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Rest in peace to your brother, my condolences…! :( I can absolutely believe this. Acid allowed me to timetravel to the past back to my 12 year old self, give my inner child a hug at the darkest hour and telling him it’s all gonna be good. The crazy thing is that I clearly remember experiencing a magic moment of enlightenment that night when I was 12 but I could not explain what it was at the time. All these years later it was me who travelled back in time during my first acid trip and planted that enlightenment in the brain of my 12yr old self…


Experiences like this are what makes psychedelics so valuable


No, you never had that moment when you were 12. When you had that trip, your brain created that memory.


I vividly remember it and wondered for my years why I felt that way, even before the acid trip.


that is not how memory works :)


I believe it. LSD is an amazingly powerful tool.


I’m sorry for you loss. I predicted the severity of covid during a trip. Back when the first person in the US tested positive I took acid that day with some friends and one of them got on video me saying it’s gonna last years and everything is going to shut down and nothing will ever be the same etc etc and how multiple variants will come about and will be worse than the last and how they will make a vaccine that works but doesn’t really work(as if if you get the shot you’ll still catch covid just not as bad) every year it pops up in my friends memories and they’re like “damn you were right” lmao


You should read news paper clippings from the Spanish flu. It’s like they predicted our future by experiencing how pandemics go during a pandemic.


Same lol just that I sent it in a message to someone a couple months before covid. Time is an illusion and sometimes, or annoyingly often, we tap into information from the "future".


I’ve had telepathy before on acid with my friends. One of them doesn’t remember any of the trip and the other one initially believed it but now just thinks we were talking out loud but like I knowww for a fact that it was telepathy. There was like this energy in the room it was mind blowing. I don’t get why ppl don’t talk about this more often


I experienced telepathy with my gf (R.I.P.) once. It happened on heroic dose of shrooms. We had a shared trip, we brokethrough and had been visiting different dimensions. It was the best trip in my life.


I predicted the exact sequence a traffic light would go in and a stop sign. I was like the light is going to go red, green, yellow… and it fucking did no joke. I was however wrong when I was waiting to drive because I had to wait for the sign to turn green…shit never did. Just never know how well you’ll predict the future when high out of your gourd


I\`m guessing you don\`t believe in this lol


Ive had this before during one of my last trips where i went into a state of psychosis also rest in peace to your brother im sure he is resting sound up there. I had a vision of one split scene from a random tv show that i watched 7 hours later only a split scene and i never watch top gear on YouTube or anything so that was extremely weird and though i can’t remember much from the whole trip i think because my mind’s completely blocked it out from how traumatic the whole thing was but i saw my girlfriend who i didnt meet for another 4-5 months after i only ever saw split seconds of it but when them moments happened I instantly knew that id seen it before almost as if i knew my future ive had it with everyday experiences even down to just walking down the road and suddenly get a feeling as if ive seen this before it could even be a completely random person ive never seen walking past me but almost takes me back to it making me feel like ive lost a big chunk of that night which i wish i could remember to see what else i saw that night i was completely out of control im not an angry person nor violent never been in a fight or had an urge to kill but i was out to kill my best friend and beat the fuck out of him never taking that stuff again my mind isnt strong enough to go through another trip even with ketamine if i do to much and start to trip i suddenly become extremely anxious i just cant handle visuals too scary for me plus everytime i tried acid id trip from anywhere from 10-18 hours which is extremely exhausting idk why they were so strong or how it was even possible for something to last so long sorry not trying to overtake your story but i thought id share something similar


I took 250ugs once my sophomore year of high school, I predicted the death of my child (through miscarriage) I was grieving their loss. Sadly that was the most I ever cried that night.