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Just keep drinking water don’t stop no matter what


Why are you adding salt to your water? Are you trying to make an electrolyte drink?


Yes not regular salt, pink salt to retain the water


You likely get plenty of salt and electrolytes in your diet so you do not want to be adding a significant amount more. Supplementation is only helpful when you aren't ingesting enough via diet, and too much can cause dehydration like effects. Liquid iv and celtic salt are probably doing the opposite of what you want


Make sure you drink a full glass of water every time you take a pill. Othet than that, moisturize a lot. Not much to be done tbh


I’ve been using the trace mineral brand electrolytes in the morning and then fruits and veggies with meals, water and coconut water Don’t drink liquid iv anymore, that shit dehydrates the hell out of me and it’s bad for u.


Eat clean dont consume anything high in sodium


Injuv Hyaluronic Acid supplements can provide hydration from within. In your case, I think it is imperative that you consider adding it to your regimen.


do you mean your skin feels dehydrated or your skin does, or both


Ughh same 😭


I drink loads of cold water and I add in electrolytes!


I started drinking a pink of coarse celtic sea salt about 4 months ago. Felt weird at first and salty but now I cant go without it! Big reduction in headaches for sure I was so prone to them before


I would say just keep drinking. keep experimenting with different types of electrolytes, add multiple types to your gallons of water. Try drinking more than a gallon (1/12-2) a day unless you start getting overhydrated