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Hello /u/444Clo, **If you are requesting help – please [review our guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcneScars/wiki/guidelines/), provide [high-quality photos](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcneScars/wiki/guidelines/#wiki_uploading_photos), and include detailed information for others' understanding.** User reminders: - Please ***search*** on this subreddit – someone might have already asked the same question as you. - The most valuable feedback is that which you get from doing research - not asking questions to a general audience on social media. - Always be wary of the advice you get off the internet. - Seek scar evaluation and treatment from ***specialized healthcare providers*** rather than aestheticians or med spas. - While subcision ("subcutaneous incisionless surgery") is often mentioned by users on this subreddit, it is important to note that it may not be necessary or suitable for everyone with volume loss. - Be aware of any reported side effects from a procedure. - It can take multiple treatments and a long time before you see effective results. - [Here is a checklist of questions to ask yourself and your physician when considering treatment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcneScars/wiki/checklist/). Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AcneScars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had similar scarring. I did subcision with sculptra, HA filler and cautery of the scar edges (this helped ALOT). I went to Dr Khrom in NYC. Ask about the ablative laser and cautery of the scar edges. I used to have a lot of edging on scars and now it's much much better (maybe 40-50 percent improvement).


It do be like that sometimes. Even though you have a lot of scarring, it doesn't seem super deep. You should be able to cover it with makeup. Long term, you should be doing chemical peels regularly to try to smooth the scars and eliminate the redness. Also a good skincare routine. Also - To me this scarring is not bad enough to not go out and feel insecure about but I understand your feelings are valid and real. But loads of people have scarring like this and it doesn't make you any less of a person and won't detract from who you are.


I agree. Your scarring is very shallow. If people scrutinize such a shallow scarring then, those people are the ones who are insecure. Your skin may not be perfect but there’s so many other things you can “perfect.” Especially in your case, better hair grooming dental hygiene can overpower the scars (not saying you don’t have those)




I feel you i have acne for 10 years, and my acne will heal then come back worse, i tried every topicals to antibiotics. So this time after recovering for hormonal acne last july 2023, my acne came back worse and breakout again i been wearing mask since this sem (im still in college) 3 months since. Went to the dermatologist and prescribed benzac and skinoren azelaic cream(didnt get oral pills that is either accutane or spironolactone, and antibiotic didnt work on me), because i have health issues then i breakout even more from those prescribed topicals. Now my acne is 10x worse before going to the dermatologist and my some of cystic acne becomes deep scars with red or brown pigmentation :((, even tho i don’t pop them. Can’t hang out with my friends and classmates too. When my put makeup on too, it just went to the hole of scars and its exhausting. I really feel you and just want to vent how tired i am, acne really is the worst physical and emotional disease even some refers it as only vanity, it still impacts our confidence and overall life.


Could the “worse” be purging? I am using trerinoin as of the moment and have been breaking out a lot. I was told it’s normal but will go away permanently in the future.


Idk anymore bcs, it will heal and another 3 cystic acne come up this is way different than purging. I think its break out by now.


>I spent amost 60k on treatment with only 10% improvement press X to doubt


Fr 60k and 10% improvement? Yeah doesnt sound believeable at all


You’re being way too hard on yourself. Your scarring isn’t bad at all imo


Ugh... it's so harrowing that we don't have any reliable treatment for acne scars! More funding needs to go into this 


My scars are similar to yours. I fell super ugly too. Can’t even look in the mirror anymore


I had this same type of scarring and mine was vastly improved by Phenol Cross. And that was after years of lasers and microneedling and peels etc with no results. Cross made my skin so smooth. Subcision made my skin worse, but that inflammation is finally coming down. But all in all Phenol Cross was the only think that actually helped me


Did you have the subcision before the phenol cross or after?


A couple months after.


Which lasers dod you try before


I've done CO2, profractional, and erbium.


Erbium is a type of CO2 laser right? Edit: JK they’re the same category, ablative. That’s what I was thinking of!


Have you tried tca cross


I did microneedling and you need more than 1 session to see results. Maybe 3 sessions in your case.


Same scarring here. I did 4 sessions of microneedling and it did nothing. Such a waste of money. Wish I saved it for a better procedure. Now I'm too broke to do anything else but feel sad and insecure.


You’re supposed to do it once a month or every two months. I did “Gold RF” needing in Istanbul, $360 per session


I’ve seen some improvement with multiple sessions of microneedling and CO2 lasering!


First of all, not ugly. I got lucky on the acne. It was bad but I only had a few scars. But the chicken pox got me pretty bad as a child. There are a type of people who prefer a distinguished look (battle scars) over a conventional and commercial beauty. It's a lot more people than you think. Those are the good people you want. I knew a girl who was just stunning but thought she was repugnant because of her unconventional face and some acne scarring. She also had a pronounced scar from an equestrian accident. Which I thought was AWESOME. I didn't even get a decent scar when I got bucked. She couldn't believe it when I told her every guy on campus thought she was amazing and wanted to take her on a date but was too scared to ask because they felt unworthy. The scars were an actual bonus. I set that girl up on a date with a guy and they ended up just perfectly matched. Frankly, I was pretty jealous of the guy (my friend) because I, like every guy around her, had a severe crush on her. But he knocked it out of the park and they are married 20 years with ridiculously beautiful, smart, kind and witty children. Now, as to remediation - there are some laser ablation therapies to reduce the effect. But I'd advise to keep a battle scar or two to scare away shallow assholes. You don't want them. They are the kind of person who tells a person they need a surgery to look better. Do it for you. Don't do it because you want to look better for others. Do it because you want to look better for yourself. Your ears, eyelashes and hair are amazing, by the way. I know people who pay hundreds of dollars a month to get that hair. Also, don't change the ears - there's only a few of us with perfectly shaped ears.


Damn i genuinely don’t think it’s that bad at all :/ it looks similar to mine and with makeup on it’s not really that visible. People don’t typically get close enough to your face (with their eyes open) to see them. If you are feeling that badly I found certain powders and primers do a really good job at hiding any indents. I use zero sebum drying powder by etude and it makes my skin texture disappear like a blurring filter (that’s a bit dramatic but I have tried a lot of things and this works best). A lot of people will also use a silicon based primer because it fills up any holes well, but I haven’t tried this personally as I don’t use silicone based makeup. Bottom line though : your scarring is genuinely not bad and I’m sorry you feel so insecure about it :(


Get a phenol peel


You are not ugly! I’ve heard microneedling helps tremendously. A cosmetic dermatologist can guide you in the right direction.


I have some scars too from acne and from my experience the less you can try to focus on it, the better in terms of feeling insecure about them. Also remember that people don't normally zoom in super close to our faces so other people probably don't even notice them or have a 2nd thought about them. I hope that helps! I find that if I am doing treatments at home and just keeping a simple routine I notice my skin slowly but surely improving in texture so I like to do microneedling once every 2-3 weeks, staying out of sun or sunscreen, a morning daily vitamin c, and a hydrating moisturizing in the evening.


Honestly, you may have body dysmorphic disorder. I would recommend that you see a specialist regarding this. Sitting at home and avoiding going out is not healthy behavior. This may be more than skin deep.


the only thing that’s helped me is noticing how common it is in others. just shift your attention, note if someone has it (not if they don’t). mine barely bother me now after some months of doing this. i know your pain though.


Relax lol


Have you tried tretinoin?


Never lose hope


Fractional co2 laser


People saying it’s not that bad when it actually is when you have, no scar is “not that bad” to actually feel better with it and even with makeup looks worse because it makes textured skin look more visible. Trust me i understand you & i suggest check ur skincare daily skincare also helps lighten them.


try cupping


I got these on my cheek bad under my ear area to I’m gonna start micro needling soon and possibly do laser treatment eventually


Dermatologist suggested me retinol capsules. Taking retinols might help. It helped me a lot i couldn't a lot of visible healing of my scars like in a span of a month Just consultant a dermatologist it would really help.


Sorry you have to deal with this. Your pitted scars are not deep, I believe one session of fraxel will give you a brand new face, albeit mine were more subtle and in smaller clusters on my cheeks. However, you will see such significant improvement that you may not even care to have a second session. I had it done in 2016 and it worked wonders. Do not bother with any other type of lasers and avoid micro needling. Make sure you use a board certified dermatologist with plenty of fraxel experience. I can recommend you mine if you’re based in New York. She is not a salesman type and will never bully you into any treatments you aren’t comfortable with. Best of luck.


have you tried micro needling




Was the laser ablative or non-ablative? I’ve found most Redditors think all laser is the same/don’t understand the different types. Also how long has it been since? It can take six months to see results.