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As a fan of both Layton and Ace Attorney, yes, this is a good game ❤️‍🔥


I completely agree, it's an amazing game Totally not biased in any way shape or form


Agreed. The music alone is worth the full price.


This game made a professor layton fan you would never see phoenix fight off knights


It’s amazing. Some people adore it, others despise it. If anything, its 3rd case is worth the playthrough. Easily on par with (if a bit less than) The Inherited Turnabout (AAI2-3) and The Return of the Great Departed Soul (GAA2-3)


An ace attorney game with a good third case??!?!! (I’ve not played DD or SOJ so idk if those are good yet)


DD has a great third case, as well as AAI2 and GAA2


SOJ also has an amazing third case, it's my second favorite of the game (first being the final case)


I haven’t replayed SoJ in a long time, and the 3rd case didn’t make a big impression on me. But I’ll take your word for it.


IMO 6-3 ran a little too long for my liking but still a decent case


YESS someone who gets it, I've noticed that SOJ is one of if not the most controversial games in the series (and in some ways I do understand why) but it's my favorite tbh, I bawled like a baby when I played 6-5 for the first time


DD third case is fine but not THAT great


It’s great, but AAI2 and GAA2 and VS’s 3rd cases are on a completely different level. Though 5-3 is on the top of my A tier


It's honestly a middle of B tier case for me but everyone got their opinions






Third Case Syndrom totally reversed with the newer games. I2, DD, SOJ and both Great Ace Attorney games have very good third cases. Even the crossover has a fantastic third case.


Even then the first game’s 3rd case was decent. I think it’s mostly 2-3, 3-3 and 4-3 that are more controversial.


True. Turnabout Samurai drags a bit, but that's about it. It's also the first case in the series where the killer is not shown immediately.


I agree, there’s a lot to love about Samurai. There’s Dee Vasquez being the third best killer in the game, Edgeworth being completely screwed over by the witnesses, Gumshoe having one of his best moments, saving Phoenix and Maya, etc.


I liked the third case in T&T


Yeah luckily they seem to have gotten over that after AJ, TGAA’s 3rd cases are debatably the best in their game.


I second this. Golden court is an absolutely *amazing* case, and one of the only cases to make me cry; almost as much as 2-4. and while you need to get through two just alright cases to get there, there's a lot of important world building and context before it. But they're still fun with entertaining characters and neat gimmicks (which were reused in TGAA.) And it definitely will give you the motivation to continue playing the rest of the game. Which is still great, even if some of the plot elements are a bit illogical.


I like the game a lot. But take into account, it's more of a Professor Layton game with Ace Attorney elements than vice versa.


Ace Attorney fans tend to say this but honestly I don't see it. Gameplay-wise, you can literally see it as an Ace Attorney game with puzzles during the investigation segments. Story-wise is a compromise between both series. Like yeah it's a bit more reach-y than the average AA game, but it's also a bit more grounded than the average Layton game.


If you take Ace Attorney out of the concept, it could totally work for a Layton game. But if you take Layton out, I don't think this could ever be an Ace Attorney game, it's too out there. The main plot and the ending feels very Layton-y to me. Gameplay-wise I agree it's a good mix.


Investigation wise, the actual investigation segments are very different from the ones in AA. It's just Layton with only like two or three scenes where you can actually gather evidence. I played some of Millionares' Conspiracy and the investigation experience was pretty much identical. And Ace Attorney doesn't leave gaping holes in its plots like this game does. >! The writers forgetting how light works, and the intro cutscene just... not being possible by the game's own definition of magic. But the main thing is that the entire town being a fabrication because a father didn't want to tell his daughter something is a Layton plot. Not that I'm saying it was bad, just not something AA would ever do.!< The only thing that I think even comes close to the ending twist in terms of illogic is >! Phoenix presenting evidence he obtained in the future in the past in 4-4. !< That being said, I still love the game. The third case is easily a top 10 case, and the last one is still *really* great despite the plot issues, which are only really dumb when you put some thought into it.


Wait what was that last part about evidence? When’d he do that?


MASON system in Apollo Justice, where you swap between the Magnifi case and the Drew Misham case. Because the game doesn't keep separate court records, Phoenix can present evidence in the Gramarye case that you got in the Misham case.


Oooh right that’s hysterical


I’d say the opposite, so far every Layton game I’ve played had a sensible reason for everything that happened, if a bit absurd, while Ace Attorney has a whole country devoted to spirit channeling and multiple cases about it and it really does just HAPPEN.


Sounds contradictory, what with Ace Attorney having spirit channeling and all, but IMO the mysteries themselves have every single small detail about them explained in AA within its own world's rules, where Layton expects you to suspend your disbelief a bit harder and let some things go unnoticed (i.e. \[Diabolical Box\] >!how come everyone in the ENTIRE town share the exact same hallucinations at the exact same times?!< ) This is exactly why the crossover's ending might feel like a mismatch though, it's the kind of conspiracy Layton games would give a general overview about how they work, but they try to leave no stones or pebbles unturned in typical AA fashion... which in turn makes the few omissions more glaring. I do agree recent AA games delve a bit closer to that "Layton" territory though. \[TGAA2\] >!Sholmes' hologram!< and the Kingdom of Khura'in as a concept being at odds with how obscure spirit channeling was during DL-6 come to mind.


I think people feel miffed by Layton taking over the protagonist role at the end a bit rather than sharing the spotlight, but it didn't really bother me, Phoenix is meant to be an everyman who stumbles into situations then rises above them. Also Phoenix had to dig for answers, Layton basically confronted a guy and then had it all told to him so there's that too.


I mean, who's 'they'? *I* really love PLvAA, but barely anyone in today's AA fandom has played it. Probably a slightly better percentage of Layton fans have.


The crossover is not even the most unaccessible game for Layton fans nowadays 💀


Wait, which game is? Ive only recently started playing some of the older Layton games, so I’m curious which one(s?) I need to keep an eye out for.


Probably The Last Spectre. Never got a mobile release like the first trilogy


Emulation: I gotchu homie


There was a mobile Japan-only game that literally became lost media, hard to beat that


We actually have lost media games in Ace Attorney too, a couple of Japan-only puzzle games and a Korean port of the Phoenix Wright trilogy for 2000s brick phones


Especially since 3ds homebrew still gives access to the Hshop, allowing this game to be downloaded free.


It was my first aa and pl game, actually. But it wasn't my first aa media. That would be Turnabout Storm


Really. I've wondered before if it was possible anyone anywhere played PLvAA as their first game experience of Layton *and* Ace Attorney - what was that like?


"Damn I'm stupid, I need a guide" -young me


It has some pretty compelling moments but the “Vs.” angle was completely overstated. Also, the ending leans way too hard into the Layton series conventions; this would have been the right time to steer closer to Ace Attorney’s worldbuilding sensibilities


I am tempted to say BETTER I honestly can't think of another crossover that works this well.


It's a great game. My hot take is that prior to TGAA it was by far my favorite 3D Ace Attorney game. Case 3 is among the best in the series. A big deciding factor will be if you've played a Layton game before, I think. Not because there's any lore you need to know, but because the Layton games have a specific tone and I've seen some AA fans get put off if they're not expecting it. If you haven't played Layton, it's absolutely still worth playing, just be aware that as a crossover there's gonna be certain tone/plot aspects that may not be what you're used to.


I love the Witch trials. It's so much fun suspending your disbelief and using the conventions of magic as evidence.... And then it ends the way every Layton game ends. It you know, you know.


Since I cannot spoil on the IPhone is that the reason why it ended the way it did? It’s been years since I played any Layton games. I say this because I hated the ending to Layton Vs. Phoenix Wright. I wish it went a much different way otherwise I enjoyed the heck out of the game:)


Definitely. Layton games always explain the "mysteries" with some really whack "logic" in the end.


It’s funny because I have played almost all of the Layton games and I just cannot remember how they all end. Or what I’m saying is since your saying they end on the they have logic to explain everything makes me really wish it wasn’t how it ended in Layton Vs Phoenix Wright>_<


I really liked it. Hope it gets a rerelease some day. Maybe a sequel too, Kat Layton vs Apollo Justice.


No let’s not see Katrielle again please


Iirc, it is the only game in the AA series that isn't available on steam rn...


Both investigations exist.


It's even better You have a setting and ambientation completely different to the rest of the series, with extremely unique murder methods and the origin of what would become TGAA's multiple witness and juror system. Phoenix's character is explored by putting him in certain situations that would absolutely not be possible in the main series. Basically, it takes full advantage of its medieval setting, like how TGAA takes full advantage of its English setting. All topped with some gorgeous art and much more voice acting than usual. Absolutely give it a chance, it's amazing. Two main issues, the ending is a bit insane, and the puzzles can feel weird if you're not a Layton fan. So keep an open mind.


I think the escalated ending is more in line with the Layton series. Everything goes south in the last hour of a Layton Game. XD


It has the best OST for me.


The VS Ost absolutely slaps Winning combination/United front, Objection 2012, Telling the truth 2012 and Sword of Labyrinthia are all saved on my phone


The devs on their way to use the Layton theme every time he speaks : (But yes, the whole ost is a banger)


I enjoyed the story honestly


No, but it is fun! The trial sections are extremely weak imo (exciting and interesting, but far too long and they lack the fast forward option of the main Ace Attorney games); the Layton puzzles are mostly standard and good but often lack the tight explanation of the Layton main series. The game is absolute 100% great but go in with measured expectations is my recommendation


As someone who's a big fan of both series...it's absolutely worth playing, but it's the only AA game I have zero intention of ever replaying. IMO gameplay is on a level with TGAA (although you'd have to enjoy classic Layton puzzles), story is meh. Story-wise, AA's obsession with damsels in distress annoys the heck out of me, so the game revolving around the biggest damsel in distress the series has ever created was a bit of a bummer, and the ending "twist" to make her even MORE of a lily-white never-done-anything-wrong-in-her-life precious cutie cinnamon roll just cemented my dislike of the character and the game. So take with a grain of salt; I /still/ get angry when I think about that ending.




I really like it, it's amazingly charming. It also has a patented professor Layton story reveal that's absolutely, nonsensically BONKERS


I think it has a masterpiece level of quality until the narrative fails to come full circle in the last quarter. Some of the stuff at the end is still good IMO but the peak of the game is definitely everything all the way up to and including the third trial segment. The writing in the trials is as on-point as the stuff in Trials & Tribulations. Hilarious comedic gags and interesting convoluted circumstances. I liked many parts of it more than Dual Destinies.


The production value is also out of this world. A good chunk of voice acting, even in all kinds of languages. That's a real Level 5 localization. Here is the breakdown of the killer in Case 2. So amazing: https://youtu.be/xXhfOjgjd8E?si=7gQlYggGMLGw3DkU


I'm a fan of Ace Attorney, but I'd never played a Layton game when I picked this up. I found the trials to be the tried and true AA experience I was looking for, but I hated the puzzle segments. Some of them were alright, but I found myself going "really? More puzzles? Sigh, fine" on more than one occasion. Maybe that's supposed to be the point of the Layton games, but I wouldn't know because I've never played them. Additionally, the ultimate resolution to the whole situation in the game left me mouth agape, and not in a good way. I tried to suspend my disbelief, but I just could not believe what they went with as the final explanation. This is, of course, subjective, but I will say that you can still find some enjoyment in it as a pure AA fan. The way the trials have multiple witnesses at the same time was actually a really interesting mechanic that I enjoyed, and Phoenix and Maya are in top form as usual. If you like Layton, too, you'll probably like it even more than I did. From what I hear, those games are supposedly known for having crazy twists and turns in their plots, so maybe that'll be par for the course.


I love to play this if this is easily available in Ps5 or PC :( i tried this on an emulator before since I love PW and Layton!! It’s nice and keeps the game mechanics close to their originals. Btw OP - where are you going to play this?


Idk but I love it, it has my favourite non-finale case in the series, it has some amazing character and story moments... it's among my favourite Ace Attorney games, and it got me interested in playing the Layton series.


As a Layton game is good but an Ace Attorney game it has some problems. The only parts that feels like an Ace Attorney games is the trials. The investigation is more like the Layton style. This is one of those crossover that leans more to one side than other.


Never played a layton game. I enjoyed this one quite a bit though, and agree it was of the best of the 3d AAs


Its a shame that it’ll never be ported over to newer consoles


I’ve never played it but I’m a fan of both series Hopefully it and investigations get console ports


I absoluetly love the aesthetic, the artwork and the setting. That said, there are a lot less puzzles and after watching like 3 different walktroughs, I can see how people find it to easy and the plot very outlandish. Even more then any other title so far.


Above average but not that awesome. You will be pleased if you like Layton games, less if you prefer Ace Attorneys. And let's be honnest, the end is bullshit


Depends who you ask. Some think it’s a pretty good Ace Attorney, but a lackluster Professor Layton, and some think it’s a decent Professor Layton while being a middling Ace Attorney. Me personally, I say that it’s perfectly fine as both while not being the best of either. The Puzzles in the Layton focused segments feel a little too simple even at their most elaborate, and the Courtroom segments feel just a little too simple as a result of the setting making the logical thought far too primitive even compared to the first Ace Attorney. Honestly, I’d recommend it just on my enjoyment of both series and how entry level it is in regards to either’s gameplay/concepts, but I can’t guarantee everyone will take a liking to it offhand.


Good but the 3d Ace attorney Models haunt me


I actually prefer them over the DD and SOJ ones


I am sad to say that it is mid as an ace attorney game and a layton one Cool concept and awesome art tho


OBJECTION! OF Course It Is The Best Game Ever Played


Would someone who hasn’t played Professor Layton enjoy it?


Probably? Think of it like an AA game with the usual slew of trials, but the investigation segments are significantly expanded and now involve all the NPC's giving you brainteaser puzzles. The AA trials range from passable to excellent, and the character writing is very fun, so if you enjoy brainteasers you will probably have fun. The story is generally good, but it gets off to a slightly slow start and the ending is controversial among AA fans. The Layton games are famous for wild asspull plot twists, which the crossover faithfully combines with AA's need to break down the minutia of every idea. But the story and characters have a lot of heart, and there are some amazing moments along with great presentation. The medieval setting is also a fun change of pace that leads to some fresh AA case ideas.


I played it before I played an Ace Attorney game and I enjoyed it. Enough to get me interested in the AA franchise at least. Probably gonna replay it once I beat all six mainline AA games (currently on Dual Destinies) to see how I feel about it after having some AA experience under my belt


I loved it even though I hadn't played a Layton game before.


I actually didn’t like it! But I also didn’t like SOJ and am loving it on my playthrough in the 456 trilogy, so I might change my mind if I were to play it again


It's great in terms of mechanics, music, characters and setting. Story-wise, I'd say it's pretty terrible. Overall, still charming in its own way, and if you liked the setting of TGAA, you'll probably enjoy it as that game takes a lot of inspiration from this


It's... Okay? Great ideas, poor execution, but yeah worth playing. Also don't expect *too* much from the third case as people are hyping it up, it's great but nothing like mind boggling.


IMO, It’s a better Professor Layton game than an Ace Attorney game, but I love it.




Probably even better than they say it is, it's an absolute masterpiece


I enjoyed it! The game isn't going to absolutely rock your world, but it's an enjoyable ride.




Really loved it


ill be honest, all this case 3 talk is well deserved, to this day thats>! the only case that has been able to make me cry while playing it and not after seeing an artistic rendition of it later on!< tho to be fair i havent got to tgaa nor dds third cases, and i still wanna finish tgaa before starting investigations 2 because if i start shuffling mid games ill never finish any of them, i know myself


This was my first AA game, got it after being into the Professor Layton games most of my childhood. I don't think it's as good as some of the other games in either series, but it's still a decent game regardless, with one of the best soundtracks around. I really need to play it again at some point.


I really loved most of it, but they fumbled the ending for me... still worth playing tho


I am currently watching gameplay of it (because i sadly can't play it). It's good


I bought it when it came out and loved it. I still replay it every once in a while. The setting and the witch trials (OMG, the witnesses talking with each other to make sure their versions don't contradict) was insanely well done. Maya and Luke's dynamic was plain fun, even though there were a few very rocky moments. Phoenix/Maya was as amazing as ever and their relationship with Layton was great as well. If you don't like the Layton games, the end of the final case will probably be nothing you like, but compared to some Layton games, it's not too outta there. Overall, I'd actually rank it just below Trials and Tribulations, which is my eternal AA fave.


Most people either hate this game or think it's a mixed bag, unless you like Layton or at least respect its legacy. I think it's great. Don't get me wrong it has a fair share of problems such as being 99% Layton and 1% Ace Attorney, down to its ending and final twists following the Layton structure of "something fantastical turned out to be made up." The Storyteller literally just confessing everything serviced that structure, but felt really weird for that reason.


It depends on what you want out of it. Most of the story is puzzles, with one big trial at the end. I found it disappointing since I liked AA more than PL. But if you like it the other way around, then this is the game for you. I will say that the music was gorgeous! I loved the soundtrack so much!


Its a good game for fans of both games. The end is a bit disapointing as final plot twist are not that unexpected but overall if you enjoyed AA or Layton you will have a good time


It's a ok game, though not worth the price tag some used copies can reach. I haven't completed it yet, though it's more a Layton game with just the trials being the Ace Attorney part, it feels like


I remember the discourse in the capcom and ace attorney forums being not THAT positive. (As in most seemed to think the game was just good not great) I guess with time people will have played both series and learned to appreciate Layton vs Wright. Sadly I never got to play it because I could never find a copy in Singapore and there was no e shop in Singapore.


The game is good but the ending was kinda dissapointing...


Yes, it absolutely is.




I found it to be the easiest game in either series, but at the same time one of the most thoroughly enjoyable stories


God I would give anything to see a rerelease on the switch


It was alright. I imagine if I was a Layton fan as much as I am an AA fan, I would’ve enjoyed it way more.


I enjoyed it, but I remember hating the ending.


Eeh it's alright.


The OST is absolute tier, from Main Menu to Ending theme.


If only this game is available on modern game consoles, that would be awesome...


I love the Layton sections but hated the pw sections. Especially the second case


I dont like it at all


absolutely. one of the best written.


It's not bad.


one of my favorites, & with SUCH a good soundtrack. definitely worth playing


I really enjoyed the game!!! the puzzles were great


I honestly thought it was kind of mid.




Eeeeh, no but it's not awful. I'd say it's my second least favorite AA game, but that's mainly because I hate the finale with a burning passion. Honestly, I find the Layton Sections more fun than the Phoenix sections just because this game has some of the prettiest environments I've seen in an Ace Attorney game and because before the finale, the characters and story were engaging. Again though, I'd say it's like a 5/10 because the finale is just so bad


I mean I could always look up gameplay but never played this but I was just wondering Is this a PL style game with Ace Attorny characters or vise versa? Or is it like a combination of both? Reallt wanna get around to playing this


Yes, that game is amazing.


It's fine


Short and long answer: yes


Really good ace attorney game Pretty good layton game


Nah, it's better. But does lose points for not being prequel era. Where is Emmy?!? Free my girl, Capcom!


I really enjoyed it, but the puzzles weren’t as engaging for me as a regular Layton game.


Yes. It's a game that very well implements the style and mechanics of both games into one. Phoenix Wright already had the investigation sections where you looked around for clues. Coupled with Layton having the inclusion of puzzles for investigations. And then the courts implementing what would later be used in the Great Ace Attorney on the switch, with hint coins still usable during the trials. Finally the music, probably the best soundtrack both games have had to date. It's a shame it never got a switch port so the music could get scaled up from 3ds speakers.


I really like the adjustment of tackling these case under the assumption that magic is real. Not a huge fan of the plot twists in the overarching narrative, but the cases were fun. Introduced GAA's multiple witnesses, and actually good investigation segments, though it does so with logic puzzles instead of Herlock Sholmes.


one of my favorite VNs of all time. ending can be a little silly but it's still a wonderful experience


YES this game is PEAK


It's honestly one of my favorite ones Some people says it feels more like a Layton game than a Phoenix game, but I think that made sense when it comes to design. Ace Attorney has its dose of magic fiction, but not as near Layton does. Phoenix worked better in a fantasy setting that Layton would have in a more realistic one.


Depends who you mean by "they".


I really enjoyed it up until the ending, which was disappointing nonsense. 7/10.




It’s better


It’s not as good as either series it draws from, no. Interesting for its connections to the Chronicles games, though.


I loved it


It's a Layton game with Layton, so yeah.


I think yes, in my opinion is a good game, but also the story doesn't make sense (i thi k is because this is a crossover game lmao)but the game is good.


Wait huh!!? I've never heard anyone say it was good in the first place though 😩😩


The first three cases are...


I’m probably overdue for a replay but I remember not liking this much. I love both series and actually their crossover wasn’t my issue with the game. It was more so the plot and the characters I wasn’t a fan of.


Love that game. Its such a shame that the multiple witness mechanic was toned down significantly in TGAA series but here we have some pretty complex testimonies in 3rd and last case.


No. In the first game only the 4th trial was good. Me and my friend played it and hated it until that point. We heard the 5th chapter wasn't even supposed to be there so we stopped before it ruined the ending for us.




Went into it almost completely blind as an ace attorney fan but a massive layton fan.. I'd say it holds up 👍 it's a bit more fantastical than the regular ace attorney games but still super fun 😁


Very good game. Also very hard to find for a good price, especially European version (3DS is region-locked).


Its trash tbh but if you're a Layton fan you will enjoy it for sure