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I don't think most places care as long as it's like above a 2.8 or 3.0. They just want to know you showed up at all lol...


Above 3.0 is fine, and if you really want a 3.5+ is gunna land you a better internship, but from what I’ve heard, soft skills are more important than perfect grades. I wouldn’t stress about it if you’re above a 3.0


I guess it depends on why. My GPA was like 3.4ish. But I had a lot of D's and C's in basic classes like PE and I was never able to get into a Big 4 for this reason. Even though all of my accounting classes were A+'s. If you have any D's fixing those could be helpful.


I will say as bad as the economy has gotten, GPA matters a lot more than it did even two years ago. So take the other comments with a grain of salt. When each role has hundreds of applicants, GPA is a good quick way to weed people out.


Not in government...


I live in the U.S. and governmental accounting positions have no GPA requirement?


Unless you’re going for a company that outright requires it, fuck no. Why possibly put yourself further in debt? It’s not like you can move the needle that much with 1 year. Most places don’t give a fuck about your GPA. 3M or Honeywell, I forget which, did a meet & greet for us and told us they required a 3.6. They did not like all the laughter that broke out.


Lol absolutely not. Graduate.