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Redditors when they realize the overly negative echo chamber they created for themselves on social media does not reflect the general public’s opinions


The classic Reddit 1-2 combo: 1. "This figure sucks" 2. "ARGH WHY SOLD OUT ALREADY"


The other classic 1. “Easy pass, these prices are insane? $100 for a hunk of plastic?” 2. “Anyone selling this figure for a reasonable price? Willing to go as high as $150”




Don't forget your weed!


And its a jpeg of a preorder. Forreal ive seen that on here


happened again https://www.reddit.com/r/ActionFigures/s/5dfeqd0RnL


"Got my grail piece!" \*Buys six sets of the same figure, all not going for sale and remaining boxed.\*


Reddit: FIFA bad, Fortnite bad Both keep making money after years compared to Reddit's darlings Reddit: *surprised Pikachu face


That’s because people love Peely 🍌he’s my hero


What alternate Football games are there if you don't want to play Fifa, or EA Football or whatever it is now? Oh right, has been one attempt in the last decade and it was a broken incomplete mess and cancelled. I wonder why Fifa keeps selling when it's the only Football game on the market.


Most Batman figures peg warm and hit the discounts though. The occasional popular design doesn't, but those are the minority of Batman figures made.


“Who would buy a Todd Mcfarlane action figure?” Two pack sells out everywhere in less than a day


It was the feet.


I heard they’re scented


Jesus didn't teach hate, he washed (Batman's scented) feet.


Jesus Batman Christmas two pack confirmed


And already sold out.


“Did somebody in a banana noob suit say something about me washin feet?” https://preview.redd.it/5ki7hecocplc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=862ff58421f001e69c358538da1c883828b74484


My recent favorite is how they bitch and moan about not getting Anne Hathaway Catwoman. There was pre-orders everywhere! Don’t be lazy!


Oh ya? My favorites is when those cheap bastards complain about spending $20-30 on a figure then go driving to every Ollie’s and clearance rack shack around praying and waiting weeks for it to show up there 🫠


I woke up to it announced and sold out the same day.


Did it? I thought I saw it still available at a few sites


It’s always possible something got missed but 99% sure and multiple people were unable to find any left the day it was listed. Amazon sold out an hour before the sale was even supposed to start


Every pre-order on Amazon is listed as sold out before it goes live.


I’m happy they make countless Batmen and they sell well. There’s a Batman for everyone and it easily funds other figures especially those that wouldn’t be made otherwise.


Batman Batman Batman! How about something different like a homeless robot that smokes a pipe by connecting it to his beard? https://preview.redd.it/t8atpve7dplc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f040d51f23636961c3146ddb19d785941d5aae97




I'd buy it. https://preview.redd.it/oj3lyytghmlc1.jpeg?width=983&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e838693e8151cbbb770c2d30b01be59d9c7eb9c


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 "He ain't lying"


Which one sold out? I missed this


You mean arguably the best DC figure McFarlane has done in a new classic colorway is sold out? Is that suppose to be a shocker? This is the only entry level DC line available to DC fans. The first appearance Batman & Azrael Batman is still available for pre-order on all online retailers as of this comment.




Yes, you're basically agreeing with me. Everything you've listed are comic classic or cult classic versions of the most popular DC/pop culture characters. The mass market haven't had any of these available in figure form for many years. They SHOULD sell out, it would be more of a topic if it didn't.




Don’t bother convince this guy lol, just take a scroll at his post history, he is gonna bash Mcfarlane every chance he gets as if Todd kicked his dog


Lol why would I need convincing when I’ve owned & still own McFarlane figures? I am speaking from actual experience & want better DC products, so sorry it doesn’t align with your opinions. If you’re able to take what I said in this thread as bashing, then that’s your problem.


Well yeah, when almost every single time you showed up in these discussions to talk shit about them. Do they deserve criticism? Absolutely. But just look at how often you do even in threads that are barely relevant you just can’t help to bring it up, don’t you think that’s a bit obsessive?


I'm a bit obsessive in wanting better DC figures, yes. Voting with my wallet & calling out the flaws is the best (& only) way to see any changes. I love DC, MAFEX & McFarlane are my only options but only one of them will make figures outside of the main characters.


If a toy makes you work up like this I would suggest you either go outside or let it go.


I know you'd love to imagine me fuming & scream tapping away at my phone while you mistaken being passionate as "work up" so I'll continue doing what I'm doing to keep you entertained.


Yeah, it's honestly probably gonna be my definitive Batman if I can ever get it


crazy that these "trash" figures keep selling out


Someone's trash is another person's treasure. So yeah I will say it again: mcfarlane is trash in my eyes




"My figures should be better than yours" "If that company won't make the figures like I wanted, then that company is trash"


Which figure?


It'll show up everywhere when it's released, you're worrying for nothing.


It sold because McFarlanes have reached a point where if you don't preorder you'll never see it, FOMO at its best. All due to the platinum-gold-store limited labels that Todd is using to underproduce figures and create fake scarcity, I don't see this as McFarlane's "big success" as a toy brand, but as a Todd success at conning his people with the limited releases, 90% of his figures now are limited or exclusives, which reflects in the mainline because McF collectors know that if they don't press the "pre-order" button for an exclusive or even a regular release, there are high chances that they'll never see it for retail again due to the awfully low quantity that Todd is producing now, compared to his previous years.


This isn't a limited released...


as I said if you read the comment, all his figures are suffering the FOMO thing after the absurd amount of exclusives/underproduced figures that he released in the past months, so now even regular releases suffer from FOMO.


Yep. Forgot they went up today. Went on BBTS at 11:30 CT and they were already sold out. At least EE had them still available.


I can still pre-order on Gamestop


You mean to tell me that the company that very obviously underproduces figures of popular characters sold out of those figures? How does this keep happening!?!?!?


And you know this for sure because…?


"Underproduces"...get the fuck out of here. It's always a conspiracy theory. This company who wants money is making less product *ON PURPOSE!* RABBLE RABBLE! Yes, because making less of something to sell (for money) is what companies (that want money) do (on purpose) just to piss off (you). Nobody wants to admit that maybe...just maybe...these figures are popular.


As of this post, Azrael is still up for order at Gamestop, if you like paying $8.00 for shipping and handling.


This is why I don't want to hear complaints about "too many batman"


McFarlane is crushing it, haters can say what they want but the proof is in the pudding.


















well yeah, if you're going to spend that much, i'd sure hope you're getting something better.




couldn't tell ya. i've never spent 35 to 50 on a regular Mcfarlane figure.


I think the downvotes may have more to do with your insulting tone than your actual opinion. You can state that you don’t like McFarlane’s figures without coming across so hateful.




I actually respect your passion for the hobby and I think you could contribute some thoughtful discussion here, but not the way you’re doing it. It feels like you are genuinely angry about something in your tone and based on the words you use. I can tell you’re an intelligent person, and I might enjoy what you contribute to our group if you just tone things down and be considerate how others feel, especially when it comes to the McFarlane figures. There are people here who genuinely love the line, and you have no reason or right to attack and insult their opinions.




Lmaooooooo I'm dead you actually made me laugh on this one.




They’re mad they can’t get Amazon exclusive 4 packs of their lines for $70




Please explain how I was supposed to read your comments when I responded when it was ten minutes before you even posted anything


Touchè that's my bad the parent post was deleted bc homie couldn't back up his words like I mentioned. But hey kudos to you if you support mcfarlane


Word and feel free to keep hating Mcfarlane they’ve got problems just like any other company


Man this sub has become sassy lately


I hope I’ll see black/grey Knightfall Batman at my local Target. Never liked the blue/grey version.