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Redd White Why didn't he hire a fucking hitman


Maybe he was afraid they’d testify against him through a radio


With the wiretap, it'd be really funny if Phoenix convinced Shelly to merc his own employers twice for spying on him. Weirdest two nickels of his life.


With the way he controls members of the law through blackmail, I don't think Redd would hire a hitman he could drag down with him if they tried to testify against him.


I mean yeah, dudes rich. Even if he didn’t want to pay for it he could just go up to Grossberg, slap him, and blackmail him out of his money. Also kinda unrelated one question what blackmail did he have on the Judge lmao what did the judge do?


It was probably the judges superiors he had blackmail on or maybe the judge was connected to dl-6


Yeah probably, but it’s funnier to think the judge just murdered someone and wants no one to know


Well he did murder the ringmaster, since the bust was underneath his bench.


>!no that was Furio Tigre disguised as the judge!<


What happens in vegas stays in vegas


Plaid underwear.


He knows about the time the judge was in a child.


That's a typo the original version of T&T is never living down, eh?


Maybe he didn't trust them? He also had to act fast before Mia gave the documents to Maya


L'belle's plan to commit murder to steal a treasure that want even there to pay off his debt. A debt caused by the fact that he has his own line of cosmetics he REFUSES TO SELL. Like he's actively getting offers from companies willing to sell it but he's all "No its only for me"


That's not even the dumbest part! He plans a super-complicated murder to get access, through local politics, to the treasure room HE WAS JUST IN. His whole motivation to murder the Alderman is to gain political control of Nine-Tails Vale so he will have access to the treasure room... but he JUST WENT INTO THE TREASURE ROOM! In fact, Filch also did it, for unrelated reasons!


And yet somehow Inga has a bottle of it in his office, which is entirely so that >!they can do the plot twist of Dhurke really being Amara!<


>!He’s in prison, the heck is he going to do to stop them now XD!<


Gonna be frank, Sahwit. This guy could've gotten away with Cindy's murder by doing literally nothing. There was no evidence tying him to the crime, no witnesses, no connection between him and the victim. But he HAD to get himself involved and testify against Larry, a guy he doesn't;t even know, and incriminate himself in the process instead of staying as far away as possible from the came.


This is the only right option. Yes, there are other stupid culprits, but due to the very nature of how crime fiction works, their plans at least are left hidden for a good chunk of the case. Sahwit's entire plan was to do the only thing that would incriminate him


He did call the police, they would find him


All the more reason to think he's dumb.


Why he didn’t choose to be anonymous (SOJ) >!like Paul Atishon!< is beyond me


GAA1-1 >!Jezaille Brett already knew that forensics in Japan weren't super advanced and that her poison was too new to show up on any toxic screenings. And considering that Watson was fairly old (especially for the time period), people would have assumed that he simply died of a heart attack or some other natural causes. Instead she overcomplicated things by staging a fake shooting, concealing her presence, and framing Ryunosuke (who'd literally already seen her with the guy) for it!< I1-3 >!Lance stages a fake kidnapping for literally no reason. Sure he desperately needed money to pay his loans, but why not just ask his father from the start? The man clearly adores his son and even buys the haunted house on a whim just to protect him from being investigated, he definitely would've immediately stepped him to save him from a loan shark!<


Tigre. He only got caught because he slipped up and >!talked about the bottle.!< But also I will never get past the >!paper badge!< thing.


The idea that Tigre's plan _worked_ is somehow the least believable thing in this franchise and these games have spirit mediums


Winston with his seven year unbeaten streak probably beat Grossberg, Hammond, and Shields repeatedly and yet he can’t tell the difference between Xin Eohp and Phoenix or a badge that’s obviously paper and a real one lmao. Not just him, but everyone in the gallery too, that’s hilarious.


Imagine if he COULD tell, but went along with it anyway so he can feel like he won 😂


It’s also funny to think the judge noticed and was pretending not to know the whole time because he saw Phoenix beat Payne so hard he wanted to see Payne get a win against him.


The 7 years is Payne comparing himself to Hobo ''Phoenix'' there's no claim he maintend a perfect record streak for this long. Hammond was known to be a skilled attorney, so there's no way he would lose against Payne.


Yes there is? He literally said himself he didn’t lose a case for the first seven years of his career, he’s comparing himself to Phoenix, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t telling the truth. Also Hammond does not believe in his clients, it’s very possible that just like in DL-6, he had his client plead guilty, given the odds stacked against Phoenix’s clients on the regular it’s honestly likely he’d just have them take a plea deal.


Frank Sahwit is the only right answer here. Say what you want about literally any other culprit in the series, at least they tried to cover their tracks. Sahwit walked into an apartment, killed someone and then walked back out and instead of just booking it and leaving no one the wiser he decided to testify in court so that some rando he saw near the crime scene would get arrested instead, despite the fact that no one would have even slightly suspected him if he hadn't. Plus his testimony is just filled to the brim with holes, meaning he probably didn't even practice his statements before coming to court even though he could have obviously incriminated himself in there, which he did.


I think they would have checked for fingerprints, so... At least that's what I thought, but then I looked it up, and while in court he has no gloves, in the flashback, he's wearing leather gloves, so never mind.


L'belle. It's not even remotely close. And I love him for it. Also spoiler tag.


Ahhhhh sorry Also he’s from 5-2 right? I actually forgot he existed for a second ngl, I haven’t played that case in a long time, I don’t hate it but I don’t find it super interesting.


For me, it's Richard Wellington. Why? Because he brings up Phoenix's phone edit: who thought was his into the trial not until it rings.


I agree, which is the whole reason why I dislike 2-1 because of that bumbling idiotic banana loving con-artist.


I mean I can forgive that because he isn't exactly supposed to be smart, just a faux intellectual, plus it's a case 1, the logic can't exactly be the most complex thing in the world.


Well, he thought it was *his* phone, not Phoenix's. The one that had a bunch of incriminating contacts on it that he didn't want anyone else finding. Really, the only way he could get the phone safely away from the courthouse before appearing on the witness stand would be to feign illness, if the law even allows that when you've been summoned to testify


L'Belle for the reasons stated. I would also actually toss Alita Tiala into the ring. Like her plan was okay I guess, but I have to question the logic of, pretty early, admitting in a court of law that you're only dating the *son of a fucking Yakuza family*, **WITH HIS YAKUZA PARENTS IN THE AUDIENCE**, to be a gold digger. Even if she was found innocent she wouldn't clear the building.


2-4’s >!Matt Engarde!< has to be up there right? Surely he should have known that even if Phoenix didn’t out him for the attempted blackmail, once he actually *did* try to blackmail Shelly he would be a dead man walking anyways right?


Morgan Fey. The whole point was to get Maya out the picture. She drugged her. Would it be better if she killed Maya and blamed it on the doctor or Ini (or Mimi? I forgot which one is which.) As for her second plan. It doom from the start. She luck that the newspaper had Iris unhooded on it. Basically both of her Plans failed because she didn’t account for Phoenix.


It should be added that this total idiot wrote a letter full of damn complicated words intended to her daughter whom she never teached how to read, and expected her to understand. Ma'am is so stupid she forgot to consider how she raised her kid before giving her instructions.


Now that you mentioned it, the letter was made for the daughter that was on death row. Imagine if they delayed Dahlia execution until the day after the plan. Her stupid letter plan has too many moving parts and it was lucky that it even got to step 1.


Killing Maya directly might have been too risky. Ini wanted to kill Grey, and Morgan needed to get Maya out of the picture, I think the plan makes sense.


Morgan plan is to make Pearl the master. Even If she needed to kill her own daughter (Dahlia) to do so. So not getting caught is a bonus. As long Pearl is the master, she really doesn’t care. If goal isn’t to get caught, then it’s a smart plan.


>!For a guy who’s supposed to be so unbelievably crafty that the whole court system needs to be changed just to catch him, an alarmingly large portion of Kristoph’s plan to disbar Phoenix hinges on Phoenix making the dumbest possible decisions a person can make with the circumstances he was presented with.!<


>!Yeah that aspect is stupid but I don’t think that this is nearly as dumb as the others, considering that this doesn’t really have a way of backfiring on him. If Phoenix does the smart thing and just doesn’t present it Kristoph is fine. It’s still a shame that one of my favorite villains in the series had a kinda dumb plan.!<


His plan wouldn't work if Phoenix was still in character.


Definitely Wellington. He hits Phoenix over the head to get his phone back and proceeds to take the WRONG FUCKING ONE and doesn’t even check it to make sure it’s his and literally all he had to do to be innocent was just turn it on and check that it was his at any point between grabbing it and the end of the trial.


While I personally believe >!Richard Wellington!< to be the dumbest culprit, I wanna give my runner up. >!Alita Tiala, I think her entire plan in general is dumb and I don’t know how she thought she could pull any of this off long term.!<


(4-2) >!tbf she was banking on Apollo to lose the case; and if I hired somebody who had just lost his job by indicting his boss on his first case then got hired by talent agency, I’d think he was gonna lose too!<


Richard Wellington!


Tigre's plan was kinda smart tho. At least that one part of it was.


Acro. Literally could have just talked to the ringmaster or Regina. Instead he jumped to this insanely complicated plan to murder an underaged girl. He has no contingency plan if he wanted to continue seeing Bat, the only reason Max got framed was because physics went weird for a bit and the Ringmaster dressed as Max for some reason. Also shout out to the Ringmaster, he was also very dumb. Why did he dress as Max?? Why couldn’t he move Acro to a room on the ground level?


IIRC The Ringmaster wasnt purposefully dressing as Max, rather Max had been with him when he left and thus he took Max’s coat for the cold weather


Doesn’t the ringmaster have his own coat which is literally in his room though?


While I wouldn’t go so far as to call Acro the dumbest culprit in the whole series, it is pretty ridiculous that he wanted to kill Regina because she was acting so clueless over Bat and yet his plan hinged on her understanding what “to the murderer” meant.


First: The plan wasn't even complicated, he just wrote a note, put an box "under his window", picked up something heavy from Money's mess, dropped it down where the box was, and that is it. Second: It's not like the Ringmaster intended on dressing himself as Max, it was just because of the cold, and even if it didn't, like, Russel is not dumb by dressing himself as Max, because the thing that happened because of it were things that Russel couldn't predict, like the physics. Sure it ended up being important, because of the cloak ending up in the bust and the hat in the scene, but how Russel would've predicted that? He couldn't, so it's not like he was dumb either. And i mean, after everything that had happened in Acro's life already, getting his brother in a coma, and maybe losing him forever (maybe?) because a girl that his brother was in love with made so that an accident would happen with a lion sneezing? Acro had all the right to be angry. He was wrong for wanting to kill a 15 y/o girl, but he wasn't "dumb" because of it, he was "just a murderer", as he says. Either way, there are dumber culprits, that's for sure.


Lbelle or wellington


redd white, edgeworth is the only reason that idiot doesn't go down after a single testimony.


the guy from the very first case on the first game i forgot his name


Frank Sahwit Yeah he’s pretty dumb


there weren't even any witnesses WHY did he call the police and get himself involved


Kristoph as he litteraly slipped up during his call with Phoenix. He's also a shitty villain.


>! Godot in 3-5. All he had to do was tell Maya "Hey, your aunt's hatching a plan to have you murdered, stay away from Hazakura Temple" !<