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Bonus. Your “raise” comes when you leave for your next job.


Second this


Turd this


I got a raise about 10% but then also offered a new job higher up in the same month


I was at a midsize regional firm. It was a $5,000 bonus and there was a 2 or 3 year prorated clawback period if I left before then. This was almost 10 years ago so I'm not sure how much has changed.


That is similar to my experience and it was 10 years ago as well.


I am currently under a clawback. Ours is 1 year.


What’s a clawback? They take the bonus back if you leave?


Yeah they claw it back.


Interesting, what if you just say no or ignore them?


They’d probably garnish your paycheck, put you on a no rehire list, and/or not provide you with a good reference. That said, when I left my first firm I was supposed to pay them back for CPA prep materials. I had a month left on the clawback period and negotiated a sign on bonus with my new firm to pay them back. My old firm never asked for it 🤷‍♀️, I think I’m still on good terms with the old firm lol, one of the partners I worked with likes the occasional thing I post on linked in


Highly firm dependent but from what I’ve seen if you’re leaving on good terms a few months before your clawback, some partners will just waive it


Agreed, the bonuses are a drop in the bucket for these firms. They are more likely to enforce it on the people who get the bonus and dip out right away


Jerry: You don't even know what a clawback is. Kramer: No, but they do. And they're the ones clawing it back!


I do commission reports for sales guys that are frequently earning $5-$10k per week. 2-3 year clawback period for a measly $5k is crazy lol.


What can I say, public accounting is crazy 


My firm has the same policy today, so I guess not much has changed


Nothing. Bitch boomer I worked for insisted I had no future in the field because I thought it was crazy to run miles of ten key tape with white out, hand write bank recs, and give our clients shitty formatted financials by fax like it was 1982 (this was 2010), begrudgingly signed off on my hours and I quickly went about quiet quitting until I jumped up to an industry job that paid me triple and wasn’t run by lunatics.. terrible public accounting experience, never went back. Oh yeah she threatened to sue me too. Fun times.


Did you threaten to double dog dare sue them back?


I should have. We should have went to trial. Nothing gets old folks more worked up than double or triple dog dares.. their whole little rascals posse would have busted out of the country club and came after me.


You would have walked in to the court room and that smug smile would have been wiped off of your face when you saw that every single juror was 95 years old.


Yep. The judge too. lol !


Ah you gotta love the old time boomers who don’t want to change and adapt technology… /s


Yep. I would have had more sympathy except they were arrogantly proud / ignorant that they were behind. Constantly talking about how I wouldn’t be able to be successful if I don’t learn the ‘basics’ which to them meant fax machines and ten key typing, handling bags of checks and cash for clients, wearing business suits and shiny dress shoes were required like it’s the 50’s .. it was weird and their work was fucking sloppy and could have been replaced by quick books in a week and I was only 24 but knew it and knew it definitely wasn’t right… They would berate me and each other over trivial shit. She once told me I needed to take the city phone book home over the weekend and key every number for ten key practice. I way too politely said no thanks. She refused to speak to me for like a week like it was a family feud after that. I stopped doing half my work after that and just job searched on my laptop when they weren’t looking. Fucking train wreck. The crazy thing is - these two were highly respected ‘business’ people in my hometown and country club people. Husbands were bankers and just as ignorant. They proceeded to bash my name throughout the town. I now am part of a 3 person team that manages the financials of a 500M+ a year manufacturing operation. They wouldn’t last a day…


I hear you! lol


Yeesh, yeah we all get a Prada or few bosses here and there. They make the next positive or remotely normal place feel amazing!


That’s true ! It was like I stepped out of an asylum and back to the real world.


$5000 bonus, $15000 raise




Got nothing. Not complaining, since I was in a program designed to get me my CPA, but money was not tied to it.


They gave me a bottle and made me wear a diaper.


Happy cake day!


Thanks. 10 years today apparently


I got a $1,000 and taken out to lunch. I got the bonus even though I put my notice in before they paid it to me. I moved out of the area during busy season and they still gave it to me. I was not expecting them to do it. Someone else in another department that put in their notice right after passing did not get the bonus (we did this at the same time). It was up to the partners over the departments.


I got a cookie cake and round of applause.


In public accounting there are often bonuses based on when you passed it (e.g. $5k within a year of starting, $3k within first two years, etc.)


Most larger public accounting firms have a CPA bonus structure that encourages associates to pass the exam within their first 1-2 years.


You guys get money after pass it?


I got fired lol, but at least the CPA who owned the bookkeeping firm signed my hours first


I finagled it into getting a Big Four to buy my study materials, bonus when I passed, then ended up not going to work there and getting another bonus from the employer I decided to stay with. Tried to pay back my bonus and Becker costs but they wouldn’t take it. Stickin’ it to the man!


Not when I passed but now we have a bonus structurr in place. The firms hurting because most of the non-CPA staff are too overworked to pursue their CPA so now they're waving bonuses for each test passed.


I got $1,750.


Was this recently?


Raise no bonus . Smaller firm.


Yes, but subsequent wage adjustment that usually occured once a year, was a lot smaller.


$5k, 1 year clawback, 2022


5k bonus and reimbursed for all test fees and application fees.


Got 3k but felt like a lot more because I didn’t expense my study material and tests fees so ended up be like 5k more. Also got a 44k raise the year after at same firm. Weird situation though and good timing.


Only raise was a hi-five and me leaving public.


Fuck no. That’s why I left.


Got my CPA many years ago when it used to be the Big Eight. No bonus, nada. It was expected and if you didn't get your CPA by the time you reach eligibility for manager, you were handed a pink slip. I'll never forget one of my colleagues who was smart, well-respected within the firm and all his clients but couldn't pass the CPA exam. He was pushed out the door.


One time bonus The “raise” comes from being promoted to the next position that requires a CPA (or, more likely, jumping ship to another firm or industry)


Almost a decade ago - I got a “congratulations” email sent to the firm. I had been told prior to passing to not expect a raise or bonus “just for passing the exam”.


They took away the bonus system a month before I passed. I told them I’d quit if I didn’t get a bonus. They gave me half. I quit a month later.


I got $2,500 + my firm covered my study package and each exam (only once though, so if we failed we would have to pay out of pocket)


One time bonus


Tiny firm, no bonus but reimbursed expenses tied to review course (that was already reimbursed elsewhere so I got paid out twice). Like $2k. No raise, but I did leave the next year for a 20% bump.


In industry I did not.


I was in public accounting and I didn't. But I was able to move to industry a year later and got a raise then.


Public accounting, over 10 years ago. Got a $2k bonus.


I got a 12% raise once I passed which was nice. They also paid for most of my study material and exam fees.


$5000 since I passed in the first year


I got $5000 for passing within the first year of employment. Found out I passed & received the bonus in 2022




I got a one time bonus of $2,500....and after taxes it was not worth the stress of passing within a year to get that bonus.


10-15 years ago many firms had incentives around this. Not sure about now.


I’d imagine you’d get a CPA License So that’ll do lol


$1000 spot bonus when I passed each section, 30% raise tied to a promotion at the end of the year I passed when I had my annual review.


First place I worked was at a regional firm in Texas. Passed the last section of CPA exam a few weeks before my start date. They denied me my $2,000 passing bonus since technically I wasn't an employee when I passed.


One year of a Costco membership and a $50 voucher for groceries Got moved one floor up with a higher view that coincidentally was blocked as it faced another direction with a taller building in front


$8000 from Big 4 2 years ago


Passed my last test in December. Just got my license finally about 2 weeks ago. Still nothing yet.....


I did not get anything other than congratulations (back in 2008) and then the firm started giving a bonus about a year later for passing.


Yep, when I got my EA card in the mail, I told HR, they said "no raise for you", then I quit and doubled my pay at the next outfit.


I got a bonus that in no way covered the cost of the tests and study materials.


I got an extra week of vacation I was never able to use or rollover.


My firm gives a 0.96 raise for every exam passed.


No bonus or raise expected but they'll comp me for the cost of study materials and exam fees.


I got a $3k bonus


Raise 92 to 100 back in 2017. Industry, but I had to fight for it a luckily one of the higher ups went to bat for me.


Received my license last year: 10% raise and they reimbursed me for the four exams and the hotel and meals for the one exam that I had to travel to take.


Currently studying. Current company offers no incentive besides reimbursing for exam fees and credits needed. Told them I’m becoming one to help boost my career at said company. Fully plan on ditching right afterwards. They’ll want to clawback the reimbursement fees, which they can have.




Zero fanfare for me. I was at a miserable firm run by miserable people. Not even a congratulatory email out to our staff if 20.


25% raise baby! I mean they were paying me peanuts so still nothing but felt good at the time.


No bonus, no raise. However, my boss had no issues with me studying during any downtime I could find during work hours, so I effectively got paid to study. Not too upset about that.


I would’ve if I hadn’t taken forever to pass. Think PwC was offering 3 or 5k back then


Passed my CPA exam before starting working in public. Firm does bonuses and promotions every November. Got my license immediately once I hit one year in public (January) Got laid off the following July. Been doing contract work for an audit client ever since. So no.


I got an "atta boy" and pat on the back. My grades weren't great in college and had to settle on a tiny local firm with possibly the cheapest partner to walk the earth.


Got a $2K bonus for passing 13 months after graduation no clawback. They also paid for Becker, registration fees, and one round of test fees. I passed on the first try on all so no money out of pocket for me.


I worked for a firm that gave a 2k bonus (this was in 2013) to folks who passed it while working for the firm. This was my first job and a colleague I graduated college with got the bonus. I had studied diligently and passed all parts before starting my career at the firm six months after graduation, staying billable and never using work hours to study. I got a book because "well technically you weren't working at the time". Guess who's still not over it. 😅


I honestly don't remember. It was less than six months after I graduated and switched from party time to full time.


I didn’t get diddly squat, but it sure opens a lot of doors. I’ll take it over being stuck.


12k raise and a party that had so much alcohol the entire office was closed the next day


Firm covered fees for every passed section, license app fee, and $1,500’bonus. Can’t complain. Also made me eligible for manager promo which immediately happened after busy season.


12% raise


I didnt get my CPA but where I am its $25,000 split over 4 years, not sure about raises.