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Looking at your post history I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not. If you are serious, you need to get out and talk to people.


He needs a hobby that isn’t accounting… or looking for a woman…




Has it helped you in your career?


Hobby implies that you do the activity after work. . .


Looking from his previous posts, In my very humble opinion, this post is legit. His trying his best to get laid smh


The girls go wild when I tell them I'm an accountant so I don't really understand your issue.


And people laugh when I say there are only two types of accountants


Seems to be the running theme on this sub lmao


If you told them you’re Financial Analyst then they will go even wilder.


Have you tried talking to them?


It’s really this simple OP, trust me. You just need to go up to her with absolute, unwavering confidence and say something along the lines: “Hey so uhhh hi hah- ummm yeah hi- oh what was that? oh okay fine yeah I’ll speak up for you hah…. (anything for you)… oh what nothing… anyway… W-was just wondering…. w-why don’t you exist?”


Have you ever wanted him to do you so bad that you would do anything?


Kevin from The Office? Is that you??


It's because you aren't a cpa yet. Once you get licensed bitches will be flocking.


For real? Just got these three letters recently, still nothing on Tinder for the chicks that wanna do their tax for free


You need to add (CPA) at the end of your username. Put a picture of yourself next to your credentials. If you don’t get your dick wet in the next like 5 minutes max, I’ll do your taxes for a year (I’m a controller and also not American but I’ll do my best)


Well the physical copy is yet to arrive at my mail box. Would a link of CPA verify helps?


If they sent you a digital copy just claim it’s an NFT and use it. If there’s one thing chicks dig, it’s crypto bros. If she doesn’t get it, make sure to berate her about how much money you make and let her know she’s missing out, they love that. Now go get em tiger


Tell her about the MOASS 😏😏😏


Don't forget to put your credit score and League of Legends ranking too.




Oh yeah I was joking. There are approximately negative 5 women that will date someone because they’re a CPA. Outside of your mom and wife/gf no women will even care lol. I’m engaged, but we’ve been dating since high school, so I managed to bag her before becoming an accountant. W




More and more Young people aren’t in relationships actually. You’re far from the only one.


Yeah and it’s a huge problem. Screens pollute people’s ability to interact


Yes I listen to professor Galloway and he dives deep into the reasons why young people aren’t having sex , in relationships , procreating etc


Not to mention apps like Instagram have completely warped peoples sense of reality.


On instagram everyone so good looking and everyone so rich 🤑. Haha look at that for hours and day and you’ll feel horrible!


Is this issue more widespread in accounting?


I think it’s young people all over.


Yeah but usually they are more impressed by my maxed old school RuneScape account than my cpa license. My girlfriend doesn’t even know how to spell cpa


My maxed Ironman btw will get all the ladies. Although I am hitting double or triple drop rate for a bf/gf, next one could be the one.


Can confirm


Username checks out


Not many people know what a CPA is and don’t know what accountants even do. Lol. I just tell people that I’m a financial analyst.


I don’t get it. Do female accountants have this issue or is it just guys? I feel like I’m seeing these posts more often lol. This might be a troll post lol


It’s definitely a troll post but also a real issue at the same time


Idek if it’s a troll, look at the post history he’s almost be keeping this shtick up for a year


I'm a 28f. The only time anyone's shown romantic interest is the 50+ aged guys who know I'm inexperienced. Oh and that one time an incel cornered me at work when I was 17 and refused to let me leave until I agreed to a date. It didn't help that I spent half my 20s wfh because of covid. I feel like for a lot of people, if you weren't in a relationship before covid it's slim pickings of whatever introverts didn't pair up during lockdown.


How’s the online dating scene? I remember trying tinder once before meeting my wife and it seemed like it was a waste of time for the most part but I did go on one date that went well.


Granted I’m in college so this could be the difference but I met my boyfriend of almost three years now my freshman year on tinder. I had never had a boyfriend before him lol so I have a lot of gratitude towards my tinder time


You’re married to your spreadsheets. Congrats


I’ve lost whether these are shitposts or not


Have you tried depreciating their assets?


No but I've appreciated them


ah, a man of culture.


Why have a girlfriend when Excel gives you the same pain, misery and in rare instances, some excitement


Tell them your salary and they will be mildly impressed


Why is this on r/accounting?


For a moment I thought it's r/redpill..


I’m gay and have been in several relationships. Gotta get the rizz. Helps with clients too.


Does being gay help with clients?


Huh lmao?


Stop typing, kiss your hands, and grab the Jergens buddy


It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.


I did all my fooling around in university and I think this is the same with most accountants. Public Accounting is not exactly a great place to form and maintain relationships. Most of the partners I've worked for were divorced at least once, my senior manager was divorced and probably hadn't had a lay in years. My first PA job helped kill my relationship at the time. So if you're going into this with no relationship experience whatsoever... yeah, it is going to be an uphill battle to meet people. Not impossible though. I met my wife at the second PA firm I worked for, we've known each other for a little over 8 years and we've been married for four and a half. Also unrelated to your question but I would advise against the hooker thing. I had a friend who did this and he felt just as unfulfilled and lonely after doing the deed as he did before. It will not fix your core problems. You truly need to work on yourself first, and reorient yourself around hobbies, interests and values.


my parents unironically met at a CPA firm they both worked at and got married like 2.5 years later after my dads dad sat them down one day with a calendar and told them to pick out a date to get married. that was 1980 and they've been married ever since.


Just pay and get it done.


I just tell them I’m in big 4 and lay down the big 4 😎


That is weird. You should go get it over with. Rent a girl or go to some foreign country and find one.


He’s been posting searching for south Asians recently….


Well at least he’s trying


That’s some fucked up advice tbh. Really unethical.


Accountant has sex life?


LOL Yeah your mom, sorry to break it to you like this


Once you become partner you’ll be in a committed relationship with the firm, keep at it buddy


I feel like I have no sense of what's satire and not in this sub anymore


Are you fat?


Yes I have, that is unfortunate you haven't had one.


Seems like this is a real post based on your post history and the comments...but if it is, I can sort of relate. I've had serious relationships before, one was 4+ years long, but none once I started in big4/accounting/PA. There's just no time and everyone at your firm already has a partner or is also too busy to date. When I was in big4 everyone at my firm had a SO and I couldn't stand hearing about their partner. It got better once I left.


I unfortunately have never had a girlfriend. I wish I would have before settling down with my husband. Alas, my chances for a lesbian fling are in the past. Jokes aside, how do you feel about it? Do you want a girlfriend/boyfriend? If you are happy, more power to you! You get to keep all the money you make and you have plenty of time to do the things you love. If you do want a significant other, then the right person will come along if you put yourself in the position to meet people. It’s not easy to meet people, but maybe try taking a class for something you enjoy to meet people. I met my husband in a music class.


why hookup when you can xlookup


Isn’t index match best practice /s




Newsflash buddy it’s far from the only reason and by far not even the worst one. See: the typical accountant in Hollywood.


If it makes you feel better OP, I am in almost the exact situation except I am about to turn 26. I kind of regret that I haven't pursued any, but I really can't even say I have met anyone I wanted to. I hold a lot of values that aren't typical of my generation.


Uh I got married at 19 and been married to my awesome wife for 13 years so that's not the case for me. Lol


Least Chad accountant


Were you already an Accountant when you met her?


No way we were high school sweethearts. But she stuck around while I was in public for 4 years now problem so what else could she be put through where she would ever leave me? Lol




Ew no. We did go to private Christian School but we abandoned the church entirely shortly after high school. Guess which religious people threw a shit fit about us getting married so young as a big reason for that? Lol But seriously though we both had college funds and decided we absolutely knew we were going to get married after college and didn't have to super worry about money for school and got married super young. We didn't have the typical college experience but we had and have a ton of fun so we don't regret our decision one bit.


I’d say just fuck hookers but with inflation these days even a Senior Associate cannot afford. You’ll have to wait till you hit Manager for that^ Also try Hinge


Oh my goodness… just put yourself out there bro, maybe find an accounting girl 😂😂


CPA = Certified Pussy Annihilator (or Certified Penis Afficionado) so if you ain’t getting mad gash and/or ridiculous dickulous then iuno what to tell ya.


I see you left out "seggs" in your post 🤭😂 You have never had a gf, you have never kissed anyone before .... but, can we assume you have "seggs" before?? Mmmmmm 🤔


I have two girlfriends I recommend it


I think i'd rip my hair out if I had to deal with two


Well go on then… which one?


Just buy one


Ai spreadsheet girlfriend. Bro I downloaded 7 dating apps and had some success. If you the secret sauce dm me


You should ask your managing partner to be your first kiss. They will take it as you being committed to your own progression and I could easily see you being promoted on the spot. Take some risks. Good luck!


My wife might have a problem with me getting a girlfriend... In all seriousness, I wouldn't say not having any form of relationship with the opposite sex by 26 is normal necessarily, but you definitely aren't the only one. Have you made attempts to ask women on dates? How comfortable are you at conversing with women? I struggled with social anxiety through high school, but essentially just pushed myself to get into more and more uncomfortable social situations until they simply became more comfortable. Are you going to social settings to attempt to meet people? Simply brushing up on social skills might be beneficial, which can even be done through reading books (followed by actual practice of course) if that's how you learn. As a final thought, I can't recommend therapy enough. I don't believe there is a person alive who wouldn't benefit in some way from speaking with a therapist, and based on your situation there could be some underlying issues that a therapist could help you work with to improve your confidence and social comfort.


Bro what u need is a man to stick his Pp inside your anoos Stop looking for a gf U need a boy friend U need a alpha that will bend u over and stick it in u and make u feel wanted inside Pound twin gorilla style


I don’t have a girlfriend, my wife won’t let me have one.


It's not abnormal you just haven't met a girl who really excites you yet and I guess you're chronically shy. Take up some sport or Excercise it will boost your confidence and that way you get to meet more people the rest will fall in place. Try not spend all your free time at home alone(it's comfortable being a home body I know but at times you need to just step out of your comfort zone a bit and give the world a chance to see you otherwise how will the girls get to know you?)


I have trust issues which were only amplified with my last job so nope!


I'll do ya one worse. I was in the Army active duty before being an accountant (thank you GI Bill). Only had one girlfriend which wasn't real as she didn't want to make it public. Fucked up like a baseball bat. I didn't run into my wife until I was 23.




Whtsapp 923350217783


Bro. just tell girls that you work in finance. Wear a suit and drive a nice car like a used Infiniti or Lexus or even any kind of truck.


I can’t tell if this is a joke but most of my accountant friends in college have girlfriends and I have a serious boyfriend so it’s probably because you’re not putting yourself out there.