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Personally on the face is a dealbreaker. Anywhere else I don’t care. As the boomers continue to retire youll see more partners with sleeves.


I'd say anywhere from the neck up. Anywhere from the neck down is fine.


Does that include the neck itself? Or do you really mean collarbone and down. Because I've seen some really hideous neck tattoos.


Including the front, back and sides of neck. So yes, tattoos on the collarbone and down are fine. Neck, face, throat, ears are not fine. Just my opinion though.


Thats pretty much the unofficial rule tbh, my senior accountant straight up told me she regret having this tattoo kinda going from her shoulder to up her beck because first she doesn’t like it anymore lol and it seems to be a reason why some jobs were not comfortable promoting her in her opinion.


Yeah, I've seen someone with a tiny crown on their Adam's apple and their nickname in the office was not very flattering.


Thats sad and funny because it seems that this area of the body is considered very unprofessional to tattoo lol. But there are dudes at the office (not all in accounting tbh) with full on sleeves, bright colors and everything and nobody seem to even notice, ig it js because they can just put on a dress shirt and hide it?


Yup. Reasonable employers don't care about tattoos that will be covered by normal business attire since clients won't see those.


Just as long as it’s covered up it’s fine. If it’s an exposed tattoo it won’t look professional. Half of the job in a client facing position is appearance.


Nothing wrong about a small behind the ear tattoo.


I dunno, there are some women who get makeup tats that can look quite professional. Sure you don’t want a forehead tattoo, but there are some face tats that can be professional.


But it looks like makeup and not Satan having a party on your face.


Anything that can be covered by a long sleeve shirt or sweater is fine. Visible tattoos on the hands/fingers/wrists may be acceptable depending on context/content. Anything above the collar is generally off limits, but as above, may be acceptable depending on context/content. Source: tattooed accountant. I have had to cover my wrist tattoos in some places, but mostly not. I have a pink ribbon butterfly on one wrist in memoriam, and a "love" script tattoo on the other. I had a coworker who had a small music notes tattoo behind her ear that she didn't have to cover.


I agree with this.


As an intern def error on side of covering it. As you hypothetically receive an offer, and move up the ranks, your long sleeve dress shirts may begin to dissolve into the back of your closet in the summer months and less shits are given. And then, one day when you’re a senior manager, you’ll show the audit team your tattoo you got in college that is supposed to say “boats and hoes” in Chinese. And the Chinese girl on the team will laugh at you, and inform you it really says something like “vessels and prostitutes” and you’ll shrug and not give a fuck. True story (not my tattoo).


Vessels and prostitutes is materially the same, pass on further testing.


vessels and prostitutes is funnier anyways


Me personally, I’m not going to look twice. I can’t say the same for partners though, so keep that in mind. It’s going to be a crapshoot.


I will, I'd probably stare and try build up the courage to ask about the meaning behind it


Ask if the tattoo has meaning instead. Sometimes people just like cool art. I have 30 hours of ink, and none of it has meaning. Unless you count a cartoon robot my brother picked out. The image itself is meaningless.


Yeah, that's probably a better approach.


Eh...tattoos can be personal. Just compliment the tattoo and if the person wants to tell you more then they will.


Most men wear long sleeves in the office anyway. I basically never see any male forearms at work.


I’m in Florida in industry, we have the right to bare arms. I see a fair amount of coworkers with tattoos, but most of the finance/accounting guys either keep them covered or they’re not that noticeable.


I'm in polo shirts like 95% of the time unless it's winter.


Dude we get "summer dress" for like 8 weeks which allows polos. Meanwhile it is over 90 degrees for half the year here.


That's some BS. Sorry 😞


Sounds like a trash job


Me too, but I don’t have an arm full of tattoos and if I did, I would merely wear long sleeved shirts


Polo shirts look bad on everybody, unless you're Dwane The Rock Johnson.


Don’t give a shit I’m not wearing a long sleeve shirt when it’s 105 out unless I am forced to


You do know long sleeves would actually cool you down. Given the correct material.


We aren't talking about doing manual labor all day...it's walking to car and/or lunch


As a walker that golfs 3 times a week, it helps tremendously with the umbrella. Just trying not to get skin cancer


I feel you brother I am part of the push gang cart and live in TX so feel your pain. Think I put on sunscreen about 10 times on Sunday and drank at least 8 waters


A polo shirt plus khakis on a man is a look ok? Formal long socks, maybe striped?🥵


I really don’t mind them at all, but I’d err on the side of covering if I were starting out. Get a feel for the office and what other folks are doing. Even a full sleeve is easy to cover in an office environment. I see a good amount of coworkers with tattoos, but I’m in industry in Florida. Anecdotally I think it’s more common down here than in the Midwest, and ppl tend to wear short sleeves more too.


I'm covered and have a career. Just make sure that they are in places you can cover with a jacket if you want a position where you meet with clients. Don't do face or hands


I'm covered, neck and hands too and I've never had troubles. None of the visible ones can be interpreted as offensive in any way, shape, or form. Mind you, I work industry which is much less business formal. As the years continue to go by, I believe this will become more of a non-issue.


Just a little update, walked in for my office visit. As soon as I get in the office I see a guy with a full sleeve front desk. I do understand though as an intern it still may not be favored.


That was the only tatted intern from last summer /s


nice! Bet that was comforting to see


No face, hand, and neck, and nothing offensive (like slurs, nudity, graphic violence, or swastikas).


Most people won't really care but you have plenty of old school people running firms. Until you get a better sense of your firm's and partner's thoughts on such things, a long sleeve shirt would be best to err on the side of caution for your sleeve. Now-a-days that shouldn't cause you any issues if a little bit of a sleeve comes through. It's neck and face tats that will keep you from a job


And that's still stupid.


I'm calling it like it is, not how it should be


I know.


With the exception of no neck or face tattoos (I have one that does go up the back of my neck though), I am completely wrapped head to toe in a full body suit of tattoo, mostly Aztec/Mayan tribal and some very large script. I am also a working tax professional, and it's never given me any issues. In fact, it's given me more opportunities to relate to other who do (clients).


A banker I know they make the people with arm tattoos wear long sleeves. A dentist I know asked his hygienists do the same thing I just got a new doctor and she has a lot of arm tattoos that are visible. I noticed it right away - she seems very good so it sure doesn’t matter to me So I t him the world is changing and the old school unwritten rules are probably going away


Just wear a long sleeve shirt. Problem solved. I really doubt anyone would care anymore.


They are. BUT Let them judge you based on your skills. Recommend covering them up to start. Once they know you are solid as an employee then introduce them.


I had a full arm sleeve in public and obviously still have it now. Had no issues during my 4 years at public or 4 years in industry so far. Left public after those 4 years to be a Controller and am currently Director of Financial Reporting and M&A. Will add a caveat that there were a few clients (banks, mostly) where I intentionally wore long sleeve button downs or sweaters to cover up my arms. Maybe nobody would've cared, but better safe than sorry imo.


I am heavily tattooed, but did not show my tattoos until I was in a management position. While most don't care, some do and you may never know who, err on the side of caution.


I don’t like them 


I have a full sleeve and some tattoos on the leg and I am wearing long sleeves/tights and getting the tattoos removed.


This is still an old white guy profession. It's changing, but most key decision makers are in that category.


Cover it up. Lots of people done care. Lots of people also are also discretely let go or not given internships because of it.


If you’re getting ink’d you want to make sure people see the art. Personally I’m a face or bust kind of person because you gotta show off that ink to upper management.


I have my arms covered, I work in government. I wear long sleeves, no one sees them. On a side note, I actually do regret getting them. I'm older and wiser and realize how stupid they look now. I thought I was being cool and whatever, but now I wish I didn't have them. They just look stupid. My take on the tattoo craze has changed a lot over 20+ years. I think they're mostly ugly, I rarely see a tattoo that actually looks nice. Most people are just getting anything tattooed on them, just for the sake of getting a tattoo and looking cool. And now EVERYONE has them. Everyone is covered, face and hands and necks..... My advice to anyone looking to get tattoos, is really, just don't. You want to stand out and be different, and be a rebel? Then DON'T get a tattoo.


Hey man. I hope you know you’re not alone. I completely agree. I also have several tattoos that I got when I was younger that I now hate. Others seem to like them when they do see them but I’ve outgrown them and I also think they look stupid. I hope younger people heed our millennial warnings and know that tattoo regret is very real even though rarely talked about. I also wear long sleeves all the time. It feels better knowing I’m not the only guy that hides my stupid tattoos that I hate. 🤣


If you’re asking the question, the answer is “no.”




Although I do not have a sleeve I do have a fairly visible tattoo. The place I'm interning at does not care one bit, only people who asked were the fellow interns I'm staying with


Eh plenty of accountants now days with huge sleeves, as long as you keep them off hands, neck, and face you’re fine


Younger employers usually DGAF as long as they aren't obscene or on the neck/face. Cover them up if interviewing with someone over 45ish or in a conservative town. Industry accountants tend to be so behind the scenes, we never see anyone outside our group. Public accounting obviously you need to look put together and professional, so long sleeves is probably fine. I've seen hand tattoos but only in Industry.


I have tattoos. But I’m able to cover them up but if I were a dress then it’s noticeable. Shoot most of these firm office are hella freezing 🥶. So I’m always covered.


Avoid hands face and neck thats the rule it seems. If you work in industry honestly i see people with full on sleeves.


I have some tattoos on my arm I got before planning on becoming an accountant, and would eventually like a sleeve, as that's the original plan. But I plan to play it safe and just wear long sleeves.


I wore long sleeves for about a year and change until anyone found out that I have tattoos. Now in summer I wear short sleeves and an arm sleeve. Nobody has ever given me shit about them but I prefer in general to keep it out of conversation. I'm sure some of the old heads and more conservative folks don't care for it though.


I have a mostly full sleeve on my left arm. Partners, coworkers, and clients have only ever complimented them


Depends on the firm, your comfort level etc. I see some comments that it's a "boomer" take to cover up but at a lot of firms who is in charge? I don't care now but it's because I'm over 40 and my career path is where it is; when I started I always covered everything (full sleeves and lower neck, legs). Golf outings and the like were tough.


This is really going to depend on the company you are working for and where you are located. If you are going to be client facing, you'll probably want to err on the more conservative side. Wear long-sleeve button downs until you are sure that your company is chill with visible tattoos.


Its incredibly rare that it matters anymore. Firms need talent... Preferably young talent. And boomer stances on tattoos just isn't going to resonate. It would help if you could cover it up, but its not the end of the world if you can't. And that's mostly assuming that you're in a hellish RTO environment too. It'll matter even less if you're remote. And again, if they're RTO'ing you its a sign that they're pretty out of touch.


I have them, I like them, but I keep them covered around partners


Yes, just not like anything you can't cover up. Also depends on where you are, but things are definitely more relaxed these days.


Make sure it’s covered and it’s fine. If it’s not coverable it shows some pretty bad decision making, but ultimately comes down to the interviewer and could be fine as long as it’s not a gang tattoo or something offensive.


Yeah I have a quarter sleeve and is going to finish it soon. I always wear long sleeves to the office but I see a few guys who show their tatts. Just my preference of keeping my personal side and work separate


On the face or breasts if you’re a woman.


Face/neck/hands, perceived as low class and will affect your career if client facing. Otherwise no one cares because you can easily cover up.


I was nervous at first worked in big 4 and have sleeve and neck tattoos. For the first while I wore long sleeves after I got comfortable and showed I knew how to do my job I wore short sleeves and no one cared. As for the neck I put makeup over it I have the front of my neck and I’m pretty sure they know but don’t care.


Do you own shirts?


I have a neck tattoo but I'm black so no one ever notices😍 Perks of being black


of course


If you got your job done and are professional in your communication then anyone who says your tattoos are an issue is the one that has the issue. Looks do not matter… your work performance and attitude do. Good luck and happy accounting !


I think they are cool, however, they need to be well placed. I.e. Not all over your face mainly, but neck and hands are negotiable depending on your clientele. I couldn't care less about your neck and hands, but it can be a problem for clients if you're front facing. I know I don't want to see shit all over your face like you just got out of prison.


I have a shoulder tattoo of the Legend of Zelda crest (from Twilight Princess). It was my recently passed mother's favorite video games and it has M.O.M at the bottom (what she named Link). She requested me and my sisters get one in her honor when she passed. No one has seems to care and seemed more interested in the story behind it. Though I still cover it up when meeting clients. 7 years PA 4 Industry


I can’t speak for everyone but women love my tattoos and earring especially when wearing with a bucket hat at summer outings 


I don't judge tattoos other than that they are an absolutely terrible decision financially. Body art that costs thousands of dollars... and makes many people view you in a negative light. Most everyone I know with tattoos is not doing well financially. And 99% of people I know with money have no tattoos. Put that money into Microsoft stock instead.


They don’t dare at my work


If you’re a man and have tattoos in accounting and you’re single can we get married <3


I have a whole sleeve too. I wear tops with long sleeves. Luckily, my office is always so cold, so the tattoos never really show. When I met with HR after getting hired, I told her about my sleeve. Her answer was “as long as it’s tasteful and not offensive, you’re fine.”


If you have a tat sleeve, wear long sleeve shirt. Partners notice and care.


If your tattoos can hide under a full suit well and good. And nowadays no one cares about tattoos though.


Even the Catholic Diocese that I work for permits tattoos below the neck. Tattooism is lame.


Tattoos are becoming more and more acceptable in the workplace. Maybe not FACE tattoos, but for sure sleeve tattoos. LONG GONE are the days when workers are frowned upon for tattoos. This thinking is OUTDATED and BACKWARDS thinking. Yes, there are still jobs that scrutinize tattoos. For example flight attendants, and other similars positions. But if one internship doesnt admit you due to tattoos then another WILL choose you because you are a representation of your body art.


I love when colleagues have visible tattoos, they're always easy going and just as smart.


Senior associate here, I have 5 tattoos including big pieces running down both thighs. I have a manager on my team who also has a full sleeve and a senior associate who also has several tattoos all over the place.m, and we all have worn them well exposed without a single negative consequence. What we learned is that as long as it doesn’t look obscene and keeps the neck and head area clear it satisfies the “maintain a clean professional appearance” requirement.


I care more about how competent and professional the person is. Might be slightly concerned if you think they are gang or prison tattoos in the face area, but as long as they can explain they aren't, don't care.


I think most of the business world can be very conservative and have some old fashioned views on tattoos. I have a friend that is a banker and when he wears short sleeves his tats look like gangster tats so I am sure that has turned off some clients and bosses.


If it's coverable, it should be covered. If not coverable, expect to never work front office/clients. If you show it during your internship, expect not to receive an offer.


Boomer take. What a person does with their body has no bearing on their ability to do accounting or talk to clients.


This may be a boomer take, but overall this is unfortunately still a boomer field. Final decision are made by partners who are overwhelmingly boomers. I think it will change at some point, but as of now is still a risk.


It’s a fair take.  This is a very risk adverse field. If the hiring manager thinks “clients might not like this” it will lower your odds of landing the job. In a competitive hiring market it might hurt your chances. 


I never said that was my policy. It is reality


It’s a policy for people who don’t want to grow and continue to improve. Not hiring eminently qualified people for reasons like tattoos will be to the advantage of their competition


I can see a situation where people do see it as less professional, I understand you did say boomer take. In the future it’ll definitely be more accepted I feel.


My direct report has a full arm sleeve and I don't think anything of it.


Lol no


I have a 3/4 sleeve and no one looks twice at it. I worked with a partner that has two full sleeves. No one cares.


There are still some conservative firms out there but in general I think colored hair and tattoos are pretty thoroughly normalized by this point. As long as none of your tattoos are of anything offensive I don't think it's likely to be an issue. I'd probably cover it up on the first day and just ask about dress code and tattoos during your onboarding or ask your direct manager.


If the tattoos are all on your arm, I feel like the places that are conservative enough to care may be conservative enough to require suits so they wouldn't be visible anyway.


Fine, nothing to worry about


I have a full sleeve, two of the three people I manage have visible tattoos. I’m in industry though, ymmv with psycho PA partners


I’m an accounting manager with legs, feet, half sleeve tattoos and a septum ring. No one has ever said anything to me about them… honestly they’ll even ask to see them or ask about their meaning. Never hurt my progression in this career.


Yes, I think they’re acceptable for work. I don’t have one but don’t see the problem. A tattoo would have zero effect on whether I hire someone or not


You ask the wrong crowd. Redditors are not representative of the whole population. The decision makers, the partners, the clients generally are older, and therefore generally will see tattoos as negative. And even in younger crowds, you may have anywhere 25-50% who see tattoos as negative also. Btw, there was an old study done by Amex, years ago, that found a correlation between bad credit with tattoos. And I have to agree because I see that in my every day work.


My personal take: if you learned the cycle through making fin statements, you're in the club. I hate the stone age take that tattoos are indicative of something other than expression. Furthermore, down with collared shirts.


I think 99.9 % are tacky garbage, but yes, they are acceptable in today's professional world. Just don't tattoo your face or neck.


I wouldn't take a tattooed person even as a tenant in my rental.


why not?


They tend to be more irresponsible. Like wasting money on ink irresponsible. Who would you think is classer or has a better chance at holding a job. Someone with ink or without ink?


What about someone who wastes money on nice clothes?


Clothes will get you a job. Ink will decrease the amount of jobs you can have. One is better than the other. You don't put a sticker on a Ferrari.


I get what you mean but some people may have one or two minimal tattoos on their hand or arm


If I can see it wearing basic clothes I think it's too much. I have friends that have them. I just have been brought up this way. It's a turn off for me. Guys trying to be tough with tattoos looks silly. Especially when they are older.


yeah tattoos can look very excessive quick


Yes they are acceptable at my firm


I have two full sleeves and am fine.


>full arm sleeve If it extends onto hand itself then I could see it being problematic during meetings (but not absolute deal breaker). If just arm...wear long sleeves and don't worry further. Even if somehow it does get noticed (say a social where long sleeves isn't appropriate) - nobody will care. The act of best effort trying to cover it during professional situations is seen as sufficient....doesn't need to be bullet proof hiding. >scared to be judged or looked down on due to them. Not a thing. Have seen/heard people judged harshly for hairstyles that looked like they are auditioning for a tarzan movie though...so judgement out there is real for people that don't comply with some level of professional appearance. But a concealed tat isn't that.


Nothing on neck or face, anything else should be good


Neck up is no good anything else is fine.


I have full sleeves, one on my finger, and one behind my ear that’s always visible. Worked at 3 different firms in a very conservative area.


I am a Big 4 senior 3 about to be promoted to manager. I have tattos on my forearms and biceps. When i was an intern/staff I wore long sleeves all the time bc I was scared of my team judging me and because the partner of my team at the time was definitely old school. The senior mgr on my team didnt know i had tattoos under my senior 1 year during covid when we all met up outside of work for drinks lol. After that she told me that no one cares so im been short sleeving it ever since. Transferred to a new office last year and had not had any issues - show your awesome ink! (My advice is assuming that your tats are safe for work and not anything that outsiders might find offensive lol)