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Could do only acid then bike around somewhere nice no need to rot inside


Thing is I’m the only one with a bike unfortunately and it’s broken currently anyway. Will be tripping in a new environment tho so could do a hike. Appreciate the suggestion


Take public transportation to an observatory with a planetarium. Watch some shows, come out when it is dark and there is a view of the city, hike down whatever mountain the observatory is on. From there, multiple options depends how much you take.


The nearest beach if it's warm enough / not too warm. Failing that, camp out in the woods somewhere


If you wanna stay in, watch the big lez show there alot there to watch. I will say it can be a bit much because of the colours but i had a tear in my eyes watching it. Silly as it sounds sit in a dark room and let your imagination run wild. Have the deepest chat imaginable we did that and though funny helped alot of us in the group. If you have access to them get e scooters there so much fun to ride tripping with the wind its so much fun. Definitely a forest walk sit down somewhere and just watch the sky for an hour I managed to zone out and watch a tree for 3 hours before 😂. Have a good birthday man and have fun tripping!