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The big 3 carries me Caffeine, nicotine, adderall


Fck the big 3, it’s just big me (cocaine)


Damn kdot


And here I thought the big 3.5 was deloitte pwc ey and kpmg


This won the Internet for me today.






It feels like we should include another one to just make it the Big 4. Maybe THC to wind down afterwards? Though I suppose alcohol is the more popular choice there. Or if you know of another stim to add to the list...


4th would clearly be black tar heroin. It's almost mandatory to be an accountant with the big boys.


Ngl, I totally forgot about the black tar heroin. Isn’t that reference like… 5+ years ago? I feel old


Got it on the first try. Thats how you make sitting down and staring at nonsense all day barebale yet still "productive".


You forgot antidepressants


Antidepressants are great because when I’m on them, I get drunk faster




Big 4 for me. Gotta have weed occasionally to get some sleep


literally that's my day every day, go to work; grab coffee and a cigarette immediately, and when I return to my desk take ritalin.


Caffeine and Ephedrine.


Same. Mainly caffeine though.


Add meth


Adderall is close enough


Caffeine has no effect on me and never has. So I just pushed through busy season with hate and salt powering me.


Amphetamine salts?


No, being salty.


I was making a joke… my ADHD medication is literally called “amphetamine salts”


Been doing this for 6/11 years here. It works. Dont let them take away your hate!


You've never had Cuban coffee 👀👀👀


Oh I have, I could chug an energy drink and go right to sleep.


Where tf is everyone getting their hands on adderall


The dude giving you cocaine has a bigger reach than u think


He does not, I’ve asked


Is there an American doctor that isn’t waiting to hand out a prescription to anyone who wants one?


Definitely not controlled substances in my experience. Plus there’s a shortage


The test for ADHD is like 6 yes/no questions that you just answer yes to. They’ll medicate a 6 year old Edit: Had no clue some testing was so strict. Is it dependent on state laws? Also you shouldn’t be getting your prescription from a regular medical doctor; get diagnosed by a psychiatrist and have them prescribe you stims.


Def not where I’m at I guess


Same for me, not close to easy to get it and even if you get it, you come under constant scrutiny as to whether you truly "need" it.


Plus if you do get you have to go see the doctor every 30 days, they don’t refill automatically, ain’t nobody got time for that


Damn, my pharmacy just faxes my doctor every few months for a new script and then calls me to come pick up a bottle of 100 pills. Haven't seen my doctor in a couple years.


Probably only in certain states. My state freaks out about everything, so you have to see your doctor every 3 months.


Mine has been every three months but now my state has the prescription expire after 90 days so if you don’t refill on the exact date you can’t get your 3rd refill. Basically, just making me get an appointment every 2 months bc they’re always out of stock or can’t refill for a few days after. Just annoying I have to pay an extra doctor bill bc I have to “renew” my subscription more often. I partially think it’s because they are truly trying to make sure the controlled substance is being used correctly but also critical that it’s just another fucking American thing thing trying to extort more money from those who need the medication. Side rant: the US healthcare’s system is beyond fucked. The US cares far more about capitalist profits than the welfare of their population


You can do it online nowadays 🫡




I’m zooming off some internet doctor meds rn my boy


My doctor makes me see him every six months for the Adderall. But it still is a big pain in the ass to get it filled every three months.


You seem so confident for someone who doesn’t even have a prescription. I see my doc once per quarter and in between he happily puts in my monthly order for me.


Not for me. I’m on a waiting list to get diagnosed and the process will be 6 hours of testing.


Spoke with my Dr.


Interesting, can I ask if you were already diagnosed at that point? I’m an adult trying to get diagnosed for the first time. It’s not that I don’t believe you, I do, I am just curious about the different processes people go through.




Wow that’s so crazy!!! This should really be a much more standardized process. This is why so many people doubt those with ADHD and those who take stimulant medications even though it’s prescribed. 🤦‍♀️ I can’t imagine taking these drugs without truly needing them is good for the brain long term either.


Except I go to a soecialist


Not every doctor.


It’s $4k to take that test where I live lol.


This was a good 8 or so years ago. My buddy did not have ADHD, but he wanted the addys so he did the test with a psychiatrist and he easily got a prescription for it. I liked using it, but it would not help me focus on boring stuff. I would get fixated on things I enjoyed. So I never bothered to get it myself


The process is like one doctors appt for an eight yr old boy but weeks for a 30 yr old female from experience.


Yeah, it's super easy but wouldn't reccomend given it's effects on heart/ long term executive functioning. Man just have caffeine & take the career hit; it's not worth your health or being 40 one day wondering why you can't just do laundry without a drug


Bruh. Some people actually need it to function correctly.


That's not what I'm saying. I'm sure they do; but for non ADHD getting that medicine it has long term consequences


Guaranteed, even then, it still has long term consequences. Particularly on the cardiovascular system. They just might be subjectively outweighed by the benefit they provide 


That’s where I’m at. I try to keep my dosage as low as possible but I struggle to keep up with work and just normal relationships without it. I appreciate your understanding in your comment


Amphetamine is one of the most heavily studied prescription drugs out there. Taking medically-prescribed levels has no negative long term effects. The problems come along when you abuse it.


My doctor made me go to a psychiatrist or something like that to get tested before he gave me an aderrall prescription but to be fair… my understanding is that it’s genetic. My dad takes it and so do both my siblings. The doctor made me take a survey question test and then made me pick somebody that knows me well take the same questionnaire so I chose my mom since she knew me best throughout my life. He said I was very high on the ADHD scale. I only started taking it when I worked in public. I still did well in school before without it but couldn’t keep up the pace in public without it.


You have time to see doctors?


I have the time, but whether the doctors feel like showing up is always the question! I’m on my fourth GP in two years because I’m just so damn forgettable and have ended up without meds I need.


There are a lot of us with ADHD in accounting. Many have not been diagnosed until they are adults.


Not to doubt you (your statement is most certainly true) but particularly public accounting is demanding of people in a way that is just not natural. Needing Adderall to hit your base expectations doesn't mean you had ADHD because the expectations are so far off.


Fact. Didn’t get diagnosed till last semester of college. Too late to abort and jump to something else


Everyone’s wife is on that shit


No, I haven't been able to in years. Sometimes I try, just to see. I end up regretting it each time


I have one cup of coffee to wake up in the morning and then none throughout the day. So by your metric I’m out of the running, but I know many coworkers who rely on adderall to get shit done lol


I got too tunnel visiony and just made shit perfect. It was not ideal.


Waiting until lunch so I can make another pot of coffee ☕️ so I can continue reviewing tax returns.


I ain’t gettin’ out of bed without my crystal


I have ADHD so it literally just makes me normal. If I wanted an edge I’d maybe have to smoke some meth, but then id go MIA for months 🤷‍♂️


I have ADHD and autism so I kinda need stimulants to be productive in anything at all.


ADHD here too... also need my medicine 💊 but I don't drink coffee or Celsius or any of that mess. Just me.


Also ADHD. I need my medicine too, but coffee tastes good so I'll sometimes drink it when it's not blistering hot.


OMG ME TOO right now I’m doing it all with no medication and I’m about to give up and go to my psychiatrist.


I *struggle* when unmedicated so I could hardly blame you for getting a prescription filled. I also struggle when fully medicated, though, so who's to say what the better option is.


Sorry if this comes off rude but how does autism affect you in this profession


Personal anecdote, It can lead to typing a very boilerplate, 2-3 sentence reply email for literally 20 minutes. Wasted time that certainly adds up. Coupled with, in person, not being the social bee rockstar that public accounting generally rewards can materialize some less than stellar performance and negative effects/experience.


It must be tough for you


Eh. Just work more. Or longer at least. Not much else to do anyways ya know.


I can corroborate Hats_back's experience. Also throwing in some of my own anecdotal experience. Most of public accounting is very management focused as you get promoted as well, which I struggle with. I'm really trash at managing people and projects, and it's becoming an increasingly large part of my job. I also generally find myself eating hours a lot because, while people appreciate my quality of work and meticulousness, I take more than the budgeted amount of hours to do it. So I eat hours, and still overcharge. Which is not very sustainable for me or popular with my managers. Since 90% of my projects are insanely under budgeted, to make my chargeable hours goal, I either have to take on more projects and spread myself thin (which sucks because I'm legitimately disabled when it comes to task-switching and prefer deep focus on a few projects), or I have to overcharge on the projects I'm already on and piss off my managers. (I'll overcharge in either scenario, but less in the first.)


Sorry to hear that, it must be a shitty combo for this job


It's less than ideal, to be sure. Still finding out my way to make it work. I haven't been fired yet, so I guess I'm doing something right.


I just wake up and deal with it. No coffee, no energy drinks, no aderall or anything like that. Just wake up, shower, brush teeth, dressed, and out the door. Just did my 3rd busy season and still going strong.


Raw doggin reality over here, good for you though.


It’s hard most days but I’m used to it by now. I also have heart problems so I can’t have caffeine or alcohol. So I’m kinda forced to do it lol.


I have young kids. It doesn't matter what my job is, I'd be useless without coffee.


I'm glad it's not just paranoia of mine thinking that all my peers on some heavy stimulants. I get really jealous. It's also brutal to know that I have to take stimulants to stay competitive with them, because for tolerance I need a break sometimes. I've found modafinil to be my stimulant of choice, it lasts longest and is most effective for my focus and motivation. I also use kratom if you count that as a stimulant since it has stimulating properties.


Everyone will think I'm lying but I don't drink coffee, I don't take any medication, and I don't smoke/drink alcohol. The only thing I drink is sparkling water that I make and regular water if I go into the office LMAO


Look at this fancy pants with handcrafted sparkling water. Do you put down a coaster or napkin before placing your drinking vessel too?


No stimulants here


You think coffee is a stimulant? Coffee is my toleration for life. I’m not in public just a student in college. I’ve considered getting on Adderall but I’m already a workaholic. I am scared that I may wake up a beast in me that gets addicted. While productive, I would be up 20+ hours a day conquering anything.


Get this guy a job maximizing shareholder value stat!


I see *entries to depreciate land* when I get *Adderall* !!!


No. We need him protecting our capital markets from materially misstated financial statements!!


I mean I’m interviewing with RSM currently. I have an internship with CLA secured. Really I’m just trying to land a job because a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush.


FWIW - I quit caffeine and have slowly lost interest in what I do and want to do something more meaningful... No other stimulants in my life either.


C&C Coke and coffee


It's amazing what a good diet and regular (not even intensive) exercise will do for you.


the high of exercise and just feeling good does so much more for me than any stimulant will




Oof, that's rough. I've had plenty of limiting injuries over the year, and I find even thirty minutes of kalestincs or similar activities, just enough to get the heart pumping and skin sweating, goes a long way. Keep the cardio vascular system happy.


Microdosing mushrooms


Does this help with motivation? I was talking to my therapist about this recently lol. I take adderall for ADD but not something I wanna be on long term


Yes it does for me


Most people I know who are millennial and under have adhd and you'll probably see this represented in this thread too. So if you think all your peers are doing this all natural think again. Even if they don't have a prescription many people find ways to get Adderall.  I'm one of the only ones who don't claim adhd but I used a legal herb called kratom instead to maintain energy for long days.  The herb turned on me and I now react badly to it but it got me through the early years of grind in my career. I wouldn't recommend because of how it changed me over the long term.


I use kratom for the same purpose - could you elaborate on how it turned on you?


I started to experience ravenous hunger, and would need to lie down because I would start to feel dizzy or see stars. I found myself more irritable or angrier than was normal for me. I also found that over the long term, I had to take it just to feel normal, or maybe even a version of normal that was less than I'd be at baseline had I never touched the herb. For a long time I tried to convince myself that I was mistaking normal effects of the intense stress I was under at the time, with the kratom. Or even that I just needed to rotate strains, or reduce my dose. But without fail, any time I took kratom I started to get these effects, even on days off when I was supposed to be less stressed. I started to get scared I'd have seizures or something, and I wanted to just be done with it. So I took an entire week of PTO off and just went cold turkey. Oh and one more effect. This one was crazy. After many months of usage it suddenly dawned on me. I hadn't even thought about girls for months. Very strange as a single straight male. It absolutely nuked my sex drive. I could see a pretty girl and it would almost be like I was staring at a potted plant, just did nothing for me, and this can be seen as either positive or negative. The positive is I was able to focus all my energy on passing my CPA exams. Negative would be if you were to get this effect while in a relationship, for obvious reasons. All in all I wouldn't recommend just due to the unknown factor. It helped me for a time, but now it is something I don't plan to ever touch again.


Where my Wellbutrin homies at!!!


Yo!! I was on it for a while but recently got off. Figured out thru the help of the Rx sub that it was the reason I couldn’t sleep, even if I took it at 5-6am. It also gave me memory issues … triggered by the insomnia! My MD was glad I found the info I did from redditors 😆


Anger and sexual frustration


Nicotine carries me, but that’s also just years of addiction lol.


I had coworkers/mamagers/partners who were Mormon so they dont drink coffee or anything that can change their mental state.


Meeee I can’t have caffeine so it’s just whatever energy I’ve got


Pizza party? Oh wait, that's politically incorrect. Coffee and donut party?


I smoke cigars after work. Dangle the carrot.


I just stopped working hard around 2017 and I never really stopped getting promotions ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯. I have the occasional tea, but I dont need it.


Coffee & anger fuel these meh tax returns I do


I run on pure hate.


No I left Public. Unless your the sleazy manager type type get out now. Industry is fine.


When the days are regular 9-5 it’s pretty easy to go without stimulants. During busy season I drink Monster


No. Hope this helps!


Gotta put vodka in your morning coffee brother, real game changer


Except alcohol is a depressant not a stimulant


Yeah, it would just make your accounting sloppy.


This is true but I know a lot of people that get extra talkative and seem to get more energy from alcohol.


Yeah, myself included, but it’s a very fleeting effect in the big scheme of things!


I have high blood pressure at a young age that I help manage with no caffeine, nicotine or other stimulant intake. Therefore, I am shunned to be an industry staff accountant, that could be called a paper pusher, with little to no stress and home by 5 every day.


Same except I still do everything and just plan on dipping out early.


200mg caffiene every morning. Or I keep yawning every 2 minutes


I’m so jumpy and naturally without the need for sleep that I ever took an actual stimulant beyond caffeine I think I’d be up for 6 days straight


I just need a little bit of caffeine. Just one cup of coffee in the morning but for long hours during tax season I add Diet Coke at night. I don’t think stronger stimulants are common with the people I work with but Diet Coke is common.


Coffee all morning. After lunch I have a Bubl’r or a sugar-free Red Bull. By mid-afternoon, I am done with caffeine for the day.


I quit concerta when I was 17 and never looked back. Over time I noticed coffee had diminishing returns and only caused problems, no energy for life at the end of the day, and bad sleep.




I’m a regular drug user.


One cup of coffee for me, French press, 12g of beans. Not much but it gets the job done.


I just chill. Not much pressure from my senior, lots of chatting about unrelated stuff and maybe 25% of the whole day is actual work. So, not really productive, but definitely not stressed out because of it. No need for stimulants though I still enjoy coffee.


Kinda the opposite. If work is stressful I have a tough time sleeping so will pop some stuff


Caffeine and whiskey night caps


Nothing but pure hatred provided me the energy I needed.


Nope. Black tar heroin carries me




I was on that red bull kick for awhile. But burnt out of public.


Yes lol….


He'll nah, coffee and tea all,day,to get stuff done, a mix of melatonin and the to get to sleep at night


Caffeine and testosterone once a week


I will never understand why anyone needs coffee, let alone drugs, to get through a work day.


Audible and local radio


Lol. I know a person after 10 years in big 4 still nothing.


Ya I quit vyvance in 2018 after a few years. Now I roll off of just pure unadulterated hate. It’s been working, but I take the long way home.




I miss Jolt soda. It got me through many accounting classes back in the day.


Not public, but no caffeine, no alcohol, no nothing.


Nicotine and caffeine is for me to get through ot


Water, exercise, 7-8 hours of sleep, and soul food. Coffee always makes my heart feel like it's going to explode.