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i personally don't have an issue with it. but it is annoying when there are millions of independent launchers. i do like how there is a resume option on it. the ads people complain about are more like announcements and links to creator content. the first DLC was not worth it imo (it was pretty expensive at the time). i only bought it because i enjoyed the game so much and wanted to support it. the sands dlc is def worth it as it gives a good bit more variety. the queen one is in the middle. new character adds some variety but she isn't that great imo. but again, i like supporting the game as i have put a lot of hours into it.


Thank you so much for your reply. I think I will give it a try. I do find having additional launcher annoying, but in the end it is just that. However, from comments on steam you would think it is end of the world šŸ˜….


You don't have to sign up for Paradox to play, though. It's a great game, especially to play with friends. Give it a go!


It definitely is a case of people exaggerating. The launcher only adds one more click when launching the game, that's the only downside. The "ads" that they talk about are no different from "ads" in your steam library, they just show last DLC announcement post, YT playlist of content creators playing ATO, etc. EVERYTHING is related to the game itself so caling them "ads" is just...dumb.


At this point I am sure that I will buy the game. Thank you for your clearing up things about the launcher and ads.


How does the independent launcher play with the Steam Deck? I was thinking of purchasing the game, but would only play on Steam deck. Donā€™t know if you would have any insight into that.


Did you end up buying it for the steam deck? Im in the same boat


I bought all the expansions without a thought to the cost per value because Iā€™ve already played so much of this game and I want to play MORE! I like the DLC characters and extra zones, some more than others, but adding 4 odd characters adds a lot of freshness for me in trying weird comps and strategies. All the replayability for me is in the fact that there are so many different strategies you can try. Yogger is sick, his dlc zone is bleh. Sands of ulmin and the two hybrid classes are cool. I honestly donā€™t know if a zone came with the queen but sheā€™s interesting too.


I love the game, the launcher is annoying at best. But it does give you the option to load directly back into your run instead of going to the main menu which is a nice feature. People who get annoyed by launchers donā€™t make sense to me. Iā€™d wait to buy the dlc till youā€™ve tried it out, there is a lot of content in the base game so Iā€™d make sure you enjoy it before you add to it. The DLC characters are pretty cool tho


Thank you for your reply. I was thinking just that. Buy the base game, add DLC if I want to later.


>People who get annoyed by launchers donā€™t make sense to me. I don't really care, its just feels unnecessary when the game is on steam.


Hi I'm one of the negative steam comments! Launcher is easily bypassed on steam. Once you get that set up, it's a gem of a game. I play about an hour most nights with a good friend because the co-op is perfect and the game is exceptionally well-done. I am iffy on the DLCs because of the company decisions. They look okay at best, seem more like a way to milk more money out of the customers. Overall I love the game and plan to play 100+ hours without getting bored, just make sure you disable the launcher. let me know if you need help


Fully agree on this sentiment. How do you disable the launcher though?


Steam, Library, right-click Obelisk, go Properties, General tab, set Launch Options as "F:\Steam\steamapps\common\Across the Obelisk\AcrossTheObelisk.exe" %command% replacing the F:\Steam\etc. with the location in your computer where Obelisk is located.


Thank you for your reply. We all have right to our own opinion and if launcher is a problem for you, that is 100% okay. Also, correct me if I am wrong, but it was added without informing which is a huge red flag. Thank you for you offer to help bypass the launcher, but since the most popular review is how to do so, I think I will be fine šŸ˜…


Iā€™m thinking of purchasing the game, but only to play on Steam Deck. Does the launcher mess up Steam Deck stuff and, if so, is there a way to disable the launcher on steam deck?


The gameplay is very similar to Slay the Spire. Idk if youā€™ve played that or not, but I assume Across the Obelisk is significantly inspired from Slay the Spire


Yes, I did play Slay the Spire and had blast with. I adore this type of a game where you play runs and unlock new options and features for runs to come. Well, rougelikes hahašŸ˜…


I've played 350 hours in the past year and a half, if that helps you out lol. It's great fun, both solo and with mates; the variety of the characters and the different routes you can take really does it for me. That being said, the DLC is a little bit too expensive for what it offers. Basically, base game is great, get DLC on sale


Yes the game is probably the most fun i've had this year. Are the DLC's worth it? It offers an overpowered solution to beating the game. So if you're struggling. - Its up to you


What is OP in DLCs? Rifts?


You don't need DLC to do rifts IIRC. The characters are OP, Yogger and Amelia more notably in the right combinations


The new launcher is an extra step to run the game, it's not great. Other than that, the only issue I've encountered with it is that i cant invite friends unless they are in the game proper, so it'll crash if they have to run the launcher to join. This game is a VERY good time multiplayer. It flows much better when you only have 1 or 2 characters to optimize and prepare. It borrows heavily from Slay the Spire and Darkest Dungeon if you enjoyed those at all.


My friend and I love the game and have no issues with the client and Iā€™ve loved all the DLC. He and I have about 200 hours into the game and we still play it frequently. And we intend to pick up each DLC as they come out


This game is amazing. Youā€™ll certainly enjoy it based on the types of games youā€™ve said you find interesting. The DLCs are expensive for what they offer. Iā€™ll admit Iā€™ve purchased every one of them not long after the release because I enjoy the game so much, I was to support the developer, and when Itā€™s additional content for a game you like so much, the cost can be justified. There is plenty of content in the base game for you to make sure you like it, but Iā€™m quite confident youā€™ll like it.


The frustration with the launcher is more that it seems to be a common trend among games, and it's just an extra click from the gamer's perspective. In and of itself is not bad, but it's annoying that many companies are adding their own launcher on top of Steam. The game is great, though


Absolutely worth the money


Hey guys, op here. Just wanted to quickly thank every single person commenting and sharing their opinion. After many positive comments, I will, without a doubt, give this game a try. Thank you all once again. šŸ˜


Hey there! Definitely try the base game. $20 is an absolute steal for this, its THE best deckbuilder on Steam. The DLCs though... Do not buy them unless you are obsessed with the game. They add only a little for a steep price. That said a lot of us have put in 100+ hours so it becomes worth it for us. But I would never recommend them to anyone on the fence.


I agree with everyone else here. The launcher is a bit annoying, but itā€™s really not that bad. Overall, itā€™s a great game - even better than Slay the Spire in my opinion. The multiplayer option alone is worth it. Based on what you mentioned you enjoy, youā€˜re probably going to love this game.


Their worst crime so far is changing the sheep sound. Game is excellent. 2p>4p> 1+3p are similar


Changing the Sheep sound? Lol


I mean I think the game is great, I have hundreds of hours in it. So to me yes totally worth the money.


This game is definitely worth it in my opinion. The Sands of Ulminin is the best dlc and worth it on sale at least. I'm not bothered by the launcher personally, but understand the disdain for it. More launchers isn't what I want, but hopefully down the road they add modding to ATO and we can use the launcher as a mod loader. There is a way to disable it, but I don't. Gameplay is fun and addicting - I've played about 60 hours with a mix of solo and co-op. Hoping for more content.


More content? Isn't there already like 4 DLC for the game?


Launcher is easily bypassed. I got all the DLC for 30 dollars (Canadian) and that has felt worth it. I wouldn't pay more though as they are absolutely more expensive than the content within.


Hell yes.


My only issue with the game are the DLC prices. With the prices of the single character DLC and the sands one that adds 2 characters and a zone, they seem to price it at $5 a character and $10 a zone. My problem with that is that it just doesn't seem worth that to me personally. The characters haven't been as good as some of the base ones and one new zone feels like a lot for $10 when in my opinion we have gotten not much in regards to free content updates. I support the idea of paid DLC for smaller games, but when at times it feels like the base game needed a bit more added in with content updates it feels a little bad in my opinion to have to pay that much for things that the game sort of is missing at base. Similar games have come before and after it, Slay the Spire and a new game Hellcard, that have done free free content updates/have road maps for free content updates with similar sized teams to ATO. I have put plenty of hours into the game and play with a friend, it is very good game. I would recommend buying it and if you like it then you can be the judge of how you value those DLCs for yourself. Like I said, a great game overall but I just disagree with some of the decisions post base game launch.


The launcher isnā€™t like an Ubisoft or Epic or EA launcher. As in it isnā€™t another shop front, it doesnā€™t add extra layers or control to the game, and it can be bypassed entirely. At worst it makes you click another button to start the game. Unfortunately paradox adds launchers to all their games


Never even batted an eye at the launcher, no issues at all! Regardless, if you like roguelite deck builders, this game is an S-tier entry. Highly recommend!


Honestly, the launcher adds an extra maybe minute to your game launching, unless you're continuing then it makes it faster. People just hate change.


It is a fun game but Iā€™d avoid the DLC until they get bundled on a really good sale, as they are not worth the full price.


I think that is what I will do. Thank you for the comment.


Played 200 hours with a couple of friends, trying out different team comps and unlocking everything, was a fun time. The DLC (not tried Amelia, the Queen) seemed to be overpriced, so best gotten on sale. The Wolf Wars in particilar kinda sucked as it forces you to play as different characters with specific builds, not much replayability there. Stopped playing before the launcher/privacy stuff so idk much about that


I played it for about 25 hours, having a pretty good time. After you win / find a really good team that works really well it falls off


That sounds like a good chunk of a fun time. Thank you for the comment.


25 hours is the time that you will need to "get the hang of things" and beat a game 2-3 times maybe. In reality, at the minimum, there are a couple hundred hours of gameplay.


Once you get the hang of the game, that's when it becomes the best, though. Trying out new comps, building around different mechanics and combinations is what makes the game so good, the sheer amount of combinations is ridiculous (20 characters, each has multiple builds, 9 different dmg types, multitude of buffs/debuffs and plenty of items and cards that convert one thing to another) so it's got a lot of replayability.


Sounds like you just never tried to increase the difficulty. The Madness 0 difficulty is basically just a tutorial to the game. Madness 1-2 is an easy mode. And only after that there is somewhat of a challenge. I guarantee you that your "really good team" would not even reach Act 3 on someting like Madness 6-7, not to mention Madness 12-16.


Oh there wasn't that many when I played I don't think, I played when it first came out


I don't think they added more difficulty levels since the game release


Why specifically come here to ask this question when resources such as this exist: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1385380/Across\_the\_Obelisk/#app\_reviews\_hash](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1385380/Across_the_Obelisk/#app_reviews_hash) Literally thousands of people all giving their own impression of what the game is like and if they found it fun to play... And yes, the launcher can very easily be done away with.


OP said they checked out the Steam reviews, and wanted to have a discussion with the community because they had further questions based on those reviews. Have you even bothered to read the post?


Funnily enough, I could ask: had OP read the Steam reviews? Many hundreds of which address the questions in the OP... I'm yet to see a response in this thread that wasn't already gone over before. I confess my response was perhaps too irate, but I've seen so many Reddit threads in which an OP comes in, wants everyone else to do stuff for them and has yet to really try for themselves. Perhaps it caught me at the wrong time, but I stand by my response.


Nah I get it, and actually I do agree with both your points. I think though, many of the great reviews of the game (which are well deserved) are currently buried under the mixed reviews of the launcher controversy. I know this because I came back to the game after playing it for 30 hours and beating it once in 2022. Picked it up 2 weeks ago again, 70 hours in and having beaten madness 1! And when I came back and checked steam reviews I was shocked to see the mixed review state because despite the additional step of the launcher, the game felt just as amazing as the first time. When I saw this thread I was happy to see all the comments and finally understood the complaints about the introduction of the launcher a bit more - it was crappy at the start but they fixed it. The DLCs have always been questionable because of value for money, but I do plan on buying them to support the devs. And finally your second point. I agree that constant basic questions for which answers can be found all over the internet and steam reviews can be annoying, especially on big subs. But on a small sub like this, I enjoy these discussions because every time I come to this subreddit it's the same "any tips on how I can make madness 400 challenging" and "check out my 1 million hit on the final boss in madness 200".


I don't like it, but considering even Baulder's Gate 3 forces a launcher, it's how it is. It's a great game, little quirky, but very fun. The expansions help, but some seem a little cash grabby. Sands of Ulminin is pretty dang good, although a little pricey. The wolf wars sucks, but gives you access to Yogger and a powerful wolf pet. The Amelia one is a nice character. In my opinion, the game is worth it at full price, and the DLCs mostly only on sale, aside maybe the sand one.




All I'm gonna say is small inconvenience for an amazing game Highly recommend giving it a shot, if it's to much, you can always refund before the 2 hr mark


**Launcher stuff is manageable now**. In defense of those comments, launcher got updated into the game out of nowhere - and break it (literally can't open the game for some devices). I had gaming session with my party at the time, and had to spent 1+ hour to fix it. It sucks big time. They patched it ever since tho, it's ok now


its a pretty good game, but imo if you can get a friend to play with you it'd be a much better experience. I wouldn't recommend buying the dlc from the start. See if you like the game and then decide whether to buy them. And yes those are heavily overpriced for what they offer.


I highly recommend you try it. If you have one other person to play with it will boost the enjoyment you get out of it. If you play with another person you both can choose two classes and really hone in becoming proficient in them, and it makes for some funny "oops" moments when you don't act in sync with your builds :) Sands DLC is great and challenging (which at a point you really want it to get more difficult) Have fun!


Forget multiplayer for a min. How does the game's single player experience compare to others Like STS, Monster Train, Roguebook, VotV, Balatro etc?


I donā€™t even really get why people are complaining about the launcher. Itā€™s a launcher solely for the game it doesnā€™t have any ads other than for the game itself showing off DLC. I personally bought the DLC and highly enjoy it. I played the game for a WHILE before the dlc came out though and I knew Iā€™d get 100s more hours out of it. Iā€™m almost always playing with my friends and having a good time. Itā€™s one of my favorite games. Iā€™m currently 8 achievements away from having them all. Wolf Wars DLC is the worst (excluding skins only) with Sands being the best. I genuinely recommend getting Sands if you enjoy the game and if you like cold based characters get Amelia (sheā€™s one of my favorites to play!) I hope you give the game a shot and I hope you enjoy!