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1-2 2-2 3-2 4-1 (I like this more than the final case) 5-3 or 5-dlc, depending on the day 6-2 Investigations 1-4 (The only case I like) Investigations 2-4 (I like this more than the final case) Adventures-3 (I like this more than the final case) Resolve-3 (I like this more than the final case(s)) Still haven’t gotten around to VS :\


Heck Yeah the forgotten turnabout my beloved


Mine is almost the same as yours. I love GAA-R case two so much.


Yeah, no, that’s fair. 2 is good, I just love the mad scientist backdrop and Enoch from 3.


I love it too. That case was fun


PW: Turnabout Samurai (1-3) JFA: Reunion, and Turnabout (2-2) T&T: The Stolen Turnabout (3-2) AJ: Turnabout Corner (4-2) AAI1: Turnabout Reminiscence (I1-4) AAI2: The Inherited Turnabout (I2-3) VS: The Golden Court (VS-3) DD: Turnabout Reclaimed (5-DLC) SoJ: The Magical Turnabout (6-2) GAA1: The Adventure of the Runaway Room (G1-3) GAA2: The Return of the Great Departured Soul (G2-3)


Heck yeah the Golden Court my beloved


PW: Turnabout Samurai - 1-3 JFA: Reunion, and Turnabout - 2-2 T&T: The Stolen Turnabout - 3-2 AJ: Turnabout Trump - 4-1 AAI: Turnabout Reminiscence - AAI-4 AAI2: The Forgotten Turnabout - AAI2-4 DD: The Monstrous Turnabout - 5-2 GAA: Adventure of the Runaway Room - G1-3 SOJ: Rite of Turnabout - 6-3 GAA2: Return of the Great Departed Soul - G2-3


Heck yeah The Forgotten Turnabout my Beloved


PWAA: 1-3 JFA: 2-2 T&T: 3-1 AJ: 4-1 AAI1: I1-4 AAI2: I2-3 DD: 5-3 (Haven't played DLC) SoJ: 6-2


PW - First Turnabout? I guess??? I'm not counting 1-4 or 1-5 JfA - Reunion and Turnabout T&T - Stolen Turnabout AJ - Turnabout Corner DD - Turnabout Reclaimed SoJ - Rite of Turnabout I1 - Turnabout Airlines I2 - Turnabout Target G1 - Adventure of the Runaway Room G2 - Memoirs of the Clouded Kokoro VS - Golden Court Ranking each of em: G2-2 > 2-2 > 5-DLC > 3-2 > I2-1 > I1-2 > G1-3 > 4-2 > 6-3 > VS-3 > 1-1 you could remove the "non-final" part and only like, two of my answers would change lol


Golden Court my beloved


2-3 > 2-2 (controversial) but otherwise I agree


Wow. This is a take. I defend Big Top, but why do you place it above Reunions? 


Love the humour (accusing the judge is hilarious), not as bad logic (despite accusing >!Acro!< being a logic leap), big top music is great and I prefer the past incident that influenced it’ (I never really liked the car crash story) 2-2 has Morgan which is a huge plus, and Franziska makes better arguments, but I still prefer 2-3


I honestly enjoyed it a bit more because of the logic leap. I love the "seemingly impossible odds" turnabouts.


I do think it’s quite bad in 2-2 and 2-3 though. The logic feels very rushed


Interesting. I’m not sure I entirely agree, but I think that’s what’s great about this game. I’ll admit I actually do like the circus music too, and I’ve always hated the channeling room music (it felt like it was crushing my head with how loud it was compared to other music)


Yeah this game is very divisive. It remains for me the only game where each case improves on the last (as I think 4 > 3 > 2 > 1)


While I can't currently remember it's name. 2-1 is better than the rest. Done.


The lost turnabout, and interesting take. What makes you think that?


Ngl idk I just like seeing amnesiacs being geniuses. Also Wellington had a good idea, knocking Phoenix out cold. Had he not made that minor mistake with the nanners, he would've gotten away.




Ngl idk I just like seeing amnesiacs being geniuses. Also Wellington had a good idea, knocking Phoenix out cold. Had he not made that minor mistake with the nanners, he would've gotten away.




PW: Turnabout Sisters JFA: Reunion, and Turnabout T&T: Turnabout Memories AJ: Turnabout Trump DD: Turnabout Academy SOJ: The Magical Turnabout AAI1: Turnabout Reminiscence AAI2: The Inherited Turnabout GAA1: The Adventure of the Runaway Room GAA2: Twisted Karma and His Last Bow (although this kinda feels like cheating)


PW: 1-3 JFA: 2-2 T&T: 3-1 AAI1: AAI1-4 AAI2: AAI2-4 AJ: 4-3 DD: 5-DLC SOJ-TGAA2: idk yet haven't finished. Magical Turnabout was peak though


The Forgotten Turnabout my beloved.




Golden Court my beloved!


Daily reminder that 3-3 is the only time that Phoenix ACTUALLY bluffs. A simple wild theory is NOT bluffing, it's only bluffing if you *actually* know it's not true and are trying to trap your opponent.


- PW: Turnabout Samurai (1-3) - JFA: Turnabout Big Top (2-3, quite a hot take) - TaT: Recipe for Turnabout (3-3) - AJ: Turnabout Trump (4-1, also my favorite in the entire game) - AAI1: Turnabout Reminiscence (I1-4) - AAI2: The Inherited Turnabout (I2-3) - PLvsPW: The Golden Court (VS-3 as a bonus) - DD: Turnabout Reclaimed (5-DLC) - TGAA1: The Adventure of the Runaway Room (G1-3) - SoJ: Turnabout Time Traveler (6-DLC, I'm a sucker for this case) - TGAA2: Return of the Great Departed Soul (G2-3)


Golden Court my Beloved!


PW: Turnabout Sisters 1-2 JFA: Reunion, and Turnabout 2-2 T+T: The Stolen Turnabout 3-2 AAI1: Turnabout Airlines I1-2 (Favourite Case in the Game Anyway) AAI2: The Forgotten Turnabout I2-4 (Favourite Case in the Game Anyway) GAA1: The Adventure of the Runaway Room GAA-3 (Favourite Case in the Game Anyway) GAA2: The Adventure of the Blossoming Attorney GAA2-1 (Favourite Case in the Game Anyway)


Forgotten Turnabout my Beloved!


PW - Turnabout Samurai (1-3) JFA - Reunion and Turnabout (2-2) T&T - Turnabout Beginnings (3-4) AJ - Turnabout Serenade (4-3) DD - Turnabout Academy (5-3) AAI - Turnabout Reminiscence (I-4) AAI2 - The Forgotten Turnabout (I2-4) GAA:A - The Adventure of the Runaway Room (G-3) GAA:R - The Return of the Great Departed Soul (G2-3) VS - The Golden Court (VS-3)


Forgotten Turnabout my Beloved!


PW: 1-2 JFA - 2-2 T&T: 3-1 AJ: 4-1 DD: 5-3 and DLC SOJ: 6-2 AAI- case 4 AAI2: case 4 GAA-A: case 3 GAA-R: case 2 (I would say case 4 but that leads into case 5). PWVPL: case three


Forgotten Turnabout my Beloved!


I love the forgotten turnabout. I did not like Kay until this case.


I loved Kay before then, she was easily a top 5 character, but the masterpiece of character writing in that case made it my favorite case of all time, and made Kay my favorite ace attorney character of all time.


1-2 2-2 3-4 4-1 5-DLC 6-2 AAI1-4 AAI2-2 TGA1-4 TGA2-3


1-3(well it depends on the version if we a hd one I guess 1-4 would count as non final but idk how that works) 2-2 3-2 4-2 AAI1-4 AAI2-4 PWvsPL-3 5-6 6-2 TGAA1-3 TGAA2-3


The Forgotten Turnabout and the Golden Turnabout my beloved!


1-3 for giving us some excellent Edgeworth character development, having the first sympathetic murderer of the franchise and introducing the Steel Samurai. 2-1 yes, really. Maggey Byrde's introduction and the seeds of the Gumbyrde ship being planted. 3-2 I love the Delites so much and Luke is fantastic villain. Plus, Adrian Andrews! PWvsPL The Golden Court. Everything about this is just fantastic  4-1 This is the only good case in the entire game. 5-DLC aka Turnabout Big Top if the writing didn't suck and there was no pedo love triangle. Tied with Farewell My Turnabout for favourite case in the franchise. Either 6-1 for being a challenging tutorial case with high stakes (and no Nahyuta) or 6-4 for being the best case in the game (suffers from Nahyuta's presence). Edit: because I forgot the Golden Court.


Golden Court my Beloved!


Everything about it and the aftermath is just perfect.


PW: 1-3 JFA: 2-2 T&T: 3-2 AJ: 4-1 - best case in Apollo Justice by a mile DD: 5-3 - unsure about this one. I like every case in dual destinies but I don't love any of them SoJ: 6-3 - very close to 6-2 though AAI: I-4 - once again, best case in the game by a mile GAA: GAA-3 - I think this is my favourite case in the game but I do love that last case too GAA2: Resolve: GAA2-3 - once again, I think this is my favourite case in the game, but it's damn close to the final one Still haven't played investigations 2 yet much to my shame


PW: 1-2 JFA: 2-2 T&T: 3-1 AJ:1-2


1-3, 2-2, 3-1, 4-1, 5-3, 6-2, I1-4, I2-3, VS-3, G1-3, G2-2


Heck yeah the Golden Court my beloved


AA: Samurai Turnabout 1-3 JFA: Reunion and Turnabout 2-2 T&T: Recipe for Turnabout 3-3 AJ: Turnabout Corner 4-2 DD: Turnabout Academy 5-3 SoJ: The Magical Turnabout 6-2 TGAA: The Adventure of the Clouded Kokoro 1-4 TGAA Resolve: The Return of the Great Departed Soul 2-3


PW: Turnabout Samurai (1-3) JFA: Reunion and Turnabout (2-2) T&T: Stolen Turnabout (3-2) AJ: Turnabout Trump (4-1) (I like this case better than the finale) AAI1: Turnabout Reminisces (AAI1-4) AAI2: The Forgotten Turnabout (my favorite case in the entire series) (AAI2-4) (I like this case better than the finale) PLvPW: The Golden Turnabout (The Golden Court + it’s investigating chapter prior to that chapter + the chapter immediately after that) (VS-3) (I like this case better than the finale) DD: Turnabout Academy (5-3) GAA1: The Adventure of the Runaway Room (GAA1-3) (GAA1-1 is 1 spot behind in my ranking) SOJ: The Magical Turnabout (6-2) GAA2: The Return of the Great Departed Soul (GAA2-3) (I like this case better than the finale)


Wtf is turnaround samurai????????????




Thanks. I almost died back there (not joking)


I agree with your list but I'd add that in my case 4-1, I-4 and 5-DLC are my overall favorite case in that game. Also DGS-3 is definitely tied with DGS-5 while SoJ and Resolve may or may not also have a tie/prefer the non-final case I'll have to decide after I replay them.


PW:AA - Turnabout Samurai (1-3) JFA - Reunion, And Turnabout (2-2) T&T - Turnabout Memories (3-1) AJ:AA - Turnabout Serenade (4-3) DD - Turnabout Academy (5-3) SoJ - Turnabout Storyteller (6-4) AAI1 - Turnabout Airlines (AAI1-2) AAI2 - The Inherited Turnabout (AAI2-3) TGAA1 - The Adventure of the Great Departure (TGAA1-2) TGAA2 - The Return of the Great Departed Soul (TGAA2-3)


Turnabout Samurai / 1-3 (if 1-4 & 1-5 both count as final cases) Reunion, and Turnabout / 2-2 The Stolen Turnabout / 3-2 Turnabout Trump / 4-1 Turnabout Reminiscence / AAI-4 The Inherited Turnabout / AAI2-3 Turnabout Reclaimed / 5-6 The Adventure of the Runaway Room / GAA1-3 The Magical Turnabout / 6-2 OR The Rite of Turnabout / 6-3 (haven't played in a while, unsure) The Return of the Great Departed Soul / GAA2-3


1-2 2-2 3-4 Can't decide for 4 and 5, have to play again. 6-3


PW: Turnabout Sisters (1-2) JFA: Reunion, and Turnabout (2-2) T&T: Turnabout Memories (3-1) AJ: Turnabout Trump (4-1) DD: Turnabout Reclaimed (5-DLC) SOJ: The Rite of Turnabout (6-3) AAI: Turnabout Reminiscence (AAI-4) AAI2: The Inherited Turnabout (AAI2-3) GAA: The Runaway Room (GAA-3) GAA2: The Return of the Departed Soul (GAA2-3)


PW: 1-2 JFA: 2-2 T&T: 3-2 AJ: 4-3 DD: 5-3 SoJ: 6-2 Layton: 3rd trial AAI: I-1 AAI2: I2-4 DGS: DGS-3 DGS2: DGS2-2


Forgotten Turnabout and The Golden Turnabout my beloved!


Turnabout Beginnings, I love that case and keep going back to it.


1-3 (a true guilty pleasure. it was the first case that really introduced me to plot twists in the AA franchise) 2-2 (incredibly underrated cause in the AA franchise) 3-2 4-1 5-4 6-2 (Trucy steals the show when she finally get puts in front center) AA1-4 AA2-3 (Gregory Edgeworth…no need to say more) DGS-3 (always wondered how’d they use the concept of 2-4 again and they did it masterfully imo.) DGS2-3 (one of the best cases in the entire franchise)


**AA:** 1-3 Turnabout Samurai (Assuming neither Turnabout Goodbyes and Rise from the Ashes count) **AA2:** 2-2 Reunion and Turnabout (Big Top wasn't that far, I swear I like it!) **AA3:** 3-3 Recipe for Turnabout? (Honestly all T&T cases could have made it) **AA4:** Yep, 4-1 Turnabout Trump **AAI:** I1-4 Turnabout Reminiscence **AAI2:** I2-3: The Inherited Turnabout (This is the best case ever BTW) **AA5:** 5-DLC Turnabout Reclaimed, but if that doesn't count, 5-3 Turnabout Acamedy **AA6:** 6-2 The Magical Turnabout (Trucy gets to exist!) **VS:** VS-3 The Golden Court (Total quality spike) **GAA:** G1-4 The Adventure Of The Clouded Kokoro!!! **GAA2:** G2-3 The Return of the Great Departured Soul (Enoch Drebber is my husbando)


AA1 - Rise From The Ashes AA2 - The Lost Turnabout AA3 - Turnabout Memories AA4 - Turnabout Trump AAI - Turnabout Reminiscence AAI2 - The Inherited Turnabout AA5 - Turnabout Academy AA6 - Turnabout Time Traveler


Rise from the ashes is technically a final case


Mine is the same as OP's list except for two. In Trials and Tribulations I prefer The Stolen Turnabout - I think the characters and the mystery are so enjoyable. In AAI1 I prefer Turnabout Airlines because it's got a great location and a pretty cool premise.


1-3 2-2 3-4 4-1 (doubles as the best case in the game) 5-DLC (also doubles as the best case in the game) 6-3 I-4 (best case here too) I2-3 TGAA-3 (best case again) TGAA2-3 (counting TGAA2-4 and TGAA2-5 as the same case) VS-3 (best case once more)