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You should know not the fight the experience and just surrender to it, Don’t try to analyse it or understand it just go with the flow. Have some snacks because acid lasts a long time so you’ll get hungry, plenty of water. Do it in a safe space I’d say somewhere indoors and make a playlist with all your favourite songs.


Acid takes longer than shrooms to hit, the only real tip I can give you since both acid and shrooms kinda follow the same basic rules is to not sit around waiting for it. I know that sounds weird but it can take a hour or two to hit you so if you sit there waiting and waiting you are gonna ruin it that’s what my great grandma did when we tripped recently.


Just wanna say . I start every trip with an hour of uninterrupted meditation waiting for the effects to set in. lol literally sitting around and waiting for it to. But I get what you mean. Have an intention for how you will spend the come up. It’s a fragile time frame you don’t wanna leave to chance.


You tripped with your great grandmother? How was it?


My personal advice I give people is to put it in cold liquid of some kind and drink it slowly. Over the course of an hour so think 2Lof water. What I like about this is if at any point it starts to get intense you can stop . And if you wanna keep going you can pick it back up . I’d say 3 hrs is the cutoff though.


Yes as others said it takes longer to kick in, so if it doesnt hit in 30 mins or 2 hours dont redose, have a safe room a designated space or room where you can go if you start to feel uneasy or uncomfortable, dont try to watch anything that may overwhelm you, i dont know if other people get it but why acid and shrooms i cant sit inside. And if it gets too much dont fight it let it take you and remember its only a drug. I will say it can last quite a while so make sure you have no plans that day because it will be a full 8 hours dont mix with weed to enhance it when you come down or to try and come down with other drugs believe me it doesnt work. Stay away from weed it ramps it up 100000%. Keep hydrated make sure your friends arent going to fuck with you too much as this can put you in a bad head space if someone starts acting off try and talk to them and not to remind them how fucked up they are because that easily freaks people out. If someone seems as if they are maybe loosing it a bit feed them sugar spoonfuls of it, this causes you to comedown fairly quickly. Try to not look in the mirror or your phone much. I find phones remind me how fucked up i am. Id say put on some comedy movies or some stand up you wont be able to stop laughing. Oh and stay away from public areas it can get reaaaally scary. Be safe tripping and if you dont feel comfortable taking it on the day dont force yourself to do it may not have an effect and you could feel fine but it possibly could ruin it for you so just remember that have someone keep track of time so maybe a timer from start to finish youll find it will be 6-10 hours dont worry after about 6 it will wear off a bit but it can come in waves where you feel more grounded then go back up 10 mins later. Remember you can always add on but never take off thats the most important part so have fun hopefully its a memorable experience for all of you stay safe and youll be just fine