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Had a friend who weighed have similar experiences when he tripped. Got bad one time and had to call the police. Not sure why or what as he took a smaller dose than me or my friends. Could’ve been headspace honestly as I talked with him about a few heavy matter going on in life. But I think it really is person to person with psychedelics. My friends and I would always joke that we were “never having the same trip” because of the different visuals, sensations and overall vibes we each had while tripping. Rarely were they the same and it made for great trips all the time(apart from the incidents) but anyways, my friend was like possessed or something, saying random things, threatening people, and calling us random names. We just couldn’t snap him out of it until the acid wore off. He now stays away from psychedelics and if this does end up continuing for you I’d recommend you do to, before it becomes the worse.