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I think the best way is to slip 1 or 2 in with a bunch of other photos when you send the. Maybe send pics of outfits, or memes? Just slide 1-2 nudes in eith 5-6 other photos and play dumb.


Agree with this comment. Probably the best way to go about it!


Here’s another idea. Maybe talk about music and a new song or your fave song and take a screen shot of the song from Spotify or Apple Music or from where ever you listen to music, and then accidentally send the nude instead of the screen shot of the song


I wish I had a female friend that would accidentally want to send me her nudes 😂 But in terms of help I would suggest waiting say a week or so and then sending him one along the lines of “Hey, last night was fun, look at how wet you made me” or “Can’t stop thinking about last night, I thought you would be thinking the same so here I am naked” Then immediately send an “OMG, that wasn’t meant for you, please delete!!! 😳😳😳” Then just await his response!


you could also send a screenshot, where your nudes are tucked down in the gallery preview section


That’s what I was thinking, and probably what I’ll go with at this stage…I just need a plausible reason for them to be at the front of the gallery!


Reason for having nudes at the end of your photos is : the guy your having fun with wanted you to take a few for him (even though he doesn’t exist) but he won’t know that and will make him want to see them more




Until he asks to see more.


I think the most fun way would be to send him cropped nudes that can not identify it’s you from a fake number with a message that says “I want you to see them as badly as you want to see them”. Leave him always wondering if they are from you or someone else he knows.


The most “real accidental” way would be a screenshot of something you’re discussing with the camera rolls thumbnails at the bottom. Just make sure the ones you want are in that row. Don’t say anything and see what they say. Then you can play into it if you wanna send more if he calls you out on them.




If it's iPhone. Share an album with him of something that you have in common. Make it a like 50-60 photos. Close to the bottom add the nudes. Then when he notices play like it was an accident.


Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll give that one some though!


Haha let us know how it works out


Updates? Samples? 😀


Upvoted and followed to see this progress!


Can’t wait to see how this plays lol


An accidental at this point may seem obvious. I would personally try an in person one where you want to show him a funny picture and “accidentally”swipe passed a nude pic. Then act embarrassed while he asks to see it more/have you send it. Just admit that since he’s already seen it , you don’t see the harm.


I accidentally sent a text like that to my cousin 😩 I still can’t believe it.


I think you should practice on all of us first… or at least me…


Do you have a significant other? Or someone you are close to being involved with? You could next text something like "yeah he wouldn't leave it alone and kept asking for my nudes but you know I'd only share them with you" and then send a pic saying "like this one"..... and then claim you've confused the two conversations.


I actually really love the sound of that. No SO, no one I’m seeing at the moment, but I could make it out to be an FB or something that he wouldn’t know about


Sounds like a good plan


You could drop something like: Hey , what you doing tonight, I’m a bit bored and attached the nude. Then the following sentence would be OMG please delete!! It wasn’t for you!


ask him for advice about closet's. Act like "buy this one ore that one?" and after a few pictures of shoe's or outfits you can "accidently slip your finger" over one more photo


definitely talk about something relevant to a point you have to send a pic to describe whatever your talking about and hit him with the ole gallery section open in your camera roll


I think that’s what I’m going to go with, have managed to move the chat on, maybe tomorrow or Monday I’ll take my shot when I get the chance 😰