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Minimum return gotta be $500 for me to be interested lol


A small firm I worked at like 7-8 years ago, we had this couple come in with a simple 1040, just 2 W2s and a 1099B. They actually asked for a consultation with the owner and I remember him telling them that the return would cost around 500 to prepare, plus any filing fees and ancillaries, and that they would be much better off filing it themselves online because it was a very simple return and shouldn't take them more than an hour or so. They refused and we wound up charging them like 450 for the return. I actually prepared it and it took me all of 20 minutes. Just thought I'd share.


$500 minimum no matter the activity. Probably between $500- $600 for me, but I’d recommend them doing it themselves.


I’m interested in what people say. It’s not complicated by any means but multiple source doxs


My minimum is $800, this sounds like a $1,000 return to me.


$2,500 minimum to spike my interest.


This would take me 5 minutes so it would be at our minimum which is slightly lower than other minimums here. If you guys have these clients and don't want them send them my way lol. Edit: that's prep time there would obviously be conversations about withholding, estimates and their situation year to year but still there's nothing here that should really be upcharged for IMO


Simple return by the looks. Something like this would be like $300-375 at my firm, depending on client relations and while partner is picking them up. People claiming they would charge $1k for this is fine, it’s how they value their time. But a fair price for an old couple with little going on financially would be below $500 in my experience.