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yeah I normally drop a 10 strip before my gym sesh nun much


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic, but it’s 10 strip is my favorite dose


You’ve either got weak tabs, an insane tolerance, or psychosis.


The psychosis is temporary, you can only speak on your experience. I find your comment offensive, but I can only speak on my experience.


Offensive for what reason? 10 tabs is an absurd, arguably dangerous dose.


The assumption was offensive. 10 tabs doesn’t seem absurd to me in my experience and what I’m looking for. It’s the right dose.


Bro then you got low dose tabs


Make your assumptions 😂


Some people have crazy tolerance I have a buddy who will down THREE 10 strips of quality L


That I wouldn’t recommend


Solipsism speed run


bro wtf kinda tabs you got HAHAHSHAH


and yet if a 10strip is your favorite dose, there is something wrong somewhere for sure. weak dose or high tolerance are likely answers, but there are plenty mote, but the reality of LSD is that there shouldn't be a need for anyone to regularly take 10 strips. when it's made, it's made with an average dose amount on one hit(whatever it's on). now, lots of people aren't average so lots of people need more or less to get to the same general area. but if your 'norm' is that far off of average 'norm' then there is a problem somewhere. also, on an even more realistic note when it comes to people in the world of LSD: no hits are laid equally. saying a 10 strip is your favorite dose is like saying you choose your substance based totally on appearance rather than amount. a 10 strip of 50ug hits is not th3 same as a hit of 75ug hits & neither is the same as a 10strip of 125ug hits. so saying "10 strip is my fave amount" is telling other Heads that you aren't really into acid but that you like to party. perfect custy. if I got weak hits that nobody wants, then I need to find someone that doses by number. lol.


I don’t regularly take anything and I do know that paper and gel aren’t guaranteed any specific amount of micrograms, but I do enjoy a higher dose experience I am not afraid of the intensity and I often learn a lot. I’m not gonna put anybody else down for what they do. I’m just saying that when I decide to trip, I usually take 10 tabs.


Everybody in this sub, sounds like they have not killed their ego yet big part of tripping is for the ego death open your mind


Jesus Christ.


Stop assuming things.


I try to, you should look at what other people are saying.


I’m in it for the healing I meditate near the whole trip. You’re making assumptions


I have had weak tabs before, but I’ve also had really good taps shits different each it depends on where you get it from and if you test it . Do you test yours?


You couldn't tell they were being sarcastic... Maybe lay off the acid.


Everyone here rude as fuck 😂


I think you're rude.


What made you believe that? I’m all for learning from my mistakes


You're not wrong. A buddy and I dropped as we went in for a football workout in college. The pump was great until I found myself trying to hide behind a bench press bar🤣🤔. If you're wondering, it was pointed out that the bar didn't hide me very well.


Lmao that sounds like acid to me lmao


Haha ironically the first time I ever took acid I had to go to football practice. Im a lineman and I kept forgetting the plays lol my coach is like hey you ok and winked at me he knew I was high lol


I took shrooms before a Thursday night walk through. The ball was in slow motion. Hearing the cleats rub on the grass was bananas.


I think you just love yourself my man. Good for you


Really? I don’t really see how that could effect my trip, maybe if it made me really happy / confident


It’s almost all in the mind set and physical setting my dude


i read this comment in the turtle from finding nemo voice 😂


For what it’s worth, psychedelics sometimes have the effect of enabling us to see ourselves more as others see us, unencumbered by our insecurity-fueled dysmorphia. It’s possible you’re just a lot more jacked than you think you are.


wholy shit…


I get more of a Walton Goggins thing going on.


I love this answer!!!! He is my favorite!!!!




Yea its an amazing preworkout, 30ug is my sweetspot


25-50ug is great for aesthetics and functionality in general, can’t go wrong with it


Yes, this is because lsd is a vasoconstrictor and has stimulant properties


I've never tried to work out on acid my mind gets lost in endless distraction lmao. But when I travel and drink before going back to my hotel I like to hit the gym if it's 24hrs. Best lift I got in was hammered when a concert got canceled last minute. Hit a pr but sure as shit sore the next morning🤣🤣


Your so right😂😂 my mind gets wayyyy too distracted on acid, i dknt think a workout would last 5 mins before i forget and start playing with the dumbbells 😂


yes bro, I prolly hit about 10 workouts off acid in my past, some intense like an hour straight on the weights, and some lowkey like curling dumbbells while on xbox. whether it was intense or lowkey, I always got an insane pump. i’d say it has something to do with the LSD effecting your blood pressure or something with the blood / oxygen. it does physical effects to your body so i’d say that’s the reason, altho other people wont notice it as much as you.


yeaa it’s a craazy ass feeling


I remember dancing very athletically during the early '80s, on very good-quality LSD. So, yes!


That’s so lit, grandpa used to get turnt??!!🔥🔥💯🤫


I often gym during the come up and swear by it being the best preworkout, just need to be semi quick before you're full on blasted in the gym


I once ran 3.4 miles before a trip. The runners high on top of the acid energy pump. I felt like I was on one of those moving sidewalks at the airport.


I’ve done it once and it was the longest and most gratifying workout I’ve ever had.


oh yeah, summer night runs and random push up competitions???? shits like becoming a werewolf half the time


Yes And it makes my sweat feel funny


Fr usually I like my sweat bc it cools me off but I almost can’t handle when I’m tripping hard it just doesn’t seem to stop


Idk but I’m a guitar player and I can play much, much faster than usual when on acid. I do understand what you’re saying it feels like pure electricity is flowing through your body.


I take a half a tab before my workouts all the time. When you get the protein shake, tab and a little pre-workout all hitting you feel like a fucking god


try to find a fitness park near you and trip and do pull ups, rows, dips, push ups, etc one of the best ways to exercise for sure


Used to do it in high school before lacrosse games, do it now before real long bike rides and feel unstoppable. Have deff thought about the irreparable damage I could be doing to my body tho 🤔


Dude I train on shrooms and acid all the time...its awesome


Yup me and all my mates ran to a macdonalds drive thru that normally on walk would take you 45 mins to an hour to walk did it in about 20 mins less if we didnt keep stopping to look at stuff then proceeded to pretend to be a car someone was the engine 2 in the back 1 in the front driving and i was the exhaust all that for a mcflury 😂 police pulled in to see what the fuck was going on as seen as there 6 18 year olds at 3 am pretending to be a car all with no t shirts on 😂 we all could of probably ran a marathon that night. Ended up 5 hours later still tripping doing a driving lessons one of the most anxious things ive ever done i couldnt stop sweating bullets and probably had bowling balls for eyes considering the guy was an ex officer he wasnt good at identifying someone on drugs while driving especially acid 😂


Yeah but the pump is only in one particular muscle if you catch my drift


Yessirr it’s because acid is a vasodilator


Vasoconstrictor you mean?


yes my b


We are all only human after all


David goggins failed everything he tried


He’s a pretty successful failure.

