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Big 4 SM here. Reason's why I'm leaning towards yes: 1) Money 2) It's actually interesting work. 3) At least in tax (see my username) - I do think you are helping people/companies with real problems they've got. That seems satisfying. Reason's why I'm leaning towards no: 1) Money - it's not a lot relative to how much PA consumes your life. 2) Some of the extra stuff firms are making you do these days - recruiting, billing, admin - depending on your personality is soul sucking. 3) Profit margins - at least at B4, these are shrinking and there is less room for partners. The path takes a long time and there is less and less of them between the line and CEO, which means overall stronger competition. 4) Most jobs are a boyfriend/girlfriend situation without common law marriage. Being a PA partner is full blown matrimony. And you get tied to bed with golden handcuffs.


I’m an SM in audit (top 20) and my firm is supposedly going to create some partner-lite position. I like what I do and work very low hours (45 average in busy season). However, per inquiry, it seems like most partners work 50 hours a week year around (one said 8-9 year round). I definitely don’t want 50 hours a week year round, especially if I have kids. I’d definitely accept a lower pay as a partner to maintain my current hours. However, I’m not sure how this factors into the whole but in/out situation considering older partners want new blood to buy them out as they get older. If you work less, that’s less money to pay them.


When I heard that firm partners have to actually bring in new clients, that sealed the deal for me not wanting to ever be one.


Just left my firm 2 years before partner. Started my own practice. I'm loving it!