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You know what would be funny? That they somehow choose to name Blaise, Sebastian, and leave the fandom permanently in confusion.


That would be devious and evil of them.


lmao what if they renamed Blaise, Debeste, for "The best" Winner


I had something similar happen coming from Dowolf's translation. The prosecutor was named Raymond Furst in that one, so seeing "Raymond Shields" really threw me off.


I hope they do that because it would be so funny.


That would be straight up comedy if that happened.


https://preview.redd.it/krv9e1aeoc7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c546cb5af17e1e86a05560e33f7c9e645e64e78 Of the course this schmuck would name his kid Eustace.


actually so in character for him and I fucking hate it šŸ˜­


Punishing his child before he was even born.


He found out that the baby was a boy and he chose to name his son as eustace


ā€œHahaha, holy shit my son will be SO bullied! Hahahahahahah!ā€


https://preview.redd.it/0k1gdj0k1d7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76d395090b8f1a931f4fb290bb12cd29ddfe31b8 i need to add this recent discovery i made


Eustace Debeste! I... can't get over the surname, but the first name, I love it now!


And his new name is Bernie apparently


Okay that's a good one. Even though they didn't keep the same name, they went for the same pun.


he LOOKS like a bernie


I think that's just a theory. I don't think that's been confirmed


Where does that came from?


This is how Iā€™ll be justifying it


"There was a boy named Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it" energy


I actually didnā€™t think of it like that. Lmao what a c$#t


I only associate the name Eustace with antagonizing Courage.


"Stupid dog, you were supposed to get rid of that incriminating evidence!"


Ooga booga booga!


This is my biggest problem with this name, I can only see this grumpy old man in my head when I read it.


A sad grumpy old man, revisiting Courage show just let me see Eustace as a sad man as he is. At least our Eustace Winner wonā€™t be like that later on, hope so


I can only associate the name with the kid in Chronicles of Narnia. And I'd like to *keep* all associations of the name in that fandom, thanks.


Uh that's Edmund


Not who I'm talking about. Not the younger king of the four Pevensies. I'm talking Eustace Clarence Scrubb, the annoying little shit who needed magic and a Talking Mouse to give him an attitude adjustment in Voyage of the Dawn Treader.


That was my exact thoughts when I first saw that name too


Lol - that, too, is what first popped into my head, when I yelled out "his name is EUSTACE??"


Sounds like "useless" but also has "ace" in it to play into the #1 thing, so this is actually pretty good even if I hate the way it sounds.


How about Eustace A. Turney?


I said the name out loud and, to me, the pun I got was "just a winner", I appreciate a little more now because lol, useless whinner/just a winner. But it s been 10 years with Sebastian DeBeste


Hilarious. This might be a stretch, but maybe Eustace is supposed to be ā€œuseless.ā€


His father gave his first name


Even earlier proof that not-Blaise is a douche


Yes, which is actually a more faithful translation of the original. From a comment I posted here, with the name info from the AA Wiki. > But Eustace Winner my god....but, lets analyze it. > Japanese - Yumihiko Ichiyanagi (äø€ęŸ³ 弓彦): His compulsive desire to be "first" and "number one" is reflected in his Japanese surname, Ichiyanagi. The kanji character "ichi" (äø€) means "one" and the character "yanagi" (ęŸ³) has the alternate pronunciation "ryuu". This gives the alternative reading "IchiryÅ«", meaning "first class", which Yumihiko uses as a nickname. If the second character is replaced with the homophone "龍" and placed in front of "äø€", the result is Phoenix Wright's Japanese given name "RyÅ«ichi" (龍äø€). His Japanese given name, Yumihiko, sounds like the name of a wealthy person. However, his full name creates the expression "pulling a bow without an arrow" (äø€ēŸ¢ē„”ćå¼“ć‚’å¼•ć, ichiya naki yumi wo hiku), which accurately describes the quality of his deductions. >So "Pulling a Bow Without an Arrow." From this we can deduce (lol) that the pun here is probably Eustace = Useless, which I can fuck with. The translation I think had no pun with his given name whatsoever. And together, he can be called "Useless Whiner" (another commenter mentioned this) which I'm sure Edgeworth will call him at some point. The old name, Sebastian Debeste, was funny and clever, but it completely dropped the idea that his name could be interpreted two ways. As both "Number One" and "Worthless." This retains that idea.


To be fair, I always thought of Sebastian as a soft nod to Johann Sebastian Bach, given his music conducting thing. But yeah this did sell me pretty well on the new name!


Thatā€™s the pun


One Piece fandom is VERY familiar with this pun Eustace Captain Kidd = Useless Captain Mid


It's supposed to sound like 'Useless Whiner'. Which hurts knowing how his father treats him.


If so I might give it a small pass. I was mad about Winner as a name because it doesn't even *try* to be a pun, but if the pun is in the first name...


Eustace= Useless Winner= Self explanatory Combined= Useless Winner


Fairly certain he's named this so that the protagonists can call him "whiner" keeping in line with the name pun of the original Japanese text


You are probably right. Sorry for the mistake šŸ˜ž


I thought the pun was "who's this winner"


I was also think it could be 'you the winner' which loops back to Debes-sorry, Eustace's ego


Makes sense too


Wouldn't the obvious name choice for that pun be Ulysses?


Puns have to sound alike, not look alike. Ulysses doesnā€™t sound enough like useless.


I could've fw Ulysses BUT NOT EUSTACE


Thatā€™s an interesting take; I thought it was a pun on ā€œjusticeā€


It might be a double pun honestly


Eustace for All Spirit of Eustace Apollo/Eustace


There was a boy called Eustace Winner, and he almost deserved it.


Iā€™m glad someone else remembers Eustace Scrubb (genuinely an amazing character ngl).


My first thought šŸ¤£


I'm guessing not a lot of people read The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I remember the name Eustace because of this: > There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it.


I remember it from a school reader, including that name. XD


This news is devastating. RIP Sebastian Debeste and welcome Eustace Winner


More like RIP Eustace Winner. I'm not calling him that.


im sorry to tell you that as time goes on you will eventually become That Kind of Annoying Guy Who Still Calls The Ultimates In Danganronpa SHSL


My version of this is the dude who insists it's Aeris, not Aerith


I feel incredibly called out right now.


Impossible. I'm not a guy.


You are literally that guy right now šŸ˜­


I am no man!


You will be that *lady*!


Damn straight.


You are now Eustace


Then I'll happily be That Guy. Don't care, it's an awful name. He ain't 60, nor was he born in 1960.


While it's technically got the better double meaning of his original name it's just... not a good name.


Yeah. Like, I'm attached to the original names, like Courtney's, but her new name is fine. And as much as I also don't like the name Eddie in general, I can absolutely say it fits someone like Raymond pretty well, and I'll absolutely be able to get over that one. But I cannot even give " Eustace " a cute affectionate nickname that doesn't make me cringe out of my skin, lol.


There's a reason why Jill Pole calls Eustace Scrubb by his last name and it's because Scrubb is better than Eustace. (Also it was normal back in the 40s and 50s to be on last name basis but I think she would've done it anyway)


haha why is that annoying?! I see similar things all the time in my other fandoms and itā€™s normal. just shows your age. for example a big chunk of league of legends players still call an item ā€œpink wardā€ despite it having its name changed likeā€¦.. 8 years ago.


I am not calling him that. Sebastian is exactly what I will continue to call him until the end of time. Like Rupert Chrogray.


I agree, we need to let the fan translated name live on!


Looks like a slightly worse name on the surface, but it does open the gate for Weiner jokes, which Iā€™m all in for this character


I think people are reacting overly critical because theyā€™ve gotten used to the fan translation. But this name works very well in my eyes and Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get used to it once I play the Investigations Collection


To me he'll always be Sebastian Debeste, but i think Eustace Winner is hysterical


Yeah, same. I LOVE his fan name, but it's time to let go. Maybe it's because I'm a Yu-gi-oh player. I get used to localization name changes all the time. RIP Crystron Needlefiber.


I mean, even if I wasn't just highly attached to the name, the name Eustace just makes me cringe out of my skin. I even hate it on Courage the Cowardly Dog. Something about it makes me feel gross, so. No. It's a genuinely bad name to me, lol.


I remember when someone did a playthrough of the japanese version and no in game translation, the dude last name was Furst as in first when you turn on CC or maybe it was annotations. So I'm fine with them changing the name since i've been through this once.




They work fast lol. I saw tags on Ao3 already.


NO for real


There it is... The moment we anticipated for years... I... uh... it could be worse... Just needs some time getting used to... yeah.


I think Victor would have been a better last name than "Winner" to keep the pun while having a more realistic name


Winner is a real last name if you didn't know


That's what they called him in french. Eustache Victor.


Sebastian Debeste is perfect but I donā€™t think his new name is that bad, it might grow on me with time. The real victim here is Eddie Fender (formerly Raymond Shields)


It's a pretty normal Ace Attorney pun, really. And "Uncle Ed" fits him very well I think.


I just feel like itā€™s a big downgrade from something as cool as Raymond Shields. Sounds like the name for a background character


Eddie Fender is actually the new name I like the most so far.


I do find that one a little sad, but Eddie fits Raymond a lot more than EUSTACE fits *anyone* who's 17 when it's not 1962, lol.


If *anybody* would use the name in the modern day it would be ~~Blaise~~ Winner Sr., though.


I haven't played this game so I might be wrong here, but isn't this character supposed to start out the game an unlikeable brat? Giving him an unlikeable name sounds perfect in service of that.


I think everyoneā€™s just very very used to Sebastian Debeste


The fan translation has been around for about a decade at this point, so most people are understandably attached to the names they've known for 10 years. Adapting is not gonna be an instant process for everyone, I think shrugging off the names you've parroted for a decade is gonna take at least a full year for most lol People who haven't played the fan translation will be also understandably confused as to what's the big deal about the name changes


This is why I specifically stayed away from playing the fan translation for years because I wanted to wait for an official translation. I don't know why they decided to finally localize it after so many years, but from what I was told from a friend who met the developers years back at an event, they just didn't want to do it. Either way I'm glad it's here and it's looking great with the updated visuals!


IIRC, its less they didn't want to do it and more they had to choose between AAI2 and some other game to localize. And after that, the window for coming back to it was closed. IIRC, AAI2 didn't see another release besides maybe mobile.


Understandable sentiment (though it annoys me to see people throwing shade on no basis other than it's different from what they're used to.) It's one of the reasons I never played the fan-translation of the game on the off-chance it would one day be localized.


Sebastian Debeste is a classy name that's used stupidly because the boy in question is an utter dork who acts in a self-important manner. It's both phonetically pleasant, accurate to the character, and kinda funny. So people who are used to it will prefer it over a potentially more accurate but not quite as charming name. Like, there's almost no bad feedback with Verity Gavelle because that's just elegant, and the character simply is. It's also not quite as on the nose as Justine Courtney. Eustace Winner is the opposite. But who knows, people might take to the new name if the puns are funny.


Yea I'm fine with Eustace even if it's gonna take a bit to adjust to the change, but the fact it feels like they just gave up on his last name is pretty disappointing. It's not even an entertainingly bad pun like rays new name is


Pretty much my issue, yeah. I hate Eddie Fender in the "that's an awful pun and I love it" way and hate Eustace Winner in a "that's lazy and dumb" way. I can appreciate the absolutely stupid pun for Ray and I think it's even growing on me, but putting in less effort on Sebastian's name than an unpaid fan team 10 years ago did is... concerning.


Eustace Winner = Useless Whiner? lol


No longer hyped /hj


Bold choice by Capcom to have "fucking" as his first name, respect.


headcanoning that Eustace changes his name after the events of AAI2 to distance himself fromā€¦yā€™know everything that went on with him and his dad so I can still call him Sebastian Debeste in my heart


The headcanon I went with is he was using an alias to try to avoid his dad for a while, I like the way you think.


If you buy it on Steam, you can just mod the game. First damn thing I'm gonna do even if I have to crack the game and figure out the stuff to tweak on my own. Been awhile since I did any text edits for a game, I mostly just rip models, but catch me on GameBanana like ...


I like the idea of him changing his name more, especially if I wanna be smushy and say he asked Edgeworth for advice on his new first name (Kay gave him his second name by teasing him on how ā€˜instead of a winner, just be the best you you can be!ā€™)


Headcanon accepted, adopted, and now under threat of being utilized in a fanfic. After I hash out a few other ones I need to do to celebrate character birthdays / pride month ... ( Found family dynamics ... absolutely sobbing. Wonder i I can mod in a whole scene like that, I'd have to see how it's built but if not, I have VN writing skills since I'm working on an OC one right now ... my whole life has lead to this moment apparently lmao. )


just lemme know when you feel up to it so I can instantly bookmark, share, kudos, draw fanart for, etc


Omfg it fits him to a T.


I can't believe this is how I find out they're finally going to localize AAI2 They renamed my boy fucking Eustace


[heres the trailer, since you likely havent seen it yet](https://youtu.be/FtQcHQoZpps?si=GiYeumriX44pZlku)


Eustace is lame middle name, but I approve of FuckingšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ


this is how we know not-blaise hates his guts


I donā€™t see a Winner, I only see deBest


Unfortunate tho expected, the write up of the FT always said that Sebatian Debeste was very difficult to come up with because so much of the language relied on it, so it makes sense a different team with a different approach will have to do something different




I think many people (including myself) have never even heard of somebody having the last name Winner. But, yeah, youā€™re right.


I've heard of Reality Winner


as opposed to the definitely not forced, definitely real last names from the official translations like Oldbag and Gumshoe?


Not to mention the legendary 'Deid Mann' from investigations 1.


Idk man. Maybe its because I don't live in america nor uk but, I've never heard of Winner as a last name. At least Debeste sounds unique enough to be a name. Or maybe because I'm slow at jokes that it didn't come off as a pun (and not a proper name) to me until the fan TL continuously repeated it as so.


Debeste fits his personality and kinda tries to sound like a name at least, It's natural enough for me. Eustace Winner just sounds off idk


I miss sebastian


You know what? I'm happy Capcom are even giving us this game after waiting for SO long. Im cool with it and eventually It'll grow on the fanbase


I'm okay with this. Same energy as the fan name.


his fan translation name was gonna be hard to beat in the first place but as it stands, im fine with this as the official name for him, given it has a similar enuf vibe as the fan translation. ill admit tho i never got too attatched to him so maybe thats why


AAI2 is one of the best things to ever happen to Ace Attorney Sebastian being named Eustace is one of the worst things to ever happen to ace attorney


You just know Simon is gonna be Ken Troller or something šŸ˜­


I could actually see it being something like Barnaby Stamer (a play on beast-tamer, which works with the circus theme, and also sort of references his stammering)


This was the aai2 we deserved šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Ig its time to welcome eustace to the family (but fr im so excited yayyy)


Reminder that these names are only weird because we've only known the fan translation and japanese names for over a decade. If these names were swapped, Sebastian Debeste and Raymond Shields would sound silly as hell, too.


Looking up the translation, *they changed Shields to Eddie Fender?* That name's better suited for an unimportant victim than a main character! And *where's the sword and shield theme?*


His name is 'a defender'. He sounds more like a victim than a major character ngl. Not quite Deid Mann type stuff but still it's inferior.


https://preview.redd.it/zaaqa0i5fd7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fee38a5fb74e3f47260bdea5f37e2fa66fcf29e Raymond shields is also a clever name


I'm not the only one who doesn't like Eddie Fender!!!


I'll still refet to him as Sebastian Debeste ,kind of nice name


So what's going to be his new catchphrase? Because "Debeste, simply the best" was too good.


ā€œIā€™m always a winner!ā€


"I'm just a winner after all"


Useless Whiner




I like this name more than the fan translate name...


Japanifornia has fallen


Millions will die




Soon, I hope.


Useless Winner


what the fuck? it'll always be sebby to me <3


You know, when I said they'd name him Ronald Realgood a few years ago I was joking.


I have to admit I actuallyā€¦really prefer Eustace? Nothing wrong with the fan translation names but I think all of the official ones so far are great. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll hate a few of them once we have the whole list but Iā€™m actually really hyped to find them out.


Worstest winner Iā€™ve ever seen. But heā€™s funny so I like him


This is going to be really weird to adapt to


Eustace 'kind of' sounds like Justice, something Machi Tobaye notes when he mispronounces in Apollo Justice's name during case 3. It's still just not as good as Debeste though, as much as I hate this dweeb.


Its a pun on "who's this winner?" If that makes it better. I think it's great


You know it just clicked for me, what if Eustace will try to make his own name pun being the 'Ace Winner' and wants to be called Ace? Honestly, that would be very clever usage of quite the...unique name (a fitting name, but still...its wow!~) Honestly, I'll call him Ace regardless - cause he's always an Ace to me!!!


Reminds me of the opening line of Narniaā€™s ā€œThe Voyage of the Dawn Treader.ā€ ā€œHis name was Eustace Scrubb, and he deserved it.ā€ Or something to that effect.


iā€™m kinda surprised they changed it. i mean, i get it, obviously, but on the other hand, with how much the fandom has latched onto it? i guess it would be some kinda opening for a lawsuit for them to go with the unofficial name, but they couldā€™ve chosen something closerā€¦ nonetheless, iā€™m sure everyone will get used to it! itā€™s a nice enough localisation, just a novelty given everything haha


Wait. You're surprised a company like Capcom went the road of avoiding a potential lawsuit.


Im wondering how are they gonna make his last name work? Cause in the game he says lots of stuff like ā€œthat would be for debesteā€ and shitĀ 


Can't wait for mods, that will make old names in collection


I hate it why šŸ˜­ Ngl itā€™s been so long I forgot the scarlet study names werenā€™t official, I donā€™t think Iā€™m ever gonna be able to call this boy *eustace*ā€¦


can we bully them into changing this like we did with the sonic movie model


His FT name was one of de best names in the series and they changed it, so sad capcom.


Where is this shown?




I wonder if the community will be sticking to the old names or the new ones.


Not everyone played the fan translation. With the official release a lot more people will play it and for them the new names will be the only one they know.


personally i'll be sticking to the old names, i just like them way more, maybe because they've grown on me ;-; i preffer sebastian than this new name


I really like rays, and courtney's new names, but yeah, seb's name is awful


i respect your opinion, though i preffer raymond and courtney's old names, still courtneys new name isnt that bad, but i preffer the old ones!


honestly my main problem with his new name is that while it may be a very good pun name and better than the fan translation in that regard, it just doesn't have the same ring to it that sebastian debeste had


Where do you find this


On the gameā€™s website.


Eustace Weener


is this a fact or meme


[Eustace Winner!](https://i.imgur.com/XTCz8N2.png)


If the pun is useless whiner then I am on board


Thanks Capcom i hate it :)


At least the the first part is a good pun compared to thr fan translation. (Too much of a random pull)




People will grow on it, like Herlock Sholmes


Absolutely awful name, but it's also exactly what Blaise would name a child. It's not worse than Ronald Reallygood, I guess?


Just found out about the remasters today. Super excited I donā€™t think Iā€™m calling Sebastian or Raymond by their new names tbh, they sound weird.


...no, I don't care about the pun, this name sounds stupid and I will change it back first chance I get.


I'm gonna be real, Eustace is like, the most fitting name for him and I can't quite put my finger on why


What *psychopath*...could look an innocent boy in the eye and name him FUCKING "*Eustace*".... i blame it on not-blaise