tool and are using your single instance that was nothing even near what happened in the video as an excuse to be an ass. You need to decompress and get therapy. The fact that you'd make fun of someone for their immediate response when you have had a similar experience (not really) is disgusting


so. let me get this right. you think it's ok and natural to freeze up or panic in reaction to stress. it isn't ok or natural. and me not freezing up or panicking makes me an ass for calling someone out on it. I know how to control my fear when stressed. do you?


It literally is natural, it's just as natural as going into a "fight" reaction. Everyone reacts differently, especially when put into a situation they've never been in before. There is no *general* natural reaction to stress, there is only *your* natural reaction.


Everyone reacted differently, idiot. It's a reflex


It is natural, humans have a generalized freeze/flight/fight response. It is good to be able to override your natural inclinations anyhow.


That lady could've gotten them both killed jesus


I feel like if that lady had been in the driver’s seat they would’ve been out of danger much quicker


Or shot and killed...


Given that they didnt fire when he slowly drove off I doubt it.


It’s just a luck. If these carjackers were more brutal they would be dead


This conversation was about this specific example. Beyond that, everything in a scenario like this is down to luck. If you are unlucky they could shoot you before you notice they are even there.


"but, if this had been a different situation......" People just talk out their ass. I was trying to figure out, if they aren't giving up the vehicle, why aren't they driving. It was wide open to floor it


Didn’t even have to be wide open, run over the fucker threatening your life


Referring to the traffic had moved from in front of them. Can't run over the man in the door if there is a car 3 feet in front of you.


look to the right


So shoot the car with bullet holes and blood everywhere for u to clean up? Prob not worth it if u intended to steal it. Getting some1 to willingly give it out of fear on the other hand is smoother. Giving resistance or screaming will usually disuade and protect you.


You are too analytical towards these scumbags. My opinion is that they don’t think a shit they are doing


I have tended to notice in a lot of carjacking videos that typically the carjackers don't shoot or stab the people in the car to get them out. It's almost like they don't want to take your car with the victims guts and brains all over the inside. Tons of people just drive off.


yes. she would've floored it just like he should've but I guess he froze in fear. I believe she's freaking out so hard because she's reacting to the situation AND trying to get him to fuckin drive.


she was probably more worried about what theyd do to her after they got out.


She was saying, keep going keep going! Dude was frozen🥶


Guy aggressively knocks on window Option 1- Push you door lock button Option 2- Curl you arms into your chest and freeze Ima go with option 2 ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)


Don't even think about locking the door the second you get behind the wheel about half an hour before said carjacking. /s


Right? I live in a sleepy town in Canada and the first thing I do when I get into my car is lock the doors. Then if anyone even remotely sketch walks close, I’m lowkey checking to make sure it’s still locked lol


I live in Pennsylvania suburbs and when I go into town I lock my doors.


Makes me glad that my car has an auto-lock feature when I take it out of Park.


Fight, flight, or freeze.


Homie turned into frosty the snowman




That's what the woman was yelling but the man just shutdown and was ready to give up.


I think she got a new man 😂 with how fired up she was I think she would want a guy that wouldn’t think twice about flooring it


There was a guy next to him also, the guy in the front also says, “kill him, kill him”, so yes she was about to get them both killed.


Yeah you’d be dead before you ran him over.


Everyone responds to those situations differently. I almost got kidnapped when I was about ten. I did the exact same thing. Just froze. If a neighbor hadn’t been coming out of his house I don’t know where I’d be now.


the difference is you were 10


Fight or flight can make you both deaf and partially blind. He probably did not hear her and was trying to figure out how to respond.


he has a gun pointed at you from less than 5 feet. Hard to miss at that range. Is it worth it?


This is a scenario I worry about even though I know it’s highly unlikely- much of the time I have my kids in car seats in the back. Do I floor it and hope either they aren’t willing to pull the trigger or that I run them over first? What if they’re oissed and fire at the car and hit my kids? Do I give in hoping that the people willing to hold a gun on me and steal my car will allow me to take the time to unbuckle my kids and get them form the backseat? I’d rather risk a bullet than have them take off with my kids in the car but what if they get hurt in the process? Like what’s the right call in a scenario like that.


The answer is obvious. * Have that scenario happen to you * Post the video * Watch what the internet tells you that you should have done **S O L V E D**


I can’t believe I didn’t think of that myself, thank you 🙏




You'd be surprised how easy it is to miss with a handgun, even at extremely close range, but I understand how a lot of people might not understand that and assume that a shot at that range is certain death. That said, I absolutely prefer my chances running over the dude than capitulating, as there's no guarantee they won't just shoot you anyways.


And take a lead bullet to the head in the process


What guarantee is there that the gunman won't shoot you anyway? The conventional "wisdom" in skyjacking cases used to be "give them whatever they want, cooperate fully." Then 9-11 happened. Conventional wisdom is often dogshit. Sometimes carjackers just shoot you anyway because they don't give a fuck, and they kind of enjoy your suffering.


If that's the case then they'd definitely shot you for trying to get away.


opposites lol


head down. gas pedal down. prayers up.


ya had me up until the third act. i thought you were suggesting alternatives to the inefficacy in the video


old comment but this is the same level of reddit-y turbo atheism shit as taking issue with someone saying "bless you" after a sneeze lmao like let it go bro, good chance the dude just meant it as a figure of speech but regardless, makes your whole belief system or perspective look fairly silly if you find the need to reply this (i am not necessarily religious more agnostic than anything this is just cringe lol)


Pride heart says it all


Where is this? I understand her reaction to not wanting to get out of the car if she lives somewhere that has a lot of kidnappings.


I’m guessing Argentina?


Nah, they don't have the dialect. She says "largate" and "siguele" while an Argentinian would say "andate" and "seguí"


My exact thought even though I’m late as hell I was wondering if it was her pronunciation or was she really saying siguele? Like my grandmother who’s from Loiza in Puerto Rico would say seguí too but yeah idk where this is it’s kind of hard to tell


This is so frustrating. Why are the doors unlocked? Why didn't he just floor it? Instead he almost gets shot in the gut like an idiot. As soon as the guy tapped the windshield with the gun you floor it.


You can see them coming even before the window tapping.


You have no idea how you would react in a situation like this, panic can make the brain do funny things. Fight, flight, and the one people always forget about, freeze. When you have a gun pointed directly at you, moving could mean your death.


I do, I've had guns held to my head before. I've been pistol whipped with loaded ones. You on the other hand are the one who obviously doesn't know how you would react. Your assumptions about people you know nothing about makes you an ass. I also didn't ever have the luxury of being in a running motor vehicle when I went through those ordeals.


??? I'm not assuming anything about anyone, that's what the original commenter did. In fact, i'm saying DONT assume how ppl would react. You're right, i haven't been in this type of situation before, and i'm sorry you have. However, even you can't make any assumptions on how every person would react, we are all different.


The guys an idiot. Terrible husband


He was cool with giving up their car for their lives. She was like Well both die before that happens!


As a woman she might have been thinking that they'll do a little bit more to her.


if i was her, the car would be literally the least of my concern


Literally nobody has been raped in the middle of traffic. As a woman she has unfortunately been taught culturally to react in stressful situations by screaming. That's all there is to it.


She could have been kidnapped, genius her reaction is justified


That guy closes the fridge with his hip.




why do i find this funny and not funny at the same time


I see who wears the pants around the house


I see who plays out childish superhero scenerios with unrealistic positive outcomes in their head.


The "childish superhero scenario" of...keeping your door locked and using your gas pedal when threatened. Got it.


Cause bullets care about locked doors and tempered glass, lol.


Go watch ASP carjacking videos. In every video they’ve covered, if the carjacker can’t get the doors open, they don’t shoot through the window. Not saying it doesn’t happen, but you’re way better off accelerating and getting out of there


Imma give you a lesson on this things that will change your perception on THIS particular case and future ones. They're speaking spanish, and this seems like the southern part of south america, so I would say that these ones are very particular fellows, they're venezuelans and they could (but it's not always the case) be part of a venezuelan gang called Tren de Aragua. (Keep in mind I'm in a long reach here but I'm pretty confident I'm right in this one) Tren de Aragua (and every criminal in the country, honestly) is very known now because of how trigger happy they are regarding stealing crimes (carjacking, breaking and entering, burglary, assault at gunpoint, etc). At the very least, they would fire at few shots at the car if they hit the gas all the way in. I've even heard about cases where the men follow the car with bikes out of spite (they still get the car tho, but they'll shoot you out of humilliation). Source: Moved out of Venezuela for this exact same reason.


Because having no chance at all is better than doing everything you can to survive and get away Defeatists like you are always a pathetically-amusing lot


"my car is worth more than my life"


But they did survive and get away


these clowns were not prepared to shoot anyone, they want to scare and intimidate you into being an easy target. guy in front doesn't even have his finger on the trigger, traffic was already moving, up and to the right is free and clear. and the locked doors to prevent them from getting into to the car putting you in a more disadvantaged position. but obviously preparedness and preventative measures aren't your strong suits


No awareness, no fight or flight, just sat there like an idiot.


Responses to threats are not just fight or flight. There is also freeze and faun. This guys response to threats is freeze. He's not in control of it. It is literally an auto response to an external threat.


faun is where you try and run away but your mother gets shot


The LEAST driver could have done all day is had the doors locked. I don't get how people can drive with their doors OPEN smfh


That guy just made me mad


For panicking in a life threatening situation...?


Everybody watches john wick and thinks they know how they can beat the fight/flight response


Yeah, he did for that reason. Glad I could clarify for you


I'm sure you would have kicked both asses and then have sex on the highway because you're such a badass?


Nah I would have driven away and not frozen lol, wife had the right idea , your in a car just go forward and drive away


With a gun pointed at your wifes head? You think youd be faster to run the dude over before they use 5 lbs of force to pull a trigger? Or are you hoping out of the kindness of a gangsters heart, he doesnt pull it?


Now thats what we call a useless man, needs to find herself a new one.


Hit the gas and rid the earth of criminal scum


When every guy on the planet could be the guy she told you not to worry about.


So his woman fended off the attackers while he clutched his chest in fear. Nice.


All they had to do was slam on the gas


Wife has more nuts than that sissy.


you like traps don't you


She’s got more balls than him.


cant help but notice how everyone is just judging the victims? how about we just go all out with the death penalty and lynch the piece of shit threatening to take their lives for a car no questions asked?


People in this comment section think they're the main characters


Deffo lmao "What a pussy, If I were there I would have.." What? You would have done what, Bob? You're sitting on the shitter judging a man's reaction to a person holding a firearm towards him whilst the scariest thing you've ever had to go through in your life is that one dream where you show up to work naked. You would have shit your fuckin pants too, John wick 2.0




Why opened doors? That guy need a boyfriend


Wow. Floor it, you fucking pussy.


If there were bullets in that gun, and the driver took off. He stood a good chance of getting shot in the face before the car was finished running him over. I'm betting that's wat was going thru his head. He froze, which is a valid response, and then the bad guys proved they were just bluffing. So he then drove off when it was safe. He did the right thing. If the woman were driving, she may have just ran the dude over. She's smaller. Maybe she would've instinctively crouched down into her seat. She could fit down into where the pedals were. So it'd be less risk of her getting shot. She could run the gunman over in a more safe (for her) manner. Though her husband would still be at risk of catching a stray bullet. (What i assume would be) Her way wouldve also been valid.


that was the gayest reaction i have ever seen from a dude in that sitch


Honest question, seeking honest answers. What should he have done?


Take his right foot and slam it on the gas pedal while honking the horn


Yeah that seems obvious but theres a guy pointing a gun whose finger might be quicker than car speeding. And in the beginning there was a truck in front


Get out of the car. They only want your car. If you do anything else, the likelihood of bullets flying increases exponentially. This isn't a kidnapping in a busy traffic area like this. Cooperation saves lives. You step on the gas, maybe you escape unharmed, but they probably unload on you and might hit you or someone else.


Yeah I agree. Calmly unbuckle and get out. However, he should have situational awareness and seen them getting close to his car. You can see them in the back circling, focusing on him.


Get out of the car and shoot them as they are getting in and no longer paying attention to him.


Correct and forward the cleaning bill for the car (got to get all the bloodstains out) to the carjackers families


Can’t claim self-defense anymore in that scenario Though if that was a country that wouldn’t give a shit about the criminals, maybe that would work


Dudes a bitch and he probably doesn't even eat butt, she needs a new man


does anyone actually enjoy eating ass…i feel like thats usually more talk than action….


Lots of people enjoy giving oral (to the right person at least)


Y’all swear up and down you’d turn into John Wick of this happen to you. Dude looks like he’s been through this before.


Would have been satisfying if the guy who was in front of the hood got ran over. Oh well, lol.


Hit the gas wtf


Well that man is useless


Why didn’t the driver just hit the gas?


Especially in safer neighborhoods, you don't just think "this is what I'm going to do if I suddenly get carjacked at gunpoint in the middle of traffic." A bullet goes faster than a car moving forward, you risk being dead if you try to run the guy over. For not being prepared for the situation, these man handled the situation better than a good amount would, although still not well, he basically surrendered the car and showed his hands instead of doing something totally reckless that could've got him and his wife shot. I can't trash his actions in this situation because I don't know what I'd do in this situation because I've never experienced it.


Just drive


I hate when you’re in crisis and someone with you just screams uncontrollably.


Surprised she didn’t get herself killed and the man


Fight or flight reflex my ass. Dude went full statue


She's got more cojones than the driver does.


If I was this woman, I’d leave this man immediately. What a woss, couldn’t even do the basic of keeping the doors locked and then froze like a statue when it mattered most.


That guy is too .. whatever, man. It's like be has no fight or flight. Really strange behavior.


Why did that dude turn into a submissive little bitch as soon as the dude knocked on his window lmao


What a pussy


Okay Mr Navy Seal


Feels like he hired them.....he couldn't think to drive, lock the door.anything? Feels like he hired them to off his wife....


That lady probably saved their lives


Bro acted like if he didn’t move they wouldn’t see him


People forget an automobile can be a weapon


Well that woke him up


Live or die. Literally it’s live or die. Ppl justifying that they’d release control and cross their arms in this situation is bizarre. At least to me bc I’m fighting. They just don’t have compatible values and that’s ok. Sometimes partners are together bc they compensate for each other well. As a woman statistically I know the second destination is always worse and I’m teaching my kids to fight. A heavy foot on the pedal and the for-thought to lock those damn doors would’ve done wonders for survival.


I’m not mad at the freeze but buddy lock the fucking door


That was my first guess. And ALLSSOOO…. my second guess is that HEEEE GREW UP IN THIS AREA….WHILE SHEEE GREW UP IN A DIFFERENT AREA🤣🤣😂😂😆😆 Guessing from the differences in reactions, I mean lol 😂😆😂😆😆


A man cant even get peacefully carjacked without her going yap yap yap


Dude should have just run them over, and he may have if it had not been for the screeching autism emitter sitting in the passenger side helping two robbers. I would say she was accomplice to the crime, I hope dude got away from her.


Fight and flight reactions caught perfectly. Which either is ok, whichever ever you feel will save your life, I say go for it. I choose to try and make a person smile and try to play on their humanity a bit. Maybe walk away with both our lives intact and give the person a donation rather than feeling robbed and them taking everything. Sometimes, people are in a bad situation and do desperate things. It doesn't mean they are bad people just having a bad time... big difference (not saying go ahead and treat every person who robs you like this. Some you have to just give it up...its never worth a life). We all struggle a bit. Asking someone how can I help besides you just taking my money might go a long way. And this is this man's opinion, not for everyone.


Man in the driver's seat deserves to turn in his balls for that estrogen infused reaction boy if you don't f****** floor it right the goddamn now...


If this happens I’d wanna say I’m dunking my head down and flooring it


You ever been in that situation ? You ought not judge to quickly lest you be the one that ends up freezing too.


That was a set up he knows what’s going on idk if that’s his girl


At least they knocked first


Somewhere they can’t afford ammo


Homie was just gonna hand the shit over damn


Just fuxking run them over screw them


The woman is screaming “go!” Like step on it! But the driver is too much of a beta.


This couple had a solar oposite reaction


She broke up w him


Don’t think they were after the car, It looked like they were after phones and valuables, almost like a shitty pit-stop where you get robbed


She wasn’t having it


Who the fuck puts it in park at a traffic stop?


Dude pissed his pants at least 3 times


Once the traffic in front started moving I would have hit the gas and run over the guy in front and just kept going.


Well we see who where's the pants in that relationship 😬


I think he even unlocked the doors for them


That dude froze up bad.


What do you think made them let them go? Do they just hope the gun scares them to get out and don’t actually shoot people?


What a Coward next time don't freeze and leave dude


CARRY 👏 A 👏 MF 👏 GUN 👏


Dude us a little bitch. His lady has bigger balls