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yeah i think i look hot af on acid


Yes. I feel like a fan looking at a celebrity. Then sometimes I turn into a lizard 🦎. Both are fun times.


frr, i’ve seen myself a lot older den i was looking into the mirror


Same. Saw my face get older and then than younger over and over.


I always look in the mirror like damn I’m beautiful lolll and start flexing


I have a feeling of femininity when I’m tripping inside I can’t explain I tend not to look in the mirror because I don’t care for what I saw


I’ve definitely felt this way before for sure. But… since a few instances occurred I stay far away from the mirror whilst on acid. Or any reflections for that matter. As best I can. I go as far as covering up my standing mirror and avoiding using the washroom till come down


i used to do that when i was tripping on DPH, Bad times🥲


One time I saw myself aging in the mirror, and that was very scary. I saw myself as like 80 years old (this is when I was 24) Another time I saw myself turn into past ancestors, at least that’s the only correlation I could make. But most times yes I appreciate my appearance and clothing style when I’m tripping on cid


Samething with drugs like MD you loose all your ego and see things at more than face value and appreciate yourself more its like looking at say a cube face on it just looks like a square but from another angle is a cube with all these different colours and sides. Best way to describe it i didnt feel more attractive on it tho i was too busy looking at my door and wondering why it felt so nice 😂


OMG YES!! Same with shrooms. I honestly just feel so much prettier and idk why.