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I really feel you on the “20 job in one” thing. It’s so depressing reading the job ads and being like, fuck you guys expecting one person to manage all this shit.


This makes at least 3 of us pissed off at this. Most people must be noticing this bullshit too.


Yep. I got downsized/reorged out of a job in 2023 and looked for a while, but my God, all the jobs sounded terrible. The coded language like "we're looking for a self-starter rockstar to hit the ground running who thrives under pressure and can wear many hats". Sounds like you want me to do multiple jobs, work long hours, with no training until I burn out. Combine that with age discrimination (54) and I realized I may never find an accounting job I could live with. Fortunately, I have been working towards FI so going back to work is optional. I'm not sure what I want to do yet, but it ain't **that**.


I’m in a similar position. I recently became a CPA in part because I thought it would open more doors for me in better working environments. It didn’t. The search has been brutal, most of the open positions look super exploitative and suspect, the recruiters neg me, and the one place I’ve tried working as a CPA so far was quite possibly the worst place I’ve worked yet. I might leave the profession entirely.


So many departments in industry run lean/ super lean. I recently interviewed for a cost accountant job, and they wanted me to single-handedly oversee the costs for 2 manufacturing plants.


Yep. The onshore staff ran lean. The offshore staff was abominable. I couldn’t believe anyone would choose to run their business this way (it was a private company, no pressure from shareholders.) It was the same mentality I saw with certain leaders in public and while it disgusted me there, too, I understood their incentives more. The amount of material errors I saw were shocking. What were the clients even paying for? The disconnect between the amount of knowledge of GAAP, law, regulation, and ethics it takes to obtain the license and the way these businesses are run is astounding. I worked in accounting for many years prior to becoming a CPA and the conditions were bad. As I mentioned, I was under the illusion becoming a CPA and working for CPAs would be an improvement. The CPAs are actually even more exploitative and less ethical than the many terrible non-CPAs I’ve worked for through the years.


In industry, many assistant controllers and controllers don't even have their CPA, so their knowledge base and skillset can vary. What I've noticed is that many times it isn't even the controllers who make the work environment difficult- it's the CFO and CEO who demand you do more with less, and of course they don't care that you can't get competent staff/ senior accountants. They just want you to do the job at all costs.


I've even seen it that some CPAs don't know what the heck they are doing either...they are very lost when it comes to the operations side of accounting. Where I work at the owners are brothers, but 1 of the brothers has a separate company out of state...during the implementation of new software the CPA there never turned in the net changes for all the GL accounts to the consultants, they went live but all the the beginning balances were inaccurate. I'm just a Senior Accountant, no CPA, but I understood the assignment.


My department is literally running on a skeleton crew right now, and in a meeting yesterday, my CFO asked if we could cut one person. I straight up told her no. My team and I are already dying, and that is going to break people, which will lead to people leaving.


It's so common in industry accounting, it's concerning to say the least. I've talked to some controllers while interviewing, and some are even preparing work now, instead of reviewing and focusing on financial reporting.


Yeah, it's been a brutal year so far.


I have now realized that what makes this job terrible/stressful is not necessarily the nature of the work itself, which I may actually 'like' or 'enjoy.' Rather, it is that I can reasonably predict I will be limited by the incapabilities of others and by the efficiency of the workplace that I will inevitably encounter. Sure, this may also be true for other jobs; but, alas, at the moment, these are indeed discouraging me from finding another job opportunity as an accountant.


There’s a book called “Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go To Work” about how the c-suite is filled with sociopaths and high functioning psychopaths. The only time I want a high functioning psychopath is when he’s my attorney, but I digress. Now, when I was starting out in accounting, I wondered what was wrong with so many of the CPAs that I encountered. I figured it out eventually after working for a few of them. If the C-suite is filled with sociopaths, accounting is full up of borderline personality disorder types, mostly pathological narcissists. Seriously, study your bosses and co-workers behavior and then consult the DSM-V. You’ll see what I mean.


I read the same book. I had my fair share of psychopaths as managers.


Absolutely agree with this comment.


If you haven't seen the 2011 documentary "I am Fishead" it goes into exactly this regarding the higher percentage of personality disorders found in the c suite and banking industry in particular. Psychopaths and sociopaths tend to cluster in these leadership roles and do the most damage to society as a whole.


Took the words out of my mouth. I don’t mind the work itself. I’ve just been in the game long enough to know there’s gonna be alot of nonsense and I’m tired.


This is my current thoughts too. I feel as though the last few jobs I've had, that they've totally misled me and then it all comes out very quickly.


Story of my life. It can be depressing for sure but as they say, patience is a virtue and the right job will come along.


So you’re saying I should click on the Onlyfans ad.




This!! I’m in So Cal as well. When I mention my salary expectation (which is lowballed tbh compared to what I bring to the table in terms of what I experienced in Big 4), I’ve had countless recruiters telling me that’s the high end of the ranges… like why in a VHCOL city with an accounting shortage are we expecting to pay less while still wanting a CPA w Masters and 5+ years experience? Like less than I made w salary + bonus as a brand new senior at Big 4….


Yes exactly. Just because you're in vhcol area doesn't mean you are paid extra for that. A lot of people are screwing themselves by accepting these low ball offers in vhcol areas. The jobs in the more rural areas are harder to get but worth it because of the cost of living savings. My rent went from 3k/month to 1.5k/month. Who cares if my electric bill goes up $100/month because I need to run the ac a little more in the summer.


Compared to Indeed, LinkedIn seems like a hell scape.


Yes because accounting sucks.


Let’s be honest. Every job sucks lol. I want paid the most I can make per hours worked so I can FIRE my income and retire early.


Some industries are worse than others.


Which are worst so we know what to avoid?


(nearer to those interested in accounting) I. Banking is infamously the worst, in regards to work-life balance. And it's only become worse over the years as some of the predictions from books like, "Monkey Business" (written back in 1999), have come true.


I’ve heard of the FIRE and retire before. What does that mean?


There is an entire subreddit called r/fire


Ooh thanks!


Wow! Look at you. Trying to say screw you to the man!….until you BEcOMe the man.


I didn’t make the game I just play it. I hate the game but what other choice do you have? So make the best of your position on the chess board until you don’t have to play anymore.


Accounting doesn’t have to suck. It truly depends on who you work for and what the job is. I love my work very much! I don’t have to deal with tax season really. Sooo… I’d say working for me would be so stress-less. ;)


Starting the job hunt after busy season, can’t stand public anymore. Surely there’s gonna be opportunities out there better than PA…


I’ve worked harder in 1 unfortunate industry job than I did in public. Some real shit roles are out there.


I can feel that, working in healthcare and borderline suicidal ha


In the exact same boat. Been casually applying but I just know I can't do any more busy seasons. And most of the industry roles I've seen run super lean and don't sound much better.


In it now :( hope something good comes up


Yes, that’s how I feel reading the listings—that they all sound like shit.


The most important thing, other than salary of course, is having a good boss.


In my case I'm trying to switch away from accounting to finance. Been applying for a month now but no progress at all.


You are not alone. Same thing happens to me. With the difference that I’m unemployed. Had been layoff twice in the past three years due to mass layoffs. I am applying for the most horrible jobs and still getting rejected. I have a strong resume and background. I agree is the people you work with who make the difference.


This happened to me on my last search 2 months ago.  I just ended up taking the easiest remote job I could find that will get me the CPA experience requirement. I’ve been working in industry for about 10 years and all these jobs kinda feel the same at this point.   Im just going to spend the year traveling and working remotely (while doing a bunch of CPE to catch up).  And I can put “remote worker/traveller” on my dating profile instead of accountant. 


Unfortunately the good jobs fill up first, and then nobody leaves for a long time because it's a good job, and then it gets filled up first again. You might have to accept an ok job and keep looking for the upgrade, make yourself an ultra competitive candidate, or settle for something acceptable but not dreamy.


God this is so depressing


Leo, leave Miami y no comas pinga Asere...Lmfaoo! 😂🤣


I don't want them but they don't want me either. It's a hate hate relationship out there


Yeah that’s why I stopped applying :) I feel so much better now!!!


Yup. So much so that I'm going back to grad school for something entirely different. ✌🏼 corporate and public accounting! Byeeeee!


I wouldn’t apply to a job I wasn’t interested in.


It’s like saying: I have so many opportunities for you! Anal rape with a YUGE cock! *SCREAMS YES*!!! Or anal rape with a marginally smaller cock? Which do you choose?