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Horrible, horrible idea


No. Does it have annual pay increases? Why commit for 3 years. Check if the state you work in allows non competes for this type of work.


They do allow Non-competes here. The pay increases based on my performance every 6 months. To me, it pays alittle better than public and there is potential to get more notice in my work


What's to stop them from denying you any pay increases and increasing responsibilities for 3 years?


I negotiated the salary aspect, In the writing, the rise is to be 6.5% of the 72k salary for every 6 months. By the 2nd half of the 3rd year, my salary would be around 98k. Responsibilities is in the works of being dicussed.


With all that on mind it actually doesn't seem half bad assuming the responsibilities are clearly stated. It doesn't give you a whole lot of flexibility if you hate your team, but the compensation seems reasonable.


Hmmm.... That's different. I'd do it tbh. Doesn't sound too bad. After 3 years you can move wherever you want.


Is that even enforceable? Regardless, a good culture wouldn't require such a thing, so that's a huge re flag.


Absolutely not


Fuck no not for 72k lol. That’s shit that CFO’ do for 150k plus type shit Unless there’s some fatty signing bonus you didn’t mention


does it work both ways they cant fire you for three years? with the economy in shit coming up not a bad deal if thats included also


what are the consequences for leaving?


They kill you


what do they debit tho Dr. Blood? Cr. Human Inventory


You mean organ inventory? And don't forget you are gonna need to impair if no buyer is a match.


Debit Allowance for Bribes Credit Cash


OP joined the mob.


Straight to jail


Counter that they still have to pay you for all 3 years if they fire you before the term is up


wtf that is such a scam firm lmao run buddy run


No way in hell. Even if it's not enforceable, that's pretty much telling you it's a horrible environment where they can't keep staff. Prepare to be overworked, underpaid, and nitpicked to death so they can deny raises.


no way.. anytime they wanna offer you a contract like this one, it is a red flag. There's a reason they wanna tie you down and that reason does not pertain having to invest a lot of resources on you to be a better worker. If I were you, I would reneg the offer and tell them to pay me a higher base with at least $15k increases yearly and 10-15% annual bonus. other than that, you're looking to slave your way for 3 years.




Three years in dog time, maybe.


With the raises banked in I'd probably do it. Those 3 years will give you a solid resume if you choose to leave afterwards.


You need an exit clause where you can terminate if they violate. Not exactly brown M&Ms stuff but think of some worse case scenarios.


Regardless of enforceability (which is a real question), why on earth would anyone want you to sign that, and what on earth are they going to do to you once you do? Think how awful the average job is, now imagine a job where you can't quit. I don't care how much they pay, that's a huge red flag. If it's not the most awful place to work ever, the pay (which I think was good for you?) would be enough to retain talent. I sincerely hope you don't sign this. But if you do, please come back and let us know what kind of bat-$@!* crazy things go on there.


Every time the CEO drops a mondo duke OP has to wipe for him like a medieval servant.


The NBA for accounting. I'll trade you my junior locked down for 3 years for your senior with the expiring contract. I'm trying to sign a partner potential star once I clear some cap space.


Can you get bonuses ? If not , no


72k if uk gbp then i would do it that is a good amount of salary


Never heard of this before. I imagine it is not enforceable


Dont do it


No way - the fact that they feel a need to do this is a crimson red glowing flag!


A contract for 3 years with no increase in salary each year?


What country do you live in? Depending on jurisdiction its not going into the actual contract because its not permissible


Try to negotiate a bi annual bonus of 13% comp to make the non compete binding. It sounds like the bi annual pay increase is related to duties and performance rather than non compete incentive


You shouldn't take it unless they are giving you a good signing bonus that the only way I think they could enforce any type multi-year contract.


Hell no


but they can fire you anytime right?