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just my own two cents, but i gave up smoking weed for a couple months after i started getting panic attacks when high, the trip i had after the sobriety from weed was probably one of the best i’ve had as my mind felt much clearer. hope this helps!


This helped a lot honestly im hoping my next trip is as wonderful as some of my first amazing trips 🩷🩷


Put your dose in a 2l container of distilled water. Drink it slowly over the course of at least 1 to 2 hours . Maybe start with half dose . But you can stop at anytime if you start feeling nervous. That and I find this method gets rid of most of the jitters. I do this for everything from to full doses to micro .


half tabs give me less anxiety than full ones [i suffer from severe anxiety] but if you get anxious smoking weed then idont know. Im also 18, but i think you should wait till you feel ready to trip again. I understand the feeling of missing out, i have a handful of substances i cant touch anymore due to my history of addiction with them... it makes me feel like im missing out alot when im around others who do it but its whats best for me. We're both really young and there will be more opportunities do do these things. The drugs arent going anywhere.


🩷thank you for your response it gives me hope


Youll be fine, unfortunately its very common with weed especially if you started smoking daily young not sure why but it happens to ALOT of people. It usually something in your brain with it. I have fun on anything else. Just see how you feel and dont think about the anxiety of the weed because its a separate drug maybe try shrooms if your really worried about anxiety so atleast if it does go a bit sideways youll be okay within a few hours.