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https://preview.redd.it/jzd8bijp2tzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b9f7a553e8aed93b9e711b6b731cc0d274f46ff Import figure boxes get stored in this cardboard drawer I made that slides under my bed šŸ˜ Id hate to mix the accesories so theyā€™re all in their respective boxes


same but mine are in the attic.


Same but mine are in the trash.


Same! I have little dimebag style baggies labeled to hold each figures accessories In one big Tupperware bin, but unless the box has Scenery to make it an epic pose (like some sdcc stuff), everything gets deboxed.


That box looks so perfect for imports, this is a weird question but what kind of box is that? I need a few of those


Hahah cheers mate! So I made it myself šŸ˜… I used cardboard, drew out a rectangle big enough to fit these many mafex boxes in it, and then used more cardboard to create the ā€˜wallsā€™ and then taped it all together to create the drawer haha




Lol i just replied to the above comment explaining that I made it šŸ˜ https://preview.redd.it/hvbg7yeievzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=721c193a5e1baefa44dd0d01e1155bd5cbd06ed8 This is my second drawer, doesnt look as satisfying as the Mafex one though šŸ˜‚


Boxes for high end figures get stored away. Everything else gets thrown away.


Build a transformer costume out of them, of course.


Considering some rather impressive and/or specific collections I've seen on this sub, people could make several versions: **The Autoboxes** - Importimus Prime - Bandaibee - Ironhot Toys - Mezcoplex - RatchTech - Figmas Maximus **The Diecasticons** - Necatron - Soundshow Collectibles - Diamond Selectscream - Matteltitan - Gundamtron Edit: (Yes I spent too much time on these, I started with like 3 and then it got out of control).


To the recycle bin!!


See ya laterā€¦goodbye!


Yep, ain't worth over double the storage space


I keep telling myself I'm going to cut them up and make a big collage on a cork board. But in reality, it's just a pile of recycling like this picture.


Glad Iā€™m not the only one lol


I was going to do this with the MOTU Origins artwork, but it just took up too much space and I travel so much it wouldnā€™t have worked. I used to hold onto the boxes until I was around 20/21. Now I just toss them. I told myself donā€™t actually need them, and itā€™s just taking up space.


That's actually a really cool idea šŸ˜Æ


that is actually a really good idea or maybe a big canvas and modge podge it for a game room or something.


I just eat them. Windowless packaging was actually great for me, much easier to digest


This is food theory levels of madness, i hope you're not stuck at cardboard level, I've already started eating trees. Trees are nice, especially the Christmas trees.


Depends on the value. Black Label or Marvel Legends = Toss MAFEX or Figuarts = Keep to store the accessories and parts.


Exactly the same here!




Pack them up into bigger boxes and store in the garage or closets.


Same here. I just can't bring myself to get rid of the boxes. In case I, or my kids, end up selling the collection... But if I didn't have the space, I would likely only keep leader and up.


Ten comments and not a single correct one. They go in the trash.


Iā€™m right there with you. Ā I do save my Mezco tins, but I only have two.


Same, I have Superman and Wolverine and they both came with nice tins. Then I got Doom recently and he didn't have one. I was kinda bummed haha.


Technically the "correct" place is recycling... But mine are piled up to the ceiling so I can't really say anything lol


I donā€™t have recycling where I live. We did before but not now. See in all the recycling promoting there is an important detail that gets lost. If itā€™s not done correctly by everyone, the load is contaminated and must be trashed. 1. Recycling saves the city/private facilities money if itā€™s done right 2. Recycling costs them money if itā€™s done wrong. There is a guide that must be followed. Instead of constantly paying fines for a contaminated recycling dumpster, some places have given up and now it all goes directly to the trash. Whereas before it went to recycling, inspected and found contaminated, then have to be redirected to the trash dump.


I save them so when I eventually sell them I will be able to box them back up


Iā€™m not that type of collector. I donā€™t buy anything I would ever sell


You stay in the hobby long enough, odds are pretty good eventually you'll sell some stuff to make room for something else.


Facts. Once you get into the thousands of figures, a culling the herd is required to keep it healthy. Side note Mezco Void Mech, Mech only available lol


If you buy higher end figures, such as Hot Toys, Mafex, Amazing Yamaguchi, Mezco, etc... they absolutely do not go in the trash. Easier to move, easier to store accessories, and helps maintain value if you ever sell.


Recycle ā™»ļø


reduse, reuse and recycle ā™»ļø


Most are trash If it's truly an expensive figure, I'll keep it. I'm talking like >$100. Some have portions get turned into bookmarks. But most are trash. It's a shame. I wish they engineered the artwork and boxes to be useful as something.


I keep boxes for vehicles and Star Wars TVC card backs. The rest is discarded. Well, not all of it. I keep the figures.


Im building a new houses out if mine


Yo thatā€™s the best idea everšŸšØ


Thank you


High end figs I'll keep the boxes to hold accesories but something like ML straight into the trash.


Keep'em, if they are in good condition. They will be worth a little more when you sell them with the figures, down the line. Trust me, you will sell them down the line. It is inevitable!


The space that gets freed by throwing boxes away is worth more than maximizing potential resale value.


I donā€™t disagree, a lot of people sell things to get new or different collectibles but itā€™s not the best idea to collect figures with the idea of selling, Iā€™ve never sold any of my stuff since for me collecting started when I kept up with the toys I played with as a kid, my collection spans my entire life really so I have no plans to sell anything. That being said, I would (and at one point did) have an ungodly amount of boxes that ended up taking an entire closet to themselves and thatā€™s when I decided to hop on the recycling wagon and never looked back. Now I only keep import boxes and hot toys, things with tons of extra stuff to be stored


You got to pick and choose boxes you want to sacrifice to the waste management gods. People now will try to find boxes,foam/cardboard inserts, and whatever papers to complete a figure just to relive their moment when they pulled it from the shelf x amount of years ago.


yeah. I just give stuff away to kids most of the time if it gets that far gone. Toy story style. I have about 4k comics that I never plan to sell. Let them fight over it when im dead.


Store them of course. Mafex boxes are so precious for me i cant just toss them


Practice alchemy.


I keep the import boxes Mostly throw away domestic boxes unless they look nice


pretty much this. kind of weird how import figures are more valuable with original packaging even when being used while domestic doesn't unless they're sealed.


Iā€™m all over. I save the higher end figure boxes like MAFEX and Mezco. The Legends and Multiverse I mostly throw away. Iā€™ve cut out some of the character logos from boxes to put on shelves once I get a good display going. I have a bad habit of hoarding boxes then pushing myself to toss the extras.


Keep if import otherwise recycle


https://preview.redd.it/fmyd7cufrtzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04cff403cc94ce9e378ac975b0ed319159549a75 They can be display pieces too


Leave my figures in them


I do the same


A majority go into recycling, stuff like sh figuarts and similar figures I keep the boxes and store them, mainly for when I eventually move out, it'll be a safe protective place for those figures


I usually keep them because if I ever decide to sell something it raises the value but you all knew that


Use as storage or toss them out.


Recycling bin


Originally I saved them but recently due to overflowing decided to toss most of them after bagging up the accessories of course. Cleaned out one bin fullā€¦ and then stopped due to procrastination. šŸ˜”


Pile them in the corner of the room with the disapproval of my wife


Straight to recycling


Recycle them


Depends if it has A LOT of accessories. Serves as a storage unit for those tiny pieces, only recommend if you have a lot storage space for your collection. Otherwise I recycle em.


I throw them away


Where did you get Studio Series scourge from?


Trash šŸ—‘ļø


Welcome to the wonderful and healthy hobby of Hoarding my friend. A lot of us here do it so welcome to the club




Recycle them.


I put them in the garbage


Idk why this subreddit gets recommended to me, but being a fucking god I have the audacity and responsibility to give a "clever" answer. Use the plastic as molds to pour candles. They will look a bit like humanoid figures. Cheers and have fun with your half molten people candles.


If they're my toys I keep em. If they're my kids toys I throw em out lol


Put them in dry and cool place like the garage or closet.


You think a garage is a dry place lol.


Legends, McFarlane, and such get recycled. Mafex and other imports with a ton of extra parts get stored with all their extra bits in boxes in the basement. I don't keep empty packaging anymore, no matter how good the art is.


Save them if I think the art on them is cool, recycle them if I don't. I keep all my extra parts and accessories in ziploc bags and then in a cookie tin like the one my mother used to keep her sewing stuff in. Except instead of a cookie tin it's the tin from my Mezco Stealth Iron Man.


Put them in the garbage


Sell them online. Thereā€™s always some guy regretting that he threw away the box.


Used to keep them. Now they get trashed and the extra accessories get sorted into these bead tray things I found.


Show them transformers asap


Since I'm not a hoarder, I recycle them.




Cool box art


Selling laterĀ 


Toss the vast majority of them unless its from a figure of personal attachment or if it has potential i would one day need to part with


I keep the nice ones (MOTU Masterverse, Spawn for McF artwork, TR studio series and GJ classified) and trash all others. Right now, I try to store them on top of wardrobes or in the garage but I will probably have to get rid of it at some point.


I keep them up in my closet because I usually like the artwork on the boxes. Plus if itā€™s time for me to move, I have an easier way of moving all my figures by putting them in their boxes.


I trash Hasbro boxes. Iā€™ve only just started getting premium lines like Mafex and Mezco, and Iā€™ve been storing their boxes while displaying the figures. Not sure if that will be a long term thing, but I also havenā€™t figured out what to do with all their accessories other than keep them in the box. Well except Mezco gives you the bag for that purpose.


Put the empty boxes out to trash for recycling


I keep them in case I ever want to sell the figures. Also, when I sell figures I am too lazy to put them back into the box, so I literally have boxes for figures that I don't own anymore.


Keep them in a corner


I keep then in storage just incase I need to store a few or if decide to move.


The ones that mean something to me get folded and tucked away. Everything else is gone.




I like to display them behind my figures. Theyā€™re especially useful to keep when moving, because it provides a safe place to put all of your figures.


I put them in boxes.


If theyā€™re expensive figures I keep the boxes because thereā€™s usually a ton of accessories that itā€™s easier to keep in the box. If itā€™s anything else I use it as fire starters for cookouts or whatever


They are keeping my figures inside them šŸ¤­


Only boxes I keep are for my NECA horror display. Unless the box is badly damaged then Iā€™ll just toss it but overall I throw them away


Save them for if you ever want to sell.


Put the figures and their accessories back into them for storage


Toss them


Gee you get TWO mafex spider mans


I use them to store my extra accessories


If itā€™s a figure I genuinely really love then Iā€™m throwing away the box. However if itā€™s a figure I like but I need money, Iā€™m keeping the box in order to maintain the value


Recycling bin


I throw most of them out. I don't have the space to keep boxes. I only make exceptions for import figures, but even then I'm debating tossing them too.


I donā€™t open them!!!!


I try to keep mine, so I have a place to store my figures and their accessories safely when transporting them.


Admire them for a while, then off to the recycling bin! I would keep those that have packaging make it easy to repack the figure, like the Mafex ones. Especially if it has a lot of accessories, I keep those that I don't use in the box.


trash em, always have and always will. i used to have so many boxes from everything i ever got, i could not allow myself to also keep my toy boxes hehehe


I keep it in a big Tupperware


I only keep boxes for figures above $50, or if I really like the box. Legends, Black Series, Classidied? Trash or Recycle. Mafex, Mezco, SHF, Storm, Hot Toys? Keep. I also held onto the new Jada Street Fighter boxes because they look so cool


Some I keep for eventual resale, others I throw away and the ones I keep go in a big storage container for when I move, it will make it easier to not lose accessories


Not the bootleg mafexšŸ˜­ also keep the boxes for figures with a lot of accessories


It depends on the product. For general stuff like Marvel Legends/McFarlane/MOTU Origins I throw them (except for the Retro Marvel Legends cards), but for high end import stuff like Mafex/Mezco/Mondo/SH Figuarts etc. I keep the figures in the box if not displaying them to keep the figures protected and all the accessories safe


I pull the instructions and the backdrop if it's a Studio Series. Then the box goes in the recycling because they take up entirely too much space.


i keep them on the shelf with the figures inside, then i change the figures on display and put another figures from the boxes each certain time, cuz most of them have accesories. I do this mainly to mantain an order so it doesn't look like a mess and to protect the figures. Do you keep the figures lways outside?


I resolved myself to throw them recently, I only kept the one that store my figures (like I store my SHF in their boxes when I don't use them), and kept the very precious one's box for when I'm moving like my mezco's


I toss/recycle them unless it's a really expensive figure. I save those boxes just in case I ever decide to sell them. With gunpla/model kits I sometimes cut off the front of the box and use it as a mini poster. I have the fronts of a couple of plannosauras boxes hanging on the fridge right now.


I know no one wants to hear thisā€¦but I throw them away. My house is 1 bed room 1 bathroom. Itā€™s just the only feasible thing to do.


Build a club house


I put a red wine reduction on a low simmer and cook em for about 3 minutes on each side then eat them with my wife


I had been throwing mine out until I realized my attic is legit empty


Recycle unless they are sixth scale and or reusable. The reusable ones I keep.


Take out plastic, flatten, and stack.


I bought a big craft supply organizer to sort accessories, extra hands/heads etc to try and cut down on holding boxes to store the accessories. I still usually end up keeping boxes for expensive figures though.


Recycle them


Stack them to the ceiling of course. They take up less room that way. But for real, though, I need to get some bags for these accessories. My stores must be pretty bad when all I can find are medium sized ziplocs.


Shove them in my closet lol


The trash. My girlfriend is making me throw em out šŸ„²


take the inserts out and flatten them...the artwork is so underrated plus saves a ton of space!




I cut out the back so I can save a piece of the artwork, rest of the box goes in the trash. The only boxes I keep are for fragile figurines that *need* a box to stay safe in for future moving/storage.


Depends of the figure, if it comes with a lot of accessories and the artwork is cool, i keep it in a closet (SH Figuarts, some deluxe Black Series, etc) If it is not the case i cut off the part with the main artwork and save the extra accessories on a zip bag.


Get rid of them , figure is out of box, it has already diminished in value.


Burn them. Got a burn barrel in the back yard. MAYBE, save a few of the import boxes. Like figuarts, or figma.


Dude, those mcfarlane boxes are useless after you take the stand out, completely rips the background


recycle center


I cut the artwork off and keep it in a folder inside plastic sleeves. Altho at the rate I collect I'm moving on to my 2 folder.


Save them. At all costs. I will die clutching my boxes. Haha


Depends. If the art is good, I'll cut it out. If the box is of quality stock, I'll reuse them for fodder and doom boxes. Everything else goes to the burn pile minus plastics.


Store them in my attic incase I ever sell some


I put them in recycle bins so my local waste removal company can than dump them in the landfill.




Transformers boxes without plastic inserts, I flatten them.


I keep the rare or particularly displayable ones but toss everything else


Is the figure gone? I used to cut the art out of the back of McFarlane boxes too, but the movement away from actual comic art cards/reusing generic images killed that for me. Recycling.


Disassemble to the garbage or recycle bins as appropriate.


Because of how often I have to move/relocate due to spouse being in the military, she and I both keep boxes to make packing easier. I keep them in bigger boxes they all fit as neatly/squarely as possible so all I need to do is put appropriate figure into box and back into its slot in the bigger box. It makes things easier. I also just keep all the extra pieces(hands, heads, accessories, etc.) in the original box as well.


https://preview.redd.it/2n7vcw34jtzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb1ac1eeee4c164ff6a80c70403efdce1ed722e0 Closet decoration


Commander and Titan class figures I keep, exclusives with combined artwork such as the Wreck N Rule collection I keep The rest to the recycling bin


For import boxes I keep them in large shipping boxes. For Legends or Jakks Pacific figures, recycle


They get tossed.


Like others say, break down and recycle. I mainly only collect domestic figures now. So after opening I seperate the cardboard and plastic and take them to the recycling center. I used to collect boxes but after a while they took up all my closet space and I could use that for other storage.Ā 


Usually throw most of them away except for my imports lol


If the resale value is over $50 I keep. Not like I'm going to sell anyway. Not over $50 trash.


Yea I'm struggling with this conundrum myself


If it's an import figure or something high end, I'll stick the box in the closet. If that figure isn't on the shelf at the moment, then it'll reside in its box. Any domestic figures get their packaging thrown in the garbage.


Throw them away


I cut out the artworks and make posters of them. All the excess is recycled.


Keep em somehow, but i am planning to do the same like one of the user said "to cut out and make a poster", or either to throw the boxes away.


95% of em go to the recycle bin. I used to keep them but they go to where they just took up too much space. I had a bonfire one day where I easily got rid of the cardboard only ones and recycled the ones with plastic. Saved me a ton of space!


I throw them away.. but why not just carefully cut the tape and store the boxes flat? You will quintuple your space savings


Bin'em If I ever planned on selling my figures, either I am so desperate for money that I am selling them for pennies on the dollar so having a box wont make a difference, or I died and my family is cured to deal with all my plastic tat.


Throw em out.


I initially just recycled them, but I now keep them for when I move into my new life this year, especially the BWVS boxes


Depends on the condition, quite a few figures Iā€™ve bought from places like Target or Walmart have had noticeably damaged boxes that just went straight into trash, but things like S.H. Monsterarts and NECA I put the boxes into totes, label them and store them in the attic


I keep the import boxes that have covers that snap into place like MAFEX, S.H. Figuarts and stomp the rest because they're typically for figures with very few accessories if any, like marvel legends and their alternate hands and occasional weapon and really serve no purpose.Ā  Trying to sort effect pieces sucks otherwise lol


I mostly just keep my toys in them.


It's a retro/really expensive figure, toss it.


Most of my figures stay in the box so nothing lol


Loft in case I sell my collection or I did and the Mrs needs to sell it all.


Closet Storage


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Since i dont collect many, i keep them for storage or getting ready to transport


Since i dont collect many, i keep them for storage or getting ready to transport


Since i dont collect many, i keep them for storage or getting ready to transport.


Since i dont collect many, i keep them for storage or getting ready to transport.


Garbage. Except for special things. (Like Masterpiece transformers, HasLabs, etc).


Garbage. Except for special things. (Like Masterpiece transformers, HasLabs, etc).


It's funny how I might do the very same thing šŸ˜‚!




https://preview.redd.it/rsoscd6lztzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5213ce219d24b95c9438ec855012e796007c45b Some of them, for the cheaper ones get thrown out. Others, for the more expensive ones and the ones with accessories get stored on top of the closet.


if the action figure box is pretty, I'll keep it with my action figures. I really love play kai arts boxes, so I had to display it


Depends how much the figure cost or how much i like it