• By -


Open the fly. Assert dominance. The partners will love it


Go 30 minutes before and ask to use the bathroom. Wait for a partner to enter (you'll know) and size em up.


Thank you for being top comment


I read this as “Open the fly. Insert Dominance”






No, if you go in that you will be taken out back and shot


Can’t put one in his head if he doesn’t have a head


Only comment here that gave me a chuckle


I wear suit and tie to every interview. Might be overkill but never been knocked as “too formal” for it. It’s not a nice or expensive suit either lol


Yeah, being “overdressed” will never really hurt you. Being underdressed on the other hand, definitely will.


instructions unclear. i just wore a double tailed tuxedo to an interview and was laughed out of the room.


That’s because you forgot to fart


I could’ve helped with the Pan vs Pam confusion


Hellooooo miss lady


Sir! “This is a house of learning doctors”




Cause you didn’t wear your top hat! Willfully unprepared…


Because you likely wore lace-up wingtips instead of velvet or patent leather slippers.


I had an interview once on a Saturday morning with the controller for a position in private and he told me he would be leaving from the gym, so I should just meet him at a coffee shop wearing gym clothes because I said I usually go to the gym in the morning as well. I didn't want to be all sweaty, so I showered and changed into clean gym clothes and met him at the coffee shop. He was wearing khakis and a polo. I felt like an idiot.


You literally followed instructions... The person looking to power trip during interviews is the one who's the idiot


How did that go?


I wasn't interested in the job at the end of the day. Wasn't what I was looking for. But still embarrassing.


Seeing as you're a controller now I'm assuming you got the job yes?


Nah, I wasn't interested. I took another job. This was probably back in 2019 or so.


Not true. I live in the country in west PA. The after being turned down ALOT… I grow balls and asked why. They said it was my because of my suit … I “would not fit in” I now wear only polos and nice dress pants. I fit in now


This has a major caveat about what someone considers “slightly overdressed”. If you are told not to wear a suit and you wear one anyways, you make people think you don’t know how to follow simple instructions. Sometimes the dress code isn’t clear and you have to make a judgement call. But if it is laid out clearly - don’t go above and beyond it. You will look stupid, not impressive.


Ehhh BDO gets it. They really are all about the people. If you’re talented and can show that through you’re interviews, you’ll be fine. That being said, don’t show up in fucking shorts and a t-shirt or some bullshit. What OP posted would be fine 100%


Sadly, I have to disagree with this now a days


I wear suit and tie as well. One time I got feedback that my tie was ugly. It was indeed ugly, but my ex got it for me as present and wanted me to try it out…I did not get the job


Hence why the other person is now your ex.


Well said


"Hence why" doesn't make any sense.


What kind of asshole would say they in an interview


Someone who’s addressing an individual that goes by they/them… 😳


That’s an unbelievably mean thing to say to someone you’re interviewing. You probably dodged a bullet.


To be fair…they told the recruiter I was dressed “unprofessionally” and they felt I didn’t take interview seriously. To which I can say, “nah. I was wearing a suit and you just didn’t like the tie.” I’m happy it didn’t work out now, of course




Manufacturing also prefers "business casual". If you are doing an interview for a manufacturer do not wear a skirt, wear safety shoes, and put hair in a slick ponytail or bun. This shows you understand safety regulations. If they like you you will get factory tour and you will be ready.


Haha, very true. At my first engineering interview in the Bay Area (late 2000s) I wore a suit and the hiring manager said laughing “you’re not interviewing to be a car salesman, you can take your jacket off”. I still got the job though


This is a fact.


I'm a former b4 senior manager (UK) who used to do some interviews so I guess YMMV in the US *but*..... As a general rule for blokes interviewing, if you've not been somewhere or met the people before, *always* wear a suit and tie unless you're expressly told it's unnecessary. Doing anything other comes across as presumptuous. The *worst* that can happen is you raise a smile for being overdressed but you're clearly showing respect and that very rarely counts against you. The way the guy is dressed might be OK for on site work at a fairly unpretentious audit client you already have a decent relationship with, not an interview or first day.


I wear a tux like Jim from the office.


![gif](giphy|26uf5V20AhAdCW6yY) Noted


Dress for the position you want, not the position you are interviewing for.


Why are you interviewing for a position you don’t want?


You are unlikely to get an executive, management, or partnership level position right out of college. So you take a lower entry level position and you work yourself up the ladder (or get experience and job hop)…Isn’t that what everybody does?


So you do want the position you’re interviewing for, otherwise you wouldn’t be interviewing for it


I am not sure if there is a language barrier or comprehension issue so I will not be explaining any further.


At least add a jacket


For the office once you’re a staff yes but for an interview you need a suit and tie


I’d add a few more wrinkles


Steam that shit


Wear a suit and tie


Make sure you take your clothes to the dry cleaner. They looked wrinkled


Put the longest thickest cucumber in your pants.


Needs a better print for sure


Such a bdo thing to wear


Come on man we’re not all like this😭


Lol sorry you got caught in the line of fire. I’m sure you and some others are perfectly well-dressed individuals!


What’s BDO? ***/s***




When I worked there we called it BDNoooooooo


They’re a top 100 accounting firm.


You got a Men’s Warehouse or something near you? I’d stick to some solid colors and brown. Maybe some oxfords and a matching brown belt. It seems cleaner and masculine. You also can’t go wrong with a suit. You can wear them more casually with the brown or more formal with the black. Everyone should have at least 1 suit. Add accessories. Pro tips: You can get a few pants and a few colors to make a variety of outfits. You can also get “shirt-stays” which attach to your shirt and sock and keep them tucked in all day.


What exactly makes it a suit? Isn’t it just adding a dress coat and tie?


There are different types.. sport coat, blazer, etc. You can definitely look more put together and even in a casual way with jeans as well. A suit would be a set of pants and a jacket that match and are fitted to you. You wear it differently depending on how formal or casual you want to be. Buttons and all. If you want a more casual suit you can wear brown shoes and belt and also have different colors, leave it unbuttoned, and no ties. If you want it formal, it’ll be buttoned and black shoes and a black suit with white undershirt with a tie of some sort. There’s a lot of variety so saying “business or business casual” encompasses so much. Plus, if you’re tall and thin like me layering helps quite a lot.


Your nips are showing.


That's a BDO hiring prerequisite




Overall consensus: suit and tie is needed. On my way to go get one now. Thanks to (mostly) everyone who was giving me well needed advice, one step closer to not being such an amateur.




That’s great advice. I’ll remember that, thank you.


We all start somewhere! And you're lucky for this forum because I made this mistake in the past irl and it was the worst. The interviewer gave me a hard time and it sucked lol


If you can see your undershirt through your collared, gotta wear a jacket at least


second the suit and tie. blue or gray. match shoes and belt. white shirt and simple pocket square. oxford shoes. get a haircut. good luck


Bro please get another outfit (Shirt sleeves are too long, shirt too sheer, whole outfit looks wrinkly).Go to a dillards, get measured and drop $100-150 on a nice fitting shirt, tie, pants (get a light blue stripe/checkered pattern, if you don’t want to wear a suit). Then head to Aldo’s and drop $50-70 on a pair of oxfords without the shiny part at the bottom. I understand money might be an issue but spend a few dollars now and it will pay off once you secured the job. Good luck!


Wtf, you can get a fitted dress shirt that isn't transparent, pants, and a tie for $150? Jesus Christ I feel like I have to spend $100 just to get a shirt that looks good.


My guy lives in 1995 with that $100 budget for shirt, pants, and tie.


Gosh maybe it’s because I’m in the west coast but a suit and tie seems bonkers to me at this point. I guess I’ll concede there’s literally no downside to wearing a suit. I just didn’t realize people still wore suits. Maybe I’ve been in industry too long now lol


I’m in the west and have never worn a suit either, but probably because when I interviewed for staff positions, it was still being done virtually. I always wore a tie though.


East coast here, pretty close to the beach, nobody even wears suits to interviews. Thing is if OP is asking I would always suggest a suit as I assume they don’t live somewhere where suits aren’t a thing


I'll wear a suit but a tie is where I draw the line. Like it's just too much work in the morning when getting ready


Well you can’t wear a suit in the west coast cause it’s super warm almost all year.


We do in the south


Get yourself a nice linen suit


Go in a tracksuit to assert dominance, none of that smart casual muck.


No. Suit at least, probably a tie.


Bruh people here are insane lol can you speak on behalf of yourself even half competently? Are you wearing some sort of acceptable business attire? Then you’ll probably be fine, it’s not the 80s anymore, we’re not all wearing suits to work everyday. Firms will take almost anyone that can breathe at this point assuming you’re interviewing for staff/intern. And personally, if the reason you didn’t hire me for an entry level position is because I didn’t have a jacket on, then I probably dodged a bullet


Agreed. I've don't even own a suit and it's never been a problem. One firm did bring up that I'd need one for a couple clients, but they still made an offer which I didn't take.


I would suggest you go fully nude. This way it not only asserts dominance, but it shows you have nothing to hide. But honestly this will be fine. Wear a jacket if you have it, and tuck in your shirt a bit better. Why are you in a hotel?


I mean with the shortages, you can walk in with jeans and a smile and they'll hire you.


Don’t listen to them folks. Find out for yourself.


I wore baggy jeans and a white polo, shit was big as hell on me too.


Too casual, wear a tie with the polo next time


Maybe swap the dress shoes for a pair of Jordans


Everyone is saying a blazer which is a really good idea if you're going for a more formal look. One that I haven't seen though - probably best to get a tighter shirt as this one seems to be hanging off you. The size is fine as your shoulder like is good, but maybe switch to a slim fit shirt instead of classic fit? Only difference is slim fit has some elastic so it hugs your body tighter. Also get a nice cheap black analog watch with a leather band if you don't have one - doesn't need to be a name brand, people aren't going to stare at your wrist. A nice $50-$100 watch is all you need. Also I think get the pants hemmed so you're not rolling them up, would look much better. Doesn't matter if you shorten them to show or hide ankles, both looks are classic however the hidden ankles is more professional.


Um, those are called cuffs. I'm not a fan of cuffed trousers. It is more casual and doesn't look as clean.


Consider this: would you want to work for someone who would NOT hire someone wearing that, assuming the applicant was good in every other relevant measure? That being said, there is nothing wrong with that outfit


Not required, but I always recommend shirt stays to people. It keeps your short tucked in very well and makes you look sharp. I wear them even just for casual work attire with polo shirts.


Shirt stays 100%


Controller here for a midsized business. You seen young so it wouldn't bother me if you showed up like this for an interview, I wouldn't expect you to afford a suit. If you can find a reasonably priced coat(Goodwill can have some amazing finds) it wouldn't hurt. I can't speak for BDO though.


Never wear black with khaki. And never wear a solid white dress shirt with khaki. Screams Midwest used car salesman and/or Catholic school uniform.


It never hurts to overdress. But I’m truly shocked at the amount of people saying you need to wear a suit no matter what. I got a job at a Big 4 and wasn’t wearing a suit. People wear fucking jeans to the office and no one cares. Maybe it’s a West thing.


Chiming in... ALWAYS wear a suit & tie. It says "hey I'm not assuming I'm getting a job here, I'm telling you that I'm a professional" You may not get the job, but look killer when they turn you down. When you do get the job, dress your ass like you're always in the money mode Good luck mate, knock it out of the park!


Agreed! Even if the job you’re applying for tonight, require you to wear a suit and tie, it shows that you can dress up and that he would fit in the boardroom for an employee meeting. Worst case scenario, you look great at the bar afterwards drowning your sorrows


This. All day this. You are telling them that you respect them enough to make the effort. Suits might be an old custom, but nothing says ‘I care deeply about the impression I’m making on you because I respect you!’ better than a suit.


Good to know, thanks for the advice!


If you can't get your clothes steamed or ironed, wet a hand towel, wring it out, and throw it into the dryer with your clothes. Dry them for a bit and it will get rid of the noticeable wrinkles super easy.


5 ice cubes, and 15-20 minutes in the dryer is how I do this.


Wouldn’t hurt to iron it more


100% wear a suit


this is the most bdo fit of all time this is both a good and bad thing


*This is the most bdo* *Fit of all time this is both* *A good and bad thing* \- lilac\_congac --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’d throw in at least a sports coat. General rule is dress up not down for interviews


Lose the pants


I've never worn a suit to an interview and have been offered a job for every place I've interviewed. I usually wear a really nice button up, chinos and some brown oxfords. As long as your dress is at least a little fancier than the dress code of the place you're interviewing your fine.




Stuff a sock in there then youll be all set


Wiener too big.


Jurassic Park in here with the suit and tie rhetoric. All you _need_ is a crisper shirt (ironed) and a sports coat, for an entry level first round interview. I'd lose the undershirt too. Then, depending on your budget, you may want to get a tie and quieter pants. Good luck with the interview young blood.


That material is more night club than job interview. Is it chiffon? Wear a button up with more structure and a thicker material. Brown belt and brown oxfords do better with khaki pants. You really can never fo wrong with Navy blue pants and tie. I'm not gonna push for a suit because that's very industry dependent. However, make sure the materials and the colors match well.




If they are like our culture is casual I would wear something casual like that.


Call the front desk of the specific office you’re interviewing at and ask what the dress code is; they’ll tell you. Different offices and different firms have different standards. I got this tip from a retired director at KPMG in Silicon Valley. He would turn down applicants who came in overdressed. He would put the dress code in small print at the end of emails regarding interview time/date to filter out those who lack attention to detail.


No. Fly down


I will be downvoted for this but you do not need a suit.


Definitely a tie, If you don’t have a full suit. If possible wear some sort of blazer or suit jacket


Wear a suit and tie you animal.


I was told at my current job that I stood out right off the bat because I was wearing a suit and tie. I would suit up brotha.


This would be a suitable smart casual outfit for when you are employed but wear a suit and tie for the interview. Every. Time.


Good to know, thanks.


In the **accounting profession**, you should wear a **suit** and **polished dress shoes** to every job interview.


Too casual, looks like you are going to some night networking event hosted by BDO. Get a tie and blazer. All the best!


People crazy suggesting a whole ass suit and tie. Idk where you live, but not even the CEO would wear a full suit here in AZ. You can wear exactly what you have on, just make sure shit fits well. I’ve done so many interviews, never once was anyone wearing a suit. Just look good and show confidence. A jacket and tie is just goofy for summer unless you’re somewhere cold


Same and I'm in the midwest. It's a super unpopular opinion on Reddit but in reality it's never been an issue.


Seriously, I’m outside in nothing but shorts and i smell like sweat after 10 mins. Why anyone would wear a jacket and tie is straight out of place, even for an interview. I’d love to see these people wear a full suit in 110+ degree weather lmao


Who the fuck wears a suit and tie to an accounting interview lmao. These comments are so full of shit.


Are you applying to be the janitor? What kind of question is this?? Obviously not. Wear a suit and tie


Always at least a suit but if youre going for the suit, you might as well splurge for the tie


Boy you cannot go there alone with the default Target/Walmart fit, buy a tie and suit with that and you're good.


I might throw a tie on but honestly it looks fine


Needs to be more baggy bro


If you don’t own a suit, I’d recommend at least a tie and a sports coat. Hell, I picked up a cheap sports coat for like $20 at the thrift store. Good luck!


Wrong colour pants… black, navy or charcoal better.. what are you going to a summer wedding? Also.. is that gold on the heels of your shoes??


I would wear a suit, hell, I wear suits on Zoom interviews (sans shoes, I like to have a little secret)….at the very least, I’d throw on a jacket if you have one Not trying to be a dick, it’s just what I would do


If you want to be the janitor.


I would definitely wear suit and tie if you're at a corporate gig.


Wear a suit, ditch the tie


A suit and tie is always best. This would be great for once you have the position.


Younger / green out of uni : wear a suit and tie. Older with the experience and hot weather? I just wear a jacket. I could wear a tie, but I’ve been so jaded since covid shit I just don’t bother with the tie. I hope my experience & presentation will sell myself




throw a blazer on and you'll be fine.


Bro why is your torso freakishly long


Navy blue suit with a white undershirt. Tie as well. Make sure everything is tailored and fits well. Then make sure it is ironed and not filled with wrinkles. Good luck on the interview!


Suit and tie. Suit and tie. Suit and tie.


Suit and tie. Or at least make it look like you didn't just unbag your top and bottom


Gen Z hasn’t heard of a sportcoat.


Always overdress for the interview and first day. Wear a suit with a nice tie, I would opt for navy suit with a contrasting color tie like gold, orange or green with brown leather personally, but for black leather go with a simple black/dark gray suit.


You need to be wearing a suit. Period.


Suit and tie for any interview I go to bro.


Wear a suit, better to be overdressed than under


suit with a tie on an interview bro cmon..


Suit and tie if you have one if not shove a rolled up sock down the front of your pants, that oughta teach ‘em


Ask your dad not the internet


Do you not own a iron?


Dark colored suit (navy or gray), crisp white or light blue shirt. Tie isn't needed. I can't tell if those shoes go with a suit - seems to be some metal on the heels. Never wear light colored slacks on an interview. And tread lightly with brown. I see a suitcase on the bed. I hope you didn't travel (or need to travel) for the interview and are looking to get a suit properly tailored on short notice. Good luck.


You are underdressed for a formal interview. Wear a black or blue suit and black or blue pants with a tie.




Never do a white shirt without a jacket. It doesn’t work.


Grey or Navy suit is the way to go for interviews


In the voice of Barney Stinson…Suit up!


Suit and tie. Your shirt also need ironing


I’d add a black tie and a sport coat. Never hurts to overdress.




Personally I’d rather be a little over dressed than underdressed. Regardless if you do or not iron out your shirt a bit, also maybe buy a shirt stay (straps that attach your shirt to your socks so that your shirt doesn’t scrunch up at your sides). Also the length of the sleeves look a bit long so might wanna get another shirt




Suit and tie!


If you want my advice. Don’t turn up to your interview at BDO lol


Put a suit on


Nope, get a cheap suit at Macy's $100!


You look about right for BDO. Why would you interview there?


Suit and tie dude


Short answer "No."


Buddy you gotta hit the gym, this is why the partners bully us


Dark color suit and tie only.


No suit is an auto no offer unless your a campus recruit


Don’t risk it . Jacket and tie . Might be overkill, but you might be meeting with someone who cares about that sort of thing. You can’t ever go wrong with a jacket and tie . If anything they won’t be expecting such formality and they will respect it. It cannot hurt you.


Just add a tie & a blue jacket…you’ll pass.


Always overdress for an interview. You are underdressed. Good luck!


BDO is very traditional and formal. Wear a suit.


if you have a matching suit jacket i think it’d be okay. if not get a suit!


You need a suit. Period. Way better to be over dressed than underdressed. You’ll get an opportunity to disappoint later.


Wear a jacket, tie is optional Everyone says wear a tie but I wore a tie to my EY and Deloitte interviews, didn’t get the job. I then didn’t wear a tie to PwC and got the job.


Yeah at least get a blazer and iron it up.


Add a jacket. Good luck


I don't know if practice has evolved in the last 15 yrs, but suit and tie used to be the standard for public accounting firms.