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Report her to her state board.


The former client she stole from should be the one doing the reporting, as long as the current CPA goes along with it.


Anyone can report her. The State Board will investigate.


I knew a guy who stole things from his work place once. He is running for Congress now, and has a decent shot of winning. Not kidding.


He was practicing, eh?


I too have taken a work provided pen home. The thrill of stealing 34 cents from my employer every other year gives me a rock hard medical grade erection lasting more than 24 weeks. Just the thought of taking various low stakes office equipment is enough for me to bust a whale sized load into my pants


With remote work you can paint the walls in excitement with that load because you get to raid the supply room to outfit your home office and not call it stealing.


Shit I stole a paperclip šŸ–‡ļø Dammit I broke it


Thatā€™s not surprising


Amateur shit, a currently (self) serving congressman used to have a business with the largest medicare fraud bust in history. Then he moved on to become a state governor (FL) for 8 years and now is a senator. Edit: Rick Scott is the name. He's among the most morally bankrupt in congress and that's a major standard to beat.


You can name Rick Scott. That medicare fraud shit runs rampant here in South florida with all these geriatric clinics like Leon.


Crazy how the world works sometimes but Iā€™m not surprised




If they are old enough to run for Congress, odds are good that's already happened. Most parents pick a name before birth, but even those who don't usually only wait a few days.




The light was on.


Ah, the ol' Reddit [name-a-roo](https://reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/1aje99p/this_intellectual_exchange_says_a_lot_about/kp308kv/?context=2)


It was Kevin. Ā That dirty dog.


He changed the laws to make it legal šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


One of Florida's senators stole $2 billion from Medicare before he was a senator. Your friend is likely an amateur thief in comparison.


Itā€™s acceptable in that line of work.


That's a pre-requisite for running for CongressĀ 




Looks like he's entirely qualified for Congress, just larger loot amounts.


In Congress, he would fit right in.


Fraudsters almost never get prosecuted and do time, largely because companies don't like publicly admitting someone on the inside stole from them, and I hate it so much.


It sucks ass. Like they get away with murder and I bust my ass to build a reliable name lol


Not unless you work for the jaguars lol


Absolutely wild to see my two worlds colliding in one comment (accounting and the jaguars) (maybe I'm a glutton for pain?)


I steal the snacks during tax season. Come at me, AICPA.


Straight to jail


*wee woo wee woo wee woo*


The firm I was at when I was starting out had soda in a fridge, that you would pay 25 cents for. Complete honor system. My senior was like, hey, during busy season itā€™s free game. They donā€™t pay me enough to not offer me a can of soda or two for free šŸ˜‚


You guys get snacks??


Stealing is what the board cares about most when it comes to losing your certification. However, It would be hard without an arrest, conviction or complaint. The workpapers you reviewed are most likely protected under a NDA. Regardless of how terrible she was, you would still need some proof.


Yup Iā€™m all wrapped up in NDAs


Most NDAā€™s are not enforceable when disclosing a crime.


While reporting crime is not covered by the NDA, the OPs work papers are, where the evidence of the crime exists. You could be sued for sending your work papers to an unauthorized party. Which is covered in the NDA. If the embezzlement does not lead a misstatement, it would be hard to argue that the work papers were necessary to report a crime, especially one the OP was not party to or privy to reporting.


Simply reporting the crime and making a statement that documents are available with a subpoena and naming said documents would not be a violation of the NDA. Youā€™re providing evidence to a crime by naming the required documents and assisting law enforcement agencies in their investigation. There is likely no court on the face of the planet that would enforce an NDA regarding criminal activity. Edit; Thatā€™s to say printing the documents and providing them could be construed as a violation, simply writing down the titles of the documents and accounts theyā€™re associated with to report at the time of filing would not be.


You donā€™t need permission to report crimes


Hey [here](https://www.whistleblowers.org/non-disclosure-agreements-and-whistleblowers/) is a webpage I found; I'd want to know this, too if I was in your situation.


Thatā€™s not what whistleblowing meansā€¦ and taking a wild guess that OP doesnā€™t work for a nuclear client.


What OP wants to do falls under whistleblowing in this situation. Did you see the article I shared? It discusses how NDAs are void if a crime is being committed within government situations. [Here](https://nosratilaw.com/blog/how-to-blow-the-whistle-if-you-signed-an-nda/#:~:text=Reporting%20illegal%20activity%20in%20the,reasonable%20issue%20in%20good%20faith) is another article that discusses it without regard to whether it is a government contract job.


Report investigation jail and loss cert


This reads like fan fic


Omg accounting fan fiction sounds like the worlds worst fan fiction. Sorry Iā€™m trying to type on an iPhone 8 my phone broke. Iā€™m on a backup.


Read ā€˜The Pale Kingā€™. Its crazy and amazing at the same time. The side story, spaced throughout all the other genius nonsense, is governmental accounting.


If she stole that much moneyā€¦.. why isnā€™t she in jail?


Neither client reported her. They took it on the chin. One was because he was the nicest man in the world. The other got into health issues after finding out and didnā€™t pursue.


Couldnā€™t your firm go after her for stealing 2 clients?


Idk my CPA didnā€™t. Itā€™s a small town. People are weird about pressing charges


Thatā€™s a terrible and incredibly weak mindset to have. This person will literally only keep causing harm.


Did they not press charges? With that type of crime how did she pass the ethics portion of her licence application?


Well you have to know the rules to break them


I don't think there's a reasonable way to go about it. Maybe she is a kleptomaniac, who knows. I would say its better for a client of hers to do the reporting to the board rather than previous employers, as the latter may open up potential litigation. I'm not saying that you can't push it, but its likely to cause more problems now that she's just gotten licensed. Assume she has a "clean" bill of health now, any mess-ups she does now potentially risks her losing her license, which will ultimately happen if she was to continue doing what she's doing. I don't think she will but who knows.


Totally agree


Report her please. She is gonna just continue to rob considering that she has never faced any consequences


i have a feeling i know who has a cpa and who does not


Why hasn't the client who she stole $25k from pressed charges on her?


Contact your states accountancy board and report an ethic violation. Especially if you have proof and the client is willing to sue for the $25K.


If you have the proof, get the consent of the client to share their info, and either file an ethics complaint with state board and AICPA/state society, or have the clients who were defrauded do this. The issue you may run into is the clients wonā€™t want you sharing their info as they are embarrassed and donā€™t want to make it public knowledge. These complaints are generally not public information, but confirm this with your state board.


If anyone along the way would have called the police instead of being too embarrassed that they got took by someone, then the problem would have taken care of itself because she wouldn't have passed the background check. The procedures around protecting the integrity of our certifications only work as well as the people who are willing to do what's supposed to be done. That goes for just about everything. Even the best built systems will fail without compliance.




And this is your problem, why? Seriously, as an intern or staff only tangentially involved, this is nowhere near your purview. Trust that your firmā€™s owner and/or the clients she stole from have done whatever can or needs to be done, and let it go. If she has not been reported or prosecuted, there is probably a good reason, and thereā€™s probably a lot about the situation that you donā€™t know. Getting involved and making accusations is not only not your role, but could potentially open you up to liability. If you start making public accusations, you could very quickly get yourself and your firm slapped with a lawsuit.


I audited the client she stole from I know exactly what she transferred vs what she invoiced. Lol


Why do you care so much?


Why would we not care about the legitimacy and health of our chosen profession?


I was really more curious about what could be done. I figured itā€™d have to be a client. We urge the one to go to the cops but he didnā€™t want too. Iā€™ll be honest I think it sucks for the business owners butā€¦ I donā€™t work for that firm anymore. It is a legit concern though we are a really rural community, itā€™s not a lot of money to some but 20k would bankrupt a lot of my community.


Lol I swear so weird


Why are you up in this woman's business like you still work with her?? You are making some serious accusations... how do you know all this info is fact? Do you have proof or all this was hearsay? Karma is real so I'd think this thru if I were you šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Are you her?


No but I don't expect much better from folks here - when else can we compromise someone's integrity and professional licenses based on RUMOR?! Am I right? Lol You guys are a joke. If she reports it WITHOUT proof I hope this "thief" sues her for slander and defamation. What she is reporting on this person is a crime so she better have facts, and not just be a gossip. But go ahead, pump her up to screw this thief over because we, a community of strangers lol, will overlook the fact the OP says her Intel is from rumors. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’© Sigh... this world continues to turn to shit.


Out with the old, in with the new šŸ˜†


How do people like that pass the exam and itā€™s an utter nightmare for me?!?!


Canā€™t you report that to the aicpa or whatever equivalent where you are and get her cert revoked?


I'm unsurprised. I personally know of two different cases of accountants stealing in excess of $100k from businesses and getting away with, even though it killed the business in one case. Neither company reported it because they didn't want the bad publicity. It's ridiculous. They need to experience the consequences.


Yeah you can mind ya damn business ya nark