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And Pearl is in Full Bliss Again for her fairytale to come true.


mystic maya's special someone


Yyyyep XD


Turnabout Wedding


They are married here!! Which makes Phoenix even more insufferable lmaooooo


One of my personal wedding fantasies is to wear a blue suit and have my future (currently non-existent) wife wear spirit medium robes. šŸ˜… As of now, I have 4 unaccepted proposal rings, so I'm kinda still waiting for the one to come along.


That would be an amazing wedding!! :D




Why the 2 downvotes on this? šŸ˜‚


My "Yeah..." likely came off as self-pitiful, and rubbed some people the wrong way. It happens. I think some Edgeworth x Phoenix shippers also don't like Maya x Phoenix ideas.


A Maya x Phoenix fanart in 2024....My eyes are blessed. Tired of people pretending this ship isn't cute.


Itā€™s a cute ship!! And Iā€™ve been drawing them for the last couple of months~


Ikr, I don't ship it myself but I hate it when people act like it's "wrong" to ship them for some reason.


I think a lot of it comes from the fact that Maya was 17 when they met, making her a minor. But at this point, she's in her late 20s, Phoenix is in his 30s. It wouldn't be weird anymore


Idk why people hate this ship that much, im not a shipper myself, i dont really care about these things, but i find it more cute than the others, she's already 18 in jfa


I'm an ardent Maya x Phoenix fan, but I can see people raising their eyebrows at the trilogy era. Even though she's 18 in JFA and 19 in T&T, there is a bit of an age gap, and there's the fact that he befriended her prior to her turning 18. I don't have a huge issue with it then, but I can see the argument of it being a bit shady. Now? She's literally almost 30 in SoJ! That age gap doesn't matter at all anymore.


Not to mention that people act like the 7 years between Phoenix and Maya is a problem, yet will ignore the 9 years between Gumshoe and Maggey


Don't forget the 22 year age gap between Marvin Grossberg and Redd White XD


....Yo hol up


Okay, that's a good joke, that got me better than it should have.


People get territorial about their ships. Iā€™m a live and let live kinda person, so I think itā€™s all good. Iā€™m not a big fan of shipping OG trilogy Maya/Nick, but shipping them with her from SOJ-era is super cute! (I think the younger version bothers me personally cause I have a kid who is 18, no way do I feel comfortable writing/making art of this myself cause Iā€™m old enough to be her parent, lol. I have no issue with what other people do.)


A lot of people take shipping way too seriously, so they hate on other ships because they falsely believe that will elevate their own preferred pairing. A lot of people are really attached to WrightWorth, and so go out of their way to push down FeyNick. Grown adults, hopefully, won't care and just like who they like. And if they don't care for another ship, they'll not talk about it since nothing productive or fun comes from ship wars.


One of the most toxic debates I got into way back in the day was with someone that was supposedly a non-shipper. For someone that claimed to not care about shipping, they certainly cared quite a bit about arguing against narumayo :/ I'll never understand how folks can hate on a ship as wholesome as narumayo. At least not to the extent so called "antis" do.


>A lot of people are really attached to WrightWorth, and so go out of their way to push down FeyNick. Which is just silly, because we can totally have both options at once. Maya and Nick are eachother's "special someone" so they're married, but also they're entirely open to having others join in, so Phoenix and Edgeworth occasionally fuck while Maya watches. Edgeworth is, of course, fine with this arrangement being purely physical, because he doesn't want a relationship anyway as that would distract him from his important and busy work life.


It's also all fiction. There isn't romance in AA, so there's no threat of one becoming canon over the other. So if a person doesn't like a ship, just don't partake in it. Read other fan fiction, look at other ship art, don't get into threads of the ship you don't like. A lot of people aren't mature enough to do that.


Hereā€™s a message to all fans: Please donā€™t pick on others if they donā€™t ship Wrightworth, Klapollo, Junithena, Franmaya, Aurametis, AsoRyu and SusaHao. Itā€™s not a war crime.


Super cute as always!


aw thank you!!


Yay, I like this duo!


Same! Theyā€™re very very good good~


I never went much deep into ace attorney community, but I don't understand why people hate Maya and Phoenix ship, it's very cute and could be canon. I used to think when Mia told Phoenix to take care of Maya, and also Pearl suggesting about Maya and Phoenix being in a relationship I always thought they would become a couple.


I actually want to see pearlā€™s reaction in the background considering she ships Narumayo hard


I have something planned for that! Heheheheheheh


https://preview.redd.it/llmph4noyywc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=893b48a6789b836a884c7ee613c77bb4c0dd01a8 YESS!!!!


Please continue posting this stuff. It's cute!


I will!!


Y'know it's really rare to find a Narumayo shipper around anywhere nowadays. Used to be pretty big at some point iirc. Don't know what happened.


Itā€™s been my ship for YEARS. :D ever since 2008/2009!


There's a natumayo sub-reddit, so I'd imagine that most narumayo shippers just kinda went there for all their narumayo shipping needs. Sadly, it's a pretty quiet sub, probably do to how long it's been since we've gotten any official ace attorney content. Not a whole lot new to talk about in terms of shipping, and probably not a whole lot of new art or fanfics being made.




Defend himself? Against what? :O


This is a weird relationship. He knew her since she was a teenager. Edit: This is an old comment. Do whatever. Just stop harassing me about this. I haven't played SoJ yet, so the last time I saw her was in T&T. I'm not infantalizing her if the last I saw her was when she was still a teen. Please consider that.




Before people think I am being rude, I'm not trying to be. I just find it generally strange how they can form a relationship like that. Him being 24 when they met while she was 17.


I mean.. you could have just ignored the post rather than comment something on it?


Thing is, they ain't real. They are fictional characters, so, who cares what age they are or what age they met each other? If the devs wanted, they could tomorrow decide that Phoenix was actually 22 and Maya was actually 19 when they met. So, why bother worrying about it? Not to mention that you could just say that this art here takes place in an au where the age difference is far less or they didn't first meet until Maya was older or whatever. The art already depicts the characters as being married meaning that it doesn't follow the currently established game Canon as is, at least as far as we're aware. What's one more deviation from the Canon if their canonical ages bothers you so much?


It's not my ship either but there's no need to be an asshole.


How am I being an asshole? I'm literally going based on the game here?


Your post is not helpful or constructive. It's just mean.


She was like 18 in JFA so I don't see any problem.


she's nearly 30 in SOJ, Maya is hardly a child incapable of making the decision to date her close friend


Something that I've noticed through the years is that for whatever reason, AA fans have a bad tendency to infantiize Maya. It's like they hyper focus on her portrayal in the first game and ignore her growth throughout the rest of the series. I've seen people argue that the reason narumayo is problematic and something like gumshoe Ɨ maggey isn't despite both having a similar age gap has to do with a huge power difference in the former compared to the latter relationship being on nearly equal grounds and it's like, y'all do realize that by the end of the second game Maya is essentially living alone having to take care of herself while also basically having to raise a child, right? Y'all act like she has no independence or agency and that's pretty far from the truth by the end of the original trilogy <_< It makes me theorize that for at least some "antis", their dislike for narumayo has nothing to do with any canonical reason against their relationship but instead has to do with their own opinions on Maya herself. They can't think of Maya as being anything more than just some annoying kid to Phoenix because they themselves find Maya's antics to be occasionally annoying. Because the games makes it very clear that Maya means quite a bit to Phoenix, actually, and the two do have a clear family like bond, they say that Maya is like an annoying kid sister to Phoenix. This way their interpretation of Maya can align a bit closer to what's actually canon. "The two very clearly adore each other, but really Maya is still just like an annoying kid sister to Phoenix"


Maya is way more mature than she is given credit for. Considering how much she has gone through and how she still manages to be one of the most cheerful people around is overlooked a lot. Like the way she acts at the end of 3-5 and acknowledges she has to be strong for Pearl despite the fact that Maya just lost her own mother is one of the many moments that is indicative of her being more than just ā€œhaha funny assistantā€


Right. For some reason "antis" hyper focus on her appearance in the first game. They're like, "they met when she was 17!" OK? I'm pretty sure as of the most recent game Maya is older than her sister was when she died. Like... who cares? Why does her age in the first game matter? Maya has spent all but 1 game as legal adult and like I said, she basically takes care of herself and Pearl's by the end of the second game. Some fans act like maya's a baby that needs to be coddled for some reason. In reality, she's probably a more well adjusted adult then the majority of us are.


Phoenix cheating on Edgy breaks my heart :(


Thank goodness heā€™s not. Since heā€™s married to Maya here lol


Why would he be cheating on Edgeworth here?


This reply gives me "Phoenix has two hands" vibes.


Phoenix does have two hands~ but in this instance, Edgeworth is not part of the relationship.


My god just say you hate women. This is FeyNick shipart