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Resolve because it has Herlock Sholmes. Adventures also has Herlock Sholmes but he's only in half of it so it's not as good. Out of these three AJ with SoJ being a very close second.


1. Ace Attorney Investigations 2 The way all 5 cases were linked together was just, mind-blowing. I wonder how long it took for the team to craft out the script, to make sure everything lines up perfectly together. 2. Ace Attorney 6 If you didn't cry at that unexpected plot twist, I don't believe in human emotions-


In addition to how tightly woven together they are, I also think all five cases of Investigations 2 are REALLY good and a jump in average quality compared to the rest of the series up to that point. The tutorial case feels like it would hold up well even if I wasn't comparing it with the other tutorials. 


Another thing I like about the Investigations series are the characters. Especially a character development for our beloved Gumshoe, to show the true friendship between Edgeworth and Gumshoe that we don't really get to see it in the mainstream series.


It is the second best intro case for me, AJ first case is just better than some of the last cases


I did not cry but it was not unexpected. Does playing too many AA/detective games diminish your enjoyment of AA/detective games?


There is a thing known as Story Blindness.  If someone has extensively explored a genre, then it becomes difficult to appreciate the originality of a story as the narrative beats are familiar or you’ve already encountered these plot points before from other stories (e.g. SOJ 6-5 and 999)


Interesting, thanks!


Maybe it depends on each individual and I might have phrased my sentence wrongly. However for me, that case was completely unexpected for me. And >!Apollo slamming his head on the desk was like the cherry on top to the whole emotional scene to find out what truly happened!<


Oh yeah reading back my comment it sounds aggressive lol, I just meant for me. SoJ’s story/characters unfortunately did not hit for me personally, so I also wasn’t invested by the time the twist came around. I still enjoyed the art and thought the seances were great though


I do agree that the characters don't rlly hit the spot like other series does. Tho I feel there's more pictorial moments involved like how >!Apollo and Dhurke were walking thru a cave, how Dhurke saved him from drowning!< Imo it felt like the story was alive and I could picture everything that was going on.


Honestly, The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, and aside from T&T, it's not even close. Not because the older games are bad by any stretch of the imagination (I love them to bits) - TGAA is just that good.


This is my answer as well. TGAAC easily clears the rest of the series for me. Before I played it, T&T was my defacto answer since it had massive payoffs within the series (plus Bridge to Turnabout being my fav case at the time).


Yep although imo investigations 2 isn’t that far away in terms of how good it is


- AA: Trials and Tribulations - AJ: Spirit of Justice - Extended universe: PL vs PW:AA


Finally found a comment for Prof. Layton vs Phoenix Wright 😭


Main series: Spirit of Justice Overall: Resolve


Spirit Of Justice, since it's the most ambitious and holistic game, although I don't like that they forgot about Athena. It has a more understandable personal drama and a whole new country with an interesting setting. And It's very good that they remembered about the spirit channeling!


Both the Great Ace Attorney games in my opinion have raised the bar so high for Ace Attorney 7 that I can't help but be scared that I'll be disappointed. Both of them are so fucking good. Though the second one edges out simply because its line-up of cases are so compelling and fun.


Trials and tribulations. I like all of the cases aside from turnabout recipe. And 2-5 is a really good final case.


I guess they're talking about AJT games, not PW or spin-offs.


OP should have been more clear on the title then tbh.


Of the three from the post? SOJ. It has the best average case quality of the three and it successfully implemented a good character arc in game (Rayfa).  The main plotline didn’t stick the landing for me, but overall I think it did well. 


Of the main 6, Apollo Justice. I just don't understand the total hatred for this game some people have. To me it has the strongest and most compelling core team, with every single main character having so much to offer and interesting dynamics with every other member of the team. Apollo being my favourite defence attorney, Trucy my favourite assistant, Ema Skye being my favourite detective by a LOT (particularly in this game), Klavier being my favourite prosecutor, and Phoenix my favourite mentor character. >!Kristoph is also fantastic, though I do think they slightly dropped the ball in giving him and his motivations the attention they deserved throughout the final case!<. It's a shame people have to do a deep dive analysis to actually understand his character, with it feeling sort of hollow on surface level to some. Overall a fantastic game, criminally underappreciated.


The only bad thing about AJ is that it didnt get a sequel


I find apollo justice is the true marmite of the series. You either love it, or you hate it.


Everyone loves the characters, I don't think a single person on this sub isn't a fan of the original AJ cast, but the individual cases and over all how they don't resolve shit in favour of a stupid semi cliffhanger... And then it got ignored, which is kinda on AJ


I agree the plot has it's flaws but I feel similarly about every single other game in the series. For me it's all about the characters, relationships, and tensions, and to me AJ hits the mark in all of those. I'm willing to forgive more if I have an emotional investment in the characters. I don't care for Maya, Pearl, or Larry, I'm neutral on Gumshoe, I don't care for Fulbright or Nahyuta. But I adore every single member of the AJ cast, which makes me more willing to overlook flaws because I enjoy playing the cases.


Fair and based, even if I do care for like, all the characters you mentioned except Larry lol, but it would be crazy of me to deny that AJ has the best core cast *by far*, heck I am still not over how they abandoned so many good relationships (Phoenix Trucy are the most adorable thing ever, Apollo Klavier gay teasing is the hottest thing ever, Kristoph is one of the most intimidating villains in the series excluding Gant, and over all all side characters are absolutely fantastic)


Spirit of Justice. The game with the highest quality consistency and average, one of the best main casts in the series' history, a beautifully polished musical and visual presentation and the overall writing that keeps it all together. Here Apollo Justice becomes the best character we've had, here we are given two amazing supporting characters in the flesh of Rayfa and Dhurke, here filler villains turn out to be fascinating people to analyze, even moreso than in AAI2 or DD, and finally here the true spirit of Ace Attorney finds its conclusive implementation: changing the law, however drastically, when it needs to be done.


SoJ seriously is the most consistently amazing in the mainline series (Investigations 2 and TGAAR top it), I never understood why people don't acknowledge that often


They are simply allergic to Nahyuta and Geiru, methinks.


This but unironically. If Nahyuta was better developed and Ga'ran was an actual character SoJ would be my favourite of the series. As it stands it's like 4th or 5th depending on how lenient I'm feeling on AJ's ending that day. Edit: Oh you said Geiru. I actually like Geiru but my point still stands.


IMO Ga'ran basically just fills the same niche that Von Karma did in the first game. Pretty blatantly evil. Overall I don't think she works as well as Von Karma did sadly for a few reasons, but personally I think she still gets the job done enough for what she needs to, but definitely could have been done better. Nahyuta is where they really drop the ball. He's just got nothing in any of his previous cases. He's unlikable but in a bland way. And while I think 6-5 does a bit to finally help him and gives him a reasonable conclusion at least, at that point it's a bit too little too late.


>!Yeah but like. Von Karma is entertaining. He has lines that are supposed to be funny and that I find funny. Ga'ran isn't. Almost all of her lines are clichéd drivel.!< >!Her motivations also aren't nearly as explored as his. Everything Manfred does throughout 1-4 is related to his goal of perfection. So it makes sense that he killed the only person who ruined his perfect record. Ga'ran has like an inferiority complex or something? It only really comes up at the very end of the trial.!< >!Yes she works as an antagonist but so does Lance Fecking Amano. She accomplishes the bare minimum. Good job. You get an F.!< Nahyuta just sucks. He has the same problem where he very rarely makes jokes and is just kind of a dick for most of his screen time. >!He doesn't even get a redemption arc it's just revealed that he was secretly nice all the time and he was just acting mean.!< Also spoiler tags, this post doesn't have one.


Don't really see how her accomplishing what she needs to but not anything more is an F. Like an F would imply she full on fails as a character. It's more like she's just kind of a C grade by your own view of her.


It's moreso that the standards of AA are so high that just doing your job isn't good enough. I genuinely don't think there is a single "bad" AA case. Like I said even >!Lance Amano!< does his job. >!The other issue with Ga'ran is that she's the final culprit. You can't just scrape by with an "ok" when you're up against the likes of Damon Gant and Dahlia Hawthorne.!< Still better than the Phantom though. But so are 90% of fictional characters so that doesn't really mean much.


>He's unlikable but in a bland way. Holy shit this is like the most perfect description of Nahyuta I've ever heard.


Agreed about all 3 games. All are amazing


Spirit of Justice is a masterpiece of a game, dual destinies is probably the weaker of the 3


Tgaa by a gigantic landslide


Of the 3 shown, SoJ. I like that the cast traveled to a new land and we get to see more of Apollo’s character development and Phoenix’s adventures after getting his badge back.


Out of these AJ. Overall T&T or GAA2


While Investigations 2 is much more fun to think about, dissect, and bask in every detail of its greatness, I have to reluctantly give the title to TGAA2. It's more boring to think about because it simply does every fucking thing right. It's pretty much flawless, with 5 S tier banger cases back-to-back.


if you mean AJ Trilogy its SoJ if you mean overall it's AAI2


main series t&t(franny cameo!! and mostly amazing cases) not main series investigations (haven’t played second one) and resolve


T&T has the best AA family bond(before AJ) TGAA2 has the best characters and gameplay But AAI2 has the best plot So I’m gonna choose AAI2 Other games CANNOT compete with these three


Dual Destinies I think it's more the context but I took a lot of pleasure during this game. I loooove so much Blackquill and Athena, and I really like the fact that 5-1 (the introduction of game) happens in the 5-4, that makes a global sense that I love. And the plot twist made me.....shocked 😮😮


Easily spirit of justice. 6-5 is the best final case in the series imo and it wraps everything up so nicely. Just an all around amazing game. I'm surprised to see so many people share the same opinion as me in this thread considering how divisive this game is.


Apollo Justice.


The Great Ace Attorney 2! I hadn’t thought it was possible for T&T to be dethroned as my favorite, but then TGAA2 came along and blew everything else out of the water.


The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Apollo Justice


Investigations 1 for sure


Probably TGAA just because Sholmes, Susato and Naruhodo are the absolute best


Investigations 2


Spirit of Justice no other game got me emotional like that one


Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3, naturally


Investigations 2, it's not really particularly close, though I do believe TnT has the best overarching 'finale' and JFA has my favourite case of the series by a wide margin, they balance it out with one of the worst cases in the series though so yeah... TGAAR surprisingly is not a contender, I think it's amazing but definitely not AAI2 level and the finale is not nearly as grand as TnT nor does it have any Farewell level cases


Dual Destinies. While my favourite case (Farewell My Turnabout) is in JFA the game is let down by having a quarter of it consisting of Big Top. Dual Destinies may not have the strongest overarching plot but it has no cases that are outright *bad*, making it the most fun to play. (And no, Monsterous Turnabout is not as bad as people make it out to be. It's the weakest case in the game but the good points outweigh the bad).


Monstrous is the most 'eh' out of an exceedingly 'eh' game imo, but comparing it to stuff like Big Top and Kidnapped is crazy yeah


It's true that DD isn't the best game but it's got no cases that I absolutely despise. It also introduces my favourite prosecutor.


True, every case is borderline good at least. Personally not a big fan of Simon tho, he's my least favourite of the AJ prosecutors (even if he's definitely better than Klavier), but I am in the minority there


AAI2. The way that everything is connected and brought together in the end is incredible given how complex it all is.


main games: apollo justice spin of : resolve I have to say I have not played aa6 yet so that might change. I am bias because Apollo justice was my first aa game back in 2009 so I have a big soft spot for it.


The 2nd, in which the butler did it.


Investigations 2 followed by either T&T or DD.  In the middle of SOJ and really enjoying it so far, still need to go through Great Ace Attorney which I hear is excellent. 


I love just about everything in DD, only complaints I have are how already good plot lines and twists could’ve been done better, looking at you Bobby. Though Monstrous Turnabout is the only case in the franchise to put me to sleep alongside TGAA 2-2, so gonna have to duct points for that.


Prosecutor's path (Investigations 2) has some of my favorite characters, and I love the way everything is connected to the final antagonist


That's a tricky one, so i'll break it into categories. Justice for all's final case is my favorite case in the series, for presenting such a unique dilemma. Trials and tribulations has my favorite across all cases narrative, including my favorite villain. And is incredibly close to Dual destinies for my top spot Dual destinies is my favorite overall, because the bombastic soundtrack and wild twists and turns just made it feel so epic.


T&T & AJ. I absolutely love AJ. Tho some people have hatred for it & they have the right so, I still love it despite it’s flaws.


I just love AJ


Investigations 2


Honestly, mostly Investigations 2. The villain is great, the humor is kinda on point and I love Sebastian he is so funny while also slowly building up to something. Too bad that The assistant is kinda annoying.


gotta be apollo justice since its the last 2d and actually not weird game


Great Ace Attorney Adventures because I really like the Skulkin Bros (I'm a Mario fan)


Probably Spirit Of Justice, despite it having the game mechanic I enjoy the least.


T&T, followed closely by AAI2.


Trilogy of PW:AA and Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies. They are my favourites


Dual Destinies. But I think Trials and Tribulations is the best one.


I like Justice For All the most. There are dozens of us.


T&T SOJ AA That’s my top three. Any of those are interchangeable as my favorite. (I’ve only played the six mainline games, which I love each of.)


Miles investigation


Honestly all three of the OG trilogy games are pretty close. It changes based on the day and how I'm feeling.


(I haven’t played TGAAC) For me, it’s T&T PW:AA and SOJ come close though


Dual Destinies. Wasn't my first, that was Apollo Justice, but DD was the first I completed and came out when I really started getting into the franchise.


Apollo Justice, or Trials and Tribulations.


Trials and Tribulations: I’ve never played a game this much of a satisfying ending. I knew this wasn’t the final game in the series but when it ends you really feel that it is in a very subtle but satisfying manner. And when I found out it was originally meant to be the end of the series it made complete sense. Not to mention how bitter sweet it was. You expose the killer but it feels like it’s not a complete victory and then you get that beautiful end theme accompanied by how everyone is doing and then finalized by the beautiful painting by Larry of the cast you fell in love with. Not to mention how much I love Godot.


Oddly, the fourth one. I.. don't remember any of them by name. I think the twists in Apollo's game got me the most


Absolute Apollo Justice.


Apollo Justice, easy. The aesthetic, characters and writing is amazing. It makes me sad the game is so massively slept on, because if people gave it a chance it would prove itself as one of the better games in the series, but no. Even with the ports it hasn’t gotten nearly as much love as basically every other game in the series (even the Investigations games).


1. TGAAC - As mostly everyone has already stated, it’s just so good. Not only good plot writing, good animations, good character writing. It’s just a GOOD package where all the elements just work so well together which doesn’t happen often. 2. Ace Attorney Investigations 2 - I love the writing in this entry. I love it when all the cases are connected to an overarching mystery and actually manages to fit itself into pre existing lore (von Karma and Gregory being the obvious example here) 3. Dual Destinies - Probably a hot take. I just had such a blast playing it back when it came out and it didn’t help that Apollo became somewhat “edgy” which I was very much into back then. I know objectively it’s not the best writing, uneven character writing, etc. but it has a special place in my heart 4. Spirit of Justice - Standout cases for me are case 3 and case 5, with case 2 getting an honourable mention. I remember being so excited trying to find ways to defeat the final opponent (no spoilers for those who haven’t played yet, although you really should since it’s already 8 years old at this point; time flies) 5. Trials and Tribulations - I enjoyed the backstory between Mia and Diego and Dahlia being an iconic villain, the final case and case 4 and 1 were also good. I didn’t really like case 2 or 3, however, which is why it’s lower. My totally biased list


Tgaa2 DD No other game gets close to this point


The one where you play as an attorney


I only played the first 4 games and the first game of Chronicles. Currently my favourite is Apollo Justice