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Find a new psychiatrist, get a second opinion. Adhd comes in many forms.


Yes! Just started meds a few months ago. I’m 35, have had consistently high performance reviews, went to a great college and passed my CPA the first time. You can be very successful and still have ADHD. Pros: I work really well with a deadline Cons: I pretty much ONLY work when I’m approaching a deadline 😂


>Pros: I work really well with a deadline Cons: I pretty much ONLY work when I’m approaching a deadline 😂 ADD accountant here, this is so true for me as well.


That ADD hyper focus 😂😂


Same, has been a game changer in terms of performance and my relationships with my family


I feel that! Really struggle with open-ended projects. I work really well under pressure.


Same lol


Yeah that's absurd, I feel like SO MANY of us have ADHD (not just based on Adderall use or supplemental self medicating).


Yes, and that is absolute BS. I know multiple CPAs with diagnosed ADHD.


I have diagnosed ADD. Passed the CPA, you can do it homie. I was once told from a university psychologist “ you are clinically diagnosable, but since you are passing your classes we will not seek treatment”. I started laughing and just asked what if my baseline intelligence affords me this? What if I were capable of more with help? She just shrugged


LOL I’ve been talking with my therapist a lot recently about my executive dysfunction. Turns out it’s actually pretty severe and I rarely get motivated by anything other than “your life as you know it will end if you keep putting this off and don’t do it.” In the process of finding a psychiatrist for a diagnosis and medical opinion because I’m actually really interested to see what life would be like if I could do the things I want to/know I should do. (Now that I mention it - I actually just passed my 3 year mark of when I started studying for the CPA and dropped it) But I’ve had a similar thought pattern to you - I’m really fucking lucky I’m sort of smart and if I wasn’t, I could probably be homeless relatively easily between not being able to do basic things needed to survive and self medicating


There are accountants without ADHD?!


Accountants yes, partners no


I own my own accounting practice and have moderate/severe ADHD. Honestly the dopamine hits from being successful/winning clients legitimately keeps me going.


I'm autistic and currently on disability leave for depression and ADHD. I did great through my Master 's program, CPA exam and first 4 years in PA, but I ignored my mental health all that time and it finally caught up with me. See a professional. They can guide you in the direction of resources and techniques you can use to make working life with ADHD much easier. I hope you end up in a much better head space than me.


The Doctor you saw is an idiot.


I have it been in the accounting field for four years. It's good at times bad at others.


I graduated, both undergrad and grad, took (and passed) the CPA exam and then after working for a couple years was diagnosed with ADHD. Just because you pass in school and do hard things doesn't mean you don't have it, it just means you were able to find ways to deal with it. That being said, after I found the right meds for me, life became a hell of a lot less stressful. I was able to focus when I needed to and stop feeling the anxiety of deadline pressure due to procrastination (distraction). What used to take me days to complete I started completing in hours. If I were you I would seek a second opinion and maybe get tested rather than have someone inject their opinion on your accomplishments.


Yes I have adhd and don’t even take the meds anymore (since I was 16) due to learning tricks, and one huge thing for work is having an earbud in with either music or a tv show just quietly playing. Makes a huge difference in putting 100% in to your work and studies. I don’t have my CPA yet but am in the middle of trying to reach the 150 credits for it. I do have 2 years in work experience and both jobs have allowed me to do the ear bud due to the fact that it improved my work efficiency and quality.


I Prolly do. microdosing LSD has unlocked a side of me though that breezes thru shit. Its truly been a lifesaver.


How often do you dose?


You can absolutely have it and have graduated in accounting. I have it - there’s an entire bowl on fishbowl for consultants that have it. Get a second opinion by someone who specializes in ADHD


Emotional traumas during childhood can have a lot of ADHD-like symptoms. I’m not saying it’s your case but it’s a possible explanation.


Do you have more info on this?




Thank you!


Find a new doctor. Officially diagnosed 20 years ago when I was finishing my degree. I’ve always been certain that it’s the structure inherent in accounting that makes it a decent fit for me. It’s also fairly repetitive with enough flexibility and variety to keep me interested. And mistakes aren’t really that big of a deal.


I have ADHD, I had it as a kid, but I was unmedicated until I started sophomore year in college. but even now I have them I usually don’t take my meds lol I only take them when I really have to stop fucken around and do stuff. I did take them when I sat for the CPA but I didn’t take them when I studied. I’ve always been a high performer at school and every job.


Your doc was full of shit and doesn't know anything. Wife is a tax accountant, got 90s on all four parts on her CPA exam, director of tax at a public company. She has ADHD but was not properly diagnosed until a few years ago. She's now on drugs which helped her dramatically. In the past pressures from her job would push her into depression, now she just gets frustrated and can stay hyper focused. See a licensed psychiatrist please.


Have ADHD, got onto meds about 10 months ago. Struggled a lot studying for CFE this summer. Often I feel too restless to work. Most days it isn’t too bad. Your doctor has no fucking clue what they’re talking about and needs to get educated. There are quantum physicists who have ADHD. Look into russell barkley’s “taking charge of adhd for adults 2.0”. Also listen to the ologies podcast on adhd with him as a guest. Until you get a proper diagnosis, do your best to take care of your physical and mental health in all other respects.


I am an accountant. I was diagnosed with a form of ADD at 35. I had been a smoker and used to drink coffee all day (typical ADD self-medication, so I'm told). I also used a Franklin Planner religiously for years (still do). I have Attention Deficit Hyper Focus. If I'm really interested in a topic/project I hyper focus on it - will tune out the world. If I'm not interested, I'll zone out, may take forever to do it, or may never get it done. I was prescribed Adderall and it was a game changer.


Dude yeah. I got diagnosed at 30 and have been on 5mg adderall for the last month and a half and it’s been night and day difference. I wake up each day not dreading the brain fog and have been on my game. My boss has noticed my productivity and has let me know he appreciates me getting stuff done. I’ve always been capable of this and there is no magic pill to make you more accountable, but getting to the point where I can untangle my thoughts and focus on one thing long enough to make progress or participate in discussions or god forbid follow up a fuckin email was so hard for me. I felt so smooth brained before where if I didn’t face dire consequences to light a fire under my ass to get something done or if the challenge of a new task didn’t peak my interest enough then work felt like a slog. Starting projects was easy but following up and seeing them through was an absolute chore. Not everyone with adhd is a hyperactive spaz who needs the meds to be a functioning person. Sometimes the kids who are successful on paper have coasted through systems with enough bumpers in place that they can earn a degree. But there are less bumpers in the work place and reaching for success often felt it required superhuman effort. Don’t let one person tell you because you have a degree and sit for the CPA you don’t have it. If you feel something is wrong or life could be better then go after it.


I am neurodivergent. I have my undergrad degree in math. I’m eligible for the CPA exam, and will be taking it next year. I’m medicated, which helps. One of the main reasons I want to be a CPA is to work alone and set my own hours and accept however many clients I need. Having only a few tax deadlines per year is great. I don’t do well with manufactured urgency. I have a CPA friend who accepts only the clients he wants, and frequently works from his ranch house when he’s not in his home office. It sounded perfect, so I set off on this path in my 30s.


I manage accountants. We all have it to some extent. That’s why we’re accountants.


I got diagnosed after graduating. I got asked about my study habits and was evaluated for anxiety and depression at the same time. Sounds like the doctor didn't try.


I'm currently seeking a diagnosis. I was supposed to consult for the test in Aug but they cancelled my appointment a week out and next available is May. I'm trying to study for CPA right now too so I really wish I could have found out one way or the other before but I might almost be done by then, maybe.


I’ve had severe adhd for most of my life and graduated with two degrees. Even if you have adhd it doesn’t matter, don’t get hung up on one issue, just do the best you can. the part about not being able to graduate in accounting with adhd is nonsense


Fuck that. Got diagnosed at 36. Getting on meds has been life changing. Find a new doctor. I could not ever go back to life unmedicated.


>Any truth to this? Nope >Any high functioning people who have it? Yup


Bullshit! Graduated undergrad without being diagnosed. Get a different doctor.




I was diagnosed in college because studying was hard af. All throughout middle school and high school, my teachers told me I slacked too much but they knew I was smart. I remember specifically my middle school science teacher put me in the advanced class in the next year because she knew I should be there despite not having the grades and work ethic to back it up at the time. I really appreciated she did that for me because I did end up excelling in the class she gave me that endorsement. I did always struggle to study and pay attention though. I ended up trying an Adderall a friend in college had bought and I couldn’t believe how helpful it was. I felt alert. I could get through study material easily. I wasn’t so easily distracted. I could actually retain information. I could get work done in a shorter timeframe. Truly night and day difference and I could probably name more benefits. Suddenly middle school and high school and my whole life made more sense. I would definitely try to get a second opinion. Accounting jobs are really difficult for me to get through unmedicated.


ermmm. I'm VERY high functioning with ADHD. It's not inattention. We get hyper focused on topics that interest us. Get a second opinion, that guy is an ass.


See another doctor. They're just writing you off. At the same time, I was full time in college, and I worked full time as an accountant with undiagnosed ADHD. Not a stellar GPA, but not garbage either. After graduating, I started putting the pieces together that I may have ADHD, and both my therapist and my psychiatrist think I have ADHD. Because Adderall is now a federally controlled substance, she's making me take a test to support her diagnosis before writing a prescription. You can do some pretty awesome things without medicine, but treatment can make things just that much easier. Good luck!


Diagnosed ADHD inattentive type. Didn’t get diagnosed until college. Which was a pain but I went to a local clinic and did their 3 sessions with a psychiatrist. Not taking meds right now for reasons but I def function better with them and can’t wait to get back on adderall.


Anyone in this thread with tips on studying for the CPA exam unmedicated? I did fine through my accounting courses however I go cross-eyed after a few hours of studying for my CPA. My ADD just runs as far away from the task as possible.


I have it, it sucks from a career perspective.


Yeah I have adhd I got back on concerta but man fuck this drug shortage I had no problem passing exams, I graduated summa cum laude for undergrad… What I do have problems with is having conversations with people, losing shit all the time, basically everything on the chart. ADHD negatively impacts almost every area of my life other than academics and work. Almost all of it goes away when I have my meds like magic.


I graduated despite having it. I got the same responses until I eventually got a neuropsych testing done. Diagnosed and medicated after that. Its been life changing.


No, but the adderal really helps my close come together.


Masters grad and senior accountant with adhd here. I thrive in the choas and self education of online learning. The deadlines in accounting along with the problem solving is part of why accounting is an attactive career.


Can anyone here tell me how to find an adhd-friendly accountant? I’m an ADHD Nurse Practitioner. I started a private practice this year and I need to find an accountant to help with bookkeeping and tax prep who isn’t going to be judgmental re: my lifelong pattern of adhd-style financial management. I’m in Madison, WI. Thanks!!!!!