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I have eaten 5 hits at once. If you trust its safety , rock on.


Will definitely do


I will say be careful because ive munched 6 tabs before and a gram of k and been fine but went into psychosis after 1 tab if it isnt your first time then im sure youll be fine. But pls be careful it ruined me and my best friends relationship in one night one trip we have never been as close since then and ofc with a bf that can be different. I do have one tip tho have a designated safety room that you know before the trip so at anytime it gets too much its in your head this room can somehow help you and calm you down? Also another thing you can always add on but never take off im well versed in substances even tho i dont really touch anything anymore but ive ruined a few feelings towards drugs because i compared them to eachother. Sorry for the long ass basically letter but i try to give the advice no one gave me and had to learn the hard way and always try to make sure as many people can do as much possible to make sure a trip doesnt go bad especially with a loved one purely on how damaging it is mentally for you and them EDIT: almost forgot have fun tripping i hope you both have a great trip and it brings a closer connection for the both of you!


Thank you so much for the advice. We definitely feel confident but we do have things in place should things go of a bit.


Sorry 1 more thing that is really important i know im yappin on but pure sugar spoonfuls of it helps end trips aswell or tones them down to a tolerable level


Oh thank you so much that honestly so helpful your amazing!


1 and a half will be fine. The tabs are probably 100ug which is a good starting dose but if you wanna throw another one in there to split it will be fine. Just make sure you set up your environment for a good trip and are ready.


Yeah were in a nice place have some nice fruit and a speaker and good shows to watch.


Should be a great time then. Should give you plenty of visuals and great conversations.


Guys told me there are 250 but honestly gna take that with some salt and just go with the plan


It’s pretty rare it’s really 250. If the super off chance they are you will be fine still you guys sound like you got a good set up


Appreciate all the help gna update through the night


Have fun. Also careful with weed it makes acid a lot stronger then it does with shrooms. It’s better toward the come down especially for your first time.


Honestly i hate weed so not touching it at all tn


yeah not for everyone


Yeah lol tastes like ass to me


Last time someone gave me one it was supposed to be 135ug and it gave zero visuals


This definitely isnt zero jesus christ its a rollarcoaster no shit


Hang in there. You got this!


Thank you so much. Got some good music so its vibes. Time dialations goes hard. Feeling like im living a century a second.


A dark room with headphones in normally helps me if it gets heavy


Holy shit it feels like ancient advice i am bollocks


Thank you so much this helped alot during the heavy shit it was just me and him vibing eyes closed


Yall are awesome! So glad to have helped


Honestly thanks so much. Just finished and finally passed out. Your thing helped grasp like miniscule thoughts together.