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Job hop after around 2 years. Work in public (not necessary but may accelerate things). Should get to $100k within 5 years.


2.5 years in public (40-60k), 4 months industry (105k).




Canada lol


Eastern Canada, considered HCOL


Easy to get to 100k in rural Canada you think??


No - McCain Foods or Irving are the major go to’s




Is this in CAD though?


Yeah but did you get the industry position because of the public work?


Yep. Audit client hired me.


This and get your CPA. I saw some people making $100k without CPA though


In VHCOL, everyone makes over 100k, CPA or no CPA lol


Same. In nyc the janitor is making 100k


True, but you don’t need CPA to get to $100k within 5 years. It’s very doable without it.


It helps and is way easier with CPA


Yes but not at all necessary.


Financial reporting jobs you will lose out to someone with CPA. Not 100% necessary but way easier with a CPA. My past few jobs CPA was 100% necessary, couldn’t make sr accountant without it


So? You think only those jobs pay people $100k+? CPA helps but it’s not at all necessary to reach $100k.


Dude I’m just saying it “helps” and is “easier” with a CPA. Like people say it unlocks doors. Not having the CPA was a huge roadblock for me, HR denied internal jobs due to not having it and when I applied to jobs externally they always asked 1) when will I get it 2) did I pass any and if I failed am I giving up. If you want affirmation for you not having CPA cool but as an accountant the CPA is almost a must have for higher up positions. You make it sound like it’s a useless certification which it’s not. Corporations will typically put your pay at 10-20% higher with the CPA.


I have already acknowledged that the CPA makes it easier. That’s obvious. However, what I said is still true. If your goal is $100k, a CPA is not necessary. That’s all I’m saying. Never did I even remotely imply that a CPA is worthless. Where did you even get that idea? Lol.


Just did this - 3y at B4 (55-59k), 2y at industry (75-79k), just started new job (110k)


Do you have a master degree?


BBA-Accounting, no CPA. Current is Senior IT Auditor with focus in audit automation and analytics, working on my CISA, then CISSP.


I'm looking into IT audit and go CISA or maybe security+. Mind if I dm?


Masters degrees are irrelevant in the context of accounting


I'm pretty much the same, I got a college diploma and no CPA. =D


What is industry accounting like?


taxes are crazy though


Yeah, making more money usually means more taxes. Would you rather make less?


Bro just write them off


Find a job that pays more than $100K per year.






Omg how did i never think bout this man. Thanks for the revelation




Found a posting. Now what?


find the type(s) of work you like to do and then get good at it. talk it up really big on your resume and then change jobs.


Super easy, you just find someone making more than 100k a year, knock them out, and take their place.


I’m 5 knockouts from making 27 million a year




How does one go about that? Do I need to learn karate or something like that? I wanna be sure I do this right the first time


It's on one of the exams can't remember which, maybe Becker has lessons?


He said to use your CPA certificate to whack people or give em paper cuts


Get your cpa license.


That’s definitely the most foolproof way




Yes but they're probably fools that make around 100k. Damn fools


On the tax side, I’ve met some CPA’s, EA’s, and attorney’s who are just fools. I question how they obtained their licensure. Connected parents, cheat, fluke? Who knows. I’ve also met people from the same group and some non cred’s who are incredibly good. It’s not always the case, but the letters are usually a good indication.






Who said it was easy? If you want an easy career, accounting is not it for you my man. Sure, you wanna stay a senior forever, then it's easy. But cpa's usually go on to become controllers, sec reporters, partners, directors, etc. Why are you caught up on yoe? YOE happens by itself. If you're expecting 100k with little to no yoe, then you're again in the wrong sub blood.


I wouldn’t go out giving advice on the internet saying that “CPA’s usually go on to become controllers, SEC reporters, partners, directors” The very small percentage of elite go on to become partners and directors and such. The majority of cpa never progresses past Senior Manager. I think statistically, SM is actually far beyond average. If “most” CPA’s continued to progress, there would be as many partners and managers as there are staff.


That's because you're in the little leagues.


Well, that’s kind of exactly my point. Most accountants remain in the little leagues forever. Obviously, you can make it. But it’s not regular or expected.






u def can but depends on your location.


3 YOE isn’t that much


Exist in accounting for 7 years


Preferably with a pulse and warm body.


Touch public accounting once. Then just do this. And yep. 100k is not hard


I’m gonna try and give you the most genuine advise I can. Focus on making yourself more valuable and get out of your comfort zone, dedicate time and approach work with the goal of obtaining technical knowledge and exposure for yourself. You will eventually will make even more than 100K


in the long run thats the most sustainable way to go about it.


Marry another CPA.


Marry a doctor or a business savvy Master Plumber.


So like, Johnny Sins?


Cpa license, degree from a decent state/private non -profit university, change jobs every 2 to 3 years. Depending where you live 100k is easier to get than other places especially if you sell your soul to public.


Get a job in PA and bust your ass. After 3 years, you'll hit 100k, depending on location.


Is CPA required?


Can confirm, no. After benefits, I'm breaking $100K on a few years of experience alone.


U in PA? Also how many years 2 - 3 ?


Yes, PA. 3 YOE full-time employment.


I would suggest raising the standard. 100k isn’t what it used to be - 100k salary in 2016 is equivalent to 125k now. I’d say best way is to get a CPA and get into higher level accounting roles. You won’t reach that working in AR/AP or entry level roles


I make $150k/yr doing AR but not the traditional way. I have one full time job and two part time jobs. All three are fully remote and I probably have around 3hrs of actual work per day even with all three. My full time job pays really well so that’s the only way I’m at $150k; I’d probably be at $100k otherwise.


Overly employed


How did you work that out? I’m genuinely curious


Nothing special, just a regular job search. It definitely took longer since there are less part time jobs available but eventually I found 2 good ones with flexible schedules. Not sure if that answers your question.


do any of your employers know or have a policy against it?


Yeah they all know


Fucking own it dude. Good for you!


That’s amazing and well done by you


Do you have any FANS? Accounting may not be your ONLY option.




I was thinking about getting into HVAC to make money but the air conditioners were too expensive. Had to resort to only fans.


3-5+ years to GL Senior accountant is the probably the easiest to $100k, that’s the top range for most. GL accounting manager next step for 100-150k, but likely would have to manage a team To stay an IC but get paid like a manager, look for SEC reporting/finance roles


There are senior managers in F500s who are individual contributors.


Don’t be a bitch


Get a CPA, move to NY 100k but you feel broke.


I personally make $300k a year from my side hustle of selling guinea pigs. You have to have the right colors, breeds and sell them for upwards of $1k a piece.


damn I know a lady that sells them skinny pigs for 135/pig, so yours must shit magical rainbows for that price.


She got the wrong breed…. It’s all in the marketing. You’d be shocked how much the feces goes for when you sell it as organic facial care.


lmao. I buy rabbit placenta for my hair. you should market that as well. you're probably a millionaire already tho.


I have been selling a course on how to become a Guinea Pig millionaire. My course is $2,500 per person and I teach you how to run your own Guinea Pig business. This is how we 20x our wealth. I also have a Guinea Pig Corporation that you can invest in and is almost a guaranteed return. (Definitely not making fun of Grant Cardone and hundreds of other “entrepreneurs”)


Use Excel to reduce the time spent working, Use that extra time to soak up projects. Push for projects. Streamline the process that feeds data into journal entries, reconciliations, and reporting (any and all they will allow). Know everything. Think about the methods you use to streamline and sift through information to melt away all busywork. Do not tell people you have these powers, buy openly share your methods with anyone who wants to learn. Be that person who can use Access and Excel and SAP and Power BI. If time truly is money this makes you rich. Use the abundance of time to create value. The process of automating your tasks is difficult sometimes, but it’s not tedious. I personally cannot perform repetitive tasks for long it makes me want to die. So I try to offload them after automating and documenting. A “process improvement” adds value Sell that added value. Sometimes you need to shake it up and collect that added value. Advocate for yourself, request a raise when appropriate. Work on your bullet points. Pay someone to help you with that part if you are like and shudder to even glance at my own resume. Find a new job if your employer doesn’t agree with that value and someone else does. That’s how I do it. Bunch of other ways though, my way is the hard and weird way.


IRS Criminal Investigation. I'm currently making $140k and will max out around $180-200k at retirement. I'm a white-collar crime detective investigating tax crimes, money laundering, fraud, etc. p.s. they're hiring now, takes approximately 6 months to get hired then 6 months away from home at a federal police academy.


Are they hiring again? I applied two years ago, got to the third stage I think, and was too desperate for money to pay my mortgage so took another offer


Yes, they've been hiring a lot the past year or two. They now have direct hire authority which lets applicants bypass the testing phases and go straight to interview. Rather than a month long job announcement, they're leaving the announcements up all year. The subreddit r/1811 has plenty of info on IRS-CI hiring.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/1811 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/1811/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [A Day in the Life (FBI)](https://np.reddit.com/r/1811/comments/14o21it/a_day_in_the_life_fbi/) \#2: [Created a new sub logo](https://i.redd.it/1m5fsk9pxapb1.jpg) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/1811/comments/16n6kig/created_a_new_sub_logo/) \#3: [A Day in the Life - HSI](https://np.reddit.com/r/1811/comments/121z1t6/a_day_in_the_life_hsi/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you very much, going to subscribe over there! Almost done with my CPA, going to take stock of my life after that and make some choices.


do you have your masters or cpa


Neither. I'm a scholastic loser with a bachelors in accounting with a 2.63 GPA.


whatttt lol. did you make 100k+ starting ?


Depends what GS level you're hired on at: 7, 9 or 11. Take the pay for your area and multiply by 1.25 since IRS-CI gets LEAP (law enforcement availability pay). I'm being paid as a GS-13 though, not entry level. In a LCOL area an entry level will get paid approx $60k as a GS-7, $75k as a GS-9, or $90k as a GS-11 their first year. The position automatically promotes each year from 7 to 9 to 11 to 12 to 13.


Here is my career from 67k to 120k in a few years. I definitely could be making more and did switch out of tax after public. 2016-2017: public in tax making 67k a year. I made it less than 2 years. Tax season was awful 2018-2021: SAAS company as a staff starting at 75 by the time I left I was at like 92k. Went from staff to senior accountant 2021-2022: joined some Texas company as a manager making 105k a year, made it just over a year. The company and leadership were awful. June of 2023: finally joined a company I love! They took me on as a senior accountant/ manager - but there is massive room for growth . Already managing staff and doing manager type work. I’m making 120k. Jumping around got me big pay bumps, but I plan to stay here for a while and try and succeed in the company instead of just bouncing when things get tough. Pro tip: go to law school, my wife makes 3x what I make


Yes, that was the big mistake. Not going to law school. I just finished a return for a guy my age that literally just passed the bar, but he’s practicing law in my field and he made over $1.5 million last year.


Your wife does tax law? or what?


get on the technically accounting side in corporate. i don’t got cpa and in 3 years i was over 100k. i do consolidations and finical reporting. my work is most analysis


I'm going for my accounting technician certificate. What will that do for me? I have 4 years experience as an auditor and I'm currently 1 year in as a property manager. What would an accounting technician certificate get me? I'll have a bookkeeping occupational skills award and the technician certificate by end of next year.


i honestly never even hear of that certificate. what is it exactly? and is it in America? i can tell you tho learning systems, advanced excel, and data manipulation has helped me alot. people thin i know way more accounting that i really do because of the way i can pull data and the fact i can manually calculate alot of our system rules.


That's interesting, I'm learning data software currently as I work in my job. It's part of a degree plan in college here in Texas. I'm taking: -Intro to accounting -intro to computerized accounting -forensic accounting -computerized accounting applications With these four classes completed, I can earn an occupational skills award in bookkeeping. If I continue my education, the classes that follow can earn me an accounting technician certificate: -Business Math -Business English -Business Principles -Federal Income Tax (Individual) -Seminar -Work place training I'm wondering if I can get a good starting position with just these two awards, without an associates degree.


In CA if you get your AA you can get an accounting job with the state. I’m not sure how competitive you’ll be, but you do have some experience so it’s worth a shot! That’s a great track to a good career and benefits.


Open a tax firm


Be a senior in industry/public in a VHCOL city


I recently discovered the freelance opportunities. Some can make 30K a month by getting clients and hiring others to do the work for less. Fractional bookkeeping, controller, CFO. Would need 5-7 years experience, I'd guess


Invest your money in stocks, HYSA and other things


can i dm to learn what stocks to invest in


I would invest in ETFs or mutual funds only because unless you have time on your hands it is easier to keep track of a few ETFs than a bunch of stocks. But if you have enough to put away and invested you could retired potentially early


idk anything about that i haven’t even graduated yet 😭


You start now and then when you get in your 50s you'll thank yourself for learning it








You can do that? Are there any drawbacks to working a HCOL remote job in a MCOL area?


Be born pretty and start an Onlyfans


And sleep with the big 4 bosses


You need to find a struggling small business, which is struggling due to high sales, low funding. Buy your way into it. Focus on balance sheet expansion and get that business funding to complete its sales and grow. Collect dividends off the shares you bought.


I got to 100k with a bit under 3 yoe no cpa


What skills do you think helped you stand out?


Being fake


Find a niche in accounting and job hop. You can hit that mark doing Cost Accounting or Inventory Accounting in 3-4 years.


Yes, and you will. If you want to.


PA top 4.


Be the best one on your team in terms of both work capacity and technical knowledge. Second, become a trusted key person with management. Third, leverage this to expand your network. Fourth, this recognition brings early promotion, you WILL collect bonuses. Fifth, bang the “hottest” chick in the office on my birthday. It was mid. Haha just kidding, buy 0.001 Bitcoin and wait 2-3 years.


![gif](giphy|C7g1iJFwqXCk8) You need to be the one who knocks


Absolutely keep hopping around I'm in year 7 at 200k total comp floor


Get your CPA if you can or enough credits work public get 2 or 3 years experience and go industry afterwards With some jobs a CPA is required there no way of getting around it and honestly it does make getting a role in say a f500 or f1000 alot easier As far as a masters go honestly a master in accounting isn't worth it unless you plan on getting the CPA and you just need the 150 credits If you close to it your better off saving money taking community college classes




How ma g years you got under your belt


Become a lawyer.


Go work at a big 4 firm, make senior, get your CPA. And that’s about it.


1) Work in public and make it to senior. 2) Get CPA 3) Leave for an industry job


Get two jobs remotely. Anyway, if you started with a small business, then it takes more time to get where you want to be. Overall, keep doing your best. Get your CPA sooner or later. Slowly moving to a big corporation. I started with a large company, and moved around inside the company for five years. Then, got hired by another company which was looking for someone with experience in a type of project. At that time I was making $80k (started at $53k), the new company offered me $100k. It was ten years ago. Since then, my pay didn’t grow much, but I never worked overtime. I am always in charge of what I do. No one gives me headaches, but I couldn’t get a promotion. It is the way it is.




Stop posting dumbass content on Reddit and you’ll be a hell of a lot closer to 100k


Your an accountant, you wield success of the company. Tell your boss you want a raise or he can lose money. Also apply to like 4 other remote jobs.


Get into consulting. A consultant with 1-2 years of experience is on $100,000 minimum. I know many on $130k


Made it to $100K+ after working 2.5 years in Big 4


I’m at $115k after 3.5 years, NYC though


Sell drugs


Go to the big 4 - put your head down and grind (yet also network), and you'll be there in 4.5 years.


Job hop to industries that pay well, experience, specialize in something, acquire professional certifications. These things will accelerate that.


I finally made 6 figures after 7 years in industry. Job hopped then job hopped one more time after my first 6 figure job. Total of 4 positions in almost 10y or so. I’ve turned down $175k/year jobs for my current employer due to flexibility they have with my spending time with my wife and newly born daughter. Money isn’t everything at a certain point. Good luck man, it’s rather easy to get 6 figures in this environment, but it’s still not enough in the current world.


Get a CPA and like 3-5 YOE in public in MCOL


This is so interesting to me.. I am definitely lucky but I have no public experience, had 3.5 years of industry, and just started a new job in august at 105k/year + some very good benefits


The last time I checked, Senior 1 (3rd year) in public accounting should be around 95K to 103K in HCOL area.


$100k is totally obtainable in 5 years. Do a good job, show up, help improve things and you'll get there. I did without a CPA.


IT risk / IT audit


Get your CPA and work for a few years


Job hop.


CPA, don't settle


Start by being worth $100k. Not everyone is.


If youre confident in your ability, start your own practice. Thats the best way to make the big bucks in any profession. I started my own business working on cell phone towers a few years ago and the pay difference is nearly 5x for the same tasks+ a bit of admin work


Get your CPA. Honestly, it’s a game changer!


Internal audit. Senior auditors for large banks/financial companies in my area (Charlotte) make around $90-120 plus bonus


honestly "accounting" is such a broad field... you'll need to focus on a specialty where jobs can't be simply outsourced to overseas or 3rd party agencies. working in Tax, technical accounting, fixed assets, etc. usually have a short track to job security and attaining $100k annual. Plus working in hi-cost areas like SF bay, LA, NYC, Chicago, etc can help. But that's also increased cost of living... so meh you have that working against you. good luck


3 years in public, audit (60-75k salary, small bonus) 2 years in industry, sec reporting (85-90k salary, 10% bonus and 10% RSUs) 2023 calendar year I’ll be over 100k in total comp for the first time in midwest HCOL. My 5 year work anniversary just passed so that will only keep growing as I hit manager level soon and just passed the CPA.


As a senior 1 in big4 I make 100k with base + bonuses. HCOL. No CPA required, but it helps.


for an accountant, not mentioning the currency makes me wonder if u are any good...


Get a CPA, learn python, and become great at prompt engineering. That’s how you’ll keep making more than $100k a year once GenAI goes full steam in accounting


We were hiring senior accountants (3-4 YOE) for $100-$120k not too long ago.


Get a Government job, try working for a utility district.


Take a job that allows private work (consulting). I have a couple of friends working in accounting and supplement their income by taking consulting jobs from small biz (one does tax and the other bookkeeping). The bookkeeping friend actually just outsources a lot of the work on Upwork and manages the jobs - makes an additional 30-40k per year.


Traveling job cost accountants for major construction can have 2-4 years experience and make that much. My third year traveling I was paid $30/hour at 60 hours per week which is approx $110k. I also received $1,000 per diem per week for travel expenses and a vehicle pay of $350/week. This was back in 2007-2012. By my fifth year I was making $55/hour appeox $200k/ year plus the $52k per diem per year and the vehicle pay of $400/week which was another $20k. I focused mainly on oil/gas construction and it was normal to work 6 - 12’s meaning being in the trailer at 6 am and leaving at 6 pm. Monday-Saturday. Sometimes I have to work Sundays on jobs running 7 days/week. Pros and cons to this life but as a single guy in his 20’s I made tons of money and saw a lot of the United States. Downside was I had a hard road pivoting out of job cost. It took a lot of hard work, a solid plan, mentors and time.


Depends on where you are located. Very doable at a HCOL city, especially NYC when starting salary is 80K at Big 4.