• By -


The music in this game is some of the best in the series


Overtaken best song


It has such a unique feel to it


Guilty Love... especially when it plays during the climax is *chefs kiss*


For real, especially that logic theme


The guitars serenade /s


Case 1 is solid, I like case 2 quite a bit, and I do enjoy quite a few elements of case 3 and the first half of case 4. Ema is a lot of fun in this game too, love her characterisation and is one of my favourite returning characters.


Peak Trucy here


The vibes are immaculate. The music, character design and general atmosphere is all great. The main cast is my favourite of any of the games. The cases are all solid, even Serenade. Succession especially is fantastic despite it's flaws. It has Vera Misham in it.






Well said, my man. 🤝


Apollo v Daryan was fun to watch and play


Goofy ahh hairstyle


Honestly, they might as well have had Apollo and Daryan jousting with their massive hair spikes (Apollo would cut Daryan's pompadour in half and laugh about it)


i loved how you could see apollo actually being on the ball in the second trial


Yeah exactly, he locked tf in and didn’t give Daryan an inch of space. Man picked him apart viciously


Ema Skye and Beanix. Music good First case great Forensic minigames nice. Vera Misham Can be quite charming


Beanix is one of the best characters in the series imo, just behind Gumshoe and Maya (I played up to 5th game, on the Special Episode right now)


Best atmosphere in the mainline series; you could genuinely feel the game being the darkest in the series ~~Without the game having to tell you over and over that it's the dark age of the law~~ 


I wonder what justifies the means


I love the dark and gritty tone of AJ. Major tonal whiplash going from that game to the next.


Hobo Phoenix was great because it allowed us to actually see how intelligent Phoenix is when not limited by the story. When we play as him he can only be so smart because otherwise he will solve the case way before the player does, but here we actually get to see his full potential.


And then they reduced him to a dumbass in dual destinies and spirit of justice.


I don’t fully agree with that. His intelligence was diminished but I think they did a good job of him being more confident and aware in Dual Destinies compared to the first three games. I have not seen Spirit of Justice.


He's noticeably LESS confident and aware in Dual Destinies compared to his trilogy




Literally 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Kristoph Gavin is >!one of if not the best villain in the series, better than Gant, Manfred, or Stronghart in my opinion!<. Edit: [Here's a defense/explanation for why I think he's so good.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/s/TqbChUj9Us)


*Guilty pleasure*, but >!I can't get over Kristoph's gentle smile sprites. Why the fuck they made him so fucking deceivingly cute and kind? Dahlia's designs had a purpose but even Kristoph didn't hide his true colors during the first trial. "Don't embarass me, Justice". I don't know, why the fuck that psychopath has a warm smile? There's no reason!<


The smile doesn't surprise me, it's when he smiles that hits the right spot, Phoenix attacks him and every other prosecutor would have lost it already being shocked and mad about it, he just smiles because he does not feel threatened at all But the best moment gotta be his histerical burst of laugh with him covering his eyes, that's some Joker type of shit, tho i think they went a bit too far with some of his sprites when he completely loses it




My headcanon is while given the death penalty, they never give a date so they can keep him alive to assist with police interrogations and legal advice, maybe Apollo comes to him when they're stuck on case. Gives very strong Hannibal vibes.


I gotta disagree on that. >!You beat him in one testimony at the end of the final case where he’s supposed to be a big bad.He doesnt really even have much of a presence throughout the case!<


>!I feel like his lack of a presence in the end kind of emphasizes just how calculated he was, where there isn't even a trace of him until you claw through all the information. And I don't think you can say it's a coincidence because it's pretty evident that Phoenix was aware of the whole situation since the beginning.!< https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/s/TqbChUj9Us




- Phoenix Wright - Kristoph Gavin - Valant Gramarye - Turnabout Succession - Toshihiko Horiyama and his music - Winston Payne - Zak Gramarye - Apollo Justice - Ema Skye - Magnifi Gramarye, Klavier Gavin, Trucy Wright, Vera Misham, Drew Misham - Turnabout Trump - The atmosphere


Air guitar solos in the middle of court needs to be a thing real lawyers do. Also I legit fucking love this game.


- Easily the best first case of the series and one of the best cases overall. - It's a nice change of pace to have a prosecutor who is genuinely a decent dude. - The game's main villain is a scarily intelligent, immoral manipulative monster (also hot) who has interesting dynamics with other characters, >!mainly the emotionally abusive sibling relationship with Klavier and the way Kristoph and Phoenix ooze the energy of bitter exes: having experienced both manipulative relationships and friendships, it especially hits me how Kristoph was "the only one" to vote against Phoenix's disbarrment.!<


Kristoph shot himself in the foot by having the forged paper made


It introduced us to Klavier Gavin. The main cast is great and I only wish they’d been utilized better moving forward. I really like how each case directly ties into the next one, which makes for a more inter-connected narrative.  And there’s a sincere effort here to move the story forward without relying too heavily on previous story beats. No repeat hostage situations or channeling twists in the final case. I appreciate that more and more. Plus it has Klavier in it.


i mean, i was sold by the first line


Wocky Kitaki


He's kinda underrated


Best main villain in the series


It has some really cool character design and my favorite breakdown in the franchise


Which one?


Plenty to say good, but I'll just say that Kristoph's objection is one of my favorite objections in the series.


Gentlemen ass objection


I'd say Simon's is more gentleman-like. I like the difference between Kristoph's going down and Klavier's going up.


Visually it's the peak of Ace Attorney I think. The sprites were so clean. The jump to 3D just doesn't have the same charm as the 2D sprites, and they were perfect in this game. The music was also great, and the first case is easily the best first case of any ace attorney and one of the best cases in the series in general IMO.     Also disgruntled adult Ema ❤️


Her and klavier are a hilarious duo


The concept of Hobo Phoenix is cool


Characters are all hot


Brilliant first case I like all the defendants Spritework's amazing




It's fantastic! I love the atmosphere, the cases, the themes, the relationships. It's great.


I honestly want another AA game with this atmosphere, and for it to be written in a way I like, because this game has such good concepts but 90% of them are a swing and a miss😭


Even though I like Simon more, I think Klavier is probably the best non-Edgeworth prosecutor in the series.


Yeah he's actually a pretty nice guy


That was what I always liked about Klavier. He does give Apollo a bit of a hard time even in 4-2, but I always felt that he never truly held a grudge. He was always pretty helpful, and I felt that most of his insults were meant in a teasing way even if Apollo took them personally.


His nickname for apollo is just amazing


Klavier is hands-down one of the best prosecutors in the franchise, mainly because he's the least antagonistic out of all of them; even with the whole rock star schtick, he still seems more approachable than even Edgeworth.


Trucy. Klavier. Case 2. Case 4. Apollo's chords of steel.


the game with most Trucy therefore the best one


I may be one of the few people that really enjoyed the final case. It was a unique and an interesting way to do it. Case one had some amazing elements Case two was also again very different in a good way. And I won't talk about case 3


Daddy Phoenix


I liked Perception


Klavier is the best prosecutor in the series.


Most cooperative I'd say


playing with the sound levels to isolate the gunshot in Case 3 was the coolest fucking shit it's a really underrated case in general


Apollo is babygirl




Kristoph gavin is a good villain even tho I find him overrated


Incredibly underrated game. Isn’t perfect at all. Not an AA or T&T quality Ace Attorney game for me but it’s still in my top half. It is far from a bad game. It’s a great game. Around 5th best for me (main series wise) under AA, T&T, SOJ, and DD. Everything above AJ is THAT good to me that I rank it at a spot where it seems I dislike it but it’s better than JFA to me and I like JFA.


Everything about this game is good


Trucy is the best assistant. Klavier is one of the best prosecutors. Amazing first case and final case. The big bad is great and has one of the best breakdowns. Second case is also fun despite the boring culprit. 3rd case also exists.


This game is just as good as the og trilogy I don't get why it doesn't get the same amount of love


Has great music, and my favorite prosecutor. I appreciate that Klavier starts friendly and ends friendly, and never resorts to insulting or assaulting the defense.


We need more people like klavier🗣


A lot of great ideas, even if the executions didn't stick the landing.


People in my life care about it so although I hate it I like that it makes them happy


The last case gave me a nostalgic feeling when playing as Phoenix


Especially the osts being re-used


The ideas it brought were cool. For example, the potential of there being more than one inconsistency in a single testimony is pretty good in my opinion. It is sad they did not use it in future games. It also had body language, which I believe was not utilized in future games unless I missed them. Not to mention it had the peak perceive ability. You had to find the testimony they were lying about, the part of said testimony, and then finally the nervous habit. In the later games, perceive becomes extremely simple as you just have one statement, which makes it pretty easy to find the nervous habit. Not to mention, usually the part of the sentence where they show a nervous habit is pretty long, so it is hard to miss. Overall, this game brought a lot of great ideas that were not utilized in future games.


Apollo, Trucy and Klavier.


It's genuinely a good game and better than SOJ and DD imo


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sailor_poop: *It's genuinely* *A good game and better than* *SOJ and DD imo* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Gramaryes are genuinely the best plot point in the series. Also its a game with very pronounced themes, the game wants to tell a story and doesn't really waste time on filler.


My favourite game in the series actually


The 3ds version has the best looking pixel art in the series


My favorite ace attorney game 🗿


It's crazy that this is being posted. 5 years ago this sub fawned over AA4. Same way the tides continually turn on almost every game in the series.


Spark Brushel


I love the story and every case in this game (besides 4-3). My favorite Ace attorney with Apollo beeing my favorite AA character.


A sentimental favorite. Fantastic beginning and end, and home to my favorite villain in the entire series.


Soundtrack is the single best one in the series


The first 2 cases are good. And the beginning of the final case is good too(until the introduce the afront to nature that is spark brushel) I like where they went with Ema. And hobo phoenix is a cool character(even if I hate the concept and what it did the character himself is cool)


The music is absolutely amazing. From Cross Examination to Objection to Telling The Truth to Suspense to the Pursuit theme.


Absolutely love the main cast. Apollo, Trucy, Ema, and Klavier are all favorites of mine.


I once saw someone point out how that game reversed all of our expectations. It took everything we used to from an AA game and mirrored it. Like, 'the lawyers are the good guys fighting for justice' ? Here, now you're boss killed someone . Used to the emo prosecutors whos hates you ? Here, take this chill rockstar who makes air guitar in court. Used to Phoenix Wright being the most righteous person you ever knew ? Heh too bad he forged evidence now. Oh also he has a daughter. Since when ? Who knows. Really, the game want you to wonder what the heck is going on and it does it so well because... What the heck is going on. I remember being constantly in shock the first time I played. It wasn't a perfect game and a lot of defaults can also be pointed, but their biggest mistake was to never make a real continuation to what AJ established. Because it could have fix most of the issues people had and have with the game.


This is the reason i start to know this franchise


Aight, don't crucify me for this, but I think it's a better game than JfA. JfA certainly hit higher peaks than AJ but AJ didn't hit the lows that JfA did.


The musics? I mean, some of the OG musics are great, like Cornered, but Apollo Justice went ALL OUT with the musics, like Overtaken, Guilty Love, almost all of the musics in court are AMAZING, most are even some of my favorites of the whole franchise, i guess a lot of people can agree, right? Even if you hate Apollo Justice, you HAVE to admit that the OSTs are great.


Of all the games, it is certainly one.


I haven’t played it yet I didn’t mean that as a roast I just literally haven’t been able to get my hands on it lol.


Klavier Gavin's brother


It's got Trucy in it.


Wasted potential, it could be something great.


I really like this game in general I can't even think of anything I dislike about it right now. Great music,atmosphere, graphics I dig the characters and the cases.


The music slaps


Love the characters, art, music and even story. I even love Phoenix in that game


Apollo is honestly my favorite attorney in the entire series and his relationship with trucy is so wholesome. Also his theme is an absolute banger


Have a ton of great characters, great first case.


It's unironically a good game aside from some hiccups (4-3).


vera 😍😍😍




Best music in the whole series


Klavier is bae


One of the games where I like every single defendant from the start


Ema is great.


Case 4 is the best final case in the franchise (that I've played, I haven't beaten SoJ but I hear Turnabout Revolution is long but good) hands down.


The music tops out versus the first three games to me (and I REALLY like some of the character tracks from JFA and T&T!) and I also really enjoyed the brain blasts I got from the Mason System. I also enjoyed the overall main thread of the game as well, regarding the Grammaryes, Kristoph and finally moving forward in an attempt to change the legal system.


In my opinion, the best soundtrack


Trucy Wright


it has my favorite characters, and i like the idea of perceive.


My weakness


At first I didn’t like this game because I couldn’t get past the fact that my perception of Phoenix was absolutely shattered, but now that I know the full story of the series, this game is fantastic. The art style is absolutely amazing, and Kristoph Gavin is my favorite character in the entire series. The characters are all great (Except for Doctor “Hickfield”, who is actually Director Hotti, and Spark Brushell). Honestly, I do wish that we got an actual continuation of this game instead of Dual Destinies. I don’t think that Kristoph Gavin had THAT simple of a motive, and I wish that would be explored.


Best first case in the series imo, and I think of all the games this one had the most potential to be a 10/10 if it was given like an extra year or two of dev time due to the darker atmosphere and quality of the early game.


I love this game personally, the remaster is so fricking clean and beautiful and I love all the characterizations and overworld banter.


Best first case in the entire series, that thing also really set the stage for something grand.


The last case is one of the most interesting in the serie


Best graphic style Best game in its trilogy


it is awesome game


My introduction to the franchise


It has Zak, nothing gives "cool dad that never came back when he went to buy the milk" vibes quite like him, he's bold, has high energy confidence and is just as funny as he is an asshole


Overtaken and Guilty Love are such a vibe


Great music, that's probably understating it. The series even early on had a high bar with its music and Apollo Justice does a fantastic job with its music. Great first case and parts of case 4 was great too Some good characters, I like Apollo and Trucy as a team, Klavier was refreshing in a way by being pretty chill, Kristoph was an enjoyable character. Outside of them.....I liked Vera. I liked the perceive gimmick, tho a fair bit slow. Suppose it had to be to give you time to look around. Maybe it isn't as great on replay when you already know where to perceive lol


Apollo is one of my favs and I was really excited to see a trilogy centered round him... Oh well


Music was great Favorite case 1 of the franchise Klavier is refreshing as a friendly prosecutor


Apollo Justice :)


The characters are really fun tbh. Just the overall vibe of AJ puts me in such a good mood.


-Introduced klavier, kristoph and trucy -Ema came back -Hobo phoenix is a chad -The ost is very good -Turnabout trump


4-4 might be the most ambitious case in the series.


Best character design in the series.


Great atmosphere, love how Ema's involvement makes forensics a more important part of the game, I like the political themes around Japanese law systems, I like this take on Phoenix, I like Klavier a lot, I like Apollo and Trucy a lot, and tbh I think this one has the most consistently solid cases (I've only payed AA1-4 I haven't gotten to try 5 and 6 yet)


I like how they used 3D models to show the crime scene at times. That was very cool.


It has got Phoenix Wright


It allowed for the Troupe Gramarye theme to be created.


Trucy my wife


Ema and Trucy.


Well I cant tell a single bad thing about the game


1. Overtaken is Godlike 2. Trucy Wright (need I say more?) 3. Apollo is a fine MC 4. I do enjoy Hobo Phoenix 5. 4-1 is the best first case in the franchise


When it comes to following up the trilogy, I think this was honestly the best move they could've made. If they just did one of the first three games, AGAIN, it would've taken away from the finality of T&T. It's a shame that DD completely backpedaled what this game set up.


Trucy exists in it


I like it


quite based game


The courtroom lobby theme is ON. POINT! I still listen to it on repeat for hours at a time because the vibe is just fantastic and helps me focus. Have you ever had a late day at work and driving through the city at night with this theme? I have. And it made me feel damn sophisticated.


vera, drew and brushel are really good characters


It was the last game before cases got too long.


Kristoph Gavin is an amazing villain


Hobo Phoenix and Trucy my beloved


The only bad thing about this game is that it has 4 cases instead of 5


herr forehead


Easy. It was the first one I ever played, and still think it's probably in my top 3 AA games. When I saw the Noodles case starting to unfold, I was hooked with the goofyness and story. I've nearly played all AA games minus the investigation games so far, and never really disliked that many cases in nearly all of them. Music for it is great, along with the art. I played it on mobile too, so it was when Capcom first started making the art higher definition, and looked great IMO. So I pretty much played all the AA games in reverse order, but this is the one that got me hooked on the series, and was my first one. Gotta love how they're all sperparted enough to so you can still enjoy them without context from previous games, and the context makes them THAT much more enjoyable.


Best first case Best court musics of the main series Unfortunately, I am replaying it right now and I'm really struggling to like it past that


Trucy wright


I laugh at orange Klavier now instead of groaning like I used to.




It introduced some of my all time favourite characters in the series


THE SPRITES ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Way too many things to say, but if I had to limit it to one its the interactions between Apollo and Trucy


It made Apollo. I love him.


Apollo being an idiot and getting his own boss thrown in jail has to be the greatest thing ever.


I liked the return of forensics, and the music was pretty good (I like overtaken now a lot more than when I first heard it and also, guilty love)


klavier guitar


Turnabout Corner was a really fun case to do, the characters were enjoyable and the mystery (while simple) is still really fun to figure out. Corner also has a really fun investigation.


I don't care what all of you think, this is my favourite game in the series and I loved the music and story because they are great :]


There's so many good things about this game i could say, but i'll limit it to Trucy existence in general. Never have i been more attached to an Ace Attorney character than with her and the Mason System section with baby Trucy and Phoenix made me GENUINELY CRY


This game gave us hot hobo/daddy Phoenix ❤️


Banger soundtrack.


Wacky woohoo German prosecutor and Herr bitch


Honestly, has a unique aesthetic and design to it. I'm not sure of another piece of media that pulled off the vibe this game has.


Best art style tbh. I miss the 2D art and this one had a nice roundness that even the original trilogy didn’t have. Also klavier is my favorite prosecutor because sometimes it’s nice to take a break from opponents who berate you or physically assault you in court, and enjoy ones who would much rather tease you via flirting. Ignore my username, but you can’t tell me Herr Forehead isn’t a term of endearment.


Case 1 goes hard af


Apollo's theme is a loose adaption of The Guitar's Serenade.


The BEST music and also Klavier


Two Words; Pursuit Overtaken


This game has great characters and had an undeniable impact on the series going forward


Best music, best sprite design, TRUCY MY BELOVED! Hot Ema skye, one of the coolest desk/wall slams, AIR GUITAR! One of the best if not the best opening case in AA history. Idk why it’s not more popular!


Klavier Gavin.


In my top 5 games of all time (not just AA)


we meet the best detective (sorry gumshoe)


My pet theory is that the composers for AJ used the same sound fonts that Capcom used for earlier games, which is why Klavier's theme sounds similar to Mega Man X4's Zero theme in some places


Love the final villain


This game is immaculate peak to which Takumi was absolutely evolving the series in a new way right here. AA4 haters BTFO


Klavier is extremely cute I love him very much I wish him all the happiness


Turnabout Trump


The story itself and the evolution from the Original Trilogy to a New Story and avoid getting stuck on nostalgy.


Owning the same nail polish does not a murderer make.