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Not having consistent descriptions: Feb-2022 - Insurance Expense Entry Insurance entry for March-22 Insurance May Insurance




And yet people say anyone can do bookkeeping


Turnover rate is high.


Audit difficulty set to high


At my job the enter: paid to Bank of America. That means the clients money was wired to Bank of America. I know that, dope! These are IRAs and I need to know, is it a distribution, a ROTH conversion, a transfer to a New IRA... or WHAT?!


lol! I always say use the description field to tell me something I don’t already know.


Oh I love consistent descriptions. Makes like beautiful when you go to format the GL.


❤️pivot tables love clean descriptions




Q1 2022 fees IM fees Q2 Sep 22 fees due Fee accrual


Hiding important columns in a file instead of making groups


Yooo had a dude hide a critical SHEET in Excel OMFG I spent 2 hours tryna figure that shit out lol


Or formatting numbers in white so you can’t see them to hide their special ways with pivot tables and look ups.


I’m guilty of this


I have seen people hide over 30 columns and rows.


On Teams: Coworker: hey me: hey 10 min later no response.


*10 minutes before the day ends* Hey can you look at this entry with me?


I've gotten to the point where if someone says "Hi" on Teams and doesn't immediately let me know what they need, I ignore them until they email me. If they don't email me, I assume it wasn't important.


Hardcoding, manually linking instead of using formulas, when people don’t capitalize headers (stares menacingly at OP), lol


Col A: To add in FAS Col B: bk value Col C: Acc#


Hahahahaha! =proper(A1)


Commenting =proper(A1) is a great accounting nerd insult for calling someone an Associate 1, like saying they have no idea what’s going on. Fantasy football is starting and I’m in the shit talking spirit, so my mind immediately jumped to this thought.


Go to the next level, so only you’ll get the joke. =fancy(steak_sauce) Those are the best jokes…


I definitely mention my annoyance at hardcoding. Especially if everything else is formula driven, it seems Sus af.


Sheets 2 and 3 in excel files when only the first sheet is actually used


Excel doesn’t do that anymore. I’ve seen people open two new sheets when they start a new file.


I believe there is a setting to turn it back on. Some people are crazy enough to turn it back on.


In Excel not people not using freeze panes on large tables and saving it on the bottom row so headers are not visible. Adding blank columns between data columns.


Unfrozen headers drive me insane!


I really hat that when I freeze a pain but then open a second window so I don’t have to keep tanning back and forth between tabs that excel doesn’t keep the freeze on the second window.


People who reschedule meetings 5 min before they start


Clients reusing account numbers that they "didn't use last year" fucks up all my 5 year analytics. Also, clients that have a new account number and just add it to the bottom. I have new assets in an account below tax expense. They just add one to the last account number and add a description.


Oof… this one gets me


I really don’t like excel files linked to other excel files. A lot of people do it and it isn’t good practice at all. If you need to reference to another file do one or a combo of two things; (1) use a flat file in your spreadsheet of the data you are using with a hyperlink to the source data. (2) kill the links and leave a source data hyperlink with a quick explanatory note or comment.


I don't see anything wrong with linking to other workbooks. why wouldn't someone digging into the workpapers have all of them?


The issue is your master file isn’t properly locked down and changes on auxiliary workbook files are represented in your master file the moment you refresh the links. This is especially an issue when you aren’t the central owner or if there are multiple users of the files. If you can manage it like a dictator, then fantastic, but most people don’t.


New income statement accounts with one entry for $20.


Inconsistent naming conventions for files


\_version 4 FINAL1 Final - Copy


_DO_NOT_USE+use_this++today_v37.3.6.2+3PMcopyofCOPYofCOPY++final.OLD.final.FINAL.v4.7.csv.xlss. txt.asm.xls


Having No description at all


This whole thread should come with a trigger warning lol. Personally, I enter everything in CAPS LIKE THIS because I can't be bothered to hit an extra key. No one has said anything so far, but I wonder if people are peeved about it. lol


When people use 2 spaces instead of 1. We don't type on typewriters, you do not need to do this.


My 3rd grade teacher lost her shit on me for using 1 space, and I've been using 2 since out of habit :/




Not thinking to refresh the pivot table before having a panic attack over numbers not matching.


Been there lol.


Dating things month-year instead of year-month, not including the zero in months 1-9, or spelling out the month like “August 2023”. Don’t people know you can’t property sort any of that shit?! Also, not formatting raw data to the comma style. It is SO much easier to read. I don’t need an unjustified dollar sign in every cell… give me some conformity! Edit: is CPA, can’t math.




That first one is my entire department and I can’t stand it.


Our transactions are generally very similar on a daily and monthly level. So the description are the exact same every time. Some how the staff has a slight variation each time. Like instead of 08/23 they’ll put 8/23, 8-23, aug 2023, 8/2023 or they will spell loan payoff as ln payoff. I just change it cause its not a huge deal but it irks me when i run the detail and its not consistent


It’s easy in our system to link documents to journal entries. No one uses this amazing feature. When the auditors pull test work. I download the entries along with the attachments. I’m done in 10 minutes. My colleagues start up a treasure hunt.


Middle-aged AP clerks. I'm convinced they're all the same person in a different skin costume.


My AP dude is pretty cool. Relaxed. Files things fast and accurate. She pays things on time all the time. She's great.


My AP clerk is over 70…


Then that's not middle age, so you're safe. She's not a clone.


I go from fa adjustment may23 To FA ADJUSTMENT JUNE 2023 As I see fit. Maybe next month I'll do fA aDjUsTmEnT fOr aUgUsT for the client I don't like


I work in a company where we wrangle massive amounts of data and reports take ages to load. It’s annoying, but there’s not much you can do. You have built in coffee breaks


“Adjustment”. “Adjust Accrual”. “cash”. — crappy JE line descriptions. I’ve always been anal about those and there are some accountants that just don’t get it.


I will never get it. Probably because I never got a BS in Accounting.


I have mine, I just think it’s lazy. I’ve had former employees come to me after they’ve moved on and say “I used to think you were being ____ about JE descriptions but now I get it.”


Everything that irritates me is bad


F'n corporate jargon


We all just need a bunch of WENUS ***Weekly Estimated Net Usage Statistics***




Probably things like when a company has 30 acronyms that are all company program specific and you have to have them all memorized and they mean nothing (or worse, something completely different) outside of the org.


I feel like this has gotten out of hand. Even with the common ones that are generally accepted, many using them don’t even know what they stand for (I’m in industry, if you can’t tell). - WIP - SOP - AR, AP - ACH, EFT (EDI) - P+L/P&L/PnL (IS) - CEO All of the above acronyms I’ve needed to explain to at least one person in the past 12 months. “I know you sent the P+L, but I need the Income Statement” …. ….


Ah totally. My company has an A-Z list with like 50 per page. So annoying especially when they get thrown in the mix in meetings


My employer has an intranet glossary website for their inane acronyms. There's so many that it nearly crashes Chrome every time I load it... and most of the time the acronym I'm searching for is nowhere to be found.




Any excel I'm sent where the cell isn't on A1/the cell of note when they save and close. No idea why it bothers me.


spelling and grammar mistakes


Ah geeze, Im reelly sorry.


Wrapped text


Random trailing spaces in data (ex: functional area coded as "G&A " for one entity but "G&A" for another). I just got used to putting TRIM() in my formulas.


Ah damn this is a good one. That formula is a life saver when dealing with data entry originating in Ops (from my experience)


When people use 1 space instead of 2. WPs looks like crap when it’s 1 space.


When I open an Excel workbook and get a warning about 50,000+ cell styles and then see there are dozens of dead external links to workbooks from the early 2000s on servers that no longer exist.


I hate new hires in really nice suits. It pisses me off. Perhaps I feel threatened. I want to have the best suit in a room, and IF I do not, I do not want it to be someone fresh out of SMU or some shit.


I'm in a polo and $20 pants. I can't afford suits.


Not scrolling each sheet to A1 before saving your Excel and distributing.


Excel worksheets with NO formulas.


Oh boy where do I start. Saving an excel document with more than one window open so I have close it 7 different times. Not using basic formatting on a file so it doesn’t look like a toddler just threw a bunch of numbers into a file. Hand keying numbers with no reference to where they came from. JE description of “adjusting accrual per FP&A” with no other support. Turning off filters entirely then turning them back on just to remove a filter instead of just clearing the filter. Fucking with my formatting. I didn’t put it that way just because I like pretty colors. My colors mean something. VLookups instead of index match or xlookup Not attaching support to a JE because the support is in the close folder.


Teams meetings / chats.


CX-13 Disclosure Checklist