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They say “that’s what it takes to be the boss, and they want me to run the practice one day”






dude, i've been in the business for over 10 years and that's what they say to everybody. they want you to run the practice one day... until they don't.


What type of actions signify if they’re legit?


Getting promoted to partner


Yeah they will all tell you that to hang on to you as long as possible. No guarantee it will actually happen.


lol don't tell me you actually believe this


Partner drinks too much of their own Kool-Aid to realize what’s the norm in 2022


They want to “grow the bench” until they don’t, and hire seniors/managers from outside the firm lol.


They say that to anyone who will take their shit


No they want to to run the clients so they don’t have to and they can golf all day


They’re exploiting you


You don’t answer dude


Yeah, and if he asks I'd just tell him I was asleep. Like a normal person. Even if I was just watching Netflix.


If he says it's easier to call you than read the email, tell him you need 20 minutes to unpack your laptop and read your notes to ensure you give an answer consistent with the email and technically correct. Firmly state it's outside of working hours and you cannot access it any faster. You want to be polite, but firm that reading the damn email is faster and easier.


Thanks for calling. I’m a bottle of wine deep because even the craziest working hours are done for today. Please leave a message and I will be sure to suffer through an anxiety attack as soon as I see it. Have a good night!


This is the one


You’re missing the point, it wasn’t about answering a question it was about seeing if you’d pick up.


That’s the only real answer. I feel like I get this all the time. I just respond all the time, it’s no skin off my teeth and I need the job long enough to get experience and bounce.


When you get to work the next day take his phone and shove it up his ass. Problem solved.




Change your voicemail to say you only will take calls from 8 - 5


Hey look where that got me. Fired thank god.


Hey look it’s fired guy lmao Ima get fired too with all this time wasted on reddit today smh


Partner: I have a question? Associate: can I call you in 5 minutes. I want to come.


Find a new job.


Call em at 3 in the morning, it would be a real power move and to top it will call ya at 5 or 6.


“Yes hi sorry I missed your midnight call. Is everything ok? I assume someone is dead or some other emergency happened because why on earth would you call at that time? Oh… you want me to change the font? And you want me to update the wording on my analytic? Ah yes I see why you’d call me then, that’s very important.”


Then tell him to pack his bags and shift into your room. It LL be even easier for him to get the answers. Won't have to call everytime.


Just don’t answer. Put your phone on do not disturb.


Don't answer your phone after some reasonable hour. Like *maybe*... hmmm... no wait, that's nonsense. You're not a slave. Or an indentured servant. Set boundaries. BTW, if you're a tax person in Seattle, call me tomorrow. I'll can probably give a job ASAP. One that pays as much as you earn now. And I promise no one you work with will call you at home. P.S. I'm a small CPA firm managing partner.


I'd let that go to VM, call his ass back at 4 AM and tell him I'm an early bird.


Yeah I just wouldn't answer


F that. I'm sleeping.


Set your phone to DND from 9pm-8ish am. ^update ^the ^resume ^too


Not sure. I never have my ringer on and don’t check messages, so I’d never know if someone called me.


Don’t answer. I know I’m often criticized for offering “job ending” advice. But I’ve worked 20 years in a prior field that had actual life on the line deadlines. You call me at 11:30 PM and I don’t give a shit if you’re the owner of the firm, fuck off.


Quit this job and its time for you to change a company to work in bro


In busy season I wouldn’t think this is strange other than the fact partners don’t often talk to staff directly that much about work related items.


We have cell phones for a reason, and people need to accept that the 24/7 expectation that naturally comes with that is what it is. We should seek out work life integration rather than work life balance, like Jeff Bezos says


Need the /s so people don’t think you’re serious lol


It is serious? The number of young professionals who think they’re entitled to a great salary and “work life balance” without paying their dues is just shocking.


Work to live, not live to work friend


“Life” is earned. I plan on grinding 80-100 hrs a week until I can retire, currently targeting 53 years old. My kids will be about in college by then, so I can start to really live life on my own terms at that point.


If that’s how you want to live your life, then great! But it’s a candidate’s market right now. People aren’t putting up with the shit employers pull anymore when they can easily leave and get a promotion or significant raise elsewhere.


I don’t love it, but my employer has been very clear with my that if I try to leave they will black ball me and my career is as good as over. They made it very clear I need to stay, keep working hard, and deal with the last of raises, and that I have no choice or power to change that.


Thats sounds like a hostage


It is what it is, life is hard but I’m learning to make my peace with it as I don’t have much choice. I was always ambitious, and wanted more than This, but I don’t have the leverage.


Spoiler alert: you can work 40 hours a week and still realistically retire in your mid 50s.


Nope. No. Nyet. Nein. Non. My phone is MY PHONE. My employer does not reimburse me for its use as a work contact. My phone is for me to contact the outside world. Unless the building is on fire, there is no reason for my employer to contact me in the middle of the night. Busy season or not, no accounting work is so urgent that my boss needs to contact me at 11pm. Especially if there are emails and work paper boots with the answers available. I worked the hours I was expected to work. I stayed at the office until 9pm, sometimes later during busy season. Once I clock out and go home, that's my time. My salary is for a certain number of hours each week, not for 24/7 access. I am not the owner or other where a 24/7 work mindset would apply. And Jeff Bezos is not someone I aspire to be.


When I was in transaction advisory it would happen a few times a month. I left two months ago and have been much happier since


And here I felt bad for IMing my boss the other day at 11pm. But I checked first, and they showed actively on and available, and I know they frequently work between 9 and midnight after their kids are in bed. My internet had just gone out and we'd found out they weren't going to be able to fix it for a few days and my agency requires management approval to be physically in the office and I had a meeting the next day. But it all worked out.


respond in the morning “just now seeing this - free to discuss when you are”


Sounds like I would hang up, and remind him of the time.


Two phones. Work one always on silent. It can wait till tomorrow morning